ATTENTION ANIME CLUB MEMBERS: I'm sorry about the cancellation last week. I want to remind everyone the Christmas party is next week and it would be wonderful and is highly encouraged everyone could bring a snack to share, and also if you did sign up to bring something please remember it! Also we're having a gift exchange, so if you bring in something you will get something in return! Please get anything that's $10 or less, it can be anything that's cultural or a manga, etc. Or it can be anything hand made (with quality to give away). There is going to be a game and prizes involved, so heads up! As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Thank you and see you all then. c: 
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Tomorrow's choices:
One more episode of Neuro
Lucky Star
Macross Frontier 
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Sophie Hatter was the eldest of three sisters. She was not even the child of a poor woodcutter, which might have given her some chance of success. Her parents were well to do and kept a ladies’ hat shop in the prosperous town of Market Chipping. True, her own mother died when Sophie was just two years old and her sister Lettie was one year old, and their father married his youngest shop assistant, a pretty blonde girl called Fanny. Fanny shortly gave birth to the third sister, Martha. This ought to have made Sophie and Lettie into Ugly Sisters, but in fact all three girls grew up very pretty indeed, though Lettie was the one everyone said was most beautiful.
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This blog needs more attention or updating. Maybe both. Like I mentioned on the FB page and last meeting, if they does not get much attention, I'm taking it down. 
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Genricon next year will be March 1 to March 3. I'm not sure week days they land on, hopefully not a school day...
Heads up, I'll be mentioning this as we get closer. 
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Thank you everyone who came and painted the window for Homecoming. It turned out very nice and I appreciate all your creativity, time and effort put into it. 
Highfives for everyone. 
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Ok, I'm done with all this Anime Club shenanigans for the day. . ___. 
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Thought I'd share, something I found on my original blog the other day.
Toei Animation teams up with the French studio, Zagtoon, to produce a superhero magical girl series, Ladybug. [link]
I am so excited for this I can barf.
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Where is the icon from?
Hint: It's from one of Hatsune Miku's Song. 
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I'm going to change the icon probably every week and going to put up an ask to guess where the image is from. I could be an anime, music video or character. 
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I know we haven't gathered our followers yet, but soon. Soooooooooon. 
Anyway, I figured I'd make a blog for our little club. I'll probably post things with events/reminders. And reblog a lot of anime gifs or art or something I'd like to share.
I'll probably share the account password with the club leaders so they can post things too. 
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