calmlftv · 4 years
sweet creature. - m.c.
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description: this is entirely self indulgent but here’s some dad!sos michael for our dad!sos michael needs. 100% fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: pregnancy, descriptions of labor pains and birthing process, descriptions of pain.
w/n: hi thanks to @spicycal​ i started and finished this within a matter of hours, i did not proof read this so if there are typos or errors im SO sorry! thank u sarah for the brain zoomies x
taglist: @spicycal​ @n-ctarinenga​ @irwinkitten​ @castaway-cashton​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @notinthesameguey​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​ @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @ashtonlftv​
When Michael first finds out you’re pregnant, he’s overjoyed but nervous; while talking of the future he had confessed he was nervous about being a dad, his fears of “fucking up” his kid rearing their ugly head as you had laid in bed together. Your post-sex glow was shining over the two of you despite it having been a bit of time since your activities had ended, the conversation having started from your lack of protection earlier in the evening. 
You had frowned at him, his face buried in the valley of your shoulder, lips and bits of scruff tickling your bare skin. “You’d be a great dad,” you said softly, fingers running through his hair. “I see how you wave to staring babies at grocery stores and in the dog parks, Michael. You’d be an excellent father to your kids.” 
He lifted his head to match your gaze, his beautiful eyes shining. “You think so?” He asked softly, his answer being only a silent nod. He gave you a half smile and nodded back, dipping down to let your lips meet together. 
“Then let’s give it a try.” 
Your heart had leaped at his answer, the two of you giggling madly as his lips traveled down your neck. The conversation ended with the two of you deciding to just see where things go, not really doing anything to ensure anything but not exactly stopping it, either. 
After some time you had started to feel unwell, chalking it up to stress in the current climate, the conversation you and Michael had being pushed completely to the back of your mind. You went weeks without taking a test, the sickness coming and going until Michael finally handed you the white and blue stick. 
You had raised an eyebrow at him but went into the bathroom anyway, pacing back and forth in front of the sink as you waited for your answer. Michael had set it face down, the two of you biting the inside of your cheeks as the timer on your phone went off. Together you flipped it over, the answer you had been waiting for spelled out right in front of you. 
The following months were filled with mixtures of emotions, the growing life inside of you quickly becoming the center of your lives. Michael insisted on taking a photo every month, his lips pressed firmly against your belly as Calum or Ashton would take the photo, a smile always on your face at the excitement he had over the arrival of your sweet babe. 
At 6 months you were both in your best friend's wedding, a beaming smile as you stood behind her on her big day. The two of you joked about how you always knew you would be the pregnant one at her wedding, the drinks being poured for your other friends in your honor as you and Michael danced the night away. The wedding seemed to inspire something within him, his eyes glistening a bit differently as he twirled you around the dance floor. 
“I love you,” he whispered, lips right beside your ear as he swayed with you. “And our little one. So much.” 
You blushed and smiled, getting a little teary. “And I love you and our little one, too. So so much.” 
The night continued on, the send off going off flawlessly and the two of you returning home. You both fell asleep right away, exhaustion hanging on every bit of you as you settled in. 
At 7 months you had your baby shower, a bit later than you had wanted but with travel restrictions still being so complicated, you wanted to have time to get Michael’s mother and family there. While you had decided not to disclose the gender just yet, the party was filled with love and plenty of gifts for baby Clifford, everyone enjoying themselves with the games your best friend had helped you choose. Michael stuck by your side the entire time, ever the doting boyfriend as he checked in every so often, bringing you anything you needed and always being your helper when you needed to get up. 
As it started to quiet down Michael seemed to get a bit jumpy, you having to call his name a couple times before he would appear beside you again, a nervous smile on his face as he would help you with whatever you needed. You had caught him in what seemed like a meeting with the boys, the four of them quickly talking over each other as they noticed you approaching, Michael seeming unbothered as he smiled at you. You just smiled back at him and let him kiss your forehead, your hands running over your belly as he kept you close. 
About an hour after you walked in on that meeting Michael came over, helping you out of your chair and leading you to the backyard just in time to see the brilliant orange skies of Los Angeles, the sky taking your breath away as Michael chuckled. 
“You’ve always loved sunsets,” he said softly, a light blush on your cheeks. “D’ya think little one will like them, too?” 
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “I hope so,” you said softly, hand resting on top of your bump. You sensed Michael shifting beside you, the nervous energy around him making you raise an eyebrow as you faced him. 
“What’s gotten into you today?” You asked softly, gently reaching up to get his attention. “You’ve been nervous all day…You’re not having second thoughts on this baby are you?” 
Michael quickly shook his head. “No, no! Absolutely not,” he said, eyes dropping to the ground as he took a deep breath. “Just...nervous.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “What about?” 
Your lover lifted his eyes and met your gaze, a chuckle escaping him as he pulled his hands into his pockets. “You know,” he started, stepping closer to you. “Ever since the day we met, I’ve been wildly and incredibly in love with you. It slammed into me like a ton of bricks, and even through our friendship, I knew that all I wanted was you. All I could ever want is and always will be you, my love.” He paused, smiling at you as you tried to wipe the tears from your eyes. “Now, with our little one almost here, I’ve come to realize that I couldn’t ever ask for anything else. I want to keep you and our family safe for the rest of our lives, so…” he trailed off, hands coming out of his pockets as he knelt down to one knee. 
“Yes,” you said, Michael laughing. 
“Hang on, let me ask the question!” He laughed, the ring emerging from his palm. “My love, my angel. Will you marry me?” 
You laughed and nodded, repeating your answer as he took your hand. You sniffled as he stood, his hands cupping your cheeks as he chuckled. 
“I love you,” he whispered, pressing your lips together in the sweetest kiss. 
“And I love you,” you whispered back, your lover pressing his lips to your forehead as he tugged you close, your belly bumping his as you laughed. 
The rest of the night was the two of you celebrating your engagement, your friends and family members all offering their congrats on everything. Once the night was over and your friends were helping you clean up you were shooed off to bed, Michael escorting you away as your friends all said goodnight. 
The next couple of months were a whirlwind, you and Michael throwing yourselves into the project that was the baby’s nursery. Your due date crept closer and closer, each day without your bundle of joy in your arms making both of you impatient. Thanks to Google, you were able to try every old wives tale to induce labor, mixing it with bouncing on your yoga ball as you tried to urge your baby out. 
Your due date came and went, your date for inducing being set for a couple of weeks out while Michael and you prepared for a maternity shoot with Andy and Sarah. While it was a bit late, you had decided you ultimately wanted photos done for the memories, although you and Michael had already decided you wanted another one by this point; Andy and Sarah were more than happy to provide the photos for you, taking you to a stunning location and taking every photo possible. 
Unbeknownst to Michael, you had felt some contractions already, brushing them off as the Braxton-Hicks your OB had warned you about. However, midway through the photos, you felt a trickle down your leg, embarrassment already creeping over you as you thought you had peed yourself. However, very soon after a contraction rolled through you, causing you to bend over and hold your belly. 
“Angel?” Michael asked, immediately reaching for your hand. “What’s going on?” 
“Um,” you uttered, standing up straight as the pain passed. “My water just broke.” 
Immediately his eyes went wide, your lover looking to Andy and Sarah in shock. The two of them quickly started packing up while Michael ushered you to the car, carefully helping you in and quickly driving back home to pack the hospital bags. While he was scrambling around you were timing everything, bouncing on your ball again as you did so in hopes of it lessening the pain. 
Soon enough you were back in the car, the two of you racing to the hospital and checking in at seemingly lightning speed. Once you were admitted and connected to everything Michael was at your side, hand holding yours as waves of pain rolled over you, each one worse than the last. With the help of nurses the two of you walked around, Michael cheering you on as you got closer and closer to the birth. 
Then, finally, after what felt like eons, it was time to push. 
Michael was at your leg, holding it back as he kept his face close to yours. With every push he whispered his encouragement, telling you how great you were doing and how beautiful you were, and how proud he was of you as you both ushered a new life into the world. Soon enough you heard the first cries, tears streaming down both of your cheeks as the doctor quickly cut the cord. 
“It’s a boy!”
You let out a choked sob as your son was placed on your chest, the flood of emotions washing over you as you reached up to touch your baby. To your surprise, Michael’s hand was already there, his face pink and covered in tears as he gazed at his first born. 
A few hours later you were all taken care of, a couple nurses helping you tie your hair back while your baby was cleaned. They smiled as the door opened, a third nurse rolling in the little bed your baby was laid in, the boy sound asleep as he was placed right beside you. After checking in that you were okay the nurses left, finally leaving you and Michael alone with your son. 
Michael walked over, looking at the baby with a smile on his face. He seemed to be holding himself back, his hand reaching out to gently drag a finger across his son’s cheek. 
You watched him and smiled. “You can hold him,” you said softly. “I’m sure he wants his daddy.” 
Michael met your gaze and blushed, smiling shyly as he nodded. Carefully he picked up the baby, holding him in his hands as he gazed at him in amazement. He moved to his seat and sat down, eyes never leaving the sleeping child in his arms. 
“Hey, little man,” he said softly, your heart soaring at his gentle tone. He sniffled, his eyes filling with tears. “You know your daddy loves you? How perfect he thinks you are?” 
It took everything within you to control your own tears, your hormones still all over the place. “We need to name him,” you said softly, Michael looking up at you. 
He nodded, looking back at his son. “I’ve always loved the name Ashton,” he chuckled, making you laugh lightly. 
“I like that name,” you answered. “But I think I like Colby more.” 
He met your eyes and nodded. “Colby,” he said, trying it out as he looked back at the babe. “Colby Tyler Clifford.” 
You beamed, nodding in agreement as Michael looked at you for approval. “Colby Tyler Clifford it is.” 
Michael grinned and carefully shifted Colby, leaning over to kiss the knuckles on your hand. “Have you slept yet?” He asked you, the question a bit pointed. 
You sighed, getting his point. “I should,” you answered, eyes on your baby. “Promise you’ll stay with us? And that you’ll wake me if anyone comes by?” 
Michael chuckled and nodded, standing and shifting the baby as he leaned over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I promise,” he whispered, noticing your eyes already closing as he pulled away. 
Soon enough you were asleep, Michael pacing the room with your beautiful baby boy in his arms. He hummed little tunes as they came to his head, quietly singing lyrics to them as he focused solely on his son. Eventually he found his way back to his chair, still quietly singing as he heard a light knock on the door. 
He looked up just as a nurse quietly stuck her head in the door, obviously noticing your sleeping form in the bed and waving him over. 
“Hey,” she greeted, keeping her voice down as she noticed the babe in his arms. “When mama’s awake again we’ll get some paperwork and birth certificate over for you to sign, okay? And you guys have a visitor, they’re seated in the waiting room.” 
He nodded, confused about the visitor but stepping out with the nurse. Colby stirred slightly in his arms, his little mouth opened in a yawn as his heart melted, doors opening for him as he stepped into the waiting room. 
Immediately his eyes landed on Calum, his best friend standing from his chair the second their eyes met. He grinned at the bundle in his arms, his phone being tucked into his pocket as he stepped closer. 
“Hey mate,” Michael greeted, voice quiet as he turned slightly. “Meet your godson, Colby Tyler.” 
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calmlftv · 4 years
pumpkin - m.c.
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description: literally just early morning fluff. a dream(tm)
word count: 784
warnings: light sexual suggestions
taglist: @spicycal @castaway-cashton @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga @thesubtweeter @ashisonthefloor​ @ashtonsos​
Early mornings were your very favorite. The stillness and quiet of it all was beautiful and very grounding for you, a good way to center yourself before you have to start the day and handle the chaos, and today was no exception. 
You had managed to detach yourself from Michael’s sleeping form, his grip around you always tighter than you would expect for someone who was deeply asleep. The dogs wiggled their way to your now vacant spot, Michael shifting to cuddle with whichever one got to him first. You smiled at the sight and snuck a quick photo before you slipped into the bathroom to begin your day. 
Now, being in the kitchen, you gathered up some supplies, your morning coffee sitting on the counter as you grabbed out the things you would need for muffins. You took a moment to connect your phone to a speaker, quietly playing some music as you took your sweet time, singing along to your favorites as your hips swayed to the beat. 
You were scooping the muffins into the tin when a pair of hands slipped around your waist, arms tightening around you as a body swayed with you, hips moving with yours as you smiled. 
“Mornin’,” Michael mumbled, his lips kissing your shoulder as the two of you danced together. You paused in what you were doing to cover his hands with yours, head turning enough to look at him. 
“Good morning,” you greeted sweetly, kissing his cheek. “Coffee?” You started to move away but Michael’s arms kept you in place, his lips kissing your neck now as you giggled. 
“Baby,” you managed, his arms loosening just a bit as his teeth grazed over your skin, sending a chill of excitement down your spine. You started to pull away again, Michael emitting a whine as you moved to the coffee maker. 
You rolled your eyes but smiled, getting his coffee together and handing it to him. He smiled at you and tugged you close again, pressing a deep and needy kiss to your lips as he did so. 
“Michael,” you giggled, gently pushing yourself away from him. “Let me finish up breakfast first, okay? Then you can do whatever you want. Promise.” 
Michael whined again but nodded, leaning against the island across from you as you finished up the muffins, pulling out the last tray and setting it aside to cool off. It was peacefully quiet while you cleaned up the dishes, knowing Michael had his eyes on you as you kept swaying to the music, a bit of an extra swing your hips as you finished up and moved over to him. 
He raised his eyebrow at you as you moved closer, a giggle emitting from you as he set his mug down on the island. You took his hands in your own and tugged him closer, pulling him in to the dance with you and dragging him along as you danced around the kitchen, The Regrettes crooning over the speaker as you both laughed and sang together. 
As the song ended the two of you found yourselves leaning against the island countertop, catching your breath as you both giggled wildly like children. It didn’t take long for Michael to move, standing in front of you as he slid his hands around your waist. 
“You know,” he started softly, one hand moving up to gently brush your hair over your shoulder. His eyes were sincere as he spoke, a light pink tint on his cheeks. “You’re everything I could have dreamed of having and more.”
“Michael-“ you interrupted, only to be silenced sweetly. 
“Shh,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I mean that. I want to grow old with you, baby. Make you change my adult diapers when I’m senile.” 
You laughed, Michael always making enough jokes to keep the sound going in your home. You lightly swatted at his shoulder as he pressed his lips against yours, kissing you over and over again until you both just a bundle of early morning giggles. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” He mumbled, kissing you one more time. “I’m gonna buy you a ring, make you mine forever. My last name sounds pretty good with your first name.” 
You blushed and grinned, the idea of a future with him being something you’ve always wanted. “I love you too,” you said softly, his words having made you melt a bit. “Now is that ring gonna come in this lifetime, or…” 
Michael laughed at your teasing. “Can’t tell you that, gotta keep you on your toes!” He grinned, giving you a quick squeeze and a peck before pulling back. 
“Shower with me?” 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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calmlftv · 4 years
4 a.m. - m.c. blurb
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description: a fight brings you out on a late night drive, and forgiveness finds its way to you. 
word count: 1.7k
warnings: VERY brief scenes/flashbacks involving yelling/hurtful words, a lil bit of angst but a happy ending 
w/n: i wrote this while feeling some things during lockdown so pls enjoy! 💕
taglist: @spicycal @castaway-cashton @irwinkitten​ @n-ctarinenga​ @notinthesameguey​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​
“What did you just say to me?”
You winced, the painful sting of Michael’s words hitting you again as you pressed your foot against the gas pedal, shooting down the road your home was on as you escaped the mess you had left behind. The way Michael’s voice deepened as his volume rose stuck with you, his words making your ears ring as you had fought back tears, silently grabbing your keys and slamming the door on your way out. 
The night air was much colder than you had expected but you left your windows down anyway, the chilly air drying the tears as they fell from your face. Your car was deadly silent, the only sound being the wind whipping through your windows as it covered the sounds of your sobs that shook your entire body, the heaves in your chest making your lungs ache as you wept over your steering wheel. 
It had been obvious from the way Michael stomped around the house that he was upset, the more obvious sign of him locking his office door after you had gone in to bring him lunch only solidifying the thought in your mind as you sighed. Throughout the day you still tried to reach out to him, texting him to ask if he wanted tea or to play a game together to try and cheer him up, only to be left on read every time, a frustrated sigh escaping you as you finally just left him alone. He only appeared again when you were cleaning up from making dinner, the shuffling of his feet against the floor alerting you to his presence. When you demanded a reason for his mood he snapped, voice rising as he looked at you. It only got worse from there, the two of you screaming at each other until your throats were raw and you were on the verge of tears, leading up to this very moment where you pulled off the road and followed the lightly made tire tracks to your look out. 
When you got out of your car you leaned against the door, your eyes taking in the sight of the city lights cutting through the darkness, the neons meeting your eyes as you stood up straight and closed your door, settling on the hood of your car as you tucked your knees against your chest. You wrapped your arms around your legs as you just sat there, staring blankly at the city as you lost yourself in thought once again. 
Michael’s face was tinted pinkish red, eyes bloodshot behind the black rims of his glasses. His jaw was clenched and locked, the muscles moving as his hands tugged on the hem of his shirt, the fabric bunching up when he released it and repeated the action. You could tell he wasn’t going to stand down so you took a breath, hands flat against the cool countertop as you exhaled. 
“Michael just tell me what’s wrong-” 
“Why, so you can be overbearing like always?” He snapped, his voice low now as his shirt went slack again. “Stop trying to fix me, y/n, I’m not some broken project you can piece back together!” 
You felt an angry blush cover your cheeks, the feeling moving down your chest and over your body as you spoke, tone sharp and voice loud. “I’m not trying to fix you, asshole, I’m trying to fucking help! I’m your girlfriend, I’m allowed to be worried-”
“I never fucking asked you to worry about me!” He yelled, spit flying from his mouth. “Jesus Christ, you’re just as bad as-”
“What did you just say to me?” 
Pain radiated through your body, the ache in your chest returning as you let out another sob. Your face buried against your knees, hating the words you said to him and the ones he said to you, resenting the way your voice shook and rose as you got more and more upset. Your fights were always few and far between, but when they happened they were a messy explosion of emotions, typically ending with the two of you tangled under the sheets of your shared bed as you owned up to your mistakes and gained forgiveness. 
This time, though, there was something different radiating from the two of you; maybe it was the stress of the lockdown order getting to you, maybe the amount of time you’ve been forced to spend together was finally taking its toll. Maybe a mix of both, along with the stress of working from home and whatever else could be affecting your love as he was forced to stay away from his friends and family. You knew this was taking a toll on both of you, but you didn’t know it could get worse like this. 
You were pulled from your thoughts at the sound of a car door closing, the sound startling you as you quickly wiped the tears from your eyes. Familiar footsteps came up from behind you as you stared ahead, refusing to look at this person joining you. 
“This spots kinda sketch,” a soft voice stated, the phrase being something you’ve heard hundreds of times as Michael walked up beside you, his hands in his pockets as he stood next to your car. The headlights from his Tesla were still shining over you, washing everything in a yellowish tint as it disturbed the pitch darkness around you. 
Silence enveloped the two of you as you didn’t answer, still not looking at Michael as he sighed. You sensed movement as he lifted a hand and scratched the back of his neck, his hands tugging down his sweater sleeves until they rested over his palms. He always hated colder nights, a very miniscule pang of sadness hitting you until you brushed it off. 
“Petal,” he said softly, his eyes trained on you as you just stared ahead. His heart broke into a million tiny pieces when he saw your puffy eyes, knowing he was the cause of the tear stains on your shirt and jeans and the numb feeling on your shoulders. 
He quietly climbed on the hood with you, leaving space between you as he settled in. It was quiet again, this time for much longer as he joined you in looking over the city, the sounds of the night surrounding you both in the warmest hug despite the obvious chill. 
“I’m sorry,” Michael stated, voice a bit shaky now as he took a breath. “I crossed a line and...projected my feelings about everything on to you, and that’s not fair. You didn’t do anything wrong, I shouldn’t have used you as my verbal punching bag, and I’m really really sorry.” 
You were silent as he finished, taking a minute to mull over your words before you found your voice again, lips parting to speak. 
“Am I overbearing?”
Michael paused, not exactly expecting you to ask a question. He chewed the inside of his cheek, weighing his own words before he spoke again, honesty dripping like honey from his tone. “Sometimes you are. But it’s how I know you care.” He paused again, chirping insects filling the gap. “If you were to ever stop checking in and worrying about me, that’s how I’d know I’ve lost you forever.”
More tears threatened to fall at his words and you pushed them away, knowing he always brought you honesty when you asked him questions like that. You took a deep breath and let it out through your mouth, the sound of your own breathing calming you down enough to speak. 
“I’m sorry,” you said simply, voice still raw as you winced at the ache. “I know I should have given you some space instead of checking in so much. You would have come to me when you were ready to, and I just kept pushing until you broke.” A slow sigh escaped through your nose before you continued, your eyes moving to Michael as he looked at you. “And I forgive you. But can we talk through things like this? My throat kind of hurts.”
A smile broke through Michael’s face, his teeth shining as he slipped an arm around you and pulled you close. “I promise I’ll talk more. I never want to yell at you ever again.” 
You smiled in return, his lips pressing sweet kisses to your forehead as he pulled you into his lap, arms keeping you as close as possible while he bundled you against his chest. Another silence fell, this one much more comfortable as you both watched the city move below you, cuddling on the hood of your car as Michael’s body warmed you up. 
After a while Michael yawned, releasing his arms from around you as he stretched them up. You sat up a bit and shivered, the air quickly stealing away the warmth you had just experienced as you started to stand up. 
“Probably should head home,” you mumbled, Michael nodding along as you both scooted off the hood, eyes scanning it for any dents or scratches before you moved to your cars. His hands held the door open for you, kisses being stolen before you got into the driver's seat and started the engine, immediately cranking the heat to get warm while Michael went to his, quickly moving out of the way as you both drove back home. Your dashboard clock alerted you the time, the 
The drive home was quicker than the drive out, your favorite Mowgli’s tune blasting as the two of you pulled in, both of you getting inside quickly as the dogs bounded over to you. Moose whimpered at Michael’s feet and he chuckled, reaching down to scratch her ears as South sniffed around your feet. 
Before you could pick him up for cuddles Michael’s hands were on your hips, tugging you close against him again as he pressed his lips to yours. Your fingers tangled in his hair, his squeezing your hips as he held onto you, unwilling to let you go as you stood in the entryway of your home. It took everything within both of you to pull apart, breathless as you held on to each other for dear life. 
“I love you, baby,” you said softly, your eyes meeting the beautiful mixture that up your boyfriends, a smile tugging on the corner of his lip as he pressed a kiss to your jaw. 
“I love you, too,” he said sweetly, lips moving to your ear. “Maybe I can show you how much in our room?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh lightly, nodding as he took your hand and led you to your bed, tangling under the sheets again and again until you both finally fell asleep. 
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calmlftv · 4 years
wildflower. - m.c.
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w/n: wildflower mv really got me feeling some type of way so here we go! 
word count: 1.3k
warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex
You know you are my favorite fantasy, a fatal love song…
The muffled lines of Wildflower played through the thin walls of your house once again, your headphones unable to drown out the noise. You were sitting in your shared bedroom, your boyfriend out in the garage as he made videos and takes for the Wildflower music video. He had been going all day long, waking up before you did and even making you some breakfast before he locked himself away in the garage. When you had peeked in earlier you had seen a green screen and Michael’s phone on a tripod, the whole thing looking a little bit questionable but fun.
Now, you paused in your work on your laptop as the music stopped, taking off your headphones when you heard the sounds of doors opening and closing. You simply unplugged your headphones and set them aside, moving to lay on your bed as you continued to work. Soon after the figure of Michael stood in the door, pausing to look at you before he crawled onto the bed with you. He curled up against your side, fitting like he always did as he buried his face in your neck. 
“Hi, love,” you said softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead as you paused in your work. “How’s it going out there?”
“S’Alright,” he mumbled, only burying his face deeper into you. You laughed a bit as his scruff tickled you, moving your laptop aside to give him your attention. 
“Getting a lot of good shots?” You asked, the question quickly being answered with just a shrug. Your expression changed to one of worry, one hand gently moving his face so you could see it. “What’s on your mind, baby?” 
Michael shifted enough to sit up and sighed, dragging his hands down his face. “I feel like an idiot,” he mumbled, looking down at his hands in his lap. “Playing guitar and singing to a camera without anyone there to adjust things feels...weird.” He finished with a pout, wringing his hands as he sat there. 
You reached over and took his hands, gently pulling them apart and holding them in your own. “I’m sorry, love,” you said sweetly, leaning over to kiss his shoulder. “Want me to come down and help? Be your cheerleader on the sidelines?” 
The metaphor brought a smile to Michael’s lips, his eyes lifting to meet yours. “Will you wear a little outfit too?” 
You laughed, swatting at his shoulder. “I would if I had one. C’mon,” you said, getting out of bed and holding your arms out to him. “Let’s go get this done so Andy will stop bothering both of us.” 
Michael nodded, his energy still a bit sad but following you back to the garage anyway. When you stepped in you took in the set up, helping him adjust everything again before recording. Together you both just bopped along, recording some shots that Andy requested and ultimately just having fun. When Michael was playing his guitar you bit your lip, his fingers dancing across the neck while you thought of them doing the same somewhere else. At some points you would turn and catch Michael staring at you, his expression a bit unreadable but his eyes following you closely as you just danced along to the music. Once all the filming was finished you let Michael leave to send Andy the footage while you worked on taking down the green screen.
Clean-up was going rather well when the door opened behind you again, a body pressing against your back before you could turn around. You giggled a bit, putting down the cord you had in your hand as you felt two strong hands slide their way to your hips. 
“You’re a sexy cheerleader,” Michael mumbled, his lips by your ear as he kissed your neck. 
You felt a chill of excitement run down your spine, your hands covering his and giving them a squeeze. “It’s easy to be that when I have a sexy man to cheer for.” 
Michael chuckled against your skin, the vibrations of the sound tickling you. You were so distracted by his words that you didn’t notice his hands moving to your waistband until one had slipped in, a hum emitting from you as it inched down further. His hand paused over your panties as his lips found your shoulder, teeth grazing the fabric of your t-shirt as his fingers found your core. 
A gasp escaped you, your head tilting back a bit as he rubbed your already warm core through the fabric. “Mm, guess you wanted this too,” Michael teased, his other hand slipping up your shirt to cup your breast. 
After another second he pulled his hands away and spun you around, your lips crashing together as his arms hooked behind your thighs and lifted you. Your legs moved around his waist as he carried you to the nearest flat surface - an old desk you had stored there a few months ago. He set you down there and tugged off your shirt, throwing it aside as he kissed and sucked on your neck. Your hands moved to your waist, tugging off your pants and underwear enough for Michael to add them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. 
His kisses moved down your body, pausing at some spots to nip at your skin before he reached your core. He adjusted you so your hips were forward, your body leaning back to give him better access as his tongue licked up your core.
A moan escaped you, Michael’s tongue swirling around your clit now as his fingers played. Two of them dipped inside of you, stretching you out as you let out another moan, this one louder than before. 
“That’s right, petal,” Michael said, his mouth releasing your clit for a second. “Tell me how much you like this.” 
“Fuck,” you let out, your end already in sight as Michael’s mouth went back to work. He started sucking as the warm knot tightened in your belly, your orgasm exploding over Michael’s fingers as they kept moving. His mouth cleaned you up as you rode out the high, his lips connecting with yours as you slowly came down. 
You met Michael’s beautiful baby blues as you came back, your hands already finding their way to his waistband. “Please,” you breathed, kissing his neck. “Want you so bad, baby.” 
Michael smirked, kissing your face as he tilted your chin back up to him. “No condoms out here, petal. You sure?” 
Wordlessly you nodded, meeting his eyes as your palm found his length through the pants he was wearing. He groaned and carefully slid you off the desk, turning you around as he tugged his clothes down enough to expose his erection. He pressed a hand to your back and carefully bent you over, his fingers burying in your hair as he teased your entrance with his head before pushing in. 
The two of you moaned together as he slid inside, his hips moving once you had adjusted to the feeling of him. His hands tugged on your hair as you both melted at the feeling of each other, his thrusts picking up speed as you both moved closer to your climax. 
“God, petal, you’re so good,” he moaned, his movements only getting faster. “I’m getting closer, how do you want me?” 
His praise for you only made you feel better, his fingers tugging on your hair aiding in your fast approaching second climax. “Inside me, baby, please,” you begged, knowing it would help him finish. 
He groaned at your words and fucked you harder, the change in pace tipping you over and sending you to another climax as Michael’s movement became sloppy. He reached his as you were riding your high, the two of you gathering your breath before you felt him slide out of you. 
Gently as ever he turned you around, gathering you in his arms and covering your face in sweet and sloppy kisses. “Alright, petal?” 
You nodded to his question, smiling as he let you go and pulled his pants back up. You watched as he tugged his shirt over his head, handing it to you while he went to gather  your clothes. Quickly you slipped it on, his body heat warming you as he turned back. 
“Shower time?” 
“Yes please.”
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calmlftv · 4 years
can you do 16 (Make Me) and 107 (Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt) with mikey please 🥺 (if you can’t/don’t want to combine them you don’t have to!!!!!
“Michael,” you pouted, popping into his streaming room. 
His headphones were on and he seemed quite focused, something that didn’t bode well for you. You were needy today, something within you flipping on, forcing you to imagine all these naughty things you wanted Michael to do to you. 
Right now, however, his attention was turned to something else, and you didn’t like that one bit. 
You slipped inside and quietly closed the door behind you, not wanting everybody in the stream to know you were there just yet. Michael, however, seemed to notice you come in, his eyes glancing over at you quickly before turning back to his game. 
Your eyes dragged down to the basketball shorts he wore, thinking about his length rested within them as he grunted, talking a bit more now that he’s seemed to have finished that round. 
He took his headphones off for a second and turned towards you, smiling and gesturing for you to come over. Happily you did so, Michael moving his chair out of frame as you sat in his lap. 
“Hey, love,” he said sweetly, kissing your lips as you straddled his lap as best you could. He raised an eyebrow as he pulled away, biting his lip as you rolled your hips down against his. 
“Baby,” he breathed quietly, a hint of warning in his tone as you repeated your action a few times. “I’m on a stream-”
“I don’t care,” you breathed, keeping your voices down. You could feel his arousal with the next roll of your hips, Michael grunting as he pressed his hands against your hips. 
“Make me.” 
Michael’s eye grew a little bit darker at your words, your boyfriend grabbing your ass tightly as he pressed his lips against yours. The action smothered the moan that escaped you, your boyfriend carefully pushing you off his chair. 
“Later. Let me wrap this up.”
You pouted, still unsatisfied as Michael smiled and returned to his stream, headphones back on as his viewers begged for one more round. 
When he obliged he glanced over at you, a smirk on his face as he started another round. Little did he know that you had another way of getting his attention, your movements quietly slipping you under his desk as he focused on his game. 
You started by running your hand along the tent in his shorts, hearing him stutter a little bit as you grinned. You quietly and carefully tugged on his shorts, your boyfriend shifting in his seat enough to help you pull them down and free his erection. 
He was hard, maybe unbearably so, the sight of him making you bit your lip to contain as moan. With your limited space you weren’t able to tease him too much, your mouth leaving open and wet kisses along his length while he squirmed above, concealing his enjoyment while you finally took him into your mouth. 
You got him as far into your mouth as possible before you started to move, making absolutely certain you weren’t going to be caught on camera as you hollowed out your cheeks. Your tongue swirled and moved, Michael covering his noises with coughs and throat clearings as you picked up your pace. 
Soon enough you had him spilling over the edge, a euphoric sigh passing through Michael’s lips while his cum drained down your throat. You were quite pleased with yourself, Michael grunting again as he probably lost another round. 
Within second he ended the stream, shoving himself back and grabbing your jaw to pull you out from under his desk. He pulled you to your feet and kissed you roughly, your ass bumping into his desk as he stood and moved you backwards. 
“Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt,” he growled, a shiver being sent down your spine as he turned you towards the door, landing a hard smack on your ass. “Upstairs. Now.”
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calmlftv · 4 years
You bake when you’re stressed and sometimes you give me cookies, but recently you’re giving me whole baskets each day, now I’m not complaining but are you okay?” au  w michael PLS
u have been so patient w this thank u ma’am love u 
some context: you are the owner of a popular local bakery, and michael is the cute record store owner from next door.
You were stressed. 
Well, maybe more than just stressed. “Overwhelmed” seemed more fitting. 
Your business was starting to take off, and the usual amount of orders pouring seemed to double over night, almost an obscene amount of cakes and cookies being ordered for one big event after another. At one point, your calendar showed at least one cake delivery every single day for 5 days straight, something that made your head spin. 
It was incredibly humbling, to say the least; you had poured so much into your business, and having so many people enjoy your baking was incredible. However, it stressed you out to no end. 
The only way to get your stress out was what you were passionate about: baking. And lucky for you, the shop just beside you had made it obvious they welcomed any extra baked goods at their door, so you came in at 3 a.m. and baked until you couldn’t anymore. Extra cookies were put into a little basket and delivered to the cashier before you went to a delivery, and after this occurring every day during your busiest week, a new customer came in. 
He wore black glasses and a matching beanie over his blonde hair, jeans and a long sweater on as he walked up to the counter and asked your workers to see you. Without much thought you came from around the back, your hand cramping from the piping you were doing anyway. 
The customer was cute; you felt your heart skip a bit as your eyes moved to the basket in his hands, crumbs sprinkling out of the bottom as he gave you a sheepish smile.
“Hi,” he greeted, holding out his free hand for to shake. “I’m Michael, the owner of the record store next door?” 
You smiled sweetly, tucking a bit of hair that had fallen from your bun behind your ear. “Oh, hi,” you said kindly, surprised to be meeting him. “Nice to meet you, neighbor!” Your eyes glanced at the basket in his hand, gesturing towards it simply as you blushed. “I see you guys have been getting the gifts.” 
Michael chuckled, handing the basket. “We have, yeah, thank you,” he said sweetly, the kindness radiating from him making you melt a little bit. “But, uh--Listen, I’m sorry if this is forward, but I was wondering...are you okay?” 
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, a blush tinting your cheek as you sheepishly smiled. “That obvious, huh?”
Michael smiled in return. “I just, uh-” he paused, putting his hands in his pockets. “I’ve noticed you kind of do some late night baking when you’re stressed, and sometimes we’ll get the left overs, but all these baskets...” his voice trailed off a bit. “I just want to see if you’re alright.” 
The amount of sincerity and kindness in his words could have made you cry right there, but you held it in, instead opting to lean against one of the nearest display cases. 
“Yeah, uh,” you stared, eyes looking at the basket still in your hands. “I’ve been getting a lot more orders recently, and it’s been stressful keeping up with them all.” 
Michael nodded as he listened, stepping closer as a customer tried to sneak behind him. “Well, um, I’m not sure if it would help,” he said, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “But, um...If you want to talk about it more, maybe we could get some coffee sometime? When you’re free, that is.” 
You couldn’t hide the smile that tugged on your lips, a nod following. “Yeah, I’d, um, love that,” you said, Michael beaming at you. 
“Great! Cool,” he said, enthusiasm dripping from his words. The two of you paused, Michael suddenly moving to pull his phone out of his pocket. “Uh, can I get your number? And we can set a date? I know the owner of the cafe down the road so we can go there.” 
You nodded again, taking his phone and typing your number in. Once he got that he grinned, thanking you for the cookies again before leaving the shop, only bumping into a couple of customers in the meantime. 
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calmlftv · 4 years
I feel like everyone is requesting Ash lol. Maybe meet cute 39 with Mikey? It seems like it would be so funny
u got it, angel!!! i love writing mikey & awkward situations like this, i cant even lie 😂
39. Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
“I need to pee,” you admitted, anxiously looking over your shoulder at the building perched on the hill behind you as your leg bounced. The ball park being attached to the bigger park in the area was convenient for you today, apparently. 
“Again?!” Gabi asked, clapping with the crowd at whatever was happening on the field. “Oli’s gonna think you hate him if you keep leaving.” 
“Maybe it’s cause I do,” you mumbled, standing and slowly weaving your way through the crowded stands and making your way to the hill. 
Your day had been mostly at this very location, your best friend Gabi dragging you to another baseball game for her boyfriend. Not only did you just not like baseball, but you especially didn’t like her boyfriend; actually, you definitely did hate him, grumbling about it all the way up the hill. 
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even look at the sign on the door, walking right into the bathroom as you were still lost in your thoughts. You made it all the way to the sinks, your fingers running through your hair as you finally realized where you were. 
Embarrassment immediately creeped up your cheeks, spinning around on your heels as you finally noticed the urinals. Thankfully, they were all empty, but you heard a shuffle, cough, and a flush from one of the stalls, embarrassment freezing you in place as your eyes widened. 
A man appeared, adjusting his belt to his light blue ripped jeans before he noticed you, startled when he saw a woman in the men’s room. A blush appeared on his cheeks as you stared each other down, thankfully nobody else entering the bathroom at this time.
After the silence and awkward tension reached a peak, the man cleared his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets. “So, uh,” he started, taking his hands back out of his pockets and resting them against his thighs, fingers tapping. “Come here often?”
The joke made you laugh a bit, still incredibly embarrassed about your mistake. “Uh,” you said, a nervous chuckle following the word. “N-No, unfortunately.” Unfortunately? you thought to yourself, mentally kicking yourself. 
The man laughed a bit, moving closer to the sinks now to wash his hands. 
“U-Uh,” you stuttered, moving back as he moved forward. “I should, um, I should go-”
You turned on your heel and left the bathroom, the door swinging shut behind you as you leaned against the building. A few seconds after the man appeared, obviously looking around for you as you tried to slink away, back pressed against the building. 
His eyes landed on you and he chuckled again. “Hey,” he said, reaching into his pocket for something as he got nearer to you. “This is kind of weird and I’m sorry, but I’m a photographer, and I think you’d be great for some photos I want to take.” 
Between his fingers was a business card, an eyebrow raising as you reached up to take it. “You want to take my photo?” You asked, meeting his eyes. God, those are beautiful. “After I walked into the wrong bathroom and embarrassed myself?” 
The man laughed, nodding his head. “Absolutely. Weird meetings like that are usually a sign for me,” he said, a bit of mystery hovering around his words. 
You nodded, a small smile appearing on your lips. “Okay, yeah,” you said, looking at the card. “I’ll text you...Michael?” 
The man nodded, walking away once you had said your goodbyes. You still hadn’t taken care of your business, so you dipped into the correct bathroom and handled it, practically sprinting down the hill back to Gabi. She was never going to believe this. 
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calmlftv · 4 years
Meet cute 27 with Michael please! (Hopefully that's the dog leash one)
27. You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand. *you were right bb!! ❤️
The day was hot, sweat covering every inch of your skin as your athletic leggings and sports bra stuck to it. Beside you was your companion, your pretty grey Pittie jogging at your pace as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. You glanced down at her and very gently tugged on her leash, slowing down as you approached an empty bench, parking your butt on it as Lola jumped up with you.
“Okay, baby?” You asked, speaking through your breathless pants as you gathered yourself. You glanced around, finding a water fountain with a very low basin for dogs, and you stood again, your jello legs guiding yourself and your precious Lola over to it. “Let’s get some water, dove, yeah?”
Lola panted in response, walking beside you and waiting for you to step on the little pedal, the water pouring out as Lola happily lapped it up. You used the taller part yourself, drinking water until you had to stop to breathe. Your hand reached down to scratch at Lola’s ears, earning you a happy tail wag as she looked up at you.
The voice took you by surprise, your eyes looking all over for the source until you found it. A blonde man was running towards you, arms pumping at his side as he seemed to run as fast as he could, legs moving in his basketball shorts and white t-shirt.
In front of him was a small dog, a happy and carefree smile on his face as he enjoyed his frolick. A black leash trailed behind him, matching a black harness around his little body.
“South!” The man called again, now gaining Lola’s attention as she turned towards the sound. Your eyes took in the sight, guessing the direction the dog was going and stepping into his line of fire, your arms scooping him up effortlessly as you squatted down.
You stepped back by Lola quickly, making sure to plant a foot on her leash as you wrangled the little dog in your arms, his tongue hanging out while he settled into your arms. Before you knew it the man was caught up to you, slowing to a stop as he put his hands on his knees.
“South,” he breathed, groaning as the little dog barked in response.
You giggled, setting his dog down and pressing the pedal with your other foot so he could lap at the water, Lola joining him soon after. “He always this wily?” You asked, still laughing a bit as the man stood up, seeming to catch his breath.
The man smiled, perfect teeth seeming to glint in the sunshine - or maybe that was just your mind playing tricks on you. “Unfortunately yes,” he answered, chuckling lightly as he bent down and picked up the leash, wrapping a bit of the slack around his wrist. His eyes met yours, a beautiful mix of greens and blues. “Seems he wanted to say hello to the pretty lady, though.”
You blushed but smiled. “I bet you tell every dog owner that.”
He chuckled. “I’m Michael. Want to go for a walk together?”
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