% ツ $ #
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
@bombatempesta: [txt]: So... what’s the basis for G-Speak?
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
@piccolo-uomo-leone: [txt]: SPANNER SAYS HE’S COMING TO JAPAN FOR THE SUMMER!!
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
@morso-di-morte: [txt]: (Originally meant for Tsuna) Did you still need help with your math homework? When can I come over?
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
@mistyvariafrog: [txt]: I was threatened by someone and told to send you this.
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"Happy birthday baseball idiot." The bomber said softly, kicking at the ground slightly. He had to behave himself with the other teen, just for today at least.
Yamamoto blinked and tilted his head slightly to one side as if he could get a better perspective on Gokudera’s sudden change in personality just by looking at him from a different angle.
His words were unexpectedly mild and seemed somewhat forced, but the effort was appreciated nonetheless and it caused his previously confused expression to break out into a radiant smile that spilled hearty laughter.
“Thanks Gokudera! I didn’t think you’d remember!”
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Finally Free | Gokudera & Tsuna
Tsuna sat on the bench arms leaned back staring up at the sky, it was so hot out bu the was glad to at least have a break from school for once. It was made even more rare that he’d managed to scrape by just enough to not be stuck in remedial classes....of course that was all thanks to his friends. Speaking of them, he hadn’t been able to get a hold of either of them this morning it was too bad he’d been hoping to spend the first day of break together to celebrate but he was sure they had their own things to do...he’d see them soon enough he always did. For the moment he took a sip of the drink he’d purchased at a nearby convince store and stared up at the sky.
Reborn had had something to do today too it was so strange...man...where WAS everyone?
“At least it’s kind of nice out...man it’s hot maybe I”ll just go home and play video games with the fan on after all...”
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bombatempesta replied to your post: but what if Superbi Squalo was actual Princu ur...
At first, I really hated your fucking guts Bel, but you just gained some respect points right there.
“Ushi shi shi~ You can take those back. I don’t want ‘em~”
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"No, no, no, don't die on me!!!!"
Yamamoto believed whole-heartedly in the strength of his companions. Unless he found it absolutely necessary, he tried to never make it a habit to step in and take over a fight. Some of them, after all, were more prickly about it than others and the last thing he wanted to do was insult the pride of his teammates. 
That much was something that took him a long while to learn, but Squalo somehow, along with Reborn, managed to drill it into his head... Kind of...
Gokudera really was a relentless storm. He attacked at every possible opening without hesitation and without stopping. How did he manage to make all the calculations necessary as well? Maybe he really was a genius and Yamamoto just hadn’t actually ever acknowledged it. His own attacks were all based on instinct and experience.
Idly, he wondered who would win in a fight. He’d have to bring up the topic later though. They were kind of busy right now.
Even after unraveling the secret of the Arcobaleno and proving time and time again that they were all more than worthy of being the next successors of the Vongola famiglia name, Tsuna was no more receptive to the notion of becoming a mafia boss. That didn’t stop anyone else from targeting them once again for the power and the glory of the rings.
As much as they’d been over it all, some of it just didn’t make sense to the brunette. Why were these guys such sore losers? Were they really that opposed to the idea of a couple of teens rising up to power?
Nevertheless, these opponents were no less stronger than anyone else they’d faced. Was everyone in the mafia world like this? 
Suddenly, he felt something was very wrong. His gut feeling almost made him sick even as he sliced down another foe. 
Whipping around so fast it almost made him dizzy, Yamamoto’s chocolate gaze was on Gokudera. This was bad. He could sense something, but what? And why couldn’t Gokudera sense it too?
Was it intuition? Instinct?
It didn’t matter and without a second thought, he dove in so close and so suddenly that he knocked the storm guardian over and managed to slice down what should have been thin air, but the buzzing of machinery and sudden appearance of a twitching man told him his instincts had been correct. Somehow, the enemy was using machinery to conceal their presence.
Slowly, (but why so slowly?) he turned to glance at the other. 
Thank goodness. He was safe, but why did he feel so lightheaded all of a sudden? And why was Gokudera so pale and looking so horrified?
Bleary eyes glanced down to find an enormous patch of crimson spreading across his torso.
He crumbled beneath his own weight, blade clattering onto the ground and turning back into a wooden practice sword once again as his body crashed onto the cold tile.
He couldn’t remember hearing any gunshots, nor did he ever feel the bullets riddling his body. Instinct keep his mind clear and free from the distraction of pain and noise, but now that the adrenaline had worn out, his entire body ached. 
Immediately, he found he couldn’t form words so easily. He wanted to say something about the tournament he was expected to play in. It was next weekend. These injuries would put him out of commission for...
Suddenly, he wondered if that was the least of his concerns. At only fifteen, he could feel his impending demise and he was scared...
“Go... ku.. der...a...” 
His voice sounded so unlike his own. It was strained and it sounded wet, but it brought the silver haired teen out of his startled stupor.
That concealed assailant seemed to be the last one in the vicinity and Gokudera took the chance to run over to Yamamoto’s crumpled up form. 
The other sounded, for once, nervous... and as scared as Yamamoto suddenly felt. Right now, he’d much rather have him yelling profanities than to hear the prideful teen begging him not to die. It only confirmed what he already felt was his impending end.
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