#bluey's 150 Q&A
abluehappyface · 2 years
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Omg look!!!
I just got 150 followers! That's 150 (supposedly) real people! How did this happen!?
Thank you guys so much! Big shout out to all my mutuals! I love you guys more than I could ever express! /gen
So as a celebration of sorts, how about a Q&A session? Ask me any questions you want and I'll answer accordingly! I may even ask you something in return!
Have a great rest of your week!
@motsimages @magicalgirlpropaganda @mango-frog @nucg5040 @bip-po @caniscreamintoanabyss @castanets @lesserbeans @leafboy-the-great @lixiesbabyhands @lordterronus @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @just-a-rainy-child @he-was-beautiful @hecho-a-mano @funkyfrogofficial @seafoam-blues @semisentient-entity @superchocovian @siegesquirrel42 @sophie-i-guess13 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy @pastelkonpeito @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner @rude-occurrence @womensrightsstegosaurus @22ndcenturyschizoidman @starri-collective
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abluehappyface · 2 years
For the QnA: How did you first get into writing?
When I was about 12 my English teacher (love her, she's the best) at the time had us do creative writing in class. You may not believe this, but at 12 I wanted as little to do with writing as possible. We were doing some one on one discussions during the day, and it was my turn. She pulled me over to her desk and had me sit down like everyone else, and then she started talking. "You're doing well (irl name,) but I just can't shake the feeling that you're holding yourself back." I didn't know what she meant, so I said "what do you mean (her name?)" She then said "Something tells me you're only doing the bare minimum of each prompt I ask for your creative writing journal, but when I ask you to read and answer you do much more than that, how come?" I told her that creative writing to me was anything but creative, that it was hard for me to understand, that the answer was never there even when I looked for it, what point was there to write a story without a uniform answer? She then started with "there it is" knowing she had found the root of the problem. "So that's what you've been doing is it?" I confusededly nodded my head not knowing how this connected to anything. "Well (irl name,) I'm here to tell you that there ISN'T an answer." What? A story without an answer? Impossible. "But (her name,) there NEEDS to be an answer! How do I write a story without an answer? How do I write a story without a QUESTION!?" She then smiled and told me the one thing that would get me into creative writing for the rest of my life. "Sometimes there's just not an answer because there's no question. Creative writing is different (my name,) it's not about finding the answer to a pre-existing question, it's about taking something you want to see and creating it. Creative writing is supposed to be fun, not another assignment to study for only to forget it later. It's about taking your ideas, putting them on paper, and seeing everything fall into place. You don't even have to be GOOD at writing to write a story! Anyone can writing anything, the only person stopping them is themselves. You're stopping yourself because you're trying to look for an answer when there's no question to begin with. How about I change the rules?" She then gave me a "fake assignment." Not to be graded or studied for, but for my own personal enjoyment. My goal was to write a story, any story, outside of class by the end of the 2nd quarter. "Use characters from the video games you play or places based on real life, but try to make a story without any teachers involved." So I did. My 12 year old self sat down, and for a week straight I just wrote what I wanted. No answer, no question, just what I wanted. 2nd quarter break came and I had turned in my story the day before we left. I came back both excited and anxious to see what my teacher had to say. After class she stood me out in the hallway with the 2nd teacher in the class and they told me how proud they were of me. How I not only wrote a story, but one that was brilliantly crafted. How they'd never seen something like it. "2000 words coming from the child that doesn't like writing!? My goodness!" she exclaimed. I felt so proud of myself that day. "Do me a favour, and keep this story safe. Hold on to it so you can look back on it later. Maybe even share it with someone else when you're old enough." So I did. I posted The Whispering Bridge and shared it here. My first story ever written. Who knew something my 12 year old self wrote would hold up so well? Here I am still getting praised for the writing I'm doing. One of my other teachers said it was some of the best work she's ever seen, but I guess writing a 15,000 word autobiography warrents that. This post in itself feels like a story, though it's one that doesn't quite have an answer I'm afraid :)
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abluehappyface · 2 years
what's your favorite ice cream?
Cotton candy flavour ›:3
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