#bls take with a grain of salt rapid fire rp threads are pure hyperfixated first drafts OKAY
coolspacequips · 1 year
Reading some old beloved rp threads in an attempt to find inspiration and y'all...I just love Lance LMAO oh I miss writing him all the time he's so silly afhfwjafwfjwgwg g
I'm reading a stretch basically after he and Keith hook up for the first time, and the next day pidge is insisting at breakfast that she heard unusual sounds in the night
Lance strongly insists that it was the Castle settling at night and she was just up too long, Coran gets defensive about the Castle, and in the end Lance gets roped into Castle maintenance with Coran for the morning after putting his foot in his mouth LMAO
I'm just getting the giggles over this part oh u guys I miss the Coran and his fav space nephew fanon:
"Coran was quick to have Lance use his height and long arms to stick the sensors into 'creative' places. Creative, in Coran's case, tended to mean tricky and difficult. He even had to shimmy his way into a narrow space between some of the ship's workings down near the hangars, once Coran had assured him that it was safe. That is, until Lance was all the way inside and halfway to his destination, when he thought of several possible things that /might/ happen; 10,000 years was a long time for a piece of equipment to drift around, after all!
It was about then that Lance decided to call it quits."
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