#blue orangeade should probably be on here somewhere
a-moth-to-the-light · 11 months
Comeback Celebration: Current Top 10 TXT Songs
I was planning to release this the day the album came out! But then life did a life and I didn't; but now life, out of spite, is doing even MORE of a life, so I'm running away from my problems for an hour or so to talk about some nice songs that bring me joy!
1. Dear Sputnik
Dancing around my living room to this one will never get old! But I do feel like this is a weird choice, since I think if you asked me on-the-spot what my favorite TXT songs are, "Dear Sputnik" wouldn't even come up in the conversation. I guess I've never really adjusted to edgier TXT--like, I can't truly process that the "Our Summer" guys also released "Frost"--so most of the time I just forget that their darker stuff is actually theirs. But I really do love this song, which I realized more and more over the week-ish process of making this list. There's something so... guttural?... about it that makes it a real standout--it just gets better, and more thrilling, the more closely I listen to it.
2. Crown
I actually don't listen to this one all that much--definitely less than anything else on this list--but that's because it's such a perfect time capsule, dragging me back completely to a set of memories that I just can't emotionally handle revisiting very often. (I swear, most days just hearing those little beep things could make me cry.) And I can't not admire it for that, for just how immersive the listening experience is. Also, it's basically a perfect song--even through my tears, I can see that!
3. Our Summer
Same thoughts as "Crown", but I find revisiting "Our Summer" slightly less soul-crushing--if that's better or worse, I'll let you decide! Anyways, brushing the sudden flood of 2019/2020-era memories aside, the vocal layering here really suits them!
4. Ghosting
Yeah, I loved this comeback (see: the honorable mentions). I love how silky-smooth "Ghosting" in particular sounds, even though, when I listen more closely, there are SO many different textures playing against each other, all carefully placed to create a super-cohesive, but still interesting, listening experience--it really feels like a lot of care went into this one, and I think that's what makes it such a cozy classic for me. Plus, I just love shiny-sounding guitar!
5. Magic
A carbonated drink in song form. I'll admit, I don't know exactly how or why I love "Magic" so much, but here we are! (Which is exactly how I feel about sparkling water, come to think of it?)
6. I Know I Love You
Road trip anthem!! I probably wouldn't be nearly as attached to this one if that chorus wasn't absolutely EVERYWHERE on the internet in 2021, but, you know, it's not a bad chorus to have ringing in your head 24/7, either.
7. Can't We Just Leave the Monster Alive
My embarrassing affection for tropical house has become a recurring bit on this blog now, I guess. Well, here's another tropical house track I'm still not over! (Just you wait for my Chung Ha top ten list...)
8. Drama
I like the nice piano sounds!! They make my soul happy, like hugging a stuffed animal or eating crunchy things :) Oh, I guess the rest of the song has nice energy, too! But I'm mostly here for the piano, sorry...
9. Farewell, Neverland
I really underestimated this song--at first, I was just okay with it, thinking it was pleasant and sort of catchy, a song that's not bad to leave on loop for a while, but there are great production choices all over the place (the PERCUSSION.) that have given it a lot of longevity for me.
10. Everlasting Shine
Every single chorus in this one is Awesome and makes me Very Sad. The vocal performances here are real standouts!
Honorable Mentions: Fairy of Shampoo, the blue hour album cover (no not the song just the album cover), Wishlist, Way Home, Anti-Romantic, Good Boy Gone Bad, Thursday's Child Has Far To Go
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kzuhadovey · 4 years
dragon fruit kiss
character: kang taehyun x f!reader
type: fluff
warnings: -
song recommendations: blue orangeade - txt
happy birthday taehyun!! i love this man he’s my pride and joy and please make him have a good birthday <3 fun fact, i wrote this while eating dragon fruit lol
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Best friends. That was what you two were. Honestly, both of your friends pondered on how you both ended up being friends, considering both of your traits. He was stoic, you were energetic. He was kind, you were snobby. But somehow, both of you would always come in a package deal. It was an interesting friendship, to say the least.
“Kang Taehyun!!” You said excitedly as you entered his room. “Y/N. Sup.” Taehyun said, sitting up better as he saw you. “And how was your day, prince Taehyun?” You asked, sitting down beside him on your bed. It was heavily raining outside, but Taehyun’s room was warm. The other boys were somewhere in the dorms, playing games or eating, as they always did. You slumped against Taehyun’s bed, sighing. His bed was always so soft, and it smelled like him too. “Pfft- it was okay, I guess.” Taehyun said, standing up. “Taee- Can you get me something? I’m hungry.” You said, giving Taehyun a bright smile. He let out a small sigh before rolling his eyes. “Fine.” You giggled as Taehyun went away to get some food- it was probably gonna be ramen… or a banana.
Taehyun entered the room, a small cup of ramen and a box of fruits. “Here, ramen,” Taehyun says, handing you the warm cup. “Uwaaa- thank you, my love.” You say, and Taehyun nods. Inside Taehyun’s mind, his thoughts are racing from the small nickname. Taehyun plops down in front of you, calmly eating his cut fruit.
“Eh? Your lips are purple.”
Taehyun raises his eyebrow at you as you sit up again. You were both just talking when you noticed the purple tint on his lips. “Your lips. Purple.” You say, approaching his lips more. You glance at his fruits- it was dragon fruit. “Oooh. Your lips are purple because of the fruit.” You say, chuckling. He laughs awkwardly- why are you talking about his lips? “Your lips look so pretty.” You mutter quietly, touching the side of his face. At that exact moment, Taehyun let his guard down. He chose to admire everything about you right now, your messy hair, your enticing eyes, the way your lips move intently when you’re focused, he found you truly enticing. Your index finger made its way to Taehyun’s bottom lip, touching it slowly. It was soft, as expected, and it was squishier than you expected. “Your lips are so soft.” You hummed, touching the outskirts of his bottom lip. Surprisingly, Taehyun wasn’t affected at all by your actions. I believe in his head, the only thing going through his head was you. “And the purple looks so pretty.” You mutter out again, now touching his upper lip. The dark purple hue was similar to one of the lipsticks you wanted to buy but unfortunately, it was hella expensive. As your eyes finally land on Taehyun’s,  you realize his expression. He has a soft expression of love and admiration on his face, and you giggle.
“Sorry-” You finally say, pulling your hands away from his lips, sitting up quickly. Your heart is beating as fast as you can think of, and you can feel the adrenaline rushing through you. You can’t even bother to look at Taehyun- but he looks embarrassed, I suppose, a light red shade spread through his neck and ears. You both sit there in silence for a few moments- he’s embarrassingly looking down while you quietly eat the remaining ramen you have. “You like the shade?” Taehyun finally speaks up, making you look up at him with curiosity. “Y-yeah. It’s really pretty.” You reply, shrugging. “Here, you can try,” Taehyun says as he puts down his dragon fruit and moves closer to you, making you chuckle. “Tae- don’t joke around- it’s not funny-” You say, clinging onto his shoulder hopefully. “I’m not! Come, try and kiss me.” Taehyun says, giggling. Your breath almost stops and you pause. “Kiss…?” You trail off, not knowing what to say. “Come. It’ll stain right to your lips.” Taehyun mutters, leaning in even more, and his breath is right above yours. “Tae…” You trail off, empty of words.
He finally kisses you. His lips are soft against yours and his lips taste sweet and sour, just how you liked it. You can hear his heartbeat as you lean in closer and put your arms around his neck. You can feel his hands stray to your cheek, stroking it softly as he kisses you deeper. “Taehyun.” You mutter into his kiss before his eyes shoot open and he flings himself off of you. His mouth is agape with shock and his eyes are wide open in disbelief. Meanwhile, you’re sitting there, shock and delight coursing through your veins. You’re both staring at each other, a face of shock plastered on your face before you let out a loud giggle. “You just kissed me.” You manage to mutter, a small giggle escaping your mouth. “I did. Woah.” Taehyun says, tilting his head to the right. “It actually transferred, Tae.” You say, taking your phone and pointing the camera to yourself. Your lips were a light shade of pink- a bit different than Taehyun’s. The shade was a bit messy- considering the way you both kissed. “Wanna transfer more tint?” You ask, chuckling. It was a joke, but considering the way, Taehyun looked at you with a smug smile you giggled. “Oh? Okay then.” Taehyun says, pulling you by the waist unexpectedly and mounting you on top of him. “Wh- WOAH- TAEHYUN-” You shout as you drop your phone to the bed and Taehyun’s lips are on yours again. His hands are on your neck, and this time, the kiss is deeper and more passionate, just the way you like it. His lips make their way to your jaw, peppering small kisses on it and you giggle. “Taeee- wait- we should talk about this first.” You say, pushing his lips away from your neck.
“What is there to talk about?” Taehyun asks, taking your hands to his lips, kissing your knuckles slowly. Your heart warms at the small romantic gesture, and you giggle. “I mean… I don’t want this to just be a fling…” You hum slowly as he kisses your fingers. “You’re not a fling. I like you, Y/N.” Taehyun confesses, a warm red tint spreading as he utters the words. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “O-oh.” You say, chuckling softly. “So… are you okay with this? With us?” Taehyun asks quietly, pausing his kisses. “Okay. I’m okay.” You finally say, a soft smile on your face. The look that comes onto Taehyun’s face was one of pure euphoria and love, he looked adorable. “Now. Give me more kisses, please?” You ask, tangling your hand in his. And to think this all started because of your obsession with lipsticks.
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