vrtalks · 11 months
10 things to do in a long distance relationship | long-distance relationship advice
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "How workers who are mostly remote carry out team bonding activities" https://t.co/2chUYL9awL via @SurveyCircle #UserResearch #remote #team #TeamBonding #BondingActivities #employees #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/LkUSaTJob1
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Oct 9, 2022
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aplayce2learn · 3 years
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gh0st-111 · 3 years
making low cal brownies with my friend cause we both have EDs 💏 #bondingactivities 💿👨‍🍼
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hinghanghi · 8 years
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Perfectly described our friendship: nails, chink eyes & Jamba Juice lmao love you Kass, can't wait for you to move in!! #EMPTYSALONWOW #bondingactivities #fuckyeah #neighbors #freshnails #yingyangyung (at Charming Nails)
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Caton's Group Activity Ideas
Life Highlights Game Time Required: 30 minutes
Begin by asking each participant to close their eyes for one minute and consider the best moments of their lives. This can include moments they’ve had alone, they’ve shared with family or friends; these moments can pertain to professional successes, personal revelations, or exciting life adventures. After the participants have had a moment to run through highlights of their lives, inform them that their search for highlights is about to be narrowed. Keeping their eyes closed, ask each participant to take a moment to decide what 30 seconds of their life they would want to relive if they only had thirty seconds left in their life. The first part of the activity enables participants to reflect back on their lives, while the second part (which we’ll discuss in a moment) enables them to get to know their coworkers on a more intimate level. The second portion of the game is the “review” section. The leader of the activity will ask each and every participant what their 30 seconds entailed and why they chose it, which will allow participants to get a feel for each other’s passions, loves, and personalities.
Coin Logo Time Required: 5-10 minutes
Begin by asking all participants to empty their pockets, purses, and wallets of any coins they may have and place them on the table in front of them. If someone doesn’t have any coins or only has very few, others in the room can share their coins with them. Instruct each person to create their own personal logo using the coins in front of them in just one minute. Other materials they may have on them, such as pens, notebooks, wallets, etc. can also be used in creation of the logo. If there is a particularly large group, people can be broken up into teams of 3-6 people and instructed to create a logo that represents them as a team or the whole room can gather to use the coins to create a logo for the organization/group/department/etc. Each solitary participant can explain their logo to the group or if the room was split into groups, the leader can have each group discuss what led to the team logo and what it says about them. Not only does this activity promote self and mutual awareness, but it also enables participants to get to know each other on a more personal level.
The One Question Activity Time Required: 15-20 minutes
It’s quite simple: the leader gets to decide the situation the question will pertain to. Example situations include babysitting, leading the company, or being married. After pairing participants into teams, the leader will pose this question: If you could ask just one question to discover a person’s suitability for (insert topic here), what would your question be? Say the leader chose to go with a marriage situation. That means each person in a two-person team would come up with one question that would help them discover whether or not their partner was suitable to be married to them. If the topic was babysitting, each team member would have to come up with just one question whose answer would help them determine whether or not the person was suitable to babysit their child. This icebreaking activity can also get mixed up by issuing one situation for the entire group or allocating a different situation to each team member or pair to work on. Depending on the situation chosen, the activity can be very fun, but it can also demonstrate that crucial questions should be developed properly.
credit to: http://www.huddle.com/blog/team-building-activities/
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Naomi's Group Activity Ideas
Kemps is a card game that works in pairs. Each pair must make up an either verbal or non verbal method of communication so that the other teams will not understand them. The goal of the game is for one person to get 4 cards that are the same regardless of suit. When a pair has the four cards they must yell Kemps. If another pair suspects that someone has 4 cards, they may yell Counter-Kemps and then they will win instead. If a team yells Counter-Kemps and no one has 4 identical cards regardless of suit that are disqualified.  At the beginning of the game, each person is given 4 cards and then four cards are placed face side up in the middle of the game area. Players are allowed to swap for any of the cards at any given time but must only hold 4 cards at a time. When no other cards can be swapped, the four face side up cards are removed and replaced from the remaining cards in the deck. 
This exercise builds teamwork within each pair and within the whole group because each pair must work together in order to win. The pairs must also work within the group if they want to win since they can win by recognizing another pairs method of communication. Another way it builds a team is by pairs recognizing what card a particular player is collecting in order to sabotage them or allow them to collect all 4 only to yell Counter-Kemps and win the round.
Indian Chief
Indian Chief is a game that works best with larger groups but can definitely be adapted for smaller ones. The goal of the game for the group is to seamlessly follow the leader’s (who is referred to as The Indian Chief) movements without giving away his identity. One player is separated from the group and must be wait somewhere out of earshot for at least 30 seconds.  During those 30 seconds, the rest of the group must agree on 1 person to be the Indian Chief and may continue to discuss possible strategies to protect the chief’s identity. Some possible strategies include appointing a fake chief that everyone will pretend is the chief or possible distractions for the guesser. After 30 seconds, the guesser must return to the group whether the group has finished discussing or not. The chief should start a pattern using their hands/arms before the guesser returns. Once the guesser returns, the game starts and at any moment the guesser may guess the chief’s identity. The chief’s role is to change the pattern while not being discovered but the chief’s efforts may go in vain if the group does not cooperate as a whole. The guesser gets traditionally 3 tries but in small groups that number varies from either 2 tries or 1. If the chief and the group are successful then the guesser will have used up all their tries without suspecting the real chief. If they are not successful, the guesser will be able to identify the real chief.
This activity forces a group to act like a team. They all share the same goal and can only achieve that goal by working together. The time limit on the group forces the team to act quickly and effectively so that the game can progress in a timely manner. The success of the team is codependent on each individual player. It is each player’s role to protect the chief and it is the chief’s role to protect the group by protecting themselves.
    Pencil Drop
Pencil Drop is a short and quick game that can encourages a pair of people to solve a seemingly simple problem with the help of the group. The goal of the game is to drop a pencil into a bottle. Simple right? The twist is that the pencil has two strings attached to it and each of those strings is attached to a different wrist in each pair. Not so simple anymore right? Oh and did I forget to mention that each pair is blindfolded? Each pair is blindfolded as they attempt to lower the pencil into a bottle (a 2 liter bottle works best). The group helps direct them but is not allowed to assist them physically.
This game requires everyone to work together to achieve the same goal. Everyone wants nothing more than to see the pencil drop into the bottle. It is very difficult and it’s easy to get frustrated but the key is to stay calm and collected so that the goal can be reached as soon as possible.
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Group Activity #2: Caton's Symbols
1. The first person says their name and does some sort of symbol or sign with their hands
2. The second person copies the symbol and name, makes their own, and the third follows saying preceding group memebers' names and symbols and so on until the group is done.
3. Once all of the group goes, everyone must go through and say everyones name and symbol until everyone gets it right
Our Experience with the Activity:
We made Alex go last because we're mean, Naomi started, then Dela, then myself, then Amrow, and Alex, last, as said earlier. The symbols werent always the greatest but after a lot of giggles and fun times we eventually were able to learn all of the names and symbols like the back of our Ram Spirit covered hands. This inspired us to play a number of other games including telephone--as suggested by Amrow.  Our group is becoming more and more like the rap group we aspire to be--homies for life.
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Amrow's Group Activity Ideas
Team "Building" Excercise
-Have fun
-Build trust/teamwork skills
-Create a friendly and competetive environment
Challenge 1 
 With an even number of toothpicks and marshmallows you and a partner will form a team with the goal of creating a structure taller than the other team. Since there are five group members there will be a judge each time and two teams of two. Each round will last for five minutes and the game ends when everyone has had a chacnce to play ,which means that everyone has been a judge. Winners will be each given a point at the end of the round and the group memeber with the most points at the end of the game wins a prize.
Challenge 2
With the same regulations as above this time an object will be chosen and whichever team can build the tallest structure and the one that can hold the object for more than 15 seconds without toppling over will win. Prizes will aslo be given for this round.
Ping Pong in groups
play up to twelve, everytime the team loses a round they will have the winning side say some facts about them and should they lose again theyre asked to recite those facts along with the new ones or risk losing a player. The team with the most players at the end wins, if there is an even amount there is a sudden death, and if a team wins before twelve then they recieve the difference of rounds they didnt play added to twelve. After mixing and matching teams for 5 rounds or more if youre having fun the winner recieves a prize to honor their awesome memory.
A game of telephone, 
start out with a fact and see what it becomes at the end of three rounds.
#4 Beer Pong .....just kidding 
Note: The key to team building is not to get arrested
(Note: A Sudden Team Building Exercise involved throwing Alex a B'Day party)
For those of you that require instructions on how to celebrate a Birthday
1. Purchase Cake
2. Get people
3.Sing Happy Birthday, if the birthday girl/boy does not blush you're doing it wrong
4. Eat cake
5. If cake is not finished do not save it, the Freshman 15 is not a myth people, give the cake to a needy person .
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Group Activity #1: Alex's Two Truths and a Lie
For my team building exercise, I decided to be the group together in the commons and play two truths and a lie. The game was fun for everyone involved and we all learned new things about each other. During my turn Della guessed the lie was that that I have a cat. The truths were that I have a dog and that I was born in South Carolina. For Amrow's turn I guessed that the lie was that he owns a fish. The truths were that he was born in another country and that he made me a cake for my birthday. For Della's turn nobody guessed that she can't drive. The truths were that she speaks French and that she likes to eat pizza. For Caton's turn Amrow guessed that the lie was that she doesn't like to party. The truths were that she stays up late and that she likes Ludacris. For Naomi's turn nobody guessed that the lie was that she's always on time for everything. The truths were that she likes to sleep and that she is in international relations.
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Alex's Activity Ideas
The following exercises are not “icebreakers”, but “bond builders.” It would be advisable to use these exercises as ways of building a sense of companionship with a group of people whom you would like to work with or just get to know a little better.
1. Two truths and a lie - gather a group of people with whom you would like to work with. Each person tells three statements about themselves, two being true statements and one lie (not necessarily in that order). The rest of the group tries to guess the lie and whoever does it first gets the next turn unless they have already gone then that person gets to choose someone who hasn’t gone. Continue playing until everyone has had a turn.
2. Zero to hero -  gather a group of people with whom you would like to work with. Have a volunteer from the group tell an embarrassing story about them self. When the person is finished, have everyone else in the group retell the story so that it isn’t embarrassing and actually makes the person feel better about them self. Keep retelling stories for everyone until everyone has had their own embarrassing story retold.
 3. The human knot - gather a group of people with whom you would like to work with. Have everyone stand in a circle and close their eyes. Have everyone reach out and grab two hands across the circle (one hand from two different people). Have everyone open their eyes and coordinate a way to untangle everyone’s arms in order to return to a circle.  
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tgroupuniv112-blog · 10 years
Fears in a Hat
First Fear: Being paralyzed and/or being stabbed in the face
Discussion-Being paralyzed would lead to a life with a lot to adjust to and doing a lot less than you could do before. Being stabbed in the face whether or not you survive would suck in general.
Second Fear: Getting in an accident where you would be paralyzed from the head down. 
Discussion-being trapped in your own body—being a living corpse and its somewhat related to being claustrophobic 
Third Fear: Getting old and zombie
Discussion-getting old also limits your abilities and makes you dependent on others. Some said it would be awesome to make people do thing for you as a rebuttal. Zombies=self explanatory 
Fourth Fear: The world is someones imagination and when they wake up we will cease to exist. And clowns.
Discussion-Brought up the idea that the world is just an advanced simulation (an actual theory) and dreaming while in a coma. We have a tendency to get really off topic. But we’re bonding.
Fifth Fear: Not succeeding and leading an average life.
Discussion- A lot disagreed with this saying that an average life would be a blessing in comparison to other peoples lives—the homeless, etc. But from an artist’s perspective, the artists in the group agreed with this fear over non-art majors. 
Overall the sharing of our fears helped open up conversation on a wide array of topics--expanding the conversation from talking about our fears to comparing them with other fears and relating. As a group building exercise, rather than understanding each other through our fears, the activity just helped conversation open up and helped us become more comfortable with each other as a whole.
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