#bokuakaa x reader
Polyamorous BokuAkaa Headcanons bc this is self indulgent!! Mostly!!
CW: marriage & children (both hypotheticals and kids are only very briefly touched on)
Bokuto and Akaashi invited you into their relationship
First Bokuto off-handly told Akaashi that he thought you were cool and attractive
It took Akaashi about a month before he was like: "Okay. I agree. But why did you bring that up?"
"What if we tried a polyamorous relationship with them! :D"
"Well, we'd have to discuss it with them and ease them into it. And that's only if they want to do it."
So imagine your surprise when Bokuto loudly declares that he and Akaashi want to pursue a relationship with you
Like,, homie has no chill and sees no point in beating around the bush
Now let's get into romantical highschool hcs:
If you're a manager, please give them lil good luck hugs and/or kisses before practice matches or games if you aren't on the court
If you aren't, Bokuto is going to try to get you to come to any game they play and Akaashi, despite being a little stoic, will probably blush a lil bit and agree with Bokuto
Jus trying to help Bokuto with his calculus homework and anything else
Bokuto def gets really slouchy and whiney during really long study sessions so he's usually leaning on either you or Akaashi as he asks if you can take a break soon
Eventually you both cave and end up sitting on someone's bed, talking about upcoming events and watching videos
You do theatre? They're always at opening night. Doesn't matter if you're acting, a stage hand, or a stage manager.
You do speech and debate? Akaashi will help you prep while Bokuto, despite being a tiny bit confused, will cheer you on.
You also play volleyball? Trust me, no matter your position, they're always constantly helping you improve and are at every game they can attend.
You do a different sport like softball, baseball, swimming, etc.? They're at any match they can go too. Literally Akaashi has to ask Bokuto to quiet down bc he's cheering really loud and getting stares from those passive aggressive family members.
Even if you don't do an extra curricular activity, but just have something you're really passionate about, they love to hear about you ramble on about it and love it when you show them what you've made.
Speaking of love... the first "I love you"
Surprise! Akaashi actually said it first
You were spending the night over at Bokuto's house and he was fast asleep, but you and Akaashi were quietly talking about whatever came to mind
Then he just takes your hand in his and says:
"You know, I'm really happy that you decided to be our partner. I love you, y/n."
You just smiled and said: "I'm glad I did too. And I also love you."
Then with Bokuto... it was a little different
You and him were having a one on one date, riding around on his bike through the park
He just smiled at you and shouted:
So, to match his vibe, you yelled it right back to him
Despite being only meer centimeters apart
Post!Timeskip Time :)
Being sandwiched between them during the night is elite- top tier!
But you also switch it up
Sometimes Bokuto is in the middle and that usually happens when he comes home from away games
Sometimes Akaashi is in the middle and that usually happens when he had a stressful day at work
So,, the hypothetical marriage situation:
If you don't wanna get married, they're totally fine with it. Marriage is overrated anyhow 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you do wanna get married,, they're 100% for it!! Then it kinda falls under three hypothetical scenarios:
1: You just get your marriage license and have a small party. No ceremony. But just some nice extra time with your boys.
2: Small wedding. Just family and really close friends as you get married in your backyard.
3: A big ceremony! Yeah, we're talking about a big wedding. (It's three people getting married to each other,, it's gonna be a large turn out.)
Then the whole last name debacle. This goes on for a few days, let's be honest here.
If you wanna keep your last name, they're coming up with different ideas like: taking your last name, hyphenating it with either Bokuto or Akaashi, etc. etc.
If you don't want to keep your last name, then there's: taking either last name, hyphenating their's, etc.
There's also the discussion of everyone keeping their own last name,, can't forget that.
It's a confusing process.
Then there's also the talk of children
If you don't want kids, fine! Kids aren't a necessity to relationships ((deadass,, why do people think that everyone needs kids???))
And if you do, then whoop!! Kids
I don't wanna dive into kids,, but like you can imagine whatever y'all do
A n y h o w
I feel like Bokuto and Akaashi would adopt dogs and cats from shelters
Bokuto would definitely own a mug that says something about loving his pets
Two cats and a dog
That's your animal family
Im done with the animal thing, hang on
Cats wise: One is a grey and white tabby and maine coon mix, you and Akaashi like to call her Koutaro Jr. and the other is a Calico who Bokuto affectionately calls Baby
Dog wise: a pit bull who is nothing more than an oversized lap dog. His name? Spike.
One time, Bokuto invited over Atsumu, Hinata, and Sakusa over for a group dinner for fun, ya know?
They show up right? Y'all are chillin; Baby is perched behind Hinata and Koutaro Jr. is vibin' in Bokuto's lap (Atsumu is cackling at how you named her, and how "yes, Bo! She does look like a bit like you!")
Then in trots Spike
He trots over and nuzzles his way between Sakusa's legs and rests his head on his thigh
"This is Spike, right?" -Sakusa
"Mmhm.. are you-" -Akaashi
"Such a sweet little thing." -Sakusa
He *almost* doesn't mind the pet hair clinging to his pants
It's a mostly happy and healthy relationship (bc lets be honest, fights can and have happened, but you got through it)
Tagging: @yamaguchi-stan
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I'm gonna get started on those poly!BokuAkaa Headcanons because i read In Another Life i desperately want comfort
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