#bluetorchsky sketches
bluetorchsky · 11 days
Happy Birthday, Aurelia and Florence!
Violin hummed softly as he placed the stacks of books he was carrying onto the floor. “I’m glad everyone could join us. I’m sure the kids will remember this one day.” He said as he joined his husband sitting on the floor.
Accordion chuckled and leaned his head against Violin’s. “Well, it won’t be hard since Zar and Zephyr took a lot of photos. Just gotta wait to get them developed so we can make an album.” He sighed deeply. “One year already, huh…”
The husbands looked back to their children, who were happily pushing a stripped ball back and forth between each other. Violin smiled but he paused when he saw how his partner looked. “Luv, are you okay? You seem…thoughtful.”
Accordion sighed again and lifted his head up, looking at him. “It’s just…they used to fit so snug in our arms but now they’ve gotten bigger–”
“And heavier.” Violin joked with a smile.
The other man frowned, but his eyes crinkled up into a smile at that. He continued on, leaning back where he sat. “That too. But it’s only been a year since we’ve had them.”The stripped ball rolled over to the parents and Accordion stopped it before it went any further. “They’re growing up so fast, and I…I…
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Accordion trailed off and his eyes widened. “Trent, look.” He whispered, grasping his hand tightly as he did. “Look, look!”
Violin blinked in confusion as he followed his gaze. “Ollie, what are you-Ohhhh…”
Usually, the kids would have crawled over to their dads in order to retrieve one of their toys when it got away from them. However, Aurelia and Florence didn’t do that now. They had done a lot of crawling around during their birthday party. They wanted to do something different.
Slowly, each of the twins grabbed some sort of ledge. Aurelia grabbed the counter of a coffee table, and Florence grabbed the ledge of a footstool. With a look of determination in their tiny, bright shining eyes, they started to lift themselves to their feet on their shaky legs. The dads watched with bated breath, hoping to see their kids take their first steps.
But it looked as if it wasn’t meant to be. Just after a few seconds of standing, both of them fell back on their butts, on the carpeted floor. Aurelia sniffled loudly and hit her legs with her tiny fists, close to throwing her second tantrum of the day, while Florence looked down at floor with a very sad look, also sniffling.
“Oh, my dears. It’s okay.” Accordion said softly as he reached out to Aurelia. “You must be very tired after today.”
But when he moved closer, she pushed away his outreached hand with a huff. The action shocked him in place. “A-Aurelia?”
She made some noises before she grasped the ledge of the coffee table once again. Before she pulled herself up, she looked over to her brother. To the shock of the dads, Florence had managed to push the footstool closer to the coffee table. He crawled around it to be next to his sister, and said something to her with a smile. Her frown instantly changed into a smile, and she and Florence tried again to stand up.
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This time, they managed to stand up long enough so they could grab each other’s hand. Holding onto their respective ledge, the twins tested their footing before they stood still, looking at the floor. Then, they looked up at their dads and smiled widely, giggling as they did.
“Da-Da! Pa-pa!” They cried out together before they both took one step together, pushing away from their support. With only their free hand to balance each other, the twins repeatedly called out for their dads as they carefully took one shaky step after the other, all while holding each other’s hand tightly. Just like their dads.
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“T-That’s it, that’s it!” Accordion cheered, tears escaping his eyes. “You can do it, both of you can do it!” He had let go of his husband’s hand to bring his own hands up to cheer for his kids. “Trent, are you seeing this?”
Violin had his mouth covered with one hand, but his other hand gripped his husband’s shoulder tightly in answer. “I am, Ollie…” He whispered as he wiped away the tears slipping from his eyes. “This is amazing…”
Just as they got closer to their dads, the twins stumbled and almost lost their balance. But they each steadied themselves, with Aurelia having a very strong grip to her brother’s hand. After a few seconds, the twins continued walking forward until they collapsed onto their dads’ laps, giggling and laughing.
Their dads laughed along with them, picking them up into their arms and holding them close. “You did it! Both of you did it!” Violin cheered as he smothered Aurelia in kisses, making her shriek happily. “Ohh, what a wonderful way to end the day! Wait until everyone sees you walking all by yourselves!”
Accordion hummed a small melody, sniffling. “Our little music notes, you never fail to amaze us.” He whispered to them, kissing the top of Florence’s head, making him giggle. “Please, don’t grow up too fast…Otherwise, we won’t be able to see all the amazing things you do.”
Each baby babbled and giggled, getting drool down their chins and into their dads’ shirts as they snuggled in close to them. Their dads just smiled and leaned closer to each other, pressing their heads together as they sang a small lullaby for them. The twins struggled to keep their eyes open but once they each let out a big yawn, they closed their eyes and settled into their dads’ arms.
Carefully, Accordion and Violin stood up and took their children back to their crib, feeling a moment of pride for their twins and for themselves.
“We love you both so much.” They whispered to them, gently rocking them in their arms. “To the ends of the worlds and back, we love you both very much.”
Happy birthday to the twins! I was a bit unsure how to end it off but there ya go. Somehow I managed to get this done before today admist everything going on in my life. I really do hope to find time to do the things I want to do soon, especially getting back into drawing and writing.
Full pic under the cut! Also, mentions of Zar belongs to @zerguette (Zar is gonna be SO happy to see them walk hehe!)
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the-irken-luxray · 2 years
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Unfortunately the pleading eyes do not overpower the WTF factor of catching a wild bat and trying to make it a pet
Text Transcription:
RHM: Reginald where the hell did you even find that thing?
Henry Stickmin sketch requests 9/10 for @bluetorchsky​​ (I am aware that this may not be what you had in mind but I had an idea and wanted to run with it)
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bluetorchsky replied:
*slides in on my face before getting up and brushing the dust off* Could I please request Reginald showing Right a small animal to keep as a pet? (A frog, bird, or a fish in a fishbowl-up to you!)
One last request is available so if you haven’t sent a request already feel free
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And here we go! The first one is to show more of Keegan's thinking when making gifts/things for people! But, as you can tell, it isn'tfinish, or even the finalized verison of.. Whatever he's creating.
The other two, as can tell by the nicknames, are two shirts/accessories for Acoor and Vio (both oc's belong to @bluetorchsky ). WHen he's bored, he'll sketch or draw up designs that remind him of people. Accordion always gives a solid, single toned outlook, and while typically dark, there are certain moments where the brighter colors shine. It was made as workout gear, breathable wiht a band o cover his blind eye from sweat, and enough string to wrap around his hair to mke a tighter and makeshift hairtie. Don't worry, the eyepatch is removeable.
Violin is very gradiated of lighter colors in a darker saturation, lightt and dark all at once. The choker is more symbolic, to show the blue and red of both oof them, in harmony and with each other. The purple background is their colors mixed.
Do I now what I was doing? Nope, I spent nearly an hour sketching and coloring for the fun of it.
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bluetorchsky · 1 month
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“And so I said blah blah blah…”
“Mhhmm…yeah…that’s cool…”
Konrad, Konrad. Stop letting your twink stupid ass get in the way of asking him out for deity’s sake! He’s not even listening, aye ya ya….
Edit: So Ari did make me realize that there is a THSC character named Madd Ladd and I just blanked on it, thinking he was an OC. *pained screaming* I am a FOOL
Madd Ladd design and Konrad Bukowski design belongs to @zerguette
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bluetorchsky · 11 days
Oh, and I decided to have this one sketch I did as its own post
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“Johnny? Where did you-Oh, there you are. I see the kids have found you, hehe.”
[Johnny nods, looking at each twin]
“They’re very curious about you, that’s for sure. But don’t worry, we’ll make sure they are gentle.”
[Johnny nods, already letting the twins pat his head carefully]
Yeeeeah, I couldn’t help it after seeing much of @suddenly-stickmin ‘s comics of tiny Johnny. I think I got his roundness to a T!
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bluetorchsky · 26 days
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Very messy sketch of my design for Johnny Panzer (He's got white hair, a sign of his foretold death WHEEZE) from when he was alive to when he died and becomes an Umbra, a wandering Shadow, in my AU and when he meets Anino, AKA Daniel Panaligan. I definitely want to write Johnny's story of going from an Umbra to an actual Shadow, and how his relationship was with Charles, Dave, Rupert and everyone else, including his dad! Cause I've got a little plan for his dad after his death.
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bluetorchsky · 3 months
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No one said parenthood was easy. They weren’t expecting it to be easy. But now that they could hold their children, their children, in their arms, everything went from zero to a hundred very quickly.
“Understand this.” Dr. Clara had told them when she did the final check-up on the twins. “Your children are guaranteed to have magic. Whatever it will be, Music Magic or not, you must be prepared for everything they will throw at you.”
“Do you know how many months it might take for it to show?” Violin asked worriedly, his arms holding one of the bundles of babies. Florence, their son, rubbed his head full of curly hair against his arm, feeling a bit irritated by how tightly he was being held.
The doctor shook her head. “I do not know. But I know this: No matter what happens, you must adapt and conquer the problem. That’s all I can offer you.”
She hadn’t been wrong. No matter how many scenarios the new fathers came up with, it wasn’t enough. Their shrill cries broke glass, their little hands balled into fists hit a surface hard enough to dent it but never injure them, and sometimes they made a force field around themselves. They would cry in their little confined space, wanting their dads to save them but they couldn’t break the force field, for fear of hurting their little ones.
Accordion blinked wearily as he sat on the couch, holding both Aurelia and Florence in his arms, with Violin sitting beside him, equally worn out. The shorter man looked up at his husband, giving him a tired smile.
“What a day, huh dear?” He said, trying to laugh but he could only let out a long yawn. Violin rested his head against Accordion’s shoulder, murmuring, “Just…give me a few minutes. And then I’ll take them…”
Accordion hummed in response as he felt Violin’s head grow heavier on his shoulder, soft breathing turning into softer snoring that was in time with the twins’ breathing. He didn’t wake him up, he needed the sleep more than he did.
But Accordion didn’t think to wake Violin up because he was preoccupied with his own thoughts. Were they really ready to take care of their children? They were past the point of no return, but everything happened all at once. He remembered feeling useless, helpless as he didn’t know how to help Aurelia escape from the force field she put on herself. Only when he had a moment to breathe did he start singing to her. She immediately calmed down and the force field disappeared, giving him enough space to scoop her up into his arms and lull her to sleep.
“We were so worried about how to take care of them, we didn’t think of the simple solutions to their problems.” He thought to himself with a small frown. “We barely got through the day without any injuries. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?”
But then he remembered the doctor’s words. Even though Dr. Clara came off as cold and a little apathetic, just like her student Dr. Whitespade, she still gave them truth in the most gentlest way possible. This was their reality now, and he and Violin would need to do everything they could to keep their children safe and loved.
Accordion breathed in before letting go of his breath shakily. He looked down at the sleeping twins in his arms before glancing over at Violin, still fast asleep on his shoulder as he held him close in his own arms.
Carefully, Accordion placed a gentle and soft kiss on top of Violin’s head, before resting his cheek on it, bringing his children closer. “We’ll get through it together, luv.” He murmured. “I promise.”
The only sounds that filled their room was Accordion’s humming that stayed in time with his children and husband’s breathing. They had lots of time to get this right and to get to know who and what their own children were like. It was all they could ask for.
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
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New Toppat OCs alert! These are the sketches for the time being, so I’m hoping to have these colored at some point.
But for now, these two are from the Toppat City Division, a division that oversees multiple hideouts in rich and populated cities, running gangs that terrorize the street.
Daichi Kazehaya (29) is a skilled scout for the City Division. He has been offered several chances to climb up in ranking, but he has declined several times as he is content where he is. Daichi is also an Earth Bender and half-Air Elemental, as seen on the tattoo on his right lower arm. More will be explained when I give this some colour, but know that Daichi is a more quiet and reserved Toppat, usually avoiding the others because of his history as a former Police Officer. He’d rather take the orders than deal them out.
It is fitting then that he is under the leadership of the division lead, Big Boss Joseph (49). Also known as Big Joe in his own mafia family, the Toppat Mafia. He runs the division and his mafia with a tight leash around them, but he is also known to be generous to his fellow Toppats. He usually works alongside the Financial and Security Division, working together to ensure their clan can go undetected by the Government and other criminal groups.
Just as a note, Daichi is going to be the last Toppat OC that will be slotted into Accordion and Violin’s family. I’m still going to make more Toppat OCs, but they’re going to have a more minor role like Big Boss Joe. Especially since I have to design the other division leaders for my AU…
Thank you to @matchanxious for helping me find a last name for Daichi!
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bluetorchsky · 5 months
Sooo, I mentioned yesterday I sketched something that I wished I could sketch like that everyday. Well, I made another one cause it is a pair, but it is kind of suggestive.
Here’s some previews, the sketches and references will be underneath the read more. It’s got guys in lingerie, if you want the TL;DR.
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I ain’t putting this in the main tag, I’m a little embarrassed but hell, I’ve been wanting to draw this for a while so I’m glad I could. (Edit: Screw it, I'm putting it in the #thsc oc tag at least because I really like what I drew goddamnit)
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Accordion ⬆️ and Violin ⬇️
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And references are below: I used photos of non-binary burlesque performer and trainer, Jake Dupree. I don’t have the pic that I used for Violin’s lingerie set, but I did want to make it different from Accordion’s.
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Fun fact: Accordion started wearing lingerie in secret because he liked how he looked and felt in it, but gained more courage when Violin saw him dressed up in it one night. Violin doesn’t like wearing lingerie, but he will wear it on special occasions with Accordion, since he feels safe in doing so.
Will I render these sketches? I’d love to, but I HATE ruining sketches that look REAL good. If I have the courage to do so, I will. But for now, enjoy the sketches. Was this an excuse to draw bodies and muscles again? Damn right, but I sure as hell ain’t going to get sloppy on that department, especially in drawing humans.
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bluetorchsky · 22 days
*crawls out from the void* I’m not dead, I swear. I’ve been trying to check some stuff off the long list I have. Mainly, the requests from last year.
Slowly getting the sketches for some drawings done. I might bump the max words for writing requests to be 2000 words rather than 3000 words, or whatever limit I gave myself (it was probably 5000 honestly)
I’m gonna put some WIPs under a read more. Just bear with me that I’m slowly getting back into drawing so it will be a while for the requests. But I will get them done.
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And then below is a redraw I’m working on (the before on the left and the new current on the right still working on)
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
*slides this in from the void*
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Trynna figure out my boys’ burn marks in a profile view, see where I can simplify it and stuff. Also drew earrings for them, Accordion’s should be around the same size as Violin’s (but i’m too lazy to fix)
*rolls back into the void*
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bluetorchsky · 5 months
I really need to start making my whiteboard drawings smaller, or at least not spend so much time on a sketch AVJDBK–
I wanted to do more stuff today on the Whiteboard (made by @00lari00) but I wanted to add Accordion and Violin to it first. So I added their stick forms...and got carried away with their human forms
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ngl, I do love the bigger sketch I worked on, but by GOD I gave up trying to colour the clothes because Whiteboard is homophobic (/j) and won't let us have access to the Fill Tool. But really, I gotta stop doing a sketch before doing the art if I wanna be faster at this...but I caaaaaan't–
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bluetorchsky · 4 months
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Found this unfinished in my notebook while I’m at work, so I finished it up.
Looks like the husbands are upsets, and the twins are sad too cause they can tell their dads are unhappy. Wonder why that is? Throw your guesses in, it’s a free for all
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bluetorchsky · 9 months
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“The two of you need to rest.” Dr. Whitespade said, unusually gently, through the door. He made sure his mask was on properly before he looked over at the crying and screaming one-year old twins, who were both in the early stages of a flu, before saying, “We caught it early, so we’re going to make sure they get better as soon as possible.”
There was silence before he heard Oliver take in a shuddering breath, coughing loudly, before his body fell back against the door, rattling it a bit. “Please…please make sure they get better…” He murmured wearily, doing his best not to crush Trent under his weight. The slightly smaller man sobbed a little, pressing himself against the door once more.
“Can you call the kids?” He asked in a tired and raspy voice. “Please, we’ve been sick too long. When the twins get better…someone needs to watch them while we…recover…”
“Already taken care of.” Dr. Whitespade answered, a smile hiding underneath his mask. “The chief made sure your family knew of your conditions, and they’re prepared to help you out as much as possible.”
The husbands let out sighs of relief before it turned into coughing in time together. The doctor shook his head and returned his attention to the twins, knowing that their fathers were getting back into bed as they should be.
“Don’t worry little ones.” He whispered quietly as he gently moved them apart in the large crib he had to monitor them. “You’ll see them soon enough.”
Hi, hello, am sick. Please take this doodle i did of the family and the doctor. Been a while since I drew Dr. Whitespade. Even though he can be an ass and somewhat reckless, he can sympathize with the dads over not being able to see their kids. And their worry of their kids surviving at this age. Tis a simple flu for the ArcCoil family, so they should be okay in a week or so.
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bluetorchsky · 9 months
I have a rough design for Zephyr! ignore i spelt it wrong on paper
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Their pose and parts of their design will be reworked when I digitize it at some point, but they’re purposefully wearing mostly black, as they are still mourning the loss of their clan and parents. She keeps her dragon horns and teeth instead of hiding them, but she can put them away if she needs to disguise herself
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The ABZU gang! Consisting of Aidan, Brutus ( @smoresthehalloweenqueen ), Zephyr, and Ulle ( @jaytoons7 ) Of course, Ezhno ( @dark-twist-fairytales ) is still part of the ArcCoil sibling gang, but I gotta think of a good name for him and the others. He’d be the older brother trying to keep an eye on the other four, but I don’t think he would mind.
And lastly, something based off what I said about Zephyr tricking Accordion and Violin, and feeling bad afterwards–
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“I’m s-sorry! I’ll leave the clan, I’ll leave behind my stuff!” She cried, shutting her eyes as more tears fell down her face. “Y-You won’t have to see me again! I d-didn’t mean to hurt you, b-but I did! I-I’m so sor-”
She gasped as she felt Accordion’s hand grip her left shoulder tightly, but gently. She looked up at him and Violin, sniffling.
He looked at her with a gentle and caring smile, kneeling down so their eyes could meet. “Zephyr, we know you’re hurting. You carry all that hurt by yourself, it’s starting to hurt you even more.” Accordion wiped away some of her tears while some fell from his own eyes, saying softly. “Let us shoulder some of that hurt for you, okay? You’re not alone anymore.”
Violin also knelt down, placing his left hand on her right shoulder. “Please, let us help you dear.” He said, trying to keep the tremble out of his voice as he smiled. “We know you’re still angry about what happened; we are too. But we don’t want you to go through that alone. We’re just…we’re just happy that you’re alive, Zeppy. We missed you so much.”
A younger Zephyr would have cringed at the nickname, and their efforts of trying to help her out. But her heart ached for the moments when they played with her, when they trained together, and when they could just relax with each other–
Unable to stop the tears, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around them, clinging to them as if she was caught in a storm. They returned the hug with the same energy, feeling some peace that she was with them once more.
“I missed you guys too…I don’t want to be alone anymore…”
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bluetorchsky · 9 months
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“Looks like she has your face.” Violin giggled as he held a sleeping Florence close to his chest.
Accordion looked up from his small staring contest with his daughter. “Does she?” He asked as Aurelia also looked up, mimicking her father’s look.
Violin smiled as he walked over to his husband, knowing that he was happier than he’s ever been as he was.
First art sketch of the year! Felt like doing the ArcCoil family since it’s been a hot minute I’ve drawn something since the New Year.
I’d like to do more stuff with the family, especially the babies. I’m still working on a new reference sheet for the husbands, that will be the proper first art I make for the year, hehe.
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