#boatem :(
myketheartista · 3 days
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My piece for the @boatemvillagezine !! I had a fun time figuring out how I'd draw everyone, the designs, and the rendering style I was gonna go with, and I'm really pleased with the end result! Maybe one day the boatem sticker sheet will exist...
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pinkartdork · 3 days
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Brainrot is real, here's boatem as hsr characters
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katkat030 · 1 day
I am absolutely insane about so many of these and I genuinely can't recommend them enough. Like the post that inspired this, I'll probably tag authors if I know their Tumblr urls, but please let me know if you want me to remove any and I will!
Fair warning that most of these have shipping!
But oh, the bloom by @sillyfairygarden (read here) ongoing.
Ough. Whimsy, Pearlescentmoon, the best version of desertduo I've ever read, and indecipherable sounds of me screaming. If there's one fic I ever want people to read, it's this one. There's a reason I'm putting this first, as much as I hate to pick favourites! Warning: you may will fall in love with the story. Possibly my favourite author - cannot recommend their works enough <3 (The Champion's Banquet also made me go not just a little insane)
It's an absolute necessity to highlight the tags on this one: blows a kiss to the sky. for all my pearliemoon lovers searching for wonder and whimsy in the world around you // Now with more angst! // a man leaves the life he loved to explore the beauty of the world
More fic recs under the cut!
you came at the brink of the end of the world by Anonymous/ @louiessleeplessnights (read here) ongoing.
I don't know how to even begin describing this. I think it made me fall in love with Boatem all over again. It's hilarious, sad, beautiful, Scar calls Grian trouble, they're both idiots and in love, and it's everything I'd look for in a published novel and so much more. This fic permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot recommend it enough times. SO SO SO well written. Warning: it's rated explicit, but a few updates ago it was just mature - chapter 20 and the first half of chapter 21 are the ones you might want to skip if that's not your jam! It's just kissing but it gets... a bit heated lmao.
An excerpt from the description:
[grian is falling from the sky, scar has more magic in his blood than he realized, and everyone else is so much better at seeing than they are]
Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13 (read here) ongoing.
Once again lost on how to describe this. Could I leave it at "please please please please read it I love it so much", by any chance? The worldbuilding is so fleshed out, probably my favourite example of characterisation I've ever seen and the descriptions are everything.
Helsknight and Tanguish (the hels version of Tango) are the duo ever. There's no shipping in this, just intense platonic bonds and lifetime devotion featuring a cranky knight and a pathetic wet cat. I love them so much.
Excerpt from the description:
Tanguish is Tango's hels, and they get along a lot better than most hels and their hermits should. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't made to house both of them. Helsmets were made to return to their hermits eventually, making a complete person. Except what happens when the hels is the stronger of the two? What happens if they really don't want to be?
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist by donnerstag/ @martynsimp69 (read here) complete.
Unashamed to say I binge read this in exactly two days; 26 chapters, an epilogue, accompanying mermay oneshot collection (read here) and nearly crying later, I'm here to say you should totally check it out too. Because fis 🐠 and mermaid Martyn Warning: some unethical experimentation, and I think there's mention of alcohol.
Hot Tea by @tunastime (read here) complete.
The Ethubs fic ever (and the first one I ever read!) This is what introduced me to *gesturing vaguely* whatever the heck they have going on, and I haven't been the same since. Warning: brainrot.
I'm once again stealing something from the description since tumblr oh-so-helpfully destroyed half my draft:
“Let me over,” Bdubs says again, and as he sees Etho open his mouth in protest yet again, he lurches forward, stuttering out his words. He nearly knocks the tea out of his own hands. “Just—just for tonight. Just tonight.” Etho knows he has to divide the base between them. It's the only way to settle, now, knowing everything between them. How Bdubs shouldn't be there. Etho builds the fence. Etho divides them. And Etho divides himself in the process.
Between Us, We Have An Ocean by inkachu (read here) complete.
Only recommending this because it made me cry, and it's so well written. No shipping, just a foster care au in which Gem and Etho are... siblings. That doesn't even begin to cover how much the story really gripped me. It's soft, it's sweet, it's sad, it's amazing. Warning: I haven't cried while reading a book in probably a decade, and this is the one exception. Not to worry, I promise it won't hurt too much (saying how it ends would be a spoiler, but I promise the ending won't haunt you forever).
It's so gooood.
An excerpt from the description:
“My mum couldn’t take care of me, so she gave me to Canada.” Gem announced cheerily, swapping her red pencil for a yellow one, drawing what could only be a sun in the top corner of her page. “Then Canada found me a new mum.” Etho clicked his tongue. “Right.” “What about your mum?” “She uh, Couldn’t take care of me either. So I go to other people’s houses and they take care of me for her.”
From the Archives by @sixteenth-days (read here) complete.
there's also an extra bunch of character studies/AUs/very cool bonus stories called From the Archives: Marginalia (read here) complete (?)
riverbed and mouse hole/black hole from Marginalia are my personal favourites. Playing around with like the physical structure of a text that way is super inspirational. I have all of the main fics downloaded to reread offline whenever I'm travelling/away from home! There's no need to know anything about The Magnus Archives to understand - personally I'd never heard of it before reading this. Also no shipping in the main fic :)
lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting (read here) (author's explanation of the premise here) ongoing.
Warning: I'll give the warning for this one straight up, there are heavy themes like suicide and depression - Grian is going through it! If you're going to read it at least heed the ao3 tags :)
I'm stealing an excerpt from the fic to explain this one:
This hunger is a low rumble deep at the core of him, steady in the same way one might test a newly healed bone. The kind of fragile after a respawn, when your skin has knit together but the echo of pain still lingers. It doesn't hold him hostage anymore– he can muster the strength to look past it, and that, out of everything that's happened to him over the past year, is what's most frightening.
Time to Kill Today by RimeThyme/ @going-to-the-sun (read here)
Featuring THE Ethubs song ever, some cool references to Mindcrack, and take on their relationship over the years. <33 read it, you won't regret it!
Laugh rule - list of titles that made me laugh, mainly oneshots
THE DIVORCE OF THE CENTURY by glossyblue/ @good-chimes (read here)
The Government Institute for Ghost Supervision (G.I.G.S.) by glossyblue (read here)
The Rules of Buttercup Camp by glossyblue (read here)
Dead Heat by glossyblue (read here)
Interlude from Another Reality: Married Life by sixteenthdays (read here)
Okay 2 more fic recs and I'm done, I promise xD
You Could've Applied Online by Anonymous (read here)
Actually hilarious and such fun to read! Stealing something from the description again:
Bdubs stuttered over his words, hand holding the knife tensing around the handle as he looked around the room. Was he being pranked? Did Scar do this? He couldn’t think of another conversation that had confused him more than this. Etho’s eyes crinkled around the edges, mouth subtly changing into what Bdubs imagined was a smile as he felt irritation creep into his mind. “You’re joking right now.” Another shift under the mask. He was definitely smiling now. “How’d you guess?” Or: Bdubs kills someone (on purpose), makes people angry (NOT on purpose), and somehow gets a boyfriend in the process. Or was he a bodyguard? Bdubs doesn't really know himself. Oh, and Etho just wants to pay his rent on time. Preferably without another dead roommate.
Spring Blossoms by Fire_Cat (read here)
Ethubs, Stardew Valley-esque. Super fun read, highly recommend :D
Stealing from the description once more:
Burnt out and exhausted with city life, Etho packs up and moves to the old abandoned farm his parents owned before he was born. It's sat empty for thirty years and it's not in a good state, but he's determined to make the most of it. The town is full of good people, and he quickly finds friendship in abundance. Amongst them all though, one stands out. Bdubs is kind and funny and exceptionally talented at a number of things. He's handsome too, and Etho can't help but crush on him, just a little bit. They get along fantastically right from day one, but Etho keeps his feelings to himself. It's just a crush, it'll go away. And besides, it's not like Bdubs would ever like him back... Right?'
pleaseee consider reblogging this for more people to see! <3
it took hours to make this post but not nearly as long as it would've taken people to write the fics
If you end up reading and enjoying any of these, PLEASE go and give the authors some love in the comments! Writing really isn't an easy feat (or quick)
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jellie ur looking a bit different !
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kitsuneisi · 11 days
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Coffee shop My piece for boatem zine!! @boatemvillagezine
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applestruda · 11 days
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Rainy day
(My piece for @boatemvillagezine!)
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periwinklemoonlight · 11 days
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spooky ghost stories for @boatemvillagezine 👻
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wassup-its-e · 11 days
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Text-less and closeups version below :
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reblogs and compliments are very much appreciated!!!
This took a while and im really proud of the results!!! [go check out the other zine pieces at @boatemzine]
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gremnda · 5 months
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Narrator voice: None of them were normal.
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fwhipliker · 11 days
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coming back from the death to share the piece i made for the @boatemvillagezine ! Amazing zine full of other amazing artists, please go check everyone's pieces out :]
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wormtime123 · 11 days
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late to the posting party since i was at pride but here's my page for @boatemvillagezine !! this was a ton of fun to be apart of and everyone did a fantastic job, be sure to check out the full thing if you haven't already :]
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cocoabats · 5 months
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Jellies boatem adventures I drew for @shaklyart lovely Jellie collab!
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valeriapryanikova · 7 months
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made these for myself but i guess you can have some aggressive boatem crew reminders too
feel free to either print them out or buy these over on my rb shop!
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itsoddissey · 6 months
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⭐☁️ eepy boatem ☁️⭐
my entry for @applestruda 's DTIYS!!! I wanted to draw this since the first time i saw it. Go check their art if you haven't!
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berrysquared · 11 days
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It’s hot hermit summer!! 🐠🪸🤿
This is the piece I made for the amazing @boatemvillagezine the whole zine is absolutely stunning and you should go check it out if you didn’t yet!!
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tibby-art · 11 days
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My piece for @boatemvillagezine!! It was so fun to be a part of this 🙏
Progress pictures under the cut ↓
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The portal on the sky is a reference to Scar’s transition from S7 to S8! In his first episode of season 8 he jumps through a portal underneath his bed in season 7 and lands in season 8, its a really cool editing trick :D it gives a double meaning to ‘fall’ as well lol
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