#bobby lockscreen instagram
sirenlulls · 1 year
satellite → r. keating (b. skeetz)
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pairings — robert keating x fem!reader
summary — what bobby skeetz would be like as your annoying boyfriend <3
spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in. i can see you're lonely down there. don't you know that i am right here?
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i feel like you'd be a long-term relationship (like teenage years long term)
ik they went to some fancy all boys school so let's say you went to an all girls school near theirs that would often go on trips together (pls tell me that wasn't just my school that did that)
either that of you'd meet through extra curriculars or overlapping friend groups
EITHER WAY met when ye were young (13-14) and got together when ye were 16-17
tbh most people thought you'd only last a few months bcs it was a teenage relationship after all but you're so chill with each other that it became very clear very quick that ye were just different
major "my girlfriend's my best friend" vibes
because of that, every inhaler fan knows you
you're no longer referred to by your name
you're just "mother" now
it's low-key a problem
like in any of your instagram posts or cute little tiktoks, at least half of the comments have a silly little inhaler pfp and are calling you mother
he's so annoying
definitely a very playful relationship
mocking eachother and all that
telling anyone else (outside your friendgroup) to fuck off if they do the same
he himself wouldn't be very public with the relationship
like you wouldn't be the face of every instagram post but you'd be in a story every few weeks and you'd pop up in the middle of a photo dump here and there
the inhaler_on_tik account however....
fans play where's wally with you in the tiktoks
usually hiding in a window reflection or the hem of your jacket poking into frame
enough to know you're there
you'd be best friends with all the fans
gigs are your opportunity to make new friends
they all adore you
so many fan tiktoks from gigs just have you dancing away with them
they'd bring you flowers <3
but yeah even if bobby himself doesn't post you a lot, fans would get pictures of you two together and they'd be so cute 😭
most of them are taken before gigs when he's helping you out of the bus or ye're walking into the venue together
but someone got a picture of you two once at some silly little market in spain and you were looking at flowers and he was looking at you
they posted it to tiktok and you asked them to send it to you
it was your lockscreen for a bit x
if you're ever traveling without him, you'd take pictures of any birds you pass and send them onto him
i really need to make sure it's known that he'd be annoying
like imagine you're just lying in bed, reading or on your phone, and he just bellyflops on top of you
no warning
no escape
you're trapped
i said the same in my eli headcanons but i don't really get spooning vibes from him
no matter what way you fall asleep, at least some part of him will be touching you
whether he's full on wrapped around you or just got an arm thrown over your torso
it helps him sleep better
you're best friends with the band ofc
i mean, you practically grew up together
you and rob never have a moment of peace with them on tour
you could be curled up in bed, and all of a sudden, elijah's busting down your door and lying down beside ye to tell you about a new song idea
you finally think you're free for a moment having a smoke by the back of the bus? nope, ryan's there now purely because he wanted to annoy ye
josh is nice on ye though (not really) (he makes fun of ye all the time) (he's my little pookie bear angel) (he can do no wrong)
they love having you around
and even if you leave the tour bus to get some snacks and come back to them trying on your dresses and robert doing josh's eyeliner you love having them around too
you're starting to get the mother thing
they do feel like you're hyperactive little children
bobby skeetz, the man that you are, you'd be a great boyfriend
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ikonwallpapers-blog · 6 years
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{♡} Bobby - Instagram
- Reblog if you save/use please!!  
- Do NOT repost,edit or remove logo!
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willexxmercer · 3 years
Ok idk if this counts but lalb directors cut?? How did you decide what to tell and in what way (texts vs insta etc) as you were trying to get both relationships and Plot™️ across?
AAAHHHH tsym for asking; I love talking about lalb!
So this is a fun question to answer!  I went into each part with a plan of which conversations needed to happen, and what was vital to the plot.  A lot of the time I started with the conversations, and the visual pieces (insta/lockscreens) supplemented whatever was happening.
A really good example would be Part 14.  With this one, I specifically bookended it with two instagram posts from Willie that were complete opposites of each other, to really drive home how terrible it was that he was going back to Caleb.  In between, I had the conversations that revealed what was going on.  Even then, I had bookend conversations with Willie and Bobby.  I did that a lot throughout the smau, using parallel conversations to show contrast.
I didn’t want the conversations or visual pieces to be separate, but to work together to tell the story.  And, as an additional little fun fact, a lot of the times, the amount of likes and comments were almost as important as the posts themselves (I challenge you to go back and check the difference in when any of JATP posts compared to when Bobby or Willie post, and then look at Caleb’s and Trevor’s posts).
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kaitlinlexiexx · 7 years
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify
is your room messy or clean? clean
what color are your eyes? hazel
do you like your name? why? no it’s too common
what is your relationship status? single
describe your personality in 3 words or less: funny, caring and kind
what color hair do you have? red but naturally brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? none
where do you shop? Hot Topic
how would you describe your style? emo, edgy
favorite social media account: instagram
what size bed do you have? queen
any siblings? two sisters
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? NYC and because there’s a lot to do
favorite snapchat filter? none
favorite makeup brand(s): none
how many times a week do you shower? everyday
favorite tv show? The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Friends
shoe size? 7
how tall are you? 5”2
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? no
describe your dream date: kind, funny and smart
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? none lmao
what color socks are you wearing? grey and black
how many pillows do you sleep with? one
do you have a job? what do you do? yes at a bakery
how many friends do you have? close friends, 4
whats the worst thing you have ever done? idk
whats your favorite candle scent? vanilla
3 favorite boy names: Braiden, Justin
3 favorite girl names: Scarlet, Jane
favorite actor? Chandler Riggs, Finn Wolfhard, James Franco
favorite actress? Millie Bobby Brown, Margot Robbie
who is your celebrity crush? Chandler Riggs
favorite movie? Suicide Squad, Why Him, IT (2017)
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? yes, The Fault In Our Stars
money or brains? both
do you have a nickname? what is it? Kait and i hate it
how many times have you been to the hospital? idk
top 10 favorite songs: Don’t Worry Be Happy/Winter Wonderland, Havana, How Long, Wolves, Tell Me You Love Me, Hallaujah, Sign Of The Times, Rock You Like A Hurricane, Should I Stay Or Should I Go, Walkin In Hawkins, Every Breath You Take
do you take any medications daily? yes
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily
what is your biggest fear? clowns
how many kids do you want? one or two
whats your go to hair style? up or down
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small
who is your role model? Margot Robbie, Chandler Riggs, Ariana Grande
what was the last compliment you received? someone said they liked my hair color
what was the last text you sent? what’s up
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 10
what is your dream car? idk
opinion on smoking? don’t like it, i have asthma
do you go to college? no
what is your dream job? vet tech
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? sometimes lol
do you have freckles? no
do you smile for pictures? yes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 251
have you ever peed in the woods? no
do you still watch cartoons? sometimes
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? neither
Favorite dipping sauce? chick fil a sauce lmao
what do you wear to bed? a tee shirt and shorts usually
have you ever won a spelling bee? no
what are your hobbies? singing, reading, cosplaying, writing
can you draw? no not at all
do you play an instrument? no but i used to
what was the last concert you saw? Pentatonix
tea or coffee? coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks
do you want to get married? yes eventually
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i don’t have a crush
are you going to change your last name when you get married? yes
what color looks best on you? black lmao
do you miss anyone right now? yes
do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed who sleeps with the door open lmao
do you believe in ghosts? no
what is your biggest pet peeve? slow walkers
last person you called: my mom
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla
regular oreos or golden oreos? none
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? none
what shirt are you wearing? i’m wearing a tank top and a hoodie
what is your phone background? my lockscreen is me and Chandler Riggs when i met at Walker Stalker Con and my home screen is my autograph from Chandler
are you outgoing or shy? shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? no
do you like your neighbors? no
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? both
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? no
last thing you ate? crackers
favorite lyrics right now: idk
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? October and December
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averagearchive-blog · 8 years
CHARACTER SOCIAL MEDIA/TECH INFO     (    repost don’t reblog please!    )
TWITTER  NAME :    themalehawkeye NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS  ON  TWITTER :    about 700k WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?   shitty jokes, memes he retweets, daily #realtable things that he manages to find humor in. FACEBOOK  NAME :    clint barton NUMBER  OF  FACEBOOK  FRIENDS :    68 WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?    not much. he just uses it as a way to remember people’s birthdays.  INSTAGRAM  NAME :    hawkguy NUMBER OF INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS :  about 28k WHAT  KIND  OF  PICTURES  DO  THEY  UPLOAD ?    crazy hawkfam adventures, pictures of lucky. SNAPCHAT :    hawkguy BESTFRIENDS  ON  SNAPCHAT  :    kate, wanda, natasha. TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  ON  THEIR  STORY :    selfies with ridiculous faces, more pictures of lucky, narrating videos of his friends. TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  DIRECTLY  AT  PEOPLE :    blurry low angle selfies of his forehead, uglie pics of his pals, even more pictures of lucky.
TYPE  OF  PHONE  THEY  OWN :    iphone 7 5  LATEST  PEOPLE  THEY  CALLED :    kate, barney, natasha, kate, bobbi WHO  WERE  THEIR  LAST  5  MISSED  CALLS  FROM :    kate, kate, bobbi, wanda, natasha LATEST  TEXT  AND  WHO  FROM :   "someone just yelled at me because you stole something from them and i’m mad at you now. also i’m coming over.” - kate LATEST  PICTURE  THEY  TEXTED :   the shaq singing meme LATEST  VIDEO  THEY  TEXTED :   him singing along to a pop song v off key TYPE  OF  PICTURES  ON  THEIR  PHONES :   selfies, pictures of lucky, pretty things he sees on the street, memes, hawkfam group shots. TYPE  OF  VIDEOS  ON  THEIR  PHONE :  him and his friends doing stupid shit.  ANYTHING  ON  THEIR  PHONE  THEY  DON’T  WANT  PEOPLE  TO  SEE :  nudes Yikes 5  MOST  USED  APPS :   snapchat, twitter, instagram,,,,, idk WHO  THEY  CALL  MOST  OFTEN :   kate WHO  THEY  TEXT  MOST  OFTEN :   also kate  LATEST  VOICE  MESSAGE  AND  WHO  IT’S  FROM :    [unintelligible yelling] - barney WEBSITES  THEY  VISIT  MOST  OFTEN :    twitter, google BACKGROUND  PICTURE  ON  THEIR  PHONE :   lucky.  LOCKSCREEN PICTURE ON THEIR PHONE  :   a different picture of lucky.
TAGGED  BY :   @portalmaker TAGGING :   idk!!! a lot of ppl have done this already so just steal it from me and tag me
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