#bold of endwalker to have themes about rejecting existential despair only to do THIS with the role quests
motheatenscarf · 5 months
I can see that the EW healing role quest is gonna involve Ala Mhigo, which means Lyse, Raubhan, Fordola, Arenvald, maybe even Nanamo and Pipin!
Given that for Shadowbringers, the healing role quest was also the best one there, I'm gonna save this one for last so I can go out on a high note.
Started out strong with mage dps because Aymeric is a real character with a rich internal world they spent an entire expansion selling me on and I care so much about what happens to him and Ishgard.
Bit of a nosedive from there in emotional payoff into ranged dps because uh... yeah, I've said my piece on that.
Kept level with melee, which was serviceable but uninteresting.
And now onto Tank, which in Shadowbringers was my least favorite role quest, and also takes place in Gridania, my least favorite city, with Kann-E Senna, my least favorite leader... GREAT.
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