puns4priya · 6 years
You’re Write On Time
Blogs are one of those things you can never do rightly or wrong. It’s down to you with what you write about and who you direct it at. Although, it’s all well doing a blog but is it any point if people aren’t noticing it, surely, you’d just be wasting your time?
Here are my top tips on how to get your blog noticed because trust me, there’s a lot of completion nowadays.
1. Write about something that come from a place of passion. Passion motivates us bloggers to create the best content we can so don’t just write about a topic to follow a trend. Create your own trend and express your own voice. A little bit of confidence is all you need that your own voice is enough.
2. With this confidence you need to showcase it. So broadcast your blog to family and friends. This could be by telling them about it in person or over message or better yet, posting it on your social media accounts to reach an even wider audience. You never know, what you share could be shared by your followers and then before long you’ve got a following going. It’s not what you know sometimes, it’s who you know.  
3. It’s also important that you are consistent with your content. You need to be uploading content at a certain rate that your followers can keep updated with and follow. This way your following will grow, and your audience will become a lot stronger.
4. With consistent content ideas are going to need to be original and striking so that your followers and future followers don’t get bored. In this case planning blogs would be a good idea. Brainstorming ideas allows you to improve your posts over time and make them appropriate for your blog. Ideas are the building blocks of a masterpiece.
5. Even though producing content is very important, the quality of your content is far more important than the quantity. So rather than posting something new every day or two, post once a week and work on something that reflects one of your best pieces of content instead. Always remember, quality over quantity.
6. It’s all well preparing and creating all this content but no one’s going to look at it if it doesn’t look good. With so much competition on the market people are going to “judge a book by its cover” as per say, so presentation needs to be intriguing to get people to read it and carry on reading your content. The best way to do this is to create a theme that can be associated with your blog so that your content can be recognised from the get-go. Make sure you keep the layout clean though, if you do this it directs more focus to the content you have put work into and will make your blog more successful. Aesthetic draws attention but what’s on the inside, keeps it.
If you follow these tips there is no reason to why your blog won’t be successful. Work hard, smile and you will get to where you want to be. If you want it, it will happen.
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