#bokketo ft. sarah wilson.
entrepy · 2 years
@bokketo​   :    [ voicemail ] "Hey, just wanted to tell you that Merchant & Treasury called again. They're trying to claim there's some sort of clerical error and I owe them money and those damn men in suits won't let me get a word in edgewise. The account's in your name too so they might listen to you instead — god forbid a woman knows what she's talking about! Call me back when you're not off saving the world or something." // sarah @ sam
      Sam rarely, if ever, lets anything go to voicemail, especially from family. His new job description, however, has him at the beck and call of whoever is threatening the freedom of the world and that means sometimes a call slips past under the radar. He and Torres were half way around the world, mostly fighting the branches of a dense Tanzanian forest whilst following the trail of an advanced weapons manufacturing sub-militant group. Said advanced weapons had gotten a lock on both Sam and Joaquín once they’d breached the five mile perimeter of the hidden base, and avoiding the projectiles while coordinating their next movements so as not set off any more sensors had taken all of Sam’s concentration, his AI sliding Sarah’s incoming call to the background. He listens to the voicemail an hour later, once the base has been located, breached, and busted, local police and SHIELD back up flying in to make arrests, confiscate the tech, and paint a cover story for the commotion. It’s two hours later that he’s on a jet flying to Germany for a conference, parting ways with Joaquín who was on his way back to the States. Still in his uniform, he takes his headgear off and rummages around for his phone to call Sarah the old fashioned way. After about the eighth ring, he realises it was almost midnight in Louisiana, and anticipates Sarah’s voicemail message a second before it hits. ‘ Hey, sis. I’m gonna give them a call first thing in the morning. As soon as I figure out what the hell time that is in Germany. Time zones are no joke. I’m losing hours and gaining them back. I could be a very old man by the time you see me next. ’ He pauses to sigh but keeps it quiet enough so she doesn’t hear the tiredness of it. ‘ I’m sorry I missed your call. I promise I was doing something very badass. I’ll try catch you in the morning. I’m gonna take care of the bank so don’t you lose any sleep over it. I love you. ’
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