#board game kinkery
slutvember ยท 6 months
So I'm generally not that into permanent dumbification, but recently...
See I'm a massive board game nerd. I own about 97 board games, and I run a weekly boardgame night.
I'm generally very good at board games. I'm good at learning a new game and working out where the strategy lies. Working out the most efficient usage of my cards or actions or whatever. And it makes sense: I have a lot of practice!
I often don't focus too hard on winning or being competitive and still win. And that can feel bad sometimes watching somebody else just get casually crushed.
The board games I'm bad at though, are war games and social deduction games-
Games where the game is in making alliances, making people trust you, telling when they're lying. At this point I'm pretty sure I'm just autistic lol: I'm very good at playing game systems, I'm awful at playing the other players. I'm a mid liar, I can't read faces, and I'm always caught off guard when a friend betrays an alliance.
So we were talking about dumbification.
What if I started watching bimbo hypno and as my mind got fuzzier, I started having more trouble with board games? Games that I usually win becoming harder and harder than I remembered?
I realise whats happening, and have a moment of crisis, but ultimately... why should I stop?
Its better this way- either I get to enjoy the renewed challenge of trying to wrap my head around a game I long since mastered- fascinated by systems that had long since grown boring to me...
Or I stop trying so hard. I giggle and drift away and maybe cuddle with the person sitting next to me (depending on who they are) and make snap decisions on my turns. I let someone else enjoy the spotlight of victory for a change. And when I come in last by a landslide and people raise their eyebrows, I laugh and tell them its okay. And it is okay! I'm here with my friends and we're having fun together, thats all that matters ๐Ÿ’œ.
But perhaps there are some games I'm now better at: the war games and social deduction games.
As I become a bubbly bimbo, I find people are more likely to trust me. When I give them my puppydog eyes they can't bring themselves to betray me. People kill me last in Werewolf bc I'm not a worry. And maybe- just maybe- near the end of the game I can pull my brain together for just long enough to make the winning play after 45 minutes of being dismissed as a threat...
...before immediately dissolving back into giggles and vapid enthusiam as I celebrate my victory ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Idk this is so insanely specific the target audience is pretty much just me lol, just something thats been on my mind ๐Ÿคฃ
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