#bobbin doodles had him right
maybe-arts · 8 months
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girl help i am wasting time taking naps that turn into fullblown sleeps
also you have no idea how difficult it was to do the mirrored text by hand. it would be much easier to do it digitally, but nope. my hubris will be the end of me.
did this one while watching mostly A Link Between Worlds speedruns and randos, ironically enough. Ravio and Skirby are the same kind of beast to me.
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@noodle---doodle This is so soft I want more of this family please💙❤️
@squigglle This is amazing!  All we need is overprotective big brother virgil
@radioactivehelena (for the original prompt)
Words: 1,363 Triggers: Bullying, Food, Needles Characters: Patton, Virgil, Logan Universe: Kid!Patton & Teen!Virgil Adopted by Logince Genre: SOFT AF with a hint of hurt/comfort
AO3 Link
took my brain a few days to stew, but I finally got it. Thanks for the nice notes!
   “Virgil!” Patton cried and ran into his older brother’s legs as soon as he got home, clenching his fits into Virgil’s jeans and wailing. Virgil held up his hands for a moment, not knowing what to do. He looked around desperately but saw Patton’s pitiful little shakes as he cried and knew hew had to fix it. He carefully pried Patton off his pants and leaned down to hold his shoulders. Patton was hunched in on himself and rubbed his nose on his sleeve while he kept bawling.
  “Pat, what’s wrong?” Virgil asked, thrown between panic and concerned with the inexplicable desire to punch whoever made Patton cry.
  “I took Mrs. Bunnyface to school because there was a mean person who kept making fun of my glasses. So I wann’ed something to hug. But when I opened my backpack on the bus, somebody saw her. And they made fun of her an' me, and they tried to take her! But I woul’n’t leggo and they tore off her ear!” Patton sobbed again. Virgil briefly considered how much trouble he’d get in for punching a seven-year-old before pulling Patton in for a hug. Patton wrapped his arms around Virgil’s neck and whined, continuing to sob heavily. Virgil rubbed Patton’s back while he worked through the tears.
  “Is Mrs. Bunnyface and her ear still in your backpack?” Virgil asked gently after Patton cried himself out a little more.
  “Y-yeah,” Patton sniffled miserably and backed up to rub his nose on his sleeve again. Virgil picked up Patton and carried him into his bedroom, setting Patton down on his bed. Virgil grabbed the tissue box off of his desk and passed it over to Patton, who took a small wad and blew his nose. Virgil helped Patton out of his backpack and unzipped as he set in on the bed. When Virgil pulled the bunny with the missing ear out Patton made the most miserable noise Virgil had ever heard in his life.
  “It’s okay, Patty, we can fix her,” Virgil offered sweetly, digging around in Patton’s bag for the loose ear.
  “We can?” Patton sniffled, balling up his fists tightly on the end of his shirt and looking hopefully to Virgil.
  “We can. She just needs some TLC. It won’t hurt her a bit,” Virgil nodded, finally finding the strip of fabric and grasping it to pull it out. Virgil inspected the end, and the fabric wasn’t too frayed. The ear would just be a little shorter on one side. “Why don’t you give her a hug and tell her she’ll be okay while I go get my supplies,” Virgil handed the doll over to Patton, who took the doll and squeezed her desperately.
  “It’s gonna be okay Mrs. Bunnyface,” Patton muttered and Virgil rubbed Patton’s shoulder for a second to get up and dig in his closet for his sewing kit. He hadn’t needed it in a while. Virgil eventually found it in a shoebox of loose stuff and returned to sit on the bed next to Patton. Virgil picked up the detached ear and carefully tucked in the frayed part of the fabric and slid a pin out of the kit to pin it flat.
  “Can I have Mrs. Bunnyface back?” Virgil asked softly as he pulled a small tan threaded bobbin to match her ear color as close as possible. Patton kissed the doll’s nose before nodding and handing it back. Virgil held the doll between his legs and threaded the needle quickly before pulling his legs up on the bed to hold her closer to him. He carefully slid the needle right at the fold of the fabric on the ear and ladder stitched the ear back on to the doll’s head, at the seam of the low-pile fur, as closely matching the other side as he could. Patton flinched and swallowed the first time he saw the needle go into her head, but Virgil gave him as reassuring a smile as he could possibly muster and he seemed to accept it.
  “Is she okay?” Patton asked meekly. Virgil shifted his knees against each other to make the doll nod its head, and Patton looked enamored, making a tiny happy squeak. He still had the tear streaks down his face, but he finally didn’t look so miserable.
  “Do you want to see something cool?” Virgil asked temptingly.
  “Mm-hm,” Patton nodded, looking a little concerned. Virgil pulled the needle through the last part on the head and tugged at the thread gently, and it pulled the rabbit’s ear on to its head stitch by stitch. Patton’s eye’s widened, and his mouth dropped. “Are you a wizard?” He asked in awe.
  “Shh, don’t tell anyone,” Virgil put his finger up to his lips and whispered quietly. Patton nodded brightly and grabbed the edge of the bed and kicked his legs, miming zipping up his lips. Virgil tied off the knot and put a small dab of superglue on the spot before cutting off the thread and passing her back to Patton. Patton’s eyes glittered and reached out for her tentatively. “You’ll have to be careful with her ear from now on, okay?” Virgil said and put his hand on Patton’s back while he happily squeezed his doll again.
  “’Kay!” Patton chirped, looking at the base of the ear with wonder.
  “How about we go to the kitchen and we split an apple? I bet you’re hungry after all those emotions,” Virgil offered softly as he put the supplied back in his kit and closed it up. Patton nodded and hopped off Virgil’s bed, not taking his eyes off the doll as he headed back out the bedroom door.
  “Can we have it with peanut butter?” Patton asked, looking up to Virgil who was now following behind him down the hall to the kitchen.
  “Yeah. I’ll even put raisins and cinnamon in the peanut butter,” Virgil smiled down to Patton, and he grinned and ran to the kitchen. Virgil chuckled and followed after Patton.
  Patton was passed out in his jammies on the couch after dinner, holding Mrs. Bunnyface tightly under a soft knitted throw while a cartoon played on the TV. Logan put down his tablet and was about to get up to carry Patton off to bed, but Virgil put his arm on Logan’s shoulder to stop him from getting up.
  “What’s wrong, Virgil?” Logan asked quietly. Virgil got up to pick up Patton instead, carefully draping him against his chest and heading off to Patton’s bedroom to tuck him in. Virgil laid him down in bed, making sure not to lay the doll’s floppy ears under Patton as he held on tight, even in his sleep. He turned on the white noise machine and the nightlight before closing up and heading back out into the living room.
  “You wanted to tuck him in?” Logan asked curiously.
  “He had a tough day,” Virgil nodded and sat back down next to Logan, taking the remote and ending the kid’s cartoon and switching it to a show he wanted to watch. Logan hummed and nodded, turning his attention back to his tablet. Virgil settled on Avatar and looked to Logan for a moment. “Hey, dad?”
  “Yes, Virgil?” Logan looked up from his tablet to Virgil.
  “Can I get a ride into school tomorrow from you or papa?” Virgil asked carefully, shifting slightly back from Logan. 
  “Do you need to go early?” Logan asked curiously.
  “I need to go a little late, actually,” Virgil said sheepishly, raising his shoulders to brace himself.
  “Why on earth would you need to go to school late?” Logan furrowed his eyebrows. Virgil flinched slightly back from Logan's upset expression. 
  “Not after the bell!” Virgil added quickly and held up his hands. “I just need to have a word with someone at Patton’s bus stop tomorrow morning,” Virgil explained airily.
  “Should I be concerned?” Logan said, raising his eyebrow, his expression changing quickly from bothered to inquisitive. 
  “Nah,” Virgil waved his hand dismissively. “I’ve got this,” Virgil smirked and leaned back against the couch. Logan stared at Virgil impassively for a moment longer before returning to his tablet. 
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