#bones and sinew;headcanons and references
cunning-matriarch · 5 months
I 10000% believe there was lashing out from Scar that Ed and Banzai didnt know about. Due to her perceived(by scar) station in scars reign, when things aren't going smoothly I wouldnt doubt she heard about it and paid for it
I do not think the girl is ok, like at all
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venusxxlangdon · 5 years
Michael Langdon x reader x Roman Godfrey headcanons
warnings: polyamory, smut, double penetration, oral, edging, mentioning of blood and face fucking, cum eating, daddy kink, soft dominance 
words: 5.2k
A/N: thank you guys for 1.1k followers, here are some hcs for one of my favorite pairings. Some of y’all’s asks have been answered here as well. Honorable mention of @micheallangdons who plotted these hcs with me    
moodboard by @micheallangdons
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Before Roman met Michael and Y/N his life as a newly born upir had been nothing but an endless battle with his demonic nature. Days full of self-loathing and helpless attempts to tame his hunger had gone by before he gave up and quenched his thirst for blood, much to his mother’s triumph. She was so proud of him while he felt nothing but utter disgust and a deep abyss in his heart. Her praise seemed nothing but mockery. She could dance on his bones and still preach about her good intentions.
He did not want to admit that she had won the battle. Roman felt like he was falling deeper into the dark void. Was he going to spend the rest of his life like that? Abandoned and scared of hurting everyone he knew? These questions kept him wide awake in the middle of the silver nights and made him drown his sorrows in cognac and cigarette smoke.
He felt like an addict, storming from one bar into another, looking for hookers to feed on and then sending his people to hide the victims’ bodies. Eventually, it all turned into a regular routine and he mastered the art of draining every drop of blood from humans necks without even staining his always perfectly ironed shirts. He decided that if he turned into a stone-cold machine with no feelings and the slightest idea of attachment he would feel better. Having focused on his parents' empire, the Godfrey Institute, he became a business tycoon: ambitions, cunning, manipulating. Unfortunately, it was calm before the storm. His mother always knew what buttons to push to make him snap and lose the strings of control over his ruthless guise.
It was the night when everything went downhill. Blood was hammering in his temples, fingers gripped onto the sterling weel as he was driving to a familiar location, a bar where he was a frequent visitor. A passing car flashed the headlights, illuminating Roman’s jet black eyes. The usual forest green hues with bluish spots were swallowed up by the unbearable hunger. He could feel the roof of his mouth starting to itch, his heart beating faster.
Factitious self-control wafted around his tall figure when he entered the club. He looked out of place dressed in his black dress shirt and matching tailored slacks, the look on his face intense like an upcoming thunder, electrifying in the thick air. 
Something felt different at that time. His nostrils flared, breathing in the mix of expensive alcohol and smoke. He looked around scanning through the crowd of dancing bodies. It felt like hundreds of needles were piercing through the tips of his fingers; he gulped heavily, listening to the sound of crimson blood flowing through the people’s veins. There was something else. Something he could not quite catch. It was seeping through his fingers making it difficult for him to get a hold of it. He turned around on his heels, ignoring a confused look some girl shot at him and froze to his spot. What if his hunger caused these fantom feelings? The sensation became stronger. Godfrey turned his head in the direction of the far left corner of the spacious room. Something about it drew him closer to a big leather sofa where there was someone whom Roman had met before.
“Michael Langdon,” he breathed out, a bit too surprised. It was funny how he had not recognized his vibe immediately. They had met only once but it was something Godfrey would never forget. The blonde Antichrist had the most unique, alluring aura that would suffocate you if you did not know how to handle it. Even for Roman, who was only half-human, it was quite a challenge.
Michael was splayed out on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Godfrey mentally rolled his eyes at the Antichrist’s outfit, ever so extravagant: a navy blue velvet dinner jacket paired with a white shirt, his neck adorned with a big burgundy bow made of the finest silk. Long, luscious locks flowed down his shoulders, curling slightly on its end. Two blue sapphires of his eyes were narrowed, studying Roman’s figure curiously. Godfrey would never admit it, but he felt very uncomfortable under Michael’s mischievous gaze. He instinctively wanted to straighten his back to look more confident, to show Langdon who was the boss. But the pretentious smirk ghosting over Michael’s lips indicated that the Antichrist could care less about the boy’s attempt to look powerful.
“Enjoying the evening, Mr. Godfrey?” He took a sip and swiped the tip of his pointed tongue over the corner of his mouth. Michael cocked his eyebrow at Roman, clearly being aware of the upir’s hunger.
“Quite a lot,” Roman sneered and moved his gaze at the girl sitting next to Langdon with her legs that were barely covered with a short dress hooked over his lap. She was looking at Roman through the thick fan of long dark lashes framing her eyes beautifully. There was something detached in the youthful beauty of her blush and a shy smile painting her lips. For some reason Godfrey found himself embarrassed and even looked away, meeting the mocking stare of Michael’s blue eyes.
“Care for a drink?” He asked, swirling the glass in his long fingers, the metal of his rings clicking against the cut. “You look...thirsty.”
Roman gritted his teeth, the sinew on his neck pulsing.
“How sweet that it’s the matter of your concern,” he muttered, still eyeing the girl from the corner of his eyes. She smiled and hid her face in the crook of Michael’s neck, her fingers grasping the fabric of his shirt. She braced one of her slender arms around his neck and brought her face to his ear.
“What was that, kitten?” Roman clicked his tongue disapprovingly at the pet name, suddenly feeling out of place. He looked around, searching for a new victim. He spotted a girl who was sitting alone at the bar and thought that she could be a nice option. Y/N’s voice drew him out of his thoughts.
“He’s the one,” she whispered in Michael’s ear, but it was audible enough for Roman’s hearing to catch it. He snapped his eyes back at her, noticing that she was looking at him again. Whatever she had meant, it was something that did not make Michael happy. He shifted in his seat and put the glass aside on the table.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” he asked, the threads of concern lacing into the tone of his voice. He gently took her chin between his thumb and index finger, slightly turning it to the side. “You can have anybody...think twice, sweetheart.”
Roman felt as if he had become an unwilling witness of something he could wish to have never seen. It all felt too intimate. He coughed and adjusted the cuffs of his shirt, wondering why he was still standing there. It seemed like the girl’s heavy gaze pinned him to the floor. Michael was frowning, tapping his fingers against the knee impatiently.
“Well, if you excuse me...” Godfrey started awkwardly and shoved his palms into the pockets of his slack, brushing his thumbs over the fabric. The girl was still whispering something into Michael’s ear. He looked so concentrated that for a second Roman thought that Langdon would not even notice if he left. God knew how long he had been standing there like a fool before Langdon finally spoke to him.
“Why don’t you join us, Roman?” He suddenly offered, and the girl giggled, playing with the blonde strand of Michael’s hair. Roman watched her twist the silky locks around her fingers and let them cascade down Langdon’s shoulders. He licked his lips nervously. “I believe I haven’t introduced you to the love of my love yet, and I’m dying to fix this little omission.”
The corners of Roman’s lips twitched in amusement.
“I’m a busy man, Mr. Langdon,” he shrugged, ignoring the fact that Michael had addressed him on the first-name basis. “Hence I’m afraid we won’t have time to discuss the latest gossips.” He noticed the way the girl’s face sulked and how she slightly pushed her bottom lip forward in a pitiful pout. For the reason unknown to him, his heart swelled and suddenly he wanted to do anything to erase the sad expression off her doll face. “But I’ll be more than glad to get introduced to a beautiful lady next to you.”
She smiled and extended her hand to him which he eagerly accepted, slightly squeezing her fingers. Her palm was soft, it felt like his large hands were wrapped in the finest, pearly silk. His whole body jolted up as soon as he touched her. A shiver ran down his spine, and he looked at her with wide eyes. By the devilish sparks in her eyes, he knew she had felt it too.
“Y/N,” She said, and her voice turned out to be much lower than he had expected. “Y/N, Y/L/N.”
He smiled back and bent forward at the waist to bring his face closer to her hand and leave a quick kiss on her delicate skin.
“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N. I’m Roman Godfrey, a CEO of the Godfrey Institute,” he answered proudly.
It was the beginning of something bigger than him, bigger than all of them.
A quick conversation with Langdon and his little pet, that was how Roman referred to the girl in his head, had managed to distract him from his hunger only for a short time. Soon enough he found himself apologizing for having to leave so soon.
He did not waste any time when grabbing the girl he had spotted earlier by the elbow and dragging her out of the club. Luckily she was way too drunk to care. He flashed his best smile at her, and she followed him to the car, giggling every time she stumbled on her heels.
Roman did not pay any attention when she put her hands on his crotch and tried to rub him through the fabric of his slacks, his eyes focused on the road. He bit the inside of his cheek to suppress the sudden tremor in his body. He was seconds away from stopping the car and sinking his teeth into the girl’s neck. She smelled like vodka and a subtle hint of her fruity perfume. He turned his head at her and she whimpered at the animalistic gaze of his now onyx eyes.
“Oh my God,” she mumbled, and suddenly her face turned into sharp features of Michael Langdon. Roman almost instantly hit the brakes.
“You look thirsty,” Langdon mocked. Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty echoed in Roman’s head, and as he pressed his head into the back of his seat, Michael’s face got distorted into a smirking grimace. What the fuck? Beads of sweat covered Godfrey’s forehead.
“Get out!” He yelled and shut his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw a confused face of the girl who had instantly sobered up from his cry. She was looking at him with her big eyes resembling a fish, and at that moment all he wanted her to do was to leave him alone.
“What?” She asked, adjusting the straps of her dress to let him see a full view of her cleavage. He rolled his eyes.
“You heard me,” he hissed. “Get. The fuck. Out.” He did not care if she had to walk alone in the dark.
Roman drove his way home in silence, hungry and frustrated. He slammed the door of his car shut and stormed into a big mansion. Numerous thoughts were buzzing in his head like a swarm of bees. He headed straight to the shower, hoping that it could help him clear his mind.
He was too tired and tense to care about anything but the burning ache in his bones. Roman let out an inhuman cry when the streams of hot water hit his shoulder blades. He wished they could wash every cell of his disgusting being off the face of the earth. He hugged himself and dug his fingers into his skin as if he was going to rip it off. His plump bottom lip was trembling as he let his anger unwind. He didn’t want any of this, any of this life. He hit the wall with the fist and rested his forehead against the cool tile, sobbing brokenly. Fucking hell.
When he finally crawled out of the shower and reached for the towel to wrap it around his hips, he suddenly got glued to the spot. His nostrils flared. The waves of very powerful energy waged over him bringing the feeling of deja vu. His stomach did a flip at the thought that he was not alone in his mansion and what was even worse — his intuition knew the names of the intruders. Roman did not even care to dress up before he left the bathroom and made his way into his bedroom. His heart skipped a beat when he heard two low voices behind the closed door. No, it could not be true. He wrapped his fingers around the knob and turned his wrist to the left, pushing the door open with his hip.
Frankly speaking, now when he thinks about what happened that night, Roman is thankful that he did not kill Langdon and Y/N the second he saw them sitting on his bed. He remembers the shock and confusion. He thought he was hallucinating.
Langdon took his time to explain why they were in his bedroom while Roman was standing before them with his eyes wide open and his whole body unable to move. Y/N had been having the same dream over and over again: she was saving a young man from something she could not explain. The only thing she knew was that they needed to find him. Michael had never been into charity but he was ready to indulge the wish of the love of his life. Little had he known thar eventually she’d come to him and say that the stranger should have become a part of their relationship. Well, that was too much.
Michael did not understand the urge. Possessive by nature, he was not going to share her with anyone. “I’m not a fucking saint,” he shouted in her face while she was looking at him with her eyes full of tears.”And I’m definitely not a fool.” 
They had spent days fighting over that matter until she won. Langdon did not know what exactly made him change his mind: the sadnesses that flooded his lover’s mind and became unbearable for him to handle or the unknown force within himself.
“Let’s see who’s the one needing our help first,” he said through gritted teeth, secretly hoping that Y/N would drop that idea soon enough.
To find out that it was Roman Godfrey being the one in need of help was similar to being punched in the face. When he and Y/N were following the upir on his way home, Langdon tried to do his best to talk her into choosing someone else.
“He’s in pain,” she begged, turning her head at him, “don’t you feel it, Michael? I know you’re aware of how torturous his hunger is.”
“And why should I care?”
“Because I do,” she protectively crossed her arms, “and you care about me. He’s special, Michael. He needs help.”
“Fuck, remind me to ask my father why he chose a fucking angel as my eternal partner,” Langdon rolled his eyes and sped up the car.
He did not believe that any of them would ever turn this into a relationship. He was sure that Y/N would drop the idea as soon as she would see how fucked up Godfrey was. He refused to admit that at that moment jealousy was boiling in every fiber of his body.
When Roman started spitting the curses out, and the subtle hint of doubt sparked in Y/N’s eyes, Michael was celebrating his triumph. However, his content didn’t last. Y/N had this weird talent of persuading people, and eventually, both men fell victims to her charm.
Neither of them knew how to act. Michael couldn’t overcome the feeling of disdain he felt toward the younger boy and he was determined to treat him as such until he would prove that he was worthy of his respect.
On the other hand, Roman didn’t understand why she had to “win” anyone’s trust when it was Langdon and Y/N who had broken into his house and decided to make him “a proud member of their relationship”.
“You two,” he pointed his finger at them, “are fucking insane.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t done anything worse than this,” Michael scoffed, “I’m sure impregnating Letha was far less moral”
Those words nearly brought the entire venture to its end.
Roman realized that he really needed help, Langdon’s help, when the Antichrist had soothed his thirst for blood. Using his magic, Michael subsided Godfrey’s desire to kill and for the first time in what it seemed like forever, the upir could breathe.
Y/N made him believe that his kindhearted human nature was still within him. Of course, it took her months to persuade Roman, but the result was worth it. He desperately wanted to be good. All those sleepless nights he had been punishing himself for his victims were gone, and finally, he found someone who could turn him to the light. Well, technically they had found him.
Funny, how salvation came from the Antichrist and his lover. They moved from Roman treating the affair among the three of them as just sex to a deep, serious commitment.
It took Roman a lot of time to realize that he wasn’t alone anymore. The three of them took care of each other.
The turning point happened when Roman had another breakdown. He had been dealing with his hunger relatively good thanks to Michael and Y/N’s influence, but then he went on a business trip and just snapped. 
He rested his head in his hands, trying to keep breathing, but it felt like the air had suddenly got thicker. He rushed to a small fridge in his hotel room, looking for a bag of blood that he had stored in case of emergency, but the shelves were empty. He growled in frustration, his senses becoming more acute. His thirst, an obsession with blood, always put him in a weird, dizzy state where he could barely control himself. He didn’t feel like himself anymore. A white fog covered his eyes and enveloped his brain like a thick blanket. He couldn’t think straight.
“Heeeeelp!!” A loud, animalistic scream of a man he was holding in his arms, pulled him out of the trance. Godfrey opened his eyes and faced the dreadful look on the poor man’s face. He had no idea who it was and how he ended up there, in a dark alley far from anyone’s eyes. He tossed the man’s body aside like a useless puppet and looked at his hands covered in blood.
“What are you?” He snapped his head at the man who was on his hands and knees, looking terrified. Roman inhaled sharply, his body trembling as if he had a fever.
“You better fucking run,” he managed to bark. Panic rose inside of him like a tsunami, flooding his mind with a bitter aftertaste of fear and despair. He was scared of himself. He instinctively reached for the phone in the back pocket of his jeans and pressed one button of a speed dial. Please, pick up the phone, please, pick up the-
“Yes?” A familiar soothing baritone responded.
“Langdon, please...” Godfrey sobbed, feeling ashamed of his weakness. He fell to his knees against the dirty stone wall and squeezed his eyes tightly, but it didn’t prevent a couple of crystal tears from falling down his sharp cheekbones. “Help me, I’m begging you, Langdon.”
Michael did not need any explanation.
“Think of the place where you are at now,” when he spoke his voice was ringing with ice and calmness. Roman let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll come get you.”
“Okay,” he whispered and concentrated on the scenery he needed Michael to see.
Langdon was there in no time.
Something about Y/N kept Roman glued to her. Maybe this nagging feeling in his chest was aroused by the radiant warmth that surrounded her like a halo. “How does she even handle you, Langdon?” He once teased Michael.
The dynamic between her and the Antichrist was amusing as well. Roman did not like to admit it but he had been fascinated by Michael’s protectiveness over her since that time when he met them at the club. He thought that such a delicate flower as Y/N deserved nothing but the most careful guidance.
“Is she your little girl?” He asked, folding his hands over his chest and watching Y/N make her way toward Langdon and taking her seat on his lap, wrapping her arms around Michael’s shoulder.
“She’s my girl,” the blonde man answered, his palm cupping her bum and gently squeezing through a flimsy fabric of her dress, “but she’s not little. She does need me to take control when we’re intimate, but it’s never about age regression.”
Dominant by nature, Roman wanted to take care of the gorgeous girl, sitting on Michael’s lap, too. He missed the moment when he had started dreaming about her calling him daddy and letting him touch her wherever he wanted. He desired to learn every inch of her body because Michael seemed to had known where to touch, pet, and lick in order to turn her into a pliant mess.
She looked angelic in her pink and white set, her body splayed out on the expensive sheets, hair tossed around her head as Michael worked his tongue between her parted thighs (her panties were pulled aside), making her tug on his blonde locks and moan his name out loud.
“You need to earn the privilege to make her feel this good, puppy,” Langdon said, using the back of his palm to wipe Y/N’s cum off his full, glistening lips, looking extremely pleased with himself.
And Roman did. He was a bit rougher than Michael at times due to his impatience and youthful maximalism which worked perfectly in tandem with Langdon’s soft dominance. Secretly, he thrived off of bossing Roman around and telling him what to do. He loved holding the younger boy by his neck and burying his face between Y/N’s legs, making him feast on her pussy.
“Good boy,” Michael mused, letting go off of his grip. Roman was panting heavily when he pulled away from her throbbing core. He inhaled sharply and his body jolted forward back to her center when Langdon slid his hands down the younger boy’s torso, encouraging him to continue.
Godfrey found himself addicted to this romance. The obvious competition for Y/N’s attention was making his blood boil but it was different from what his hunger had been making him feel. Ardor electrified every sense in his body and made him feel alive.
She indulged his panty kink like nobody else. Y/N always wore the pretties undergarments, and to pull her panties down and off her legs with his teeth was Roman’s favorite thing to do. He loved dragging the lacy piece down while looking her in the eyes, making her watch his every move. She looked the prettiest when lying against Michael’s chest, while the blonde man was playing with her nipples, caressing them with featherlight touches.
Roman often found himself in a reverse position: blindfolded and gagged with her lacy thong. “Keep riding him, doll,” he moaned at Michael’s command and the increased pace of Y/N’s hips moving in sync with his hammering heartbeat.  
Thanks to Michael and his training, Roman became more patient and grew to enjoy edging their girl for hours. He and Michael would have her on her back, hands and legs bound to the bed and with a vibrator pressed against her clit. She looked ethereal, all desperate for his and Langdon’s cocks. The delicious stretch that both cocks made her feel was indescribable. She felt so, so full and worked up, but most importantly — she felt safe and taken care of.
Sometimes, as a part of her punishment, they would not let her cum for days. Prohibited to touch herself, she was suffering from the overwhelming arousal flooding her body. She’d try to clench her thighs, to rub herself against the armrests of Michael’s chair, to hump her pillow, but it seemed like the two men always knew what she was up to. They were always there to hush her and remind that if she continued “acting like a bratty slut” they’d have to extend the period of punishment. Godfrey and Langdon knew what buttons to push. One day when she was on her third day of edging, Roman came up to her when she was washing the dishes and slowly started peppering her neck with kisses. Being impossibly horny, she instantly leaned into his touch, hoping that her punishment was over. He fingered her until she turned into a whimpering, pleading mess, begging his to free his cock that she could feel against her ass from the confines of his slacks and fuck her right there on the kitchen counter. But the upir only laughed and pulled his hand out of her panties, leaving her on the verge of tears, wanting more.
Langdon loved eating her from behind while she was on her knees before Roman and sucking his cock, letting the mix of his precum and her saliva drip down her chin and breasts. She would cup the two mounds in her palms and smear the liquid all over her nipples, twisting and rolling them between her fingers. She could feel Michael’s hair brushing over her thighs every time he brought his mouth to her center to bury his tongue into her heat.
The men loved spoiling their girl. Her closet was full of the most beautiful designer dresses and the prettiest underwear. Roman adored when she put on a little show for them every time they’d buy something for her.
“Sit back and enjoy, daddies,” she’d tell them, and Michael and Roman would wait for her to come out of the bathroom in the new see-through set adorned with ruffles and pearls that matched her angelic personality but also showed off her spicy, devilish side. They nearly choked on their whiskey when she took a couple of elegant strides toward them and bent over to demonstrate how deliciously the sheer fabric of the panties hugged her bum, a purple jewel of a butt plug poking through the lace.
Michael’s blood ritual was something Roman always looked forward to. The first time he witnessed it, the younger boy thought he was going to lose his mind from how erotic it looked. That was when he tasted Langdon’s blood. His silver tongue glided over the Antichrist’s smooth, porcelain skin, leaving burning imprints in its wake. Michael’s chanting in Latin was mixing with the sound of Y/N’s moans and the obscene slapping of  Langdon’s flesh against her thighs. The men’s eyes were as dark as cosmos, illuminated by the light radiating from the candles that were put in a circle around their entwined bodies. There were no green and blue, only dark, deep emptiness of the supernatural creatures.
Michael know what big stress the ritual was for Y/N, thus he always made sure to take care of her afterwards, and Roman was always there to help. They’d carry her upstairs and run her a bath.
Speaking of bathing together, Godfrey loved when she rode him and Michael in the tub. The used a water-based lube, so it would not be uncomfortable for all of them. Plus, doing anal in the tub where everything was nice and clean was a lot easier. Roman adored the view of her breasts bouncing before his face as she kept moving on his length up and down, her wet hair clinging to her face.
Aftercare was the most important thing after making Y/N cum, of course. Especially if sex was rougher than usual. Sometimes the mood would strike for forceful face fucking, slaps across her tender cheeks and a cum shot all over her pretty face, but Roman and Michael always made sure to tell her how good she was for them.
“We’re so proud of you,” Langdon whispered against her cum-stained lips, and she smiled so wide, feeling happy and satisfied with how she had taken him and Roman. Every inch of her body was sore, muscles burned from overstimulation, but the pleasure that had come beforehand was worth it. She could still feel the mix of Michael’s and Roman’s cum seeping out of her, so she indulged the temptation to snake her hand between her legs to collect the pearly essence and lick it all clean.
When it was getting darker the following scene was very common for their mansion: Y/N was curled up on Roman’s lap while he was absentmindedly playing with her hair, threading his fingers through the soft strands. Michael usually worked till his eyes would get tired, so after a while, Godfrey and Y/N came up with an idea of how to get the Antichrist’s attention. Roman wouldn’t take his eyes off the tv as he slowly dragged his palm down her body and rested it on her thigh, his fingers barely swiping over the hem of her pj shorts. She looked up at him and shifted a bit, pressing her body against his torso. Roman toyed with a little bow on her waistband and slightly pulled the ribbon to untie it and slip his fingers under it, frowning when he touched the fabric of her panties. He looked down at her and mouthed “Why are you wearing them?” She shrugged and smiled, her breath was already uneven and heavy. She had to bite her knuckles to suppress a needy whimper threatening to fall from her lips. She wriggled her bum and parted her legs, letting Roman properly touch her. He cupped her pussy in his palm, outstretching the fabric of her already wet panties and shorts, starting to massaging her clit in slow, lazy circles.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” Michael said in a sing-song tone, making Y/N nearly jump out of her skin. She looked at him with her eyes wide open and instinctively covered Godfrey’s hand between her thighs with her palm.
“Get back to work, Michael,” Roman mewled, ignoring Y/N’s attempts to close her legs. He smeared her arousal all over her folds, earning a loud gasp from her.
“It’s hard to concentrate when I can fucking smell her,” Michael drawled, gripping on the pen with such force that he nearly broke it.
So yeah, Roman’s plan always worked.
They loved traveling together. Eating fresh croissants in France, tasting every sort of pizza in Italy, buying the best vine in Spain, and walking down the narrow street in Monaco. Even though Roman and Michael were busy they always found time to take their girl, who looked good in white summer dresses, with her skin glowing and lips dripping with juices of ripe fruits, somewhere nice. 
tagging those who expressed their interest in this pairing: @divinelangdon @littledemondani @ms-mead @emmyrosee @mega-combusken @lvngdvns @wroteclassicaly @michaelsrighthand @hecohansen31 @1-800-bitchcraft @saturngirlz @desidia-1 @langdonsdemon @kaigitana @peachesandfern @livanka @lovelylangdonx
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⧼    natasha liu bordizzo, genderfluid, they & she & he   /   let ‘em talk by kesha   +   clothes strewn around an otherwise tidy room, with well worn pointe shoes placed with care upon the nearest soft surface. dark hair that’s pulled back into a messy ponytail with a pink scrunchie, lacy bralettes worn beneath warm wool jumpers in pastel colors. the soft, cracking sound of etta james coming through on a floral patterned record player.    ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about MORGAN ANTONIA HAROLD STARK. the TWENTY FIVE year old child of ANTHONY STARK & PEPPER POTTS is a TEACHING ASSISTANT & GRAD STUDENT at paragon academy and PRIVATE BALLET INSTRUCTOR in town, and has sometimes been referred to as the FICKLE HEART they’ve always seemed very CONGENIAL & SAGACIOUS, though i’ve heard that they can be pretty PERTINACIOUS & ACERBIC, too. it’s common knowledge that they have the power of GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT & LATENT EXTREMIS VIRUS ; guess we shouldn’t get on their bad side, huh? redirect HERE for her stat page and HERE to their pinterest board.
there was something SOFT & MOIST about them,                               a dare, a rage, an intolerable tenderness.
morgan antonia harold stark is born on a dewy winter morning, second child of tony stark & pepper potts. they are the connecting sinew of two completely different worlds ; one made of heroism and personal glory, the other of board rooms and professionalism. they spend much of their childhood travelling between all the different places their parents need be, at any one time - but new york is always home.
as for many children, summers are spent enjoying life. morgan gets to be the child that they are, soaking up their sun on the beaches of the exotic places they can afford to visit. summers are FREEDOM, in their books, from all the expectations of the rest of the year. burdens that certainly feel like so, though they try and act as if they don’t.
at home, they are privately educated and expected to excel. this is fine. they’re the child of TONY STARK ; of course there are expectations, and they can take the pressure on their shoulders with grace, they think, so long as they are always able to dance.
it’s an unexpected talent. in day to day, they are clumsy - even as a child, they bumped their head and scratched their knees in an all manner of avoidable accidents. they will never be one to wear heels in fear of toppling, and so, the insistence to be enrolled with a local company after watching a performance of swan lake makes their parents chuckle. they expect morgan to QUIT when they realize they aren’t capable of such delicate movements and graceful twirls, but six months later when they sit in the audience and witness them perform in don quixote, tony is not able to hide the tears that spring to his eyes. 
so begins a lifetime of ballet lessons four times weekly, recitals every other month. they swiftly become one of the company’s most prized students, a prima ballerina in all ways but title. they are known to be clumsy, and they laugh along with those that poke harmless fun - but when they tie on their pointe shoes and step onto a stage, they are something different. something beautiful. something world ending. 
soon enough, they get old enough to see their parents for WHO they are ; and to understand the way in which the world, at large, sees them too. they think of their mother as... powerful and groundbreaking, and almost everyone agrees. they think of their father as brave and strong and heroic, most of all - and they realize, over time, that there are those out there who simply do not see it. morgan thinks her father is the most SELF SACRIFICING man she’ll ever know. they lie awake a lot, when they’re little, worried about if he’ll come home - knowing that if the situation calls for it, he’ll sacrifice his last breath to save them all, and fearing the one time it will be required. tabloids and gossip websites call him things like vapid and selfish, and one day, morgan asks their mother to explain what it means when dad is called a womanizer by the press. pepper does not treat the subject as taboo, instead fixing a soft expression in place - the words she says forming a key part of morgan’s character : your father’s heart is simply a few sizes too big. that’s why he makes such a good hero, now ; because he cares so much. when he was younger, though, people saw him using it in ways they thought were wrong, and they’ll probably never let that go.
much later, they’ll think that they relate a little bit too much to that sentiment. that aside from natural confidence, they might just have inherited that too big heart from their FATHER, too. morgan is electric. growing close to others isn’t difficult when you’re a magnetic force, and morgan is never without company. they value deep connection, the most. they don’t think they could ever fall for someone who didn’t know them blind. but they learn, as they grow, that they enjoy fleeting romance. even if they know they won’t allow it last, it is nice to be entwined in another’s life, for a time. 
born on february 20th, 1994. second ( and middle ) child of tony stark and pepper potts. 
no real drama, life or parents wise. tony and pepper were very good parents who loved their kids a LOT, so morgan never knew anything but.
suffered bacterial meningitis as a child, resulting in a loss of hearing in their right ear. 
expectations were rampant - from themselves, and from many others in their life. they were, after all, tony stark’s child ; they were meant to be a chip off the block, so to speak. this was all well and good, given that they certainly had the capacity for greatness, but it has left them with something of a perfectionist complex in adult life. they’re one of their company’s most prized jewels, and holds the honor of being the student with the most starring roles under their tutu. their dance talent shocks EVERYBODY who knows them due their undeniable clumsiness in day to day life, but that doesn’t really matter.
they were an early bloomer, so to speak, and this has been a blessing and curse. they’ve always been comfortable with who they are. other people have not.
morgan loves love, but perhaps is not as built for it as they would like. they get a certain thrill from flirtation and they enjoy being with people. it isn’t a crime, they think, to date often and never truly commit. there have, of course, been those who have treated it as such. they’re not a stranger to slurs, and they know that there are certain rumors ( some of which there’s truth to ) spread of them, routinely. but no one raised in tony and pepper’s home has much SHAME attached to who they are.
they had just turned four when they were struck down with bacterial meningitis. their mother thought that it was nothing but a summer flu, but when their fever began to reach unheard of heights, the PANIC set in. the doctor who saw to them insisted they be brought to the nearest emergency room immediately, and they didn’t see the outside of that hospital again until two weeks had passed. they survived UNSCATHED, at least - in a sense. single sided deafness in her right ear, specifically. her parents were told that they were incredibly lucky that they were even alive, and that they should be grateful for such a small price. they didn’t feel the way they were told they should, but they certainly passed on the sentiment to their child when they grew and wondered why they were not quite the same to the other kids they knew. her parents learned asl and they learned enough to make their life that little bit easier. it was by no means easy - the learning or the life that followed - but they ereyoung and adaptable, and it served as a harsh reminder that sometimes, the world will take. in their mid teens, they underwent the surgery to implant a transcranial cros - a bone anchored hearing aid, to you and i, that provided a MARKED improvement.
they’ve never actually had a relationship ( by name ), completely by design. they’ve never DATED. morgan enjoys flings, they enjoy flirtation, they love sex - but they won’t put themselves in a position to disappoint someone when they can’t be what they want them to be. they’re open with anyone they find herself involved with. no strings attached, non exclusive, it’s never going to go anywhere. anyone who doesn’t listen, anyone who ends up hurt because they believe they’ll change her mind…. that’s on them.
they can be quite… vain, to put it mildly. you have to keep in mind that morgan is someone who has been set up from a young age as… a real beauty. their looks have been valued, even if they have not been. they’re aware that they’re conventionally attractive, and they’re aware that it makes their life easier in a lot of ways. it does not, however, help them to be taken more seriously in life.
their grade point average is in the top tenth percentile, a standing they’ve maintained for years. not only are they BEAUTY, but they’re also quite literally brains.
they’re all shorts and bralettes beneath soft knit sweaters. they smell of lavender and cedar, exclusively. they’re ONLY comfortable when they’re wearing their pointe shoes.
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FORMER LOVERS TO FRIENDS / NO LIMIT connection who looks like JUSTICE SMITH, KATHRYN NEWTON / UP TO PLAYER and who are 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( she learned from experience that she should never mix friendship with romance, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t become good friends with people who started off as flings. she has a reputation for going through those quite quickly, but i find it VERY hard to imagine a world in which she hasn’t discovered a person or persons who was simply… interesting, to her. someone she grew attached to, allowing them become confidant and friend over time, even if she would never attempt relations with them again because of it. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her RIDE OR DIE connection who looks like ANYA TAYLOR JOY, CHELLA MAN / UP TO PLAYER and who is 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the one person who simply… accepts morgan as is, the way a ride or die is always meant to. if morgan is in love with anyone in her life, it’s THEM. they know her in and out - including her first name, a secret she is otherwise taking to the grave. they know her hopes. her fears. her dreams. she knows THEIRS. there is no judgement, and instead, respect. probably are willing to throw down for her at a moments notice, and she’s more than willing to do the same for them. it’s VERY likely that they’re male / nb, as i imagine she’s never had too many positive relationships with women. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her #SQUAD / UP TO FIVE connection who looks like TATI GABRIELLE, ROSS BUTLER / UP TO PLAYER and who are 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( together, they form a no judgement zone… mostly. these would be people who are classed as ‘best friends’, but are not exactly on the same level as morgan’s ride or die. they study together, they hang out after classes, they eat lunch together, they have a text thread that has some dumb name on top. they’re probably all fundamentally different people ( morgan would fulfill either the archetpe of the one obsessed with fitness or the one with all the wild sex stories ), but they get along well enough in spite of it. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her UNEXPECTED FRIENDS / NO LIMIT connection who looks like ASA BUTTERFIELD, BILLIE LOURD / UP TO PLAYER and who are 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( there are multiple ways this could come to be! they could be people who are simply just… the chalk to morgan’s cheese, or they COULD be a villain kid who she’s befriended over the past while! either way, people don’t exactly see the reasoning behind their bond, and morgan wholly believes that it isn’t important that they do. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FATHER / TONY STARK connection who looks like ANY CHINESE FC and who is DAD AGED. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( morgan’s… a lot more like tony than anyone ever would have liked. bring their favorite [ sorry pepper ] parent! )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her MOTHER / PEPPER POTTS connection who looks like ANY WHITE FC and who is MOM AGED. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( bring the love of my life ! thanks )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FULL SIBLINGS / ONE OLDER, ONE YOUNGER connection who look like JORDAN CONNOR, REMI HII, PHILIPPA SOO, OLIVIA MUNN / UP TO PLAYER and who are YOUNGER THAN 25 / OLDER THAN 25. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i like to think the stark kids are… pretty tight, but i’m not WILDLY attached to the idea ! i’m sure they have their differences and whatnot, so they very well might not get along at all ! they could also be adopted !)
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her HALF SIBLING / VIA TONY ( AT LEAST ONE ) connection who look like HAYDEN SZETO, AWKWAFINA, SONG WEILONG, HARRY SHUM JR  / UP TO PLAYER and who are OLDER THAN 25, PREFERABLY ( THOUGH COULD BE YOUNGER ). you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i just kinda feel… tony could have more kids not necessarily with pepper, and think that could be a fun dynamic to play out. did they grow up together? did they know about one another always, or just find out? what’s their actual sibling dynamic? )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FLINGS ( EX, CURRENT, FUTURE ) / NO LIMIT connection who looks like LUCIEN LAVISCOUNT, LUCY BOYNTON / UP TO PLAYER and who are 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( morgan very strictly does not date - she never has, and she also never does the whole … “friends with benefits” thing. she enjoys flirtation, and her dalliances with others are usually fleeting. it is always made obvious they are not exclusive, and she always makes a point of informing them they won’t go any farther. whether people have always believed her or not is entirely up for discussion, and i think there are some really interesting dynamics waiting to be created ! )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her HEARTBREAKER connection who looks like LAKEITH STANFIELD, JANEL PARRISH / UP TO PLAYER and who is 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( she has never explicitly dated anybody, but this would be a connect for the one person she had almost considered doing so with. for whatever reason - on their shoulders ( perhaps they moved on, perhaps they gave up on her, perhaps they simply weren’t interested ) or her own ( she never made a move, she made herself cut it off ) - it didn’t work out, but her heart may always ache when she thinks of it. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her HEARTBROKEN connection who looks like LAKEITH STANFIELD, JANEL PARRISH / UP TO PLAYER and who is 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. (  all of the rules she has for herself, and she FUCKED UP. morgan never lets herself lead anybody on, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t get… comfortable, around her. that they don’t start opening themselves up to her - moreso than they do anyone else. usually, she’s good at spotting the red flags and running before it’s too late. the problem is that this time, she DIDN’T. she HURT them. and while she’s proud to say she doesn’t do messy exes ( hard to, when you don’t date )… they sure do feel like one. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for a PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN DICKS IN THE PAST / ANY AMOUNT connection who look like GAGE GOLIGHTLY, ALEX FITZALAN / UP TO PLAYER and who is 23+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( would never request it be a current connect, solely because i believe in growth ! this could be very simply someone she doesn’t get along with for a whole host of reasons, but it could also be anyone who in the past - before we all, collectively knew better - joined in on the name / slur calling that has plagued morgan her whole life. vehement dislike until the day she dies is possible, but so is forgiveness. we were all dumb once! )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her BALLET STUDENTS / ANY AMOUNT connection who look like SYDNEY SWEENEY, JORDAN CONNOR / UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( morgan makes a living by instructing others in dance, and i think it’d be a mostly cute connect for her to have a student or two rocking around the place ! she’s destined for prima ballerina greatness, so learning from her now is, dare i say - HOT. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FELLOW DANCERS / ANY AMOUNT connection who look like ALEXA DEMIE, DREW RAY TANNER / UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( either in the same company, or not. they could practice together and support one another, or they could be HORRIBLY competitive, attempting to outdo one another at every turn. i’ve never seen black swan, but i feel as if that’s something i should reference here. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her SORORITY ROOMMATE connection who looks like PARK SOOYOUNG, AISHA DEE / UP TO PLAYER and who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they can either hate her or love her, but i would love the latter the most! i have a vague headcanon that morgan rushed kappa kappa delta because of feeling as if she would never be accepted among the more elite sorority, and because of having a vague hope that she would find more female friends within the more down to earth house. morgan is a VERY neat girl, unless she’s running late or just in from a lesson. she’s also the sort to always have a tub of face mask and a pair of wooly socks to spare. they could be very wholesome !  )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FORMER LOVERS TO ENEMIES connection who look like ALBERTO ROSENDE, AMBER MIDTHUNDER / UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. (  this is the flip side to the ‘former lovers to friends’ connect, that i’m sure she’s experienced - people she was with for any amount of time, who she now has an unfortunately negative relationship with. )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her ASL STUDENTS connection who look like UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( let her teach them sign language ! )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her FELLOW DEAF STUDENTS connection who look like UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( unite ! )
MORGAN STARK, our NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO fc is looking for her STUDY BUDDIES connection who look like UP TO PLAYER and who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( gotta get that bread ! )
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cunning-matriarch · 5 months
Stories Passed Down
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The start of the dry season always put Shenzi's nerves a touch on edge--not that they didn't have plenty of water---they had their own watering hole so they werent going without but the increasing heat got to everyone at least a little.
Watching the younglings play at the edge of the watering hole lifted her spirits at least a little, chuckling when one of the little ones ran up to her soaking wet.
"Look at you, squirt." She chuckled.
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"I wen' swimmin!" The cub laughed, shaking the water off and scrambling between the matriarch's paws.
"You sure did!" Shenzi agreed, giving the young hyena a lick to the top of the head before she noticed the little one was staring off toward the pridelands border. "Whats up, honey?"
"Queen Shenzi.....why cant we play over there? Theres lots of grass...and other animals! Why cant we go? Did we do something wrong?"
The queen took a deep breath as her ears laid back against her head.
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"No...no baby we didnt do anything wrong. I'll tell you what my momma told me. I asked her the same thing..."
"You did?"
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"I did" She confirmed with a nod. "My momma told me it’s because lions are selfish. That they only care about keeping their power, and lions of the past knew us spotties were strong. Knew that the clan was stronger than their pride and if we wanted we could make them lose their power. They hated us for it. So they drove us out, and left us to struggle while letting the predators who posed no threat to their throne continue to live and hunt on their land."
The little hyena laughed as Shenzi nuzzled her side, tickling her and making her squirm.
The cub frowned as she listened. "Lions are mean...."
"Yeah...yeah they are kiddo. Other animals call us lots of things. They call us stupid and cruel but dont you ever listen to 'em. We're proud and beautiful with strong families. Be /proud/ to be a hyena, fuzzy. We don't need the pridelands"
"Now you go back and play." She huffed. The cub nodding rapidly as she scrambled away from the tickling, back to the other younglings. Leaving Shenzi to rest her head down with a soft grunt.
The story never sounded any better no matter how many times she heard it---but it deserved to be passed down when they asked.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
While the lions say the kings/queens of the past are in the stars Shenzi was taught the hyenas past, are in their shadows.
Walking with them, right by their side, from the time they enter the circle of life until they leave it. You are never without those you have loved and lost because you always have your shadow.
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cunning-matriarch · 5 months
The way Scar's defeat/death is handled rlly bothers Shenzi
Simba was not the one who truly defeated Scar, it was the hyenas, Simba watched from Pride Rock. Scar would have been alive to plot against Simba had the hyenas not killed him.
The pridelanders don't actually address the truth of what Scar did and look what happened---an entirely new generation of hyenas got tricked, and taken advantage of.
They act like its some big shock that Scar came back but its not, not when they basically repeated what they did to her original clan to begin with. The reasons her clan was hungry and believed his poisoned honey words to try and ensure her clan wouldnt feel starvation like that again.
She was a matriarch trying to look after her clan, just the same as the other leaders in the pridelands trying to look after THEIR families.
Shes the one whos had to tell Cheezi the truth------even if she was a bit rushed about it because she wants the younglings to know the truth on top of the topic making her uncomfortable.
Then how hyenas are supposed to stay in the outlands after everything in TLG??? Honestly thats a whole nother thing which she has a bunch more opinions about.
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cunning-matriarch · 7 days
What Does Your Heart Look Like?
Broken. Missing pieces that once were there
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Your heart has been torn before. Chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
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cunning-matriarch · 3 months
Tagged by: Stolen
Tagging: Steal it
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fights honorably / fights dirty prefers close quarters / prefers range chats during / goes silent goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance attacks in bursts / attacks steadily gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking rushes in recklessly/ tries to read their opponent before engaging uses strategy / focuses on the battle/ experiences conflicting thoughts during battle is provoked easily/ provokes their opponent / teases fights because they have to / fights because they want to fights wildly/ fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement fights without regard to wounds/ runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic, alchemy or spells transforms for battle / fights as they appear relies on strength/ doubts their strength / relies on speed uses everything they have/ proceeds with caution / hides their full potential exhausts quickly/ has high stamina behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their (opponent’s) abilities uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength avoids civilians/ strikes down civilians damages surroundings/ avoids damaging surroundings signature fighting style / makes it up as they go mastered skillset / learning their skillset fancy footwork / sloppy footwork messy fighter / elegant fighter accepts defeat / refuses defeat/ begs for mercy compliments their opponent / insults their opponent uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently/ barely moves defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable prefers to dodge / prefers to block uses all available advantages/ strictly uses one main method plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly/ shows mercy waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready fears death / fears pain / fears killing has ptsd / avoids fighting has lost a fight / has won a fight has killed / refuses to kill wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
why do people love you?
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because you're their sun
ah, the sun, source of life and light.
how does it feel to be someone's sun? i'm asking you because you indeed are the person who can light up the entire room once you come by. people love you because you're genuine, you're what helps flower grow, what helps trees breathe. i think you have a lovely smile and an even lovelier laugh; i've heard it's quite contagious. just like the sun, it doesn't matter if the sky is covered in thick clouds- you're always there always present in your loved ones' life and i wish they would tell you more often. i don't personally know you, but i know i'd love you.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
17. A memory of something they regret
Shenzi winced as she stretched her paws. The skin was still sensitive despite having new skin covering the burns, pacing anxiously and giggling with her nerves.
She wasnt in any state to help hunt---and the clan was still a wreck despite being in their new territory. She was watching in the direction of the pridelands. She missed Ed and Banzai---where were they? Why hadn't they arrived yet?
Her pacing was interrupted by an irritated voice from behind her. "Cant you do that somewhere else, Shenzi? Your giggling is pissing me off." Ramla snapped.
"I cant help it" Shenzi protested, irritated by her sister snapping at her. "Banzai and Ed should have found us by now---"
"Do you ever stop it with those stupid males!? You listening to them is part of what got us into this mess in the first place!" Ramla growled.
Ramla and Shenzi had been at odds since food had started to become scarce....since Scar hadnt been able to uphold his promises. This certainly wasnt helping.
"They arent stupid!" Shenzi snarled at her sister, baring her teeth.
Ramla scoffed. "Wow! Baring your teeth over two males who are probably dead!?"
"They arent dead!"
"How do you know?!"
"Because theyre too important!"
"And dad wasn't important!?"
Shenzis ears immediately went back against her head. "Thats not---Ramla you know thats not what I meant. "
"You still said it! Your precious males are too important to be dead. Dad is dead because you trusted that lion." The older female snarled. Snapping jaws in warning when Shenzi attempted to nudge against her, to comfort "Leave me /alone/. Im going to sleep."
Shenzi backed up with a small nod. "Okay....ill wake you up for dinner..." She mumbled, walking away to give her sister some space. She didnt like fighting with her sister, putting this up to the fact Ramla wasnt feeling well.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
4. A memory of a sibling
She didnt remember how long she'd been away from the den---but she'd given her older sister the slip to go play. Much too soon for her liking, though, Ramla had found her and was carrying her back home.
"Awwwwww Ramla! I was having fun!" The cub complained, dangling from her siblings mouth with a pout. She was watching the ground pass by underneath her as she was carried back to the clan's whelping den.
"Yer not s'pposed to run off alone, you menace" The adult female mumbled around the cub in her mouth before dropping her little sister at the den entrance. flopping down and trapping the cub in her armpit.
"Rammlllaaaa!!!! Lemme gooo!!!" Shenzi squealed in protest, twisting and chewing on her sisters leg. "Im big enough I dont need you watching me!" She started, but laughed when her sister started nibbling at her side. "Noooooo!!! No no no! That tickles! I give up I give up!"
"Good" Ramla chuckled, resting her head on her youngest sister with a slightly amused smile. Relaxing despite the giggles and small 'whack whack whack' coming from her sisters tiny paws.
"Your head is heavyyy Ramy" Shenzi giggled, trying to playfully bite her sisters face. "Hey Ramy? We're always gonna be friends arent we?"
Ramla snorted. "Im your sister. Youre stuck with me, fuzzball."
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
Shenzi's Immediate Family
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Taariq and Rashid: Status: deceased COD: Old age
Shenzis grandparents; raised Shenzis mother, aunt and uncle. They passed before she was born, when her twin sisters Niambi and Ramla were very young.
Najma: Status: deceased COD: Murder -- She was killed during the pride rock fire protecting Cheezi during a raid by lionesses on the den.
A sincere and gentle female, aunt to Shenzi, and her four siblings, the eldest of Shenzi's living parental figures and twin to Asali. She was a devoted babysitter for the clans younglings. Najma helped Kivuli raise all five of her cubs as well as raising her own. She is the one who introduced Shenzi to 'pangolin ball' which Shenzi went on to introduce to Cheezi.
Asali: Status: deceased COD: Murder
The most timid of the three siblings. He never had much to do with the running of the clan or his sisters cubs but a good hunter. He was generally quiet and cautious, more often observing than participating in conversation. Though he was always willing to wrestle with his nieces.
He made it out of the pride rock fire with little injury, though he was devastated by the loss of his sister. He was one of the few who never held any blame or ill will toward Shenzi for everything that happened. He became closer and more involved with her after the fire, giving her a support while she grieved.
Deceased - cause unknown
A devoted, intelligent and caring mother and strong leader. She was confident and always honest with her children no matter what they asked. Always trying to instill the same confidence she carried in her daughters. She passed of an unknown cause when Shenzi was a young adult, leaving her to step up to the pedestal as Queen
Deceased - Murder
A soft spoken and gentle-tempered older male who was Kivuli's mate for a single season. He fathered Ekundu, and she took after his gentle nature for the most part.
He didn't mind when Ziwa earned Kivuli's favour the next time she wanted cubs and even helped raise the other 3 cubs despite them not being his.
He died to protect his daughter, Ekundu, from a lioness during the fire of pride rock so she could escape with a young cub.
Deceased - Murder
A young, excitable and charming male; intelligent just like his mate despite his tendency to be impatient and run into things without thinking sometimes. He was excited to be a father and was more involved than males typically were; apart from Sadiki.
He was killed protecting Shenzi, when a lioness tried to attack her from behind during the fire of pride rock.
Deceased - infection
The elder of the Kivuli's twins was more serious than her sister. She was hard working, and serious about her work when it came to looking after the young cubs of the clan including her youngest sister. They were close when they were young---but the reign of Scar put a wedge between the sisters. Ramla blamed Shenvi for the misfortune that fell on their clan, including the death of their family members. Their relationship never recovered and Ramla died with that anger and blame in her heart toward Shenzi.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
Thoughts on Ed
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Shenzi feels very similarly about both brothers; both being her closest and dearest friends.
They have more of her trust than anyone else in the clan.
She's always thought Ed was a touch odd, but not in a bad way. Especially when they first joined she didnt understand some of his habits or behavior but its part of what makes Ed, Ed. She's learnt to understand (most of) them with relative ease.
She admires his intelligence and his strength, and doesnt doubt he could lead his own clan if he truly wanted to. Part of the reason she always values his opinion and will ask it frequently, no matter who is there.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
Thoughts on Banzai
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Banzai is one of her best friends.
He is one of only two members of the clan that she trusts wholeheartedly to watch her back and who she knows would never turn on her no matter what happened among the clan.
She doesn't even trust her own sisters that much.
He's a great source of comfort and confidence for her, and no matter what other members of the clan say or think she wouldnt change him for the world. She thinks he can be a little reckless, and that worries her sometimes but if she ever has any doubts in herself or her decisions she trusts Banzai's judgement.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
The small watering hole just a little ways from pride rock had come to be used for the cubs of the clan these days---and it was one of Shenzi's favorite spots to lay and get away from the lionesses, from Scar.
She was laying on the grassy outcrop on her side, watching a couple of younger cubs play when one who was slightly older practically jumped on her head. Making her laugh.
"We're gonna get you, Queen Shenzi!" The little cub laughed and tugged harder on the older hyena's ear, tumbling over the top of her head as another cub the same aged joined in for 'pile on the matriarch'.
"Aaaaaaa oh noooo" Shenzi groaned dramatically, gaping and gently waving a paw at the cub. "Theres too many of you! How can I ever escape!"
She had a cub on each ear, and two more and started to climb on her to join in the game. All of the cubs were laughing and practicing their pouncing on the older hyena.
"We win we win!" The cub that was standing on her head, cried with a excited cackle.
"Orrrrr im gonna get you!" She playfully gaped at the cubs who all squealed, laughed and scattered. Shenzi flipping herself over to chase a couple of them at a time before letting them chase her in return.
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cunning-matriarch · 4 months
Despite not being related to a vast majority of the 300+ head clan, they were still Shenzi's family. Even if there were some she didnt get along with and in the end she kicked them out of the clan while they were part of it she felt responsible for the members of her clan and viewed them as her family.
Shenzi holds a lot of blame toward Scar for almost half of her clan, her family, losing their lives but she also blames Simba for his lionesses going after them into the fire.
I think they survived the drought alright, though there were numerous failure to thrive cubs that, unlike Cheezi, didn't have anyone to take them in and they didnt make it. Any members who were over a year old though, and could join hunts or at least weren't majority dependent on nursing made it through the drought ok.
There were even fun times occasionally cause one of Shenzi's favourite things is to watch her clan's cubs play. She will even let them use her as a jungle gym, or play a little bit herself. The stronger and more active cubs likely saw her all the time and she probably doted on them a lil bit when they hung around. She has a soft spot in general for little ones.
What decimated the clan was the fire, and then the lionesses came after them when they were already panicked and trying to run away.
Had it only been the fire? Everyone was afraid and panicked with the smoke, the flames; but that would have been easier to come back from I think. Would have allowed Shenzi to try and get everyone going in the same direction and stay together. Even go back and forth to rescue cubs from babysitting dens to get them out since cubs under a year old are left in whelping dens with one or two adults to babysit them, while others go hunt or do whatever they need to do away from the den. Unfortunately because of Simba's pride thats not what happened.
While they hyenas were trying to save their babies and themselves from the flames, they had lions attacking them. Rena and Lofty addressing Nne and Tano's mothers being murdered by lionesses and them then being separated from the main clan as a result, they likely werent the only ones that happened to.
Ed and Banzai were chased in a different from Shenzi and the clan, as was Cheezi. Shenzi lost half her left ear trying to rescue a cub (Chungu) from the fire but didnt succeed. She burned her paws lingering in the fire trying to direct her clan to safety and fighting lionesses away from any females she saw with cubs so they had a better chance to run.
Shenzi would have died in that fire too, unable to run due to the burns on her paws had she not had her sister, Niambi, to help her get away.
They went from a clan of over 300, to between 150 and 200.
Shenzi then had to pick up the pieces and lead a broken clan of grieving parents, extended family, and orphaned cubs; keeping herself from falling apart at the seams in grief because they needed a leader and a new home.
Trusting Scar was definitely a mistake and she knows that, but she'd never apologize to any lion for the past because of all that loss and pain her clan's suffered.
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