#blush blush Poe
heyacris · 2 days
Bad Blush Blush memes I made at 2 AM because I was bored part 7:
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blushblushbear · 2 months
hihi!! can you write poe, cashew, and Cole general relationship hcs? ty!!!
*scurries away*
he's very chill but committed
he's not the type to have your pic as his phone background
but he IS the type to have it be an artisty black and white photo of a handwritten poem that he wrote about you and also maybe there's a rose
his energy is very lax but don't let that fool you
he's INSANELY committed
will probably try and talk you into a cemetery date (it's just so Mary Shelley losing her virginity on her mother's grave ya know??)
will try and work some element that reminds him of you into his jewelry
would never ask this but he thinks it would be wicked romantic if you painted his nails for him
very interested in going new places and seeing new things with you
he wants to experience interesting places in this world but mostly he wants to see said places with you
the amount of poems he shows you are only the tip of the ice berg as far as what he actually writes
though he still is the most open about his writing with you
low key thinks about you a lot and regularly checks his phone for you texts and is constantly wondering if he should text first or if that would be too clingy...
IS the type to have you as his phone background lol
Poe is very smitten but subtle about it (until you get him talking which is it's own challenge sometimes cause he likes to keep to himself)
Cash is the exact opposite
the whole world will know seconds of him walking into a room that he's dating someone
has tons of pictures of you around everywhere
uses one as a bookmark
thinks of you all the time when reading romantic subplots
or plots
actually thinks about you a lot when reading
and all the time
loves to have a nightly call with you and talk about your days and what's going down in his most recent read (YOU WILL NEVER /GUESS/ WHO TURNED OUT TO BE EVIL)
tries really hard to do all the boyfriend cliches and does them all in earnest
sends you flowers quite a bit actually
he is just a little nerd who wants to be your Casanova so bad
also wants to see places and experience the world with you but unlike Poe it's like.... normal things (like Cash wants to go to the Eiffel Tower, Poe wants to go solo exploring through the catacombs of Paris/the court of miracles {ya know-- the place with all the dead people lining the walls! romantic! :D})
is always looking for anything fun or cute to do on a date with you
tries to write you poetry
it's--- sweet! :)
bless him
would never larp on his own but if invited to larp he would
also wants to go to a rein faire so bad
oh boy this guy lol XD
seems like a very nice normal extremely devoted boyfriend
and he is
but he's also watching you sleep at night from your bedroom window and stole some of the hair out of your brush
"for personal use"
also tracks everything about you to the best of his abilities
keeps a list of everyone you regularly interact with 'just in case'
but also likes to randomly show up and do something sweet
he's the king of OH I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd say hi, I brought doughnuts!
everything he does is very sweet and attentive and thoughtful
well.... maybe not THOUGHTFUL
more like thought out
also likes to hog your time as best he can but he tries to be subtle about it
will claim you loudly whenever being introduced to someone knew
'oh, yes hello, I'm Cole, their BOYFRIEND. It's nice to meet you."
is the listener in the conversations
he just loves taking you in
watching you constantly, hanging off your every word, keeping notes about the things that make you happy
I think you also take him aback every so often in ways he wasn't expecting
anytime you get very genuine with him or very loving or affectionate
he has this like--- it's like a weird sensation
like a weird euphoric rush
is it cause he likes seeing you at your most sincere and vulnerable??
or is this what being loved feels like????
is this what BEING in love feels like??????
it's pretty great! very addicting...
in his darkest moments he tries to think of you
you bring him a comfort he can't explain but has never really felt before
every now and then he just comes to you in a daze and clings to you
In one way or another, Cole's had a bad day
He gets a little scared how much he finds himself absorbed by you
and that fear hits him at the weirdest times sometimes
like you too were just having breakfast and this sudden feeling of inescapable dread came crashing in
but then you asked him what's up with that sweet little smile of yours and he's feeling okay again
lots of gifts that are little too personal
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rerejunebug · 4 months
Read First
Hi I'm Rere welcome to my tumblr blog I love to make and repost stuff of the following Boyfriend to death, This is not romance, Blush Blush, Stardew valley, Hannibal and many more! I'm a female coyote therian(awakened 4/27/24) my pronouns are They/Them/Void/Fox/Coyoteself or Any thanks if you have anything to ask me lemme know in my inbox loves. Now I also RP but I mainly do Boyfriend to death as my OC or Ren I hope have fun with y'all bye bye (All my kins: Ren(BTD), Lawrence(BTD), Will(Hannibal), Farz(TINR) Cashew(Blush Blush) Poe(Blush blush) and a bit of Cole(Blush Blush) Im so silly :p) (@meltingheart-and-more for stuff about MHC and VaF)
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If you have any of the same interests as be feel free to ask to be my friend and why maybe one paragraph explaining why?
My Spotify acc: https://open.spotify.com/user/31x5cpnzfbf3upqbobmdy5ywix2q
My main carrd https://rerebug1.carrd.co
My Ren RP abt on carrd https://rerebug.carrd.co
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blushblushdrabbles · 4 months
Alrighty seems like the majority of people would like a list of blush blush boys who would like to be called daddy! So here it is!.
Boys who would like being called daddy: Logan, William, Myx, Anon, Seth, Dmitri, Haru and possibly Eli though they are genderfluid.
Boys who would automatically melt and perish from being called daddy: Cole, Cashew, Nimh, Poe, Aki and Fuyu
Boys who wouldn't like being called daddy: Volks, Scale, Stirling
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ozzy-boy · 4 months
Hey, hey, hear me out.
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This, but with your faves.
-He's completely clueless at first. Starts to look around for a tissue or cloth for you to blot off lipstick and doesn't even notice you sneaking up on him.
-"W-woah. Hey- ha, hahaha! Wait- stop- that tickles! Hahah! You're terrible!"
-By the time your kissy barrage is over, he's bright red in the face and there's a smattering of lipstick marks all over his face and neck.
-Scale has a big stupid grin on his face for the rest of the day, feeling light and fuzzy after the affection.
-From then on whenever he notices you wearing lipstick he'll ask if you need something to blot it off with and gets a cute cheeky grin on his face.
-"Hah... we're experimenting with marking now, are we, dear? Well, you'll find no complaints here..."
-He just purrs and melts into your gracious affection and sweetness.
-Won't wipe it off. You can't make him. If he looks like an idiot with lipstick all over his face then SO BE IT.
-Will genuinely walk around with lipstick on his face until you chase him down with a makeup wipe.
-There's something incredibly alluring about watching the deep red color smudge and smear over his skin. He'll be sure to repay you in full with marks of his own. Careful though, Cole prefers to use his teeth...
-"Pfft. You are such a dork."
-He's not ticklish, so he just lets you have your fun for a minute. He is absolutely blushing afterwards though don't let him deny it.
-Ooooh he tries so hard to act like a cool guy who's not phased but he is. He is phased. Very phased.
-He's not ticklish but you will get a few chuckles out of him just based on how silly the situation is. He'll pay it forward with a few kisses of his own though so it's okay
-It's all fun and games until he looks in a mirror.
-"Mmm... Hey, next time, will you wear black lipstick so it matches my vibe? Ow- Hey! No need to get bitey, I was just kidding." (No he wasn't)
-((He would very much like to see you in black. Just saying.))
-He'll also probably just leave it there. Why would he want to wipe it off? Then he'll mess up his foundation, dummy.
-In fact, Poe thinks you should go out. Right now. So that everyone can see how sappy and in love you two are.
-He finds great satisfaction in watching people stare and try to react normally to a goth guy covered in red lipstick kissy marks. There's something kinda poetic about it.
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ren-054 · 4 months
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*𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔠 𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢*
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gear-gr · 28 days
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swallowtailcherry · 7 months
Which characters are your comfort characters? Characters that you can relate to?
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These are mine.
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Reference from Brooklyn 99, how would some of the boys react if we just said "If I run and leap at (Name), he will most certainly catch me in his arms" and then proceeded to run full force at them while they're carrying stuff. (You can just ignore this if you don't understand this or don't want to do this.)
I was given 'some' and immediately ignored my own rules and did 'all', that's fun.
Still, finally cracking down and writing all *checks notes* 2 requests I've gotten.
(Please feel free to send in requests, I'd love to have more to work with)
Oh it is such a rough thing for poor Nimh.
Problem A), the call alone is a little jump scare to him, and now his heart is freaking out
Problem B), he’s now faced with the dilemma of either dropping everything, or letting you eat shit on the pavement. He’d like neither to happen, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could do both
He eventually commits to catching you, but that just leads to
Problem C), he is not very strong and he can barely hold you
Give him the courtesy of keeping a foot on the ground to balance out your weight, yeah?
You joke about it sometimes before you ever commit to the bit
And every single time you do he insists to you that he will make zero effort to catch you
But you know Volks very well at this point.
And you know, among other things, that he is a dirty fucking liar
So you can only imagine your personal childlike glee when you finally do it and he does, in fact, catch you without hesitation 
He insists it’s because if you fell and like, broke your elbow or something, that’d be terrible. Medical bills and all that.
For his sake, you’re ignoring that his face is growing redder by the second. 
No hesitation 100% of the time
First of all, holding you is extremely easy for him, but also he just finds carrying you to be romantic as hell
Oh he’ll cringe if he happens to be dropping something heavy, like a weight, but he still goes for you, that’s his priority
Still, he likes looking for opportunities to show off, and carrying you around like it’s nothing is prime show off material.
He might even get in a couple squats. He knows they go appreciated.
It’s a coin flip with Eli
Though if there’s a chance you’d genuinely injure yourself he’ll probably catch you
But it’s fair game to just let you crash if it’s carpet or grass. Because he thinks it’s just a little funny. 
He also occasionally makes you pay the ‘catch tax’ 
It’s 5 dollars to at least partially make up for the drink that just died on the ground for your goofs.
Really, shame on you, you should know better.
He makes no attempt to catch you
In fact, he finds the way you end up crashing into the wall kinda funny. 
Like watching a cat really fuck up a jump.
Beyond the fact that he’s kind of a stickler with his physical contact to begin with, a lot of the things he carries around are very easily breakable
So yes it’s rude, but frankly he’s not about to shell out 1000 dollars for a new laptop because you thought you could make a goofy point- because you couldn’t.
Garret doesn’t even miss a beat
He’s got you held up in one arm and whatever it was he was holding cradled in the other
While he thinks that it was certainly an odd thing to do, it was pretty cute.
Not hard to do. He thinks most things you do are cute.
Gives you a little kiss and gently sets you back down
Don’t get overconfident though. If he’s holding an animal, the animal gets priority. They’re more fragile.
He still feels really bad about it though. You think he might cry
Dmitri also goes for the catch every time
It adds to his suave and romantic charm, obviously.
However, as the type to prioritize romance over basic logic on occasion, he’s also prone to forgetting that he’s often holding his drink of choice
No it’s fine that his foot just got doused in hot coffee, no he’s not getting a third degree burn
Appreciate the romance, he’ll go see someone about it later
Like Anon, Ichiban hesitates, because if he’s holding something, it’s likely expensive. 
However, unlike Anon, he makes the fatal mistake of still trying to catch you
And it worked maybe once. He’s still riding that high though.
He can handle it!
…But also this case of shenanigans that he has never told you to stop doing has cost more in equipment that either of you are ready to admit out loud.
You may or may not have pitched in to replace several cameras, controllers, and lavaliers 
He tries very very hard to get you to stop charging him before contact is made
It’s a flurry of paperwork, because he does catch you
Says it’s the least he could do as the doting boyfriend he is
Though he does awkwardly dismiss himself from in after a moment. 
While carrying you around is quite romantic, he won’t disagree with that, but also those papers were kind of important and he should get those together ASAP. 
People have pets in need, and they can’t get it without the information getting where it needs to be.
He promises to give you a good cuddle once it’s all sorted, however.
There’s a very direct correlation between what exactly he’s holding and how okay he is with dropping it to scoop you
Electronics? Hard no, those are pricey to replace
Instruments are also frequent victims, and it depends on its fragility.
He tried to catch you with his leg once, except all he actually did was end up kicking you in the gut on the way down
He apologized about it for fifteen minutes straight. 
But if it’s something sturdy, he has no problem with chucking it straight down and scooping you up into a whole ass cuddle. 
Oh please don’t do that outside 
He’s fine with it inside and at night. It’s very attractive, even. Smooth and charming as he sweeps you off your feet before you can even make the jump.
But in the middle of the day it’s very bad for both of you
He can’t hold his parasol and you at the same time, it’s not happening 
So get ready to either hit the deck or get caught on fire with him, depending on how much time he gets to think about it
He screams at first
There’s a loud clatter of knives, but he’s got you!
Scale insists very hard that he did not shriek like a little baby at you almost impaling yourself on his knives
Instead he scolds you over it
I mean come on, you spent an entire afternoon to keep his assassination deadline on you years away
What’s the good in wasting that, he could’ve done better things with his afternoon if you were gonna die a couple months later anyway
Puts no thought into whatever he’s holding, he just tries to hold you on top of it
It’s very uncomfortable every time, why do you keep doing that
It also doesn’t register to him that it’s his need to multitask it that results in you injuring yourself
He starts doing it to you to prove a point, and thinks he’s doing it better because he doesn’t get hurt
He has not realized it’s because you actually drop everything to catch him
But it’s still fun, and you kinda don’t want to ruin it for him.
He doesn’t even flinch
It’s like he anticipated you’d do this exact thing
And unlike some of the other boys he doesn’t even think when he drops whatever he’s holding. 
Unless it’s something on the more… incriminating side. At that point he dodges you, dodges any questions, and quickly dismisses himself from the conversation entirely.
Sure it’s entirely possible there’s a shattered plate of hot food at his feet now, but that doesn’t matter because you’re here, being contently held in his arms
He uses it as an excuse to keep holding you
It what fucking world do you think he could hold you?
He drops his coffee and his school papers
Luckily they don’t damage each other, but w o w that was a close call
But beyond losing his morning caffeine and having to gather his work back up, you’ve hurt his wrists and also your entire body
No one has won here.
He also just. Literally can’t hold you. He’s a tiny frail goth boy, he crumbles if he’s holding anything heavier than 20 pounds. 
Once you’re back on your feet, he asks if you could at the very least help him gather up his papers. They’re worth like 20% of his grade. 
Already a bit on the twitchy side, when he notices you speeding like a bullet train, he squeaks.
What exactly do you think you’re doing??? He’s been relocating his books all afternoon, you can see that he’s holding like, 8.
But, visibly cringing, they hit the floor, because he knows that he can’t hold them and you at the same time
One of them falls wide open, pages down. He tries not to think of the potential folded pages and boxed corners. 
Especially because of how pleased you look!
…But the second he can set you down he’s on the ground checking for damages.
Seth is the absolute king of the ‘casually carrying around hazardous objects’ club
But unlike everyone else in said club, he has no qualms about chucking whatever it is on the ground and scooping you up. 
This has resulted almost unanimously in making more hazards and chaos, but he hasn’t fussed about it once
He gets to give you a lil snuggle and it has the potential to cause crime. It’s a win-win for him!
You are an accessory to arson now though, so watch out, yeah?
Man goes into bullet time
It’s just a race to him to see if he can free an arm before you inevitably ‘plink’ off him and crash into the floor
Like. He does it, no real problems
But he immediately sets you down and scolds you for it
Because that was dangerous! What if he got hurt? What if you got hurt? What if he was holding something breakable, or bringing his fire axe somewhere?
All of those sound awful! 
Still, he ruffles your hair and plants a little kiss on the top of your head. He isn’t mad, he just wants to make sure you’re being safe.
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lhck999 · 10 months
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The kigurumi outfits are too cute not to draw!
And the boys too, I guess. /jk
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myx-it-up · 1 year
💋 — How they would kiss you;
🖤 POE has his hands on your face cupping your cheeks all the time. (Or on your hips/waist/shoulder depending on your height difference)
His kisses are light, gentle like the summer rain. He tastes like coffee and/or gummy candies.
💛 COLE kisses you obsessively. He holds you with a firm grip against him while continuously kissing you over and over again.
He tastes like meat, probably.
🩷 When SVEN kisses you, he kisses your face a few times before pulling away. His kisses are affectionate and heavy. You can hear him go “MMMMMWAH!” when he kisses you.
He tastes like chicken wings or something.
💚 CASHEW’s kisses are also gentle and light, and he usually wraps his arms around you when kissing you. Though, if you initiate the kissing, his face goes red and I mean blushing down to his neck and stuff. He usually kisses you in a library or in his room.
He probably tastes like eggs and ham. :)
💙 When ANON kisses you, it’s either in his room or a sterilized space. He kisses you with a “chu!” or a “mwah!” noise, sometimes unintentionally making the said noise. He usually cups your face when he kisses you.
He probably tastes like energy drink.
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heyacris · 1 month
Poe every day before college:
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blushblushbear · 9 months
sorry..... me again...… you can choose to ignore this if you feel like it's too much
(not trying to guilt-trip you, please don't feel pressured
uh maybe... Nimh? Nimh is cute I like Nimh
if you don't feel like doing him, maybe Poe or Anon?
*blows the dust off this ask* oops this one's pretty old
I already did Nimh so Anon and Poe it is
Okay not to call the scott a drunk
but I'm about to call the scott a drunk
he's not too bad, but he is a little picky about what he will and will not drink
low key judges people for their choice of beers
side eyes people who order basically liquid candy as a drink (for a cocktail at least, he will rot his teeth on mountain dew don't get it twisted)
he mostly does pints but his fav mixed drink is a moscow mule
or a spiked energy beverage
speaking of drinks he always has a crazy amount of them
g-fuel, red bull, monster-- every energy drink type thing you've seen he's probably got
also drinks prime
also mountain dew
a lot of it
I joke about his teeth rotting but in all honesty he takes good care of them
that's the one gamer stereotype he does not fall in town
he's low key germophobic so his apartment and battle station are SPOTLESS
he defo has those touchland hand sanitizers cause he's a boujee bitch
speaking of boujee he's actually p well off
started trading stocks young and did crypto till it tanked
he doesn't like to talk about his crypto days (he was a hard crypto bro at it's peak)
usually his drunk rambles are about crypto
also conspiracy theories
also video games
his parents are decently well off too but he doesn't talk to them much
they don't have a bad relationship but it's definitely one of those 'you see the family only around the holidays' kind of deals
he has a lot of internet buds but I think deep down he's bad at making real connections and actually gets pretty lonely
likes watching animal videos, WOULD NOT get a pet
rarely has people over to his place, took him a while to fully mentally accept having you over
he was determined to get over it though cause he really wanted you around
would never shower with someone cause that just feels unsanitary-- the shower is for CLEANING
would maybe get a snake-- they're pretty clean
once went 3 days without sleeping
actually lost a lot of sleep to stardew valley when it first came out
his farm is AMAZING
loves to troll at video games but not in a run face first into the enemy team and ruin it for everyone kinda way
more a does a 360 no scope on you right when you think you're safe
you mad bro??? lol
sends lots of memes about liking his s/o cause he's really bad at saying how he feels
favorite director is Edgar Wright cause he's a man of taste and culture
regularly cleans and buffs his nails
has at least one to two drinks chilling in every room of the house
really wants to get an ear piercing
really vain about his looks even though he dresses like garbage
just tell him he's handsome, he's legit too proud to beg but he needs that validation
listens to a lot of underground bands and artists
also a lot of djs
owns 15 pairs of headphones
5 have animal ears
showers at least once a day unless he's in a gaming trance
once tried to write you poetry, felt like an idiot, removed all evidence of it's existence and would deny it fully if you ever found out
Probably not a surprise to anyone but he got bullied a lot in high school
Has been writing poetry since he was 10 and has notebooks full of poems and short stories from over his life
really wants to write some kind of vampire mystery series centered around a brooding poet vampire but also he's bad at writing mysteries
I've sad this before but he's in a book club with Nimh and Cashew
he keeps trying to get them to read romantic novels
Cashew was game until he realized Poe meant like Lord Byron romantic
Mary Shelley Romantic
thinks Mary Shelley losing her virginity on her mother's grave is the coolest thing ever and is high key jealous
Mary Shelley is honestly his hero
secretly got addicted to soap operas
he wants to stop so bad but he can't
he doesn't have a pet but if he did he'd be that dude you can totally tell has a pet cause he's always covered in fur
not that Poe would even care
Poe actually never much cared for birds and is still salty about becoming a magpie
owns so many Victorian/Edwardian style coats
and vests
he's just one color palette/slight aesthetic change away from just being steampunk
owns so many bits of jewelry, it mostly just floats around his living spaces and he chooses what he's wearing that day at random
all the people who headcanon Poe as trans, you're correct
constantly painting his nails and it's always chipping
his nail polish is actually pretty jank but he doesn't care so long as his nails are black
his living spaces are a mess
lots of papers, lots of random odds and ends, lots of clothes and book and forgotten mugs everywhere
does actually partake in the music aspect of the goth culture
most of his fav bands are ones you haven't heard of
he doesn't actually like horror much
at least not this modern jumpscare nonsense
he likes his horror dark, dramatic, and poetically gorey
Saw??? more like pa-shaw he can't stand those movies
the closest thing he gets to liking more mainstream horror franchises is Chucky
Tiffany Valentine is his favorite (*jennifer tilly voice* ~Jennifer Tilly~)
he can always get down with halloween, but only the first one
he can fuck with Tim Burton and Guillermo Del Toro though
crimson peak is his shit
also Jane Austen bitch?!
he loves him some Jane Austen
Emily Dickinson
Mary Shelley obvs
he low key hates to be basic but fucking
read Emily Dickinson's poetry and tell him you're not simping
he legit does simp for Shelley and Dickinson
legit loves the Kira Knightly Pride and Prejudice will all his heart
Sylvia Plath
He's trying so hard not to be basic but he loves Wednesday Addams
that line about her being allergic to colors--- he felt that
regularly listens to sounds of rain and fireplaces
ye I think I'll end it here lol XD
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henrii089 · 6 months
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blushblushdrabbles · 3 months
hii which boys would be the most into bdsm??? 😳
Hello there! ohohoho a very interesting question!
ok naughty under the cut cause well we are talking about fricking bdsm here
Ok so first off the bat, definitely Seth, he is absolutely into BDSM, this fucking devil of Hell literally said he'd want to put you in chains, that he wanted to torment you and enjoy you, how does this not scream BDSM. I had also headcanon him as having sex dungeons as well, full of chains, paddles, ropes you name it. He's gonna make you his bitch and he's gonna love it for you.
Next up i would say probably Volks, not as hardcore as Seth, but defs kinky. He's a rough lover but he would also be sensual and gentle at times, i see him being into spanking and tying you up, he wants to be in control, maybe also he'd blindfold you as well. He could tie you up and blindfold you and just do whatever he wanted with your body, letting you just feel the sensations.
Next is Cashew! Real ones will know that even though he is a nerd he a gawd damn freak in the closet. He reads alot and again its canon he has read fifty shades of gray. He'd definitely be game to try out anything BDSM related, like he'd read a super spicy scene in a book and he'll go up to you and ask you to maybe try it out for him. Definitely someone who wants to try out letting someone else control him for a while as well as blindfolding him uwu.
Ok Cole would most defs be into BDSM, it is all about control and having you under his palm for him. Think ropes and tying you up, maybe gagging you for a bit while he has his way with you. Maybe he would be into non con though again there would definitely need to be alot of communication between the two of you. Think of maybe letting you run away from him and letting him chase and catch you, he'd go fucking bananas over it. Another thing would be him putting you over his knee or making you bend over so he would spank you for being very naughty. Maybe just maybe he is into blood play too, along with using knifes.
Another one i see as into BDSM is maybe Poe, defs a switch when it comes to this. Will want to be tied up, blindfolded and gagged as well as doing the same to you as well. I see him also wanting to use wax as well in his sessions with you, a mixture of pain and pleasure he something he would enjoy. Also make sure to spank him as this will drive his mind crazy!
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ozzy-boy · 4 months
What do you think, if we left Cole/Poe/Scale, how would they feel about it?
😭😭😭 why would you do this to me
-Awww, it's cute that you think you have that choice.
-Sorry, Cole isn't taking no for an answer in this regard. He will Not be leaving you alone.
-Cole deludes himself into thinking that someone must have gotten into your head and tricked you. Convinced you to leave him- there's no way you would really do something like this to him, right? Right???
-While a yandere, Cole is still generally on the harmless side. Post-breakup? There is a very real chance Cole will start to get genuinely dangerous.
-If you're going to break up with him, take measures to protect yourself. It might be best to move away, honestly.
-He'll do anything to bring you back.
-Out of this group, Poe would probably be the most okay post-breakup.
-Don't get me wrong, he's still upset about it. But he gets some pretty banging poetry out of it, so that's cool.
-Suddenly understands why so much poetry is about heartbreak. Because. Wow. This sucks.
-All things considered, Poe is very mature about it. Cries, laments, lets it all the emotion out. Sure, he dreamed about getting old and dying with you, but what is life if not a series of disappointments?
-Poe isn't the kind of person who falls in love very easy in the first place, so he probably won't date again anytime soon. Though, it's not impossible. He'll move on eventually.
-It look a lot for him to open up emotionally, but now you're just... gone? It's over?
-Closes up completely. Chances are he'll try to act like it doesn't phase him but he's actually really depressed.
-Scale doesn't really have many friends. There are the other assassins in his clan, but they're more like coworkers. There's no one he can really talk to, so he ends up internalizing a lot of negative emotions.
-Throws himself into work and training way harder than usual, to the point that he may even wind up getting hurt from pushing himself too hard.
-How he actually feels fluctuates frequently. Some days he feels like the whole relationship was a waste of time. Some days he holds out hope that you'll change your mind and come back some day.
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