worldwidexplorer · 4 years
Introduction to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
This week's travel inspiration takes us to the Galapagos Islands! Have you ever wanted to travel to a place where wildlife does not have much fear of humans? Where you can see species that exist nowhere else on earth? Where plants and animals have adapted over thousands of years, such that there are even species differences between individual islands? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then the Galapagos Islands is a great place to put on your bucket list!
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Crystal clear waters in the Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands are located about 600 miles from mainland Ecuador in northern South America (in fact, one of the islands crosses the equator), and they are part of the country of Ecuador. This is where Charles Darwin came up with his theory of Evolution in the 1800s, when he saw differences in the same animal species between the islands.
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Marine iguanas sunbathing in the Galapagos Islands
Some of the most common animals you'll see include marine iguanas, other lizards, sea lions, many birds, turtles and tortoises. If you're into snorkeling and/or diving, you'll have a chance to see an amazing and colorful variety of fish as well.
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Blue-Chin Parrot Fish in the shallow Galapagos waters
You can visit the Galapagos Islands as part of a cruise between islands, or by making your home base on one of the islands and traveling to other islands from there. The options are limitless. The more time you have to spend here, the more you can explore on your own time. I'll give you more Galapagos information coming up in a few more weeks; there's just too much to pack into one email. Hopefully this information is enough to get you interested in seeing all that the Galapagos Islands can deliver.
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Until next week,
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