nurturesmind · 4 months
" what a striking gown you have on. " (totally not teasing her)
she glares at his reflection in the mirror. how silly of her to think she would be free of her mother's fussing with francesca at her center of attention this season. "'tis inspired by some place in the middle east, apparently. or it came from that part of the world directly." eloise could not be bothered to remember what madame delacroix told her mother earlier about its origins, though she was keen to look it up. despite her disinterest in the new dress, she would like to know more about that region.
especially what possibly necessitated the people over there to have sleeves like that. "they're called mameluke sleeves, if you're wondering." she turns around, hands placed on her hips and facing benedict with a huff. "i daresay this style would suit children far more than it would suit a woman out in society."
bridgerton s3: part 1 / accepting !
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fivepaces · 4 months
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❝ Sir, ❞ he calls firmly across the corridor while regarding @bndct; the gleam of exasperation in his gaze smothered before any chance of recognition. Brimsley does not narrow his eyes. ( Although he certainly wishes to. ) It is improper to narrow one's eyes at a guest. ❝ Sir, where do you think you are going? ❞
♔― starters
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inhumanliquid · 7 months
sw th nx bndct rblgs
hw r y dng rght nw
You're asking a non-binary teenager who's stuck in a state only slightly more trans-friendly than Oklahoma how they feel about Nex's murder? Really?
I'm scared. Tired. Sad. And I have an infinite number of reasons to be.
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regencis · 4 months
˗ˏˋ   benedict brigerton  ,  sitting out here alone? something the matter?    ˎˊ˗​​​
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yes. absolutely. something is the matter. colin had traveled to 17 different cities this past summer. he had slept with women far more beautiful than he had ever seen, witnessed sights most men will not see in their lifetimes. he had become a man between paris and london, with a body far sturdier than when he had left, and a charm he had grown into once returning to the ton. and yet... colin had kissed penelope featherington - his best friend, for all intents and purposes - and suddenly could not stop thinking about her. it was confusing. colin had intended for this season to be about getting his bearings, bragging of his journey, flirting with those that encircled him upon arrival. now, his dreams were filled with flowing red hair and a soft, familiar voice. now, he couldn't stand being inside, watching penelope dance with lord debling, knowing that his lessons had worked a little too well. glancing at benedict, colin sits up a bit straighter, trying to look less in thought. 'no, nothing's the matter. i simply needed a bit of fresh air,' he allows the lie to linger for a moment before turning fully toward benedict, brows furrowed slightly. 'actually, brother, i may need some guidance,' a pause. 'you might not be the right person to ask, but since you're the one who found me... how can you tell if a woman is in love with you or not?' @bndct.
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firstbcrn · 4 months
‘ i knocked but you must not have heard me. ’ @bndct — sent from this prompt (x) still accepting!
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‘ my apologies, brother, i had been engrossed in my work. ’ in truth, he had been napping. since returning from his honeymoon, anthony has taken great pleasure in the joys of the afternoon nap. though he's barely over the age of thirty, he finds that there's nothing he enjoys more than playing up to the 'grouchy old man' personality that his siblings seemed to have assigned to him over the years. all in jest, of course. he has no reason to be grouchy these days, not anymore. there isn't room for it in his heart with all the love that he has already overflowing. it's a pleasant change to not feel the desire to take everything with such a huge degree of seriousness. ‘ was there something that you needed of me? ’
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stopthefeeling · 6 years
☺ - My first URL.
Oh dear… must I?
Please forgive me I was 15
I thought when I was a kid that Ivy would be a really GREAT name to use online and then… well I was in my peak cringe shrlock phase… so that happened
thank goodness I used it once and didn’t touch tumblr again for 2 years and immediately switched url
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calamitys-child · 4 years
Me wanting to watch that show with soft longhaired Jared Harris on a boat Vs my hatred of bndct cmbrbtch
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hhawkeye · 6 years
someone i follow reblogged some vid of bndct cmbrbtch and the thumbnail is just his giant face and i honestly nearly dropped my phone i got such a fright
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regencis · 4 months
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there's a moment, when eloise catches benedict taking a turn around the room with lady danbury, that she must stifle her laughter. it seemed the second born son always found himself at the mercy of the lady, most times without meaning to. anthony was away on an elongated honeymoon with kate, and colin was surrounded by a wall of women who happened to find him interesting this season ( eloise saw right through his charade, of course ). benedict was the only bridgerton candidate left. though, as amusing as it was, eloise also felt sorry for him. clearly, all he wanted to do was hide around corners from whatever woman decided to look his way. could eloise not relate in that capacity? so she gives a sigh, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling before she walks across the room, giving the proper courtesy to their elder before looking knowingly at benedict. 'apologies for barging in, lady danbury, but i am afraid i need some assistance, in which my brother is the only one who may help me,' arm attaches to benedict's elbow, beginning to pull him away. when they're out of earshot of most others, eloise gives a small snort. 'i believe you are in my debt now, brother. how many times must i save you on evenings like these?' cheeky grin is given, as if she does it often. @bndct / sc.
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la-roanikowlx · 11 years
I thought after this years had passed, i am over it. Then, there you are again. Talking to me, reminiscing about the past. I just thought i am over the pain you left with me. But i guess, the pain never left me, the pain is still there, i still feel every time we talked. So please, help me. Help me to forget  all the heartaches you've done to me. Stay.away.please.
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