#bonus: when Aria says the past few years what she means is it's been about 20 odd years since they actively spent christmas together
gloynporslen · 4 years
Day Twenty-Two: Chocolate
Pairing: 🤷‍♀️ technically past!R&R I guess?
Note: This is entirely Ariana and Rebecca, Rebecca-centric maybe I think?? It focuses on their relationship, not on a UB romance.
I think this is okay? Sort of? I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this primarily because I've never written Rebecca before and I'm sure I've gone and mischaracterised her massively but hey, at least I tried 😌
Tagging: all these wonderful darlings (please feel free to change your minds about being tagged at any time 💕) @lilyoffandoms @smalltowndetective @sosolenoo @pearlsandsteel
“And the final touch?” Rebecca prompts, placing the cap back on the whipped cream.
“The choclate sprinkles,” the young child beside her answered confidently, nodding wisely at her own declaration.
“Ni- Ariana, they’re not sprinkles.” Rebecca corrects. The happy sparkle at using her new name is missing for once as the four-year-old rolls her eyes at her mother, much to Rebecca’s amusement.
“No, I know, mum. It’s just choclate powder.” She drawled dramatically, picking up the small brown pot. “But you sprinkle it, so that means they’re sprinkles of choclate.”
A smug smile took its place on her little face, very proud of her own logic, as she gently dusted the top of her whipped-cream laden mug with the powdered chocolate.
“Choclate sprinkles,” she reasserted with certainty. Rebecca watched as she examined her mug carefully from all angles, making sure the ‘sprinkles’ were to her utmost satisfaction. Rebecca had to admit, she indeed makes a remarkably compelling argument.
“Well, now how can I argue with that logic? You’re right, the final touch is the sprinkles of chocolate.”
Rebecca smiled softly at the proud grin that brightened her child’s face with her acknowledgement. The deep brown eyes Ariana possesses are so much like her own, yet in that moment, with that cheerful sparkle, all she can see is-
No. She refused to follow that train of thought, refused to allow any grief to settle in. The ache in her chest that has only grown since… That ebbing and flowing ache, demanding to be noticed, is something she refuses to allow to take over. Not now. Not when her child, their daughter, is looking up at her, smiling with such pure affection, as she offers her the small pot to add her own dusting of chocolate powder atop her own drink. This is theirs. She won’t allow herself to ruin their special hot chocolate tradition. Any heartbreak will have to wait for tomorrow, because she’s not going to let anything take this away from them.
26 years later and Rebecca’s sat, cooly reading a report, at the Warehouse’s kitchen table. Her attention fully captured by the words until the sound of something being placed in front of her breaks her concentration. She looks up with thinly-veiled confusion but Aria refuses to meet her eyes, a mug matching the one she’d just put down held within her own hands.
“It’s our- your special recipe.” She offers with a shrug, quite obviously trying to play off her actions as unimportant, insignificant even, though her awkward fidgeting gives away otherwise. “It took a while for me to get it just right on my own, what with… you know… us not really doing Christmas together for the past few years but uh…” Aria finally meets her eyes, the hesitant but unguarded hope in the deep brown causes Rebecca’s throat to tighten. “Things are different now, right?”
Rebecca swallows down the lump in her throat, both of them patently ignoring the glossiness both their eyes now possess. She nod with a watery smile, closing and putting down the file as Aria fumbles with her waistcoat.
“The cream’s already started to melt a little but… the final touch?” she offers, holding out the very same small, brown pot they used to use. Rebecca laughs softly at the sight, carefully taking the pot as she does.
“The chocolate sprinkles,” she warmly announces, lightly dusting the top of the cream with a thin layer of powder.
Aria groans as she takes a seat, hiding her head and smile in her hand.
“Oh god, because the powder is just sprinkles of chocolate.” They both laugh at her childhood logic. “You know, I can’t believe you let me get away with that.”
“Well, you technically weren’t wrong.” Rebecca watches with a small chuckle, the nostalgia warming her rather than hurting her as Aria mirrors her dusting before examining her mug carefully from all angles, ensuring the ‘sprinkles’ are to her utmost satisfaction. “It is a sprinkling of chocolate.”
Aria teasingly scoffs and rolls her eyes, bringing them both another moment of laughter as they smile and toast their hot chocolates.
“Feliz natal, mamãe.”
“Feliz natal, minha filha.”
Yes, Aria kept a tiny pot of chocolate powder in her waistcoat pocket the entire day. No, she will not take criticism at this time. Nor will she reveal where she made the hot chocolate if Rebecca was in the kitchen the whole time. It was her warehouse room, she has moved both a mini fridge and a portable hot plate into there.
Thank you very much if you've made it this far! I hope it wasn't too much of a chore! Thank you, truly, for your time 💕
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walkerismychoice · 4 years
Unwritten - Chapter 2
Book: Platinum
Pairing: M!Raleigh X MC
Rating: This series will contain mature themes. Any necessary warnings will be listed before each chapter, but the overall series rating is 18+
Series Summary: Newly discovered talent Aria Campbell get unknowingly assigned to help write Raleigh Carerra’s latest album and rehabilitate his image in the process.
Summary:  Aria and Raleigh start settling into the beach house. Things could be going better.
Word Count: 1868
Master List
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Kidz Bop?! Aria can't decide if she's more mortified or pissed off at Raleigh's response to the prospect of writing his album with her. At 22, she can't be more than 5 years younger than him, maybe less, but she hasn't kept up with his personal details other than catching an occasional tabloid headline. And sure, she might be from a small Midwestern town, but between her outfit, an off the shoulder royal blue top and distressed black jeans, and her long, wavy black hair, she thinks she comes off as cool but not trying too hard. But what if the fact that she thinks that means she's not cool at all? Whatever. Maybe she should just slap a big snake tattoo on her neck and then Raleigh would respect her. Does he think all those dumb tattoos make him edgy? His tattoos are kind of hot though....No, scrub that thought. Raleigh Carerra is proving to be nothing more than the arrogant bad boy the media makes him out to be.
"Okay then..." Aria mutters under her breath, more of a question than a statement.
Fiona glares towards the Escalade. "Just hold on." She charges forward and tries to open Raleigh's door, but of course it's locked. "Hank!" she calls out but he's already anticipating what she wants, unlocking the doors before she asks, and she flings the door open. "Raleigh, get out of the car."
Raleigh scoffs, "I'd rather quit making music than write this sell-out album just to make the label more money. I don't need any of this."
"Have you forgotten that Ellis and the legal team at Overknight Records helped keep you out of jail? It's not too late for charges to be filed. This was the deal. You make this last record, redeem your image, and then you can do whatever the hell you want. Until then, you are going to apologize to this very talented young woman, and then get your ass in that house and start writing with her. Unless you want a felony on your record. You wouldn't look so bad in orange I suppose..."
"Oh, fuck off, Fiona," Raleigh grumbles as he gets back out of the car.
"I'd be glad to, but if you remember our contract, I don't get my bonus until you finish this album. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can be rid of me nagging you all the time. So like I said, get a move on. Oh! Before I forget..." Fiona reaches in her pocket and hands Aria a key and and an archaic looking cell phone and then does the same for Raleigh.
"The fuck is this? I didn't know they still made these." Raleigh pries open the basic flip phone, navigating the limited features. He attempts to key in a number before frustration sets in and he seems about ready to chuck the phone into the ocean. "This piece of shit doesn't text or dial out."
Fiona smiles smugly as the scene unfolds. "Oh it works perfectly fine...but only for approved, pre-programmed numbers."
Curious as to who's in her list, Aria powers up her phone and checks the contacts. Her mom, dad, and sister, as expected, along with some professional contacts including Hank and Fiona. She's pleasantly surprised they included Shane as well. Aria had put him as one of her emergency contacts, so they must trust her judgement as far as he's concerned. Her nerves start to settle ever so slightly with this lifeline.
Looking at his list, Raleigh scoffs and snaps the phone shut. "Is this a joke?" His hardened features are a bit disconcerting, piquing Aria's curiosity.
"I can assure you each of your lists was carefully selected to facilitate your creative process. Now, I'll leave you both to it." Fiona turns and heads in the opposite direction of the beach house.
"Where are you going?" Aria asks, concern creeping into her voice. Normally she doesn't need someone to hold her hand, but these aren't normal circumstances, and she's not quite ready for Fiona to leave her alone. She kind of feels like a kindergartner being dropped off for her first day of school to be honest.
"To the guest house. Where Frank and I are staying," Fiona replies.
"I knew there was something going on between you two." Raleigh chimes in with a devilish grin.
Hank coughs. "That would be unprofessional."
"There are two bedrooms," Fiona adds, rolling her eyes.
Now Aria's panicking a little inside. Or maybe a lot. She's expected to stay alone with this very intimidating celebrity who very well may hate her already?
"Wouldn't it make more sense for us all to stay together? The main house is more than big enough," she suggests .
Fiona lets out a terse laugh. "No. Absolutely not. It's enough that Hank and I have to stay and babysit to ensure this project gets done. We can't be bothered by singing and music playing at all hours. Think of it as a gift that you won't have to consider our sleeping habits while you work."
"I don't care who stays where, but I just need to know where my bed is at. It's 11am, and I should still be sleeping for at least a few more hours yet." Raleigh tilts his head towards the back of the truck, directing Hank. "You can bring my bags to my room." He takes off, the scent of alcohol hanging in the air as he passes.
Must be nice to order people around like that, Aria thinks as she reaches for the bags in the trunk. She's not too good to carry her own luggage.
"Ms. Campbell," Hank places a hand on her arm to stop her. "That's not necessary. Why don't you go inside and start settling in while I bring in your things."
Well, he is offering. It would be rude to turn him down, wouldn't it? Aria follows Raleigh into the house, and not wanting to ruffle any feathers more than she has merely just for existing in his space, she stands back and allows him to select his room first.
While she waits, Aria takes a look around. Although the exterior style of the home hints at its age, the inner design is exactly as modern and kept up as Aria would expect at a place where celebrities stay, with lots of white, shades of blue and blue-green accents, and nautical themed decor scattered about.
In the great room stands a gorgeous white baby grand piano that probably, no definitely, costs more than everything Aria owns combined. Aria steps over, gently striking a key, and for the first time since she signed the contract, begins to allow herself to get excited about making music here.
"Ms. Campbell?" Hank breaks Aria's chain of thought. "Where would you like me to put your things?"
"Oh...I need to pick out my room." She jogs up the stairs ans Hank follows. There are 6 rooms total, three on either side of the corridor. The first two are a bit smaller with bunk beds, so Aria counts them out, but the next two have promise.
As she approaches the last pair, one door is slightly, ajar and she notices Raleigh passed out face down and snoring on the bed already. Of course he would choose the master bedroom for himself, but as Aria looks at the remaining bedroom, she doesn't really mind. Although she considers taking one of the bunk bed rooms just to be as far from him as possible, she cant resist the spacious yet cozy space with a king-size bed and seaside view.
"I'll take this one." Aria directs Frank and he gently places her suitcases on the floor before excusing himself.
Aria kicks of her sandals and plops on the bed, staring up at the textured ceiling. Now that she's alone, she has no idea what to do with herself. Obviously getting straight to work with Raleigh is out of the question but that doesn't mean she cant try to get started. Pulling out her song journal, she stares at a blank page and laughs because if she doesn't laugh, she might cry. To say she's overwhelmed would he an understatement, and if she hadn't signed a contract, she might be calling her mom to come pick her up, proving to be a failure once again. At least their's a binding piece of paper to keep her from quitting this time. Maybe a walk on the beach is what she needs to pull herself together.
It's a typical June day, warm and sunny but not scorchingly hot, and a light breeze brings gentle waves rolling ashore, not quite reaching the hem of her rolled up jeans as Aria dips her toes in. She closes her eyes, taking in the smell of the salty sea air. The only sounds to be heard on the deserted stretch of private beach are the water crashing against the sand and some seagulls chattering in the distance. If not quite inspiration yet, the ocean is at least bringing a sense of calm, an escape she'll have when she needs it.
Aria wades around, walks up and down the oceanfront a few times before deciding she should probably go face reality. That or at least go get some food since her stomach is grumbling, and it's likely well past lunch time. She meanders to the kitchen and opens up the refrigerator, delighted to see its been fully stocked, and settles on some sandwich fixings.
"Ahh!" She let's out a startled yelp as she whirls around to place her items on the kitchen island only to be stopped short as she crashes into a tall figure.
"Easy there, Chiquita," Raleigh grasps Aria's arms to steady her. "You might want to watch where you're going."
Momentarily mesmerized by his firm grip and the sparkle in his eyes, Aria shakes free and comes to her senses. She's too annoyed at the moment to be intimidated by his star status or won over by his charms. "You could clearly see me here and anticipate where I'd be headed. And my name is Aria." She plunks the food down on the counter with a thud for emphasis.
"But you're so small." Raleigh pats her on the head.
There's a time and a place for cutesy nicknames, but this is so not it. "Again, my name is Aria, and as your colleague, I ask you to refer to me by my given name." She should stop there but she can't help herself. "And for your information, I'm average height."
Raleigh shrugs. "Well you're still shorter than me...Anyway, what's for breakfast? I'm famished."
Aria rolls her eyes with a huff, already mid preparation. "I'm making myself a sandwich for lunch. What you decide to make yourself isn't really my concern."
Raleigh chuckles. "You're feistier than I thought. I like it."
Her cheeks are burning and she lies to herself that it's all out of anger. Without another word she finishes up and scurries upstairs to eat and stew in her room in peace. Raleigh Carrera won't get the best of her today. At least not that she'll let him see.
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2700fstreet · 6 years
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OPERA / 2018-2019
Washington National Opera Open Rehearsal Music by Charles Gounod Libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré Based on Faust: Part I by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
School show: March 13
Teacher and Parent Guide: Faust
Who’s Who
Main Characters
Faust, a learned scholar (tenor—the highest male voice) Méphistophélès, a demon (bass—the lowest male voice) Marguerite, a young woman (soprano—the highest female voice) Valentin, her brother, a soldier (baritone—a middle-range male voice) Siébel, a young man (mezzo-soprano—a middle-range female* voice) Marthe, Marguerite’s neighbor (mezzo-soprano)
*It’s common for opera composers to assign young male roles to female singers.
So, What’s Going On?
The sixteenth-century Germanic countryside.
Poor Dr. Faust (pronounced FOUST). He’s been a scholar for decades but has now become an old man with nothing to show for it. He doesn’t really know anything. He doesn’t really feel anything. He has no idea what the meaning of life is. And he’s entirely alone.
Determined not to wait for death, he attempts suicide only to be distracted by a chorus singing God’s praises outside his door. Annoyed, Faust cries out that God can do nothing for him. Faust wants his youth back. He wants love and affection. God can’t give him any of those things.
So Faust calls upon the Devil instead (what a brilliant idea).
Immediately, the Devil appears in the form of Méphistophélès (meff-uh-STOFF-uh-lezz), a demon disguised as a wealthy gentleman. Faust explains he wants a chance to be young again (with maybe the added bonus of a few girlfriends), and Méphistophélès proposes a deal: all the youth and ladies Faust could ever want in exchange for his immortal soul.
Faust hesitates, but when Méphistophélès tempts him with a vision of a breathtaking woman who lives close by, he’s sold. The two sign a contract and Faust is transformed into a dashing young man, ready to hit the streets.
Take a listen…
Faust makes the spectacularly dubious decision to invoke the Devil. Listen for Faust’s breathless, agitated phrases. Think about how his outbursts compare to Méphistophélès’s smoother, more even-keeled melodies and deeper tone of voice. (Bonus: Check out the “word-painting” technique used when Méphistophélès stretches his voice to its lowest extremes as he sings about the hellish place “là-bas,” or “downstairs”).
In the nearby village, a young soldier named Valentin (vahl-ohn-TAEHN) prepares to go to war. Worried that his sister, Marguerite (mahr-geh-REE-tuh), will be left un-chaperoned, Valentin asks his young friend Siébel (syeh-BELL) to watch over her.
Take a listen…
Valentin says a small prayer that his sister will be kept safe (“Avant de quitter ces lieux,” or “Before I leave this place”). Listen for how this aria (solo song) is broken up into three sections: 1) a heartfelt plea with a plaintive melody, 2) a military march as Valentin preps himself for battle, and 3) a repeat of the first section with a few minor tweaks.
But soon, Méphistophélès arrives to stir up trouble.
Take a listen…
In his aria “Le veau d’or” (“The golden calf”), Méphistophélès conjures up the image of a devilish idol that inspires Satanic dances and possesses the power to bring down the human race. Listen for the cymbal crashes and fluttering wind instruments (think piccolos, flutes, oboes, and clarinets) that give Méphistophélès’s song the sense it’s whipping into a devilish frenzy.
After singing a song to entertain the locals, Méphistophélès teases Valentin and his friends by reading palms and predicting not-so-nice futures. The demon then proposes a toast in honor of Marguerite. Shocked that Méphistophélès knows his sister’s name, and sensing this stranger is up to no good, Valentin draws his weapon—only to have it shatter in midair. Valentin calls on God for protection from evil as the crowd disperses.
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Later, Faust urges Méphistophélès to introduce him to the maiden from the magical vision. Méphistophélès cautions that this particular lady may not be interested in Faust’s advances—she is, after all, none other than (surprise!) Marguerite, Valentin’s pious sister. Still, Faust demands to see her, and Méphistophélès orchestrates a “meet cute.” Faust turns on the charm, but Marguerite shies away.
Attempting to speed the love affair along, Méphistophélès leads Faust to Marguerite’s house and leaves her a basket of jewels, hoping they’ll help Marguerite look more favorably on her new suitor.
And—boom—the gamble pays off.
As Faust and Méphistophélès hide nearby, Marguerite—who’s been daydreaming about her brief encounter with a handsome stranger (Faust)—uncovers the jewels and treats herself to a luxurious “makeover.”
Take a listen…
Marguerite checks out her new look in her aria, “Ah! Je ris de ma voir si belle” (which roughly translates as: “I’m laughing at how pretty I look”). Notice how she sings several notes in rapid succession (a style known a coloratura), to give the effect that she’s literally laughing.
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Her neighbor, Marthe (MAHR-tuh) interrupts her, and Marguerite is slightly embarrassed, but not half as embarrassed as she is when Faust arrives, complimenting her beauty and proclaiming his undying love.
Méphistophélès distracts Marthe, leaving Faust and Marguerite alone. In no time at all, Marguerite reveals she’s just as smitten with Faust as he is with her, despite her concern that a whirlwind romance could bring her everlasting shame. (Marguerite may be innocent but she’s not stupid; she knows the other villagers won’t look kindly on an unwed woman who spends all her time with a young man). And yet, with a little coaxing from Méphistophélès, Marguerite agrees to be Faust’s girl forever.
Several months later.
With no recent word from Faust, Marguerite sits nervously at her spinning wheel. Siébel arrives to keep her company, but his attempts to comfort her are in vain: She’s carrying Faust’s child, and there’s no ring on her finger.
At this (very) inopportune moment, Valentin and his army come marching home from war. Having emerged victorious, Valentin is ready to celebrate with Marguerite, but soon discovers something’s gone very wrong in his absence (thanks for blabbing, Siébel).
As Valentin goes off to confront his “disgraced” sister, Faust and Méphistophélès turn up at Marguerite’s door hoping to smooth things over, as Faust has been feeling remorseful about leaving his former love.
But everything goes to hell (see what we did there?) when Valentin bursts on the scene, demanding someone take responsibility for his sister’s situation. A fight breaks out and Faust ends up stabbing Valentin. Faust and Méphistophélès disappear just as some villagers gather to see about the commotion. Marguerite rushes to her brother’s side, but Valentin pushes her away, claiming his impending death is all her fault and cursing her as he collapses on the ground.
With nowhere to turn, Marguerite goes to church to pray. Once there, however, an unforgiving voice (which sounds mysteriously like Méphistophélès) declares that her sins have damned her forever.
Sometime later, Marguerite has landed in prison. Her brother’s death and Faust’s abandonment have driven her mad, horrifically causing her to murder her newborn child.
Convinced he’s loved Marguerite all along and that the trials and tribulations of the past few months were all the Devil’s doing (really, dude?), Faust persuades Méphistophélès to help him break Marguerite free.
But will Faust’s newfound sense of commitment be enough to save Marguerite before it’s too late? Can his love rescue her from execution? Will they both be able to escape Méphistophélès’s eternal damnation?
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Good to Know
By the time Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (GEUH-tuh, 1749-1832) began writing the epic saga that would inspire Charles Gounod’s (goo-NOH, 1818-1893) opera, the legend of Faust—the ultimate “deal with the Devil” story—was already a few centuries old. Indeed, German texts from the sixteenth century reveal “Doctor Faust” may have actually been a real doctor or magician who reportedly died a very strange, very gruesome death. The doctor’s bizarre bio eventually made its way into Germanic folklore (way before the days of the Brothers Grimm), where it was transformed into a cautionary tale about the dangers of asking too much out of life.
Faust would later be immortalized by Shakespearean contemporary Christopher Marlowe in his play Doctor Faustus, and would enjoy even greater fame nearly two hundred years later thanks to Goethe’s massive two-part drama (a work that took him nearly 60 years to finish). Goethe’s version came with a twist, however: He was the first to introduce the character of Margaret (also known as “Gretchen” and referred to as “Marguerite” in French), the young woman Faust seduces and then discards.
It was Marguerite’s side of the story that proved so moving it went on to influence a long list of nineteenth-century Romantic artists, including powerhouse composer Hector Berlioz (who wrote his own Faustian opera, La damnation de Faust), song master Franz Schubert, and Gounod, who became a fan of the Goethe story during a trip to Rome—a place filled with images of angels and demons.
Faust’s tale continued to spark imaginations well into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (think of movies like Damn Yankees and Bedazzled or more recent TV series like Lucifer or Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), and the term “Faustian bargain” has become a universal phrase meaning “to sell one’s soul.” The original Doctor Faust may have met a tragic end, but his legacy isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Learning to Listen
Going to the opera means you’ll have to start listening in a new way if you want to take in everything the music and the voices have to offer. And guess what? This is less difficult than it sounds.
Try thinking of opera singing as its own type of language or speech. When we’re speaking, our emotions can change the way our voices sound from moment to moment—and one word can have a thousand different meanings depending on how we say it (loudly, softly, quickly, slowly, with a high- or low-pitched voice, etc.). The same is true for the characters in an opera. Each voice you’ll hear will have its own special flavor depending on who the character is and what he or she is saying.
Marguerite, for example, is an innocent and sensitive young woman. Her voice, therefore, will be on the higher side (to provide a clue that she’s youthful and inexperienced) and will occasionally soar above the orchestra with intense emotion (such as when she raises her voice in prayer or when she pleads with Faust not to break her heart).
Faust, on the other hand, spends much of the opera as a young man with a tremendous appetite for fun. His bright tenor voice (a vocal type associated with heroes) symbolizes his youthful, reckless, and passionate personality. His melodies often pour out in short, explosive musical phrases that are meant to remind us of his lust for life.
When in doubt about how a character is feeling or what they’re thinking, always pay close attention to exactly how they sound. (The instruments in the orchestra will give you hints as well.)
Check This Out…
Gounod frequently uses musical foreshadowing to signal his listeners as to where the story of Faust is headed. Can you identify any specific moments in which the music provides some dramatic spoilers? (Hint: Listen carefully to the overture, Mephistophélès’s entrance, and Marguerite and Faust’s tortured love duet.) On the other hand, are there any scenes in which the music fakes you out by evoking the wrong mood? (Hint: Listen for the upbeat victory march that plays when Valentin returns home.)
Watch for the ways in which the costume, lighting, and makeup designs help give you hints about each character’s status and their relationship to those around them. Do the costumes and lighting provide you with any clues regarding the characters’ personalities? Can you tell who’s “good” and who’s “evil” based on what they wear or what colors they’re associated with? Do you notice any shifts in how the characters look as their stories progress or their motivations change?
Marguerite’s spinning wheel aria (“Il ne revient pas,” or “He hasn’t returned”) was inspired by an actual poetic “song” in Goethe’s text, and there are many other musical settings of the exact same scene. Why do you think this moment gets such special attention in so many different versions of Faust? What do you think the spinning wheel might symbolize? (For extra points: How would you know Marguerite’s aria features a spinning wheel even if you closed your eyes? What instrumental sounds are used to create a spinning effect?)
Think About This…
In opera, supernatural and/or extremely powerful figures such as gods, demons, kings, or ghosts are usually sung by basses. Why do you think composers gravitate toward lower male voices when writing these characters? Do you feel the bass sound suits Mephistophélès? How so?
The chorus plays an essential role in Faust. Why do you think Gounod opted to feature such a large group of men and women in so many scenes? What function do they serve? Can you recall any other theatrical or literary works in which a chorus is used in a similar way?
In Goethe’s homeland of Germany, Gounod’s Faust is sometimes called Marguerite instead. Why do you feel that might be? Who do you think is the true hero of the opera? Who’s the true villain? (Consider this: Mephistophélès may be a demon, but are his crimes any worse than Faust’s? Or Valentin’s? Or anyone else’s?)
Take Action: Social Serenade
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Though Gounod’s opera could be looked at as one big ethical fable, many of its themes and lessons come packaged in folk songs or serenades—miniature fables told by the characters as they sing of hypothetical stories that mirror their own. These include Marguerite’s ballad of the King of Thule (who dies for love), Mephistophélès’s satirical tune about a woman named Catherine (who must resist her boyfriend’s advances until marriage), and the soldier’s brief song about a cat and a rat (or a predator and his prey).
Gounod’s not alone in using this trick. You probably know this already, but many artists—poets, painters, songwriters, you name it— choose to bury significant social messages in made-up tales about distant historical figures or even non-human characters (think Aesop) who speak in simple phrases or easy rhymes.
Think you’re up for trying out the same tactic in the real world?
Pick a news story or social cause that concerns you (anything from politics, to polar bears, to the potholes on your local highway) and take a shot at weaving a fake story around this theme. Try and present your tale in small sections or stanzas (like a serenade) and, if you feel like it, see if you can use a rhyming scheme as well. Most importantly, be sure to add a clever moral at the end if you can. (If you want to go the extra mile, write a tune to accompany your poetic “song.”)
If you’re comfortable, share the finished product with family and friends, or submit it to a local newspaper or regional poetry competition. See if your readers can uncover your hidden message and/or guess which real-life story inspired your sneaky serenade.
Go even deeper with the Faust Extras.
All photos by Lynn Lane for Houston Grand Opera.
Writer: Eleni Hagen
Content Editor: Lisa Resnick
Logistics Coordination: Katherine Huseman
Producer and Program Manager: Tiffany A. Bryant
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David M. Rubenstein Chairman
Deborah F. Rutter President
Mario R. Rossero Senior Vice President Education
Timothy O’Leary General Director
Francesca Zambello Artistic Director
Major support for WNO is provided by Jacqueline Badger Mars.
David M. Rubenstein is the Presenting Underwriter of WNO.
WNO acknowledges the longstanding generosity of Life Chairman Mrs. Eugene B. Casey.
WNO's Presenting Sponsor
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This performance is made possible by the Kimsey Endowment; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education.
Major support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by David M. Rubenstein through the Rubenstein Arts Access Program.
© 2019 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
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Dear Simone,
It's been a while since I last wrote to you. How were your Christmas and the beginning of your New Year? For the past few weeks father has put Caleb and Evolet into quarantine due to having symptoms of the flu. Mum being a mum has made sure to tend to their every need. It's kinda funny to see her dashing all over the place whether it'd be making food or doing laundry. As for Christmas, it was just us as a family. Grandfather went to Dublin to meet with other covens instead. He's what people call an old fuddy-duddy.
Father gifted us and mum with new clothes. But, a bonus for mum was an altering of her wedding band. Since she wears it constantly it's been starting to tarnish bit by bit. Mum gifted Evolet the most special present, a Skype call from her biological mum, Cheyenne. Even though we vampires can't cry I sure felt as if I was going to if I could've. Evolet was so happy to see her biological mum. If you didn't already know Evolet got emancipation at fourteen. But, had to stay under the guardianship of a relative who was a cousin of hers. After their call, I asked Evolet if she wanted to go back to her 'real' family. What she said to me I didn't expect. She told me that we were the only family she knew and that we all make her happy.
With the winter semester break over we have started back at the university. Aria is still doing courses in Japan. We did a Skype call with her recently just to tell tales. She studies at the University of Toyko along with her new boyfriend. Don't ask me to say his name because it's hard for me to do. We got to him and seems like a very nice lad. A little short in stature but nice nonetheless.
Caleb and his wife Bree keep to themselves these days. We do get privacy in the manor but sometimes we need a little extra to ourselves. Their children also live here, too. Will is a teenager thinking the world is out to get him. I personally think he will ascend soon into his powers. Trust me it won't be a pretty process but it's needed. Lucy is the eldest and she is going to university. All that's left is the twin girls. Sweet little girls but a terror sometimes. They're in primary school right now. To be honest I don't think Bree likes me too much. I mean I tend to be a bit odd.
As for me, I keep working and making music. Grandfather gifted me a new guitar for Christmas. It's quite unique I must say. I can say that I have never been gifted something like this before. I have plenty of guitars but this one takes the cake. It's customized to my personality in that of color and tune. Most of the time when Evolet and I hang out I play while she works on her studies. I think I talked to you about how we bonded when she first came into our family. I honestly can't think of a better sister. Don't tell Aria, I said that. Know that the love I have for my sister is simply sibling and not anything more. You're the only one for me.
For myself I feel like my life isn't complete without you near but I know I must be patient from afar. I'm a vampire so it's nothing new for me personally. I have an eternity. May we see each other sometime soon.
All my love, Wyatt
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PLL 7B Just-For-Fun Theory: Peter Hastings is Uber A! And The A Team is an Illicit Baby Trafficking Ring!!! 😱 (& Bonus: The 3 M's of. good Theory!) NEW & REVISED ADDITIONS V2!
So a lot of pll fans have been discussing Peter Hasting’s recent arrival back in Rosewood and wondering what he is still hiding.
We know he has Umpteen million kids.
My theory is: Peter is Uber A, and started the game merely to keep tabs on all of his damn kids, find out if there’s anymore out there, keep them out of trouble with typical teen issues like drugs (I’m Looking at You Spencer & Jason= the Spason Sibs, you’re welcome 😇), and avoid having to pay child support for all of them.
The GZL Evidence File 🗃:
1. We keep finding more kids this dude has had. We have no idea when this will end.
2. The Uber A mystery has to do with who’s kids are who’s. Who’s were Mary Drakes? Who’s Peter Hastings? Who’s a DiLaurentis in secret. Who’s a Hastings in secret. And who’s been adopted. Which kids were taken from their mothers in Radley… which seems to be an ongoing trend which brings me to:
3. Just how many babies have been born in Radley and why did they have a nursery there and then quickly take kids away from their mothers and adopt them out? We know Char and Bethany and Spencer were all Radley kids. We know AriA has been in Radley before but we dunno why. We know Mona learned some BIG secrets there. So did Cece/Char.
4. We know some of these kids grew up cray cray. Some were adopted out. They all have the common element of having problems with mental health or drugs.
5. Emily was forced to sell her eggs which were then stolen! Maybe this is how the A Team’s baby breeding program does things now to get and steal babies? Now that Radley is gone.
6. We know Ali was implanted with fertilized eggs while held against her will at Welby. It seems A had been planning it for a long time. Could this have happened to Mary Drake while in Radley? She had more babies than we knew, and how did she keep having them if she was a locked up patient in a facility which likely kept male/female living areas apart and would have rules against having sex in their rooms, etc. So maybe she was implanted with stolen eggs too. Were any of those parents in that generation of rosewood peeps unable to have kids?
7. Why yes: Ashley Marin seems a likely candidate cuz we know Hanna looks nothing like her. We also know Ashley has a murky past where she “got into some trouble.” But we still dunno this story. Maybe she sold her eggs while young like Em did and adopted Hanna and Hanna just doesn’t know yet. Maybe all the look alikes are related by blood?! All the blondes. Also Hanna might be adopted cuz hers doesn’t look a thang like her mama and we know there’s more there.
8. We know A has had some medical training and seems to be keeping tabs on a whole town of kids and orchestrating implanting woman and adopting out kids in secret! We know Veronica also may not have been able to have kids after Melissa… we got her story but look how her story has changed drastically from the many, many, many times Spencer has asked her about this!
Conclusion: Are we looking at weird secret baby breeding program done at Radley? We know Peter was the father of some of them. And nobodies parents are who they seem. We wonder if AriA was born to her parents and we suspect she has a connection to biological mental health issues and was a patient there, and we suspect she may even be related to Wren, who was a dr there who knew some big secrets. We know some doctors knew about babies being born in Radley… but there had to have been a LOT for it to cause Radley to build a nursery. And it seems no kids actually lived in the nursery! We have flashbacks but also look at the old fashioned dress of the nurses at Radley.
Just look at Bethany’s drawings of 2 kids being separated by an evil monster! And how she said Mrs D (or Mary) was a “liar,” and who coincidentally was on the board. Also her drawings of siblings being torn apart and mothers being thrown Off roofs and murdered to keep the secret. Even the dr doesn’t wanna talk. Also, the night Ali saw Veronica outside going thru things and they discussed Spencer not being herself, Veronica was going thru baby stuff! Maybe she had given the twin back long ago, cuz in their family album there’s THREE young girls, Spencer always been seen with one then Melissa. Spencer was just remembering a tale where Melissa defended her against a playground bully but Melissa doesn’t want to discuss it. I think Melissa was sworn to secrecy when the twin was given back early on for being violent and all kinds of evils, and Veronica had kept some of the baby stuff and started getting rid of during Spencer’s “troubling years on drugs” so she wouldn’t accidentally find something cuz she was a snoop remember! Also Paige and Aria are looking a lot alike these days too. Almost like Paige may be her evil Twinsie. What if what we are looking at is a town full of bred twins and the families who adopted them found issues with one and so thise were given back and kept secret and now all of those twins who were given up are growing up and ANGRY and banned together to get revenge? Hmmm. This may explain why there’s twin clues for the entire cast. And what if some of those parents were adopted twins too like Jessica and Mary dram… cuz like their wealthy family helped run and financially back the ring, each generation. Jessica was on the board. So, who could have started this? My guess is a young Grunwald and her husband who were one of Rosewood’s first adopted families having adopted 2 little blonde girls named Jessica and Mary. The twin story Ali told. And one of them went evils and had to be sent away to, where else? Radley! Where she became the next generation of mentally ill mothers to bear babies for the adoption ring. No wonder she’s so pissed! Wouldn’t you be? She was given up cuz the real evil sister set her up, and had to be locked up with no family and then who knows how many babies she had for the ring against her will. We know Marion was there too so could potentially be mom to some of these babies. We saw it happen to Ali recently and she was shocked. Had she not gotten out of Welby, she’d probably have had this happen a few more times to “earn her keep” there. SICK! Now I think the story of how this occurred with each family is different. Sometimes the good twin got to stay. Sometimes the bad twin tricked the parents and got the good twin sent off. And sometimes the bad twin came back to haunt the family and the town they didn’t get to grow up in, hence why it’s all such a confusing mess of who’s baby is who’s now. We don’t know as of last ep if it was Spencer’s evil twin she at the airport Ezra saw. She seems a bit different at times. And the summer she was all doped up and fighting with Ali, I think Ali knew. Ali was extorting money from Byron for a big secret and I doubt it was just the affair. She was already being hounded by her evil Twinsie and had to escape, so she needed money. Ali herself might be the evil twin too or had been before she returned to Rosewood to reclaim her life. What we see is a much kinder gentler Ali almost like a diff person. Her hair is different, she’s more quiet and less nosy. Ali got her good twin sent away and the bad twin staying to be the popular girl just like in the books. Ali was secretly fighting her twin at the same time Spencer was. We thought we had learned this was Cece her real life unknown sister, but that night when she snuck out of the Hastings and came back with a bloody lip she had fought someone she never named, not even when Spencer asked her while in Radley. Now those twins may have switched spots vying for Ali’s perfect life a few times, and I think the evil twin won out and then they were swapped back when the evil Ali died and the good Ali came back to reclaim her life she hadn’t had for a while. My big question is: where as these Twinsies hiding and who is helping them stay hidden, and pull all of this off? And do they know Ea other or not? Is it a twin war the discarded twins waged as an A Team (meaning: the BETTER twin, the A Grade twin) or is the secret Grunwald baby ring taking them back and caring for them and trying to keep them under wraps but having a hard time? Grunwald returns periodically to help these girls and we dunno why. We know she has a keen eye for teen bullshiz tho having ran a sorority! She may not be opposed to spanking kids when they get out of line. We know she saved All, and Ali, and Ali multiple times. Sometimes she looks at Ali as if trying to tell which Twinsie is which. And one of the Ali’s gets spooked by it while the other sees her as a helper not her keeper. I also suspect the Fitz/Fitzgerald foundation is involved in funding this secretly. It has to be some wealthy donors backing this thang! Also we’ve seen Ezra go evils too and there’s been times we viewers AND the liars have suspected he was evil… what we were seeing was Ezra’s Twinsie doing bad bad things! Some fans are speculating Aria's file says she was pregnant. If she was in Radley at one point she may have been. But I feel she was young when at Radley, either as an adopted kid born there like Spencer and others, OR she's had secret stays there since we've come to know her on the show (between the ages of approx 14-early 20's). It's possible her twin lived there or was sent back ir that aria is the evil twin in their fam and framed the other good twin to get her sent away. Cuz we've seen aria's anger, her sleep disturbances, her sketchiness, her lies, her dating older men, her indecision about those men, her missing pigtunia, etc. We've seen her go thru various rebellious style phases, etc. Aria and her twin have been secretly battling it out the entire series! Spencer's twin has made appearances as the drug addict ADHD one and desperately wants her family's approval. Ali's twin has replaced her sister. Jason's twin shows up whenever Jason is traveling. Mary did some things acting as Jessica who also came and went randomly. Hanna has undergone personality changes where suddenly she's super smart, vs. the shoplifting trouble maker. Caleb appears and disappears. Mona does too, sometimes without her signature nose beauty mark. Hmmm... 🤔
Now, who would be in charge of a secret baby breeding program where mentally ill women locked up were used to give birth and have a secret place to rear those kids till adoption? A Secret Society of Doctors and Wealthy Elites who could make a LOT of money doing this being Radley doors cuz who’s gonna believe a mental patient saying someone knocked her up and stole her babies? No one. And if a mother talked or did anything about it she got thrown off a roofsies! 😱. We know back in the old days of mental asylums and institutions, horrific tests and experiments were often conducted on patients who were used as unwilling guinea pigs.
We also know Radley has a secret underground passage… that likely leads to the church, where: babies taken out of Radley to be adopted could be picked up (& christened to get the “evils” out of them being born of mentally ill women… who were often seen back in the day as: possessed by demons! Mental health issues long ago were considered to be spiritual afflictions of possession, rather than a biological health issue).
We also know Human Trafficking doesn’t just include sex trade. It also has included funding illicit adoptions illegally. There’s many stories of adoption centers being busted for acquiring babies illegally! One only a few years ago looking like a normal adoption center but after a few babies turned out bad, and stories started, the center came under investigation. Back in the day I’m guessing that was more common and overlooked. But still illegal thus needing to be kept secret.
Also look at how there’s identical sets of “liars” around rosewood and nearby towns! Sara Harvey’s crew had a group of girls similar to the liars. We know there’s a multitude of blonde trouble makers in rosewood! Then we have the Gamma Zeta sorority sisters Grunwald looked after which had an identical set of looking liars. This was Cece’ gen. And now in rosewood there seems to be some “junior plastics” running around causing problems and all kinds of evils. While someone keeps tabs on them and tries to get them the truth!
A clue from @maliciousbuthot on twitter hinted this many times. This clue giver also said that Sara Harvey performed the implantation into Ali!
So I got to thinking: this all centers around babies, adoptions, and groups of girls who are identical sets to the liars. 🤔 We know Maddie from Dance Mom’s was cast as one of these “blonde Ali type girls.” Maybe her ghost was a Radley baby. And the ghost twins Ashley keeps running into. Lol. Who likely are the same twins from Ali’s Halloween twin story, come back cuz they’ve got questions for their mommy, who curiously looked a lot like a younger Grunwald in the story, which appears to take place in Aria’s family’s kitchen back in the 1950’s based on fans having dated plates and kitchen ware there. Also the nurses dress like something out of the 50’s.
What kind of secret society would be breeding babies for secret adoptions you ask? One running the town’s older elite. Like Grunwald’s generation. We suspect she is Ali’s mom and we know Mary was her aunt and had Radley babies. Peter may be a member of this org and helping facilitate this illicit baby ring! WEIRD!!! 😳
Maybe Peter Hastings is one of the illicit baby ring’s biggest sperm donors?! I think Byron may have been too. Maybe it’s how he got all that money. We know A team has major financial assets and resources. They’re connected to doctors and various clinics. They’re trained in medical procedures. They’ve got access to pharmaceuticals.
Face it: the A Team is an Illicit Baby Ring and secret society. The Baphomet symbolism would hint at this. Except there’s one problem with these babies: They don’t always come out without mental health problems cuz the mothers were mostly Radley patients!
COMING UP NEXT: How does Aria’s secret Radley File play into this whole thang? Is she the evil twin or does she have an evil twin? It seems maybe her evil twin is the leader of the twin team if the A team is a bunch of angry Rogue twinsies come back for revenge on the families who cast them aside. She alone seems to know what her file holds though by her reaction to try to keep so much secret. She was FREAKED out to see an Artificial Intelligence Twinsie staring back at her during A.D’s FaceTime calls. We don’t know who’s behind this computer AriA face, but what if it’s her evil twin and she knows unlike the rest she had one. Or maybe she has worked with her evil twin more than the others have with theirs and met her twin long ago? Or maybe her twin lives inside her? I firmly believe she’s worked with A many times before and is hiding something big. A secret Ali extorted Byron for. And why did Ali pick each of these girls? The probably wouldn’t have all been friends if Ali’s evil twin in the books needed new friends to keep her cover so invented her own crew of rag tag outcasts. And she kept saying there was a reason she picked each of them. 😉
A theory isn’t just a guess based on observing some clues. Every clue has to fit. And a theory must also determine Motive and Means and Method! I’ve done that here… but I’d like to see more theories a little more flushed out with the 3 M’s: Method, Motive, Means. What is the Motive for the crimes? What is the method used to carry them out? And does the suspect have the actual means (resources or know how) to carry it out? Cuz if not, it’s a theory by definition.
Or maybe some of these parents kids were stolen from are pissed and wanna keep tabs on their kids… except their cray cray cuz of their mental health problems. Which may be why there’s an A Team and a force trying to stop them. So who’s on who’s side? There’s a lot more I can add to this like Fitz foundation’s involvement and the rich family’s assets and connections… so stay tuned. If you like it, hit me up in the comments or chat or my twitter to let me know you’d like to see more of this theory.
And as always: Credit Me Bitches, or Else!!! And Reblog if you’d like more!
You’re welcome! 😘 -L
© 2017, Fleurdelissaswords
Additional Credits: G_Xoxo, Maliciousbuthot, PLLINSIDER, & various GZL members.
@charlesgame @kkthanks @plltherapysessions @pllonfreeform @plllogic @plltheorygang @prettylittleliars @prettylittlesecrethints @pretty-little-liars-hints @prettylittletheoriesandspoilers @liars–pretty–liars @liarsinravenswood @rosewood-clues @rosewoodslittleliarss @rosewoodliaries @rosewoodsecrets-pll @monavanderslayy @monavanderwaal @buttahbenzoforever @ezriasupport @ezriaisendgame @emisonisforever @emisonislifeok @emison-sashay-endgame @shaymitchell-brazil-blog @shaymitchdailyy @lucyhale @ezrafitzgerld @endgamezria @monavanderjesus @rosewoodsecret @prettylittleforum @prettylittleliarsxxxx @mimithebabyfox @marleneking-blog @imarleneking-blog @cecedrake901 @cecedrake-is-a @ariaisatheory @ariaisawesome @ariaisapll-blog-blog @ariaisafantheory-blog @uberaalison @brantdaughrty @saraharveysshower @saraharveyisredcoat @ariafitzsgerald @ariafitz-blog @ariafitzmontgom-blog
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mashitandsmashit · 5 years
America’s Got Talent: Champions 2 - Semi-Finals
12: Ryan Niemiller. It's sad that I'm placing one of my favorite comedians in the show's history under a squeaky-voiced kid, but I have to be honest and say that this just wasn't his best material...I'm thinking at this point, he would benefit from moving away from the disability jokes...Find something else to deprecate yourself with...Sorry, Howie, you can use your status as a comedian to try to validate your opinions all you want, but the only real highlight of this set was...well...the set! Seriously, as seen with Greg Morton, Pac-Man makes everything better!
11: Marc Spelmann. Pardon the pun, but the cards were stacked against him tonight from the very beginning! How was he gonna top having Shin Lim make a surprise appearance!? Answer: He wasn't! This wasn't a bad trick, but after seeing what he did last time, this was doomed to be an uphill battle for him...On a side note though, Terry might want to investigate what X was doing in his house with his wife...That recording with her looked suspiciously like a confession tape...
10: Dania Diaz. I suppose her emotional story suckered in the judges, but in my opinion it wasn't nearly as slick or surprising as her previous performance...And knowing that the photo was going to be what ends the trick, I was kinda hoping it would actually appear on one of the cards (as impossible as that might be). What she actually did with it was fine, though she clearly snuck that card into the frame at the last moment just as they took the picture...
9: JJ Pantano. Well, he was a little less annoying this time, and the jokes burned hotter than last week...He even managed to come up with a few clever quips on the spot while talking to the judges, so I guess his dad's not writing ALL of his material...Though I gotta say, his cracks against Alesha seem ESPECIALLY mean! What, did she kill your goldfish or something, kid!?
8: Tyler Butler-Figueroa. Maybe I'm just upset over Brian's elimination, but this kid's sob story is REALLY becoming too much at this point! You recovered! Move on! I guess this was arguably his best violin-playing so far, but it came at the expense of the dancing that helped him stand out (despite the dancing violinists we've seen in the past). This was fine, but he didn't need that singer to back him up...
7: Strauss Serpent. While the showmanship might not have been as strong as last time, it's still worth pointing out how crazy his contortions are, even moreso than last week! I don't think you can GET more insane than what he did tonight! ...Do I want to be proven wrong? I dunno...
6: Duo Destiny. Yeah, I think I'm gonna actually side with Howie here...These two are hella-talented, but it did all feel rather samey tonight...That's the thing about acrobats: It's hard to keep things interesting and surprising throughout this game...
5: Duo Transcend. Once again, they didn't really do anything I haven't seem them do before...But they have earned their advance over the other Duo for having a fun set! Yes, clearly they were playing to Simon's “Greatest Showman” boner, but still, it made it a fun spectacle, and the other circus performers on stage with them managed to not be too distracting...Both of the duos probably ended up in the Save vote because the superfans were very much split between them, but we'll just see how well Transcend does next week without giving too much away about their final ranking...
4: Sandou Trio Russian Bar. Fire: The next logical step for danger acts everywhere since 2006! I might rank them higher, if not for the fact that I'm pretty sure they did this same act when they were on AGT forever ago (albeit with less “Hunger Games” imagery). Actually, it's what they did before resorting to an upside-down piano (as per the tendencies of danger acts on this show: First you do something dangerous, then you add fire, then uuuuhhhh...I guess we can't top it, let's just play some music...poorly!) But again, without giving too much away regarding the final results, their final performance can't be THAT bad...Right? May the odds be ever in their favor...
3: Hans. The commenters are still pissed that an amusing novelty act is outlasting the second best whatever act when the first best is still advancing with him...Some people just don't appreciate variety...I suppose the schtick may be getting old, but it just fascinates me that an act like this can make it so far in a Champions season...Just goes to show how different things work here than on the main show...Whatever...Hans 2020!
2: Marcelito Pomoy. Read the comments on the Youtube videos for all of the other acts tonight, and about 80% of them are about the anticipation for this guy's act instead of the actual act in the video! I haven't seen so much anticipation for an act since Grace VanderWaal! If this was a live season (and I didn't already know the final results), I would say that Marcelito was gonna win! But we'll get to the Finals next week...For now, he's most certainly made a name for himself, and he breathes a new kind of life into the overplayed arias we hear on this show all the time...Best singing duo ever!
1: Alexa Lauenburger. I never thought I'd give a dog act such a high ranking, let alone the top spot in a list ever again! But here we are! Dog acts have become very repetitive in recent years, but this little tween has not only managed to keep all of these fleabags in line, but also has them performing tricks that I've never seen an act like this pull off before, let alone tricks that require the cooperation of several dogs at once! When Howie says that this is the best dog act he's ever seen, I am actually inclined to concur! Also, bonus points for the Scooby-Doo set and Beetlejuice music! These dogs deserve medals and Scooby Snacks!
This was another mixed bag of a show, but at the very least my Top 2 helped stick the landing at the end...No complaints with the final results either, even though many may disagree due to Hans' advance...Putting him aside though, I would say everyone here has earned it to at least some degree...So I look forward to seeing next week's Final!
Speaking of which, here's my “Rooting For” list for the finalists...Mainly based on how much I want them to do well for me...
10: Hans
9: Boogie Storm
8: Silhouettes
7: Alexa Lauenburger
6: Angelina Jordan
5: Tyler Butler-Figueroa
4: Duo Transcend
3: Sandou Trio Russian Bar
2: Marcelito Pomoy
1: V.Unbeatable
0 notes
GZL PLL 7B Master Collection of Finds and Theories:
It’s that time again! Where GZL posts all the hard work we’ve done as a team all season solving PLL… our team is truly outstanding! I should know, I handpicked each of them as being the best of the best in the fandom! Each season before the finale, we post our master theories and body of work, so after the finale we can say we got this or that correct. This past year GZL has gone thru a lot of changes! Members have gone thru many life changes and we’ve still kept on keeping on. This is how I reward my GZL Dolls for their hard work all season. By posting our work so they all get bragging rights. I’m continuously impressed by how amazing this group of people is. We have some of the best detectives in the fandom, and I handpicked and invited each one to participate in a lil experiment of solving -A as a team. We’ve all become good friends now and have successfully solved PLL each season since! Way to go Team! We had a lot of challenges this season, and still managed to get'er done. Thanks for all of your hard work this season Dolls! We decided to make this season a bit more fun and laid back. We post our work, theories and finds before each finale, twice a year and here it is.
For those interested in joining, don’t fret that PLL is over. GZL will continue doing new shows. We recruit twice per year for those lucky ones. Here’s the work we did this season as well as some throwbacks and solo theories of members. We hope you enjoy! A lot of work went into this:
🔺Peter Hastings and the Illicit Radley Baby-Breeding Ring (A “Just for Fun” Theory)
🔺AriA is A SleepwAlker
🔺#GrunwAld Means “Green Forest!”
🔺#Moleb: The AD Techy Power Couple
PLL 7B Just-For-Fun Theory: Peter Hastings is Uber A! And The A Team is an Illicit Baby Trafficking Ring!!! 😱 (& Bonus: The 3 M’s of. good Theory!) NEW & REVISED ADDITIONS V2! So a lot of pll fans have been discussing Peter Hasting’s recent arrival back in Rosewood and wondering what he is still hiding. We know he has Umpteen million kids. My theory is: Peter is Uber A, and started the game merely to keep tabs on all of his damn kids, find out if there’s anymore out there, keep them out of trouble with typical teen issues like drugs (I’m Looking at You Spencer & Jason= the Spason Sibs, you’re welcome 😇), and avoid having to pay child support for all of them.
The GZL Evidence File 🗃:
1. We keep finding more kids this dude has had. We have no idea when this will end.
2. The Uber A mystery has to do with who’s kids are who’s. Who’s were Mary Drakes? Who’s Peter Hastings? Who’s a DiLaurentis in secret. Who’s a Hastings in secret. And who’s been adopted. Which kids were taken from their mothers in Radley… which seems to be an ongoing trend which brings me to:
3. Just how many babies have been born in Radley and why did they have a nursery there and then quickly take kids away from their mothers and adopt them out? We know Char and Bethany and Spencer were all Radley kids. We know AriA has been in Radley before but we dunno why. We know Mona learned some BIG secrets there. So did Cece/Char.
4. We know some of these kids grew up cray cray. Some were adopted out. They all have the common element of having problems with mental health or drugs.
5. Emily was forced to sell her eggs which were then stolen! Maybe this is how the A Team’s baby breeding program does things now to get and steal babies? Now that Radley is gone.
6. We know Ali was implanted with fertilized eggs while held against her will at Welby. It seems A had been planning it for a long time. Could this have happened to Mary Drake while in Radley? She had more babies than we knew, and how did she keep having them if she was a locked up patient in a facility which likely kept male/female living areas apart and would have rules against having sex in their rooms, etc. So maybe she was implanted with stolen eggs too. Were any of those parents in that generation of rosewood peeps unable to have kids?
7. Why yes: Ashley Marin seems a likely candidate cuz we know Hanna looks nothing like her. We also know Ashley has a murky past where she “got into some trouble.” But we still dunno this story. Maybe she sold her eggs while young like Em did and adopted Hanna and Hanna just doesn’t know yet. Maybe all the look alikes are related by blood?! All the blondes. Also Hanna might be adopted cuz hers doesn’t look a thang like her mama and we know there’s more there.
8. We know A has had some medical training and seems to be keeping tabs on a whole town of kids and orchestrating implanting woman and adopting out kids in secret! We know Veronica also may not have been able to have kids after Melissa… we got her story but look how her story has changed drastically from the many, many, many times Spencer has asked her about this!
Conclusion: Are we looking at weird secret baby breeding program run illegally at Radley Sanitarium and certain older members of Rosewood being involved? We know Peter Hastings was the father of some of them of them. And nobodies parents are who they seem. We wonder if AriA was born to her parents and we suspect she has a connection to biological mental health issues and was a patient there, and we suspect she may even be related to Wren, who was a dr there who knew some big secrets.
We know some doctors knew about babies being born in Radley… but there had to have been a LOT for it to cause Radley to build a nursery ward just for kids! Rosewood isn’t that big and 2-3 locked up mentally ill children usually don’t make up and entire children’s ward at a mental hospital! Why haven’t we seen all the other Radley kids then? And it seems no kids actually lived in the nursery for a very very long time! We have flashbacks but also look at the old fashioned dress of the Radley nurses Radley.
Just look at Bethany’s drawings of 2 kids being separated by an evil monster! And how she said Mrs D (or Mary) was a “liar,” and who coincidentally was on the board. Also her drawings of siblings being torn apart and mothers being thrown Off roofs and murdered to keep the secret. Even the dr doesn’t wanna talk. Also, the night Ali saw Veronica outside going thru things and they discussed Spencer not being herself, Veronica was going thru baby stuff! Maybe she had given the twin back long ago, cuz in their family album there’s THREE young girls, Spencer always been seen with one then Melissa. Spencer was just remembering a tale where Melissa defended her against a playground bully but Melissa doesn’t want to discuss it. I think Melissa was sworn to secrecy when the twin was given back early on for being violent and all kinds of evils, and Veronica had kept some of the baby stuff and started getting rid of during Spencer’s “troubling years on drugs” so she wouldn’t accidentally find something cuz she was a snoop remember!
Also Paige and Aria are looking a lot alike these days too. Almost like Paige may be her evil Twinsie. What if what we are looking at is a town full of bred twins and the families who adopted them found issues with one and so thise were given back and kept secret and now all of those twins who were given up are growing up and ANGRY and banned together to get revenge? Hmmm. This may explain why there’s twin clues for the entire cast. And what if some of those parents were adopted twins too like Jessica and Mary dram… cuz like their wealthy family helped run and financially back the ring, each generation. Jessica was on the board. So, who could have started this?
My guess is a young Grunwald and her husband who were one of Rosewood’s first adopted families having adopted 2 little blonde girls named Jessica and Mary. The twin story Ali told. And one of them went evils and had to be sent away to, where else? Radley! Where she became the next generation of mentally ill mothers to bear babies for the adoption ring. No wonder she’s so pissed! Wouldn’t you be? She was given up cuz the real evil sister set her up, and had to be locked up with no family and then who knows how many babies she had for the ring against her will. We know Marion was there too so could potentially be mom to some of these babies.
We saw this same thing happen to Ali recently and she was shocked. Had she not gotten out of Welby, she’d probably have had this happen a few more times to “earn her keep” there. SICK! Now I think the story of how this occurred with each family is different. Sometimes the good twin got to stay. Sometimes the bad twin tricked the parents and got the good twin sent off. And sometimes the bad twin came back to haunt the family and the town they didn’t get to grow up in, hence why it’s all such a confusing mess of who’s baby is who’s now. We don’t know as of last ep if it was Spencer’s evil twin she at the airport Ezra saw. She seems a bit different at times. And the summer she was all doped up and fighting with Ali, and I think Ali knew.
Ali was also extorting money from Byron at the time, for a big secret and I doubt it was just the affair. She was already being hounded by her evil Twinsie and had to escape, so she needed money. Ali herself might be the evil twin too or had been before she returned to Rosewood to reclaim her life. What we see is a much kinder gentler Ali almost like a diff person. Her hair is different, she’s more quiet and less nosy. Ali got her good twin sent away and the bad twin staying to be the popular girl just like in the books. Ali was secretly fighting her twin at the same time Spencer was. We thought we had learned this was Cece her real life unknown sister, but that night when she snuck out of the Hastings and came back with a bloody lip she had fought someone she never named, not even when Spencer asked her while in Radley.
Now those twins may have switched spots vying for Ali’s perfect life a few times, and I think the evil twin won out and then they were swapped back when the evil Ali died and the good Ali came back to reclaim her life she hadn’t had for a while. My big question is: where as these Twinsies hiding and who is helping them stay hidden, and pull all of this off? And do they know Ea other or not? Is it a twin war the discarded twins waged as an A Team (meaning: the BETTER twin, the A Grade twin) or is the secret Grunwald baby ring taking them back and caring for them and trying to keep them under wraps but having a hard time? Grunwald returns periodically to help these girls and we dunno why. We know she has a keen eye for teen bullshiz tho having ran a sorority! She may not be opposed to spanking kids when they get out of line. We know she saved All, and Ali, and Ali multiple times.
Sometimes she looks at Ali as if trying to tell which Twinsie is which. And one of the Ali’s gets spooked by it while the other sees her as a helper not her keeper. I also suspect the Fitz/Fitzgerald foundation is involved in funding this secretly. It has to be some wealthy donors backing this thang! Also we’ve seen Ezra go evils too and there’s been times we viewers AND the liars have suspected he was evil… what we were seeing was Ezra’s Twinsie doing bad bad things! Some fans are speculating Aria’s file says she was pregnant. If she was in Radley at one point she may have been.
But I feel she was young when at Radley, either as an adopted kid born there like Spencer and others, OR she’s had secret stays there since we’ve come to know her on the show (between the ages of approx 14-early 20’s). It’s possible her twin lived there or was sent back ir that aria is the evil twin in their fam and framed the other good twin to get her sent away. Cuz we’ve seen aria’s anger, her sleep disturbances, her sketchiness, her lies, her dating older men, her indecision about those men, her missing pigtunia, etc. We’ve seen her go thru various rebellious style phases, etc. Aria and her twin have been secretly battling it out the entire series! Spencer’s twin has made appearances as the drug addict ADHD one and desperately wants her family’s approval. Ali’s twin has replaced her sister. Jason’s twin shows up whenever Jason is traveling. Mary did some things acting as Jessica who also came and went randomly. Hanna has undergone personality changes where suddenly she’s super smart, vs. the shoplifting trouble maker. Caleb appears and disappears. Mona does too, sometimes without her signature nose beauty mark. Hmmm… 🤔 Now, who would be in charge of a secret baby breeding program where mentally ill women locked up were used to give birth and have a secret place to rear those kids till adoption? A Secret Society of Doctors and Wealthy Elites who could make a LOT of money doing this being Radley doors cuz who’s gonna believe a mental patient saying someone knocked her up and stole her babies? No one. And if a mother talked or did anything about it she got thrown off a roofsies! 😱
We know back in the old days of mental asylums and institutions, horrific tests and experiments were often conducted on patients who were used as unwilling guinea pigs. We also know Radley has a secret underground passage… that likely leads to the church, where: babies taken out of Radley to be adopted could be picked up (& christened to get the “evils” out of them being born of mentally ill women… who were often seen back in the day as: possessed by demons! Mental health issues long ago were considered to be spiritual afflictions of possession, rather than a biological health issue). We also know Human Trafficking doesn’t just include sex trade. It also has included funding illicit adoptions illegally. There’s many stories of adoption centers being busted for acquiring babies illegally! One only a few years ago looking like a normal adoption center but after a few babies turned out bad, and stories started, the center came under investigation. Back in the day I’m guessing that was more common and overlooked. But still illegal thus needing to be kept secret.
Also look at how there’s identical sets of “liars” around rosewood and nearby towns! Sara Harvey’s crew had a group of girls similar to the liars. We know there’s a multitude of blonde trouble makers in rosewood! Then we have the Gamma Zeta sorority sisters Grunwald looked after which had an identical set of looking liars. This was Cece’ gen. And now in rosewood there seems to be some “junior plastics” running around causing problems and all kinds of evils. While someone keeps tabs on them and tries to get them the truth!
A clue from @maliciousbuthot on twitter hinted this many times. This clue giver also said that Sara Harvey performed the implantation into Ali! So I got to thinking: this all centers around babies, adoptions, doctors, and groups of girls who are identical sets to the liars. 🤔
We know Maddie from Dance Mom’s was cast as one of these “blonde Ali type girls.” Maybe her ghost was a Radley baby portraying how her mother was forced to give birth in Radley. And the ghost twins Ashley keeps running into. Lol. Who likely are the same twins from Ali’s Halloween twin story, come back cuz they’ve got questions for their mommy, who curiously looked a lot like a younger Grunwald in the story, which appears to take place in Aria’s family’s kitchen back in the 1950’s based on fans having dated plates and kitchen ware there. Also the nurses dress like something out of the 50’s.
What kind of secret society would be breeding babies for secret adoptions you ask? One running the town’s older elite. Like Grunwald’s generation. We suspect she is Ali’s grams, and we know Mary drake was Ali’s aunt, and had Radley babies. Peter may be a member of this org and helping facilitate this illicit baby ring! WEIRD!!! 😳
Maybe Peter Hastings is one of the illicit baby ring’s biggest sperm donors?! I think Byron may have been too. Maybe it’s how he got all that money. We know A team has major financial assets and resources. They’re connected to doctors and various clinics. They’re trained in medical procedures. They’ve got access to pharmaceuticals.
Face it: the A Team is an Illicit Baby Ring and secret society! The Baphomet symbolism would hint at this. Except there’s one problem with these babies: They don’t always come out without mental health problems cuz the mothers were mostly Radley patients! Remember the similar genetic features of the girls in Rosewood? Maybe the mental illness genes also caused some problems. What if Sarah Harvey was related to all the other blondes: Bethany, Ali, and Hanna?
COMING UP NEXT: How does Aria’s secret Radley File play into this whole thang? Is she the evil twin or does she have an evil twin? It seems maybe her evil twin is the leader of the twin team if the A team is a bunch of angry Rogue twinsies come back for revenge on the families who cast them aside. She alone seems to know what her file holds though by her reaction to try to keep so much secret. She was FREAKED out to see an Artificial Intelligence Twinsie staring back at her during A.D’s FaceTime calls.
We don’t know who’s behind this computer AriA face, but what if it’s her evil twin and she knows unlike the rest she had one. Or maybe she has worked with her evil twin more than the others have with theirs and met her twin long ago? Or maybe her twin lives inside her? I firmly believe she’s worked with A many times before and is hiding something big. A secret Ali extorted Byron for. And why did Ali pick each of these girls? The probably wouldn’t have all been friends if Ali’s evil twin in the books needed new friends to keep her cover, so invented her own crew of rag tag outcasts. And she kept saying there was a reason she picked each of them. 😉 Maybe the reason was to keep her cover cuz she hasn’t been her sister all along since she took over?
A theory isn’t just a guess based on observing some clues. Every clue has to fit. And a theory must also determine Motive and Means and Method! I’ve done that here… but I’d like to see more theories a little more flushed out with the 3 M’s: Method, Motive, Means.
How do we do this? We answer these big questions when doing any theory!… and we don’t call them friggin theories!!! 😡 According to definition: We call them HYPOTHESES until they are tested and stand up to the test, which is when they become a theory. Once the theory is proven, it becomes a principal! But it must have: Method, Motive, & Means.
A. What is the Motive for the crimes? B. What is the Method used to carry them out? C. And does the suspect have the actual Means (resources or know how) to carry it out? Cuz if not, it’s not a theory by definition.
If there is ONE take away I want the now grown PLL fandom to take home, other than to not trust Mar, it’s this: a theory isn’t a theory till it has passed the hypothesis testing phase! If ur writing a “theory” to fit into a few ideas or only a few cluesies you want to pay attention to, and it doesn’t fit EVERY DAMN CLUESIE, It’s a waste of time to present to our scholarly community.
But every once in a while a fan gets a brilliant creative writing stroke of genius (we’ve all had them), and wants to make a fun theory they know isn’t likely, cuz it’s absurd or doesn’t fit all of the cluesies. Then we call it a “Just for Funsies!” But since the fandom has adopted “theories” as it’s lingo, here is my Just for Funsies.
Cuz let’s face it, we’ve all wondered about Mr. Hastings! He has more child support damage than most in Rosewood, so he would have a possible motive for being -A and spying on all his damn kids around town… and avoid child support. That’s a motive! Sorry for that tangent “theory”… it’s been bugging me for ages! Now you do. Don’t do it againsies.
Now, does he have the means: resources? Um, has a Hastings, and they’re like super rich, so duh! Lol. Only someone with the 3 M’s can be our AD! Unless Mar is writing the script, then any average college drop out can have a high tech lair that doesn’t make any sense at allsies… and that could very well happen to us again, relegating our fandom to *Gasp!*… the crowd of sad poor little Lost fans in collective mourning over what used to be a killer show that turned into shiz.
So, this “Hypothesis” centers around the shady Mr. Hastings and how many… many… many kids in Rosewood he seems to have who keep popping up each season. Even Sasha said in an interview, if she could give her character one bit of hindsight advice, it would be to look between the lines and know -A may be as close as your own family! GASP! Was that a clue? We know the DiLaurentis and Hastings families are like the Medici’s and Borgias. Wearily elite families who battled with one another to run the town. We know there was an affair between Peter and Jessica, and Mary. So that makes Spencer, Jason, Ali, and Cece all related. Wow! What if we took that family tree chart further? How many more women did Peter help father at Radley while being connected to a Radley Board member? We know Bethany called Mrs D. a liar. And she is now dead for it.
How could one man have so many kids? And leave so much death in his wake? Make so many women promise to keep secrets? How could there be kids never known about? Kids erased from family albums? We know both the Hastings, DiLaurentis, AND Montgomery families all had an extra kid shown in their family albums we never met!
So how could one man have so many unknown kids related to other Rosewood families? Easy: he was a sperm donor for an illicit baby breeding ring run out of Radley Sanitarium, using all the mothers locked up there against their will. BAM!
What if some of these Radley parent’s kids who were stolen from their birth mothers, are now very, very pissed! And wanna keep tabs on their kids and find out how many kids and who all they had, cuz maybe they were so doped Up in Radley they can’t even remember a lot of their time there. We know Marion died there. We know doctors from Radley have discussed delivering babies there when it wasn’t supposed to be happening… except their kids are now cray cray cuz of their mental health genes and being taken from their mothers and other possible siblings. Which may be why there’s an A Team and a force trying to stop get some attention around Rosewood.
And as we see in s7, Ali is stuck in Welby (the new Radley), unjustly by her husband/majorjerkface who was on the -A team, and there she gets implanted with Emily’s stolen eggs. So this would be current proof as to the shady doctors in Rosewood breeding babies out of mental patient women! There’s your proof! If Maddie Zeigler’s creepy lil dance in the Radley Basement of a mother going into labor and giving birth inside Radley, and Mary Drake’s Radley babies, and Ali’s new Welby baby (I swear if they name that baby Welby, Ima be pissed… let’s hope they name her/him Paige! Ali owes Paige and so does Em), are any proof: babies are being purposefully, and illegally bred from mental health patient’s by shady doctors. Oh wait, who was that doctor Mona stole magazines from? Have we ever seen an ethical doctor in Rosewood? No! And we know doctors are being paid to do things and keep quiet about it in Rosewood. There’s also the whole “Who’s Toby & Jenna’s daddy?!” Cuz we’ve never even met him. He’s on my list too! Just cuz we know he exists but have never seen him. Why? We see Jenna getting handed a Braille book about the endgame by someone wearing medical scrubs and gloves. Face it: doctors and babies and mental health patient women are at the heart of all of this madness.
Then I am reminded of the scene in Amish Country with the Amish girl who once again curiously had dolls of the liars. This little girl claims to have known Charlotte. Why would the Amish be connected? Maybe because the Amish are known for adopting a lot. Anyone who’s seen the reality show Going Amish, knows this. So this could be why Rollins was in Amish Country. And that barn they met this little girl in in Amish Country, looks a lot like the Campbell farm.
There’s also this thing where we know Caleb was in foster care. We never learned much about his family, except that his uncle was really his father. So once again we have a kid who doesn’t feel like they belong to their family. Caleb is still on my -A suspect list cuz he fits some certain other criteria, like height, having tech skills, seeing everything but being inconspicuous, being trusted by the liars, and taking off a times. So we don’t know who some of these parents even are, and the ones we thought we knew, we didn’t even know. Lol.
So who’s on who’s side? There’s a lot more I can add to this like Fitz foundation’s financial involvement and the rich family assets and connections in Rosewood that could have kept this whole baby ring going… so stay tuned. If you like it, hit me up in the comments or chat or my twitter to let me know you’d like to see more of this theory.
And as always: Credit Me Bitches, or Else!!! And Reblog if you’d like more! You’re welcome! 
© 2017, Fleurdelissaswords Additional Credits: G_Xoxo, Maliciousbuthot, PLLINSIDER, & various contributing GZL members, including @thepllfanxx.
❤️ ARIA IS A #SLEEPWALKER!!!: © 2017, GZL Master Theories 7b Batch.
The entire GZL crew gets credit for years of work on this one! If you weren’t thanked at the bottom in the credits, but helped back in the day on this, we thank you too! Here goes:
AriA is a SleepwAlker! 😱 Has this never occurred to anyone outside GZL? NO! Cuz we discovered it and, the rumors are true, we’ve been sitting on this theory for a few years now. It’s time it saw the light of day! We’ve compiled over the years, a massive database of evidence to support the hypothesis (which btw is the correct word the fandom should be using! Not theory! A theory is a hypothesis which has already been tested and stood up to scrutiny!) that AriA is in fact not suffering from MPD/DPD, but is in fact, a Sleepwalker. A really bad one too! Like so bad she got treatment in Radley for it. A secret she and her family have kept hidden well. The fandom read all of the timey-whimey sketchy AriA cluesies completely WRONGSIES! We will also explain the story behind the infamous Pigtunia, whom we are sorry to say, has not run off in a secret elopement with Tipi the. bird. Tipi doesn’t swing that way.
This theory involved events starting from the pilot episode on. We will present the facts, and why we think this is a plausible explanation for why we fondly refer to her as “Sketchy Aria.” We hope you enjoy reading it, as it took many years of hard work to pick through tons of episodes and evidence. We sought advice from psychological experts, mental health sufferers, and forensics peeps, to get to the bottom of whether Aria suffers from something like MPD, or something different, and possibly more sinister.
Oh Aria, why is it that you always get spared by A most of the time? Why is it that you seem to have issues with nightmares, and being found out late after dark, or show up when the time is different than it was when you left? Where do you go? What happened between 4p and 6:35p? It didn’t take that long to drive to your destination. Everything in Rosewood takes 15 minutes or less! It’s just not that dang big of a town.
You leave to go meet someone while it’s still light, and get there after dark? You have a scar one moment then by the next ep, which we take to be approx a week later, it’s already completely healed. Even your own friends think you’re the best liar! What gives? Aria: this is your tape!
Here’s the case against Aria being what she seems, an innocent girl who doesn’t know how these things happen, who doesn’t know why she always has advance info on people before everyone else, who loses her Pigtunia EVERYWHERE! If you like it, hit me up in the comment section with feedback, and reblog bitches! Sharing is caring. Don’t say I never gave you anything. 😉
Our group figured this one out a couple years ago and has been sitting on a BUTTLOAD of clues regarding it as the fandom desperately tries to understand Aria and what makes her tick. And now it’s Tick Tock Bitches for Aria, cuz AD seems pissed, and we hope she is finally about to be exposed. Did she come clean about all the info AD had on her? That small police report she made on Ezra years ago seems like small potatoes as far as blackmailing her into doing AD’s bidding. She seems rather freaked by the idea of being exposed too, even to Ezra sometimes… why is she still hiding things from the man she’s wanting to marry? Weird. And hey -A: medical records are strictly confidential and so that’s way wrong btw to steal! Shame on you. 😤 But we all know Aria has a Radley file, and Eddie Lamb, before his untimely death, seemed to recognize Aria… except she doesn’t seem to recognize him. Why would a mental ward employee remember someone when the patient themself does not? Hmmm. Those were the kinds of questions we asked. Sometimes it’s all about asking the right questions!
I know, I know. The fandom has been trying to fig out sketchy Aria since season 1. We know she’s connected to Iceland where Mar said -A has been seen. We know she’s gone thru many, many, many wardrobe phases. We know that red cup and pigtunia keep popping up in the strangest places! And we know she has a Radley file with an actual patient intake number. What kind of disorder would make a patient not remember certain things as Aria seems to suffer from? There’s a few: MPD is one often discussed in the fandom where a person’s compartmentalized alters may not remember what another alter did. Certain amnesia disorders can cause forgetfulness. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. But so can Sleepwalking disorders.
You know those commercials for sleep meds on late at night where in the warnings they say users may be prone to Sleepwalking and waking up not remembering having done things while on the med? AH-HA! This was the initial late night epiphany that got a few of us thinking. It’s true. Sleep eating is a common side effect of some sleep meds. And some sleepwalkers have been reported to do astonishing things while completely asleep and forgetting it the next morning. I once made and ate and entire chocolate cake in my sleep. It was due to any medications or anything, just a solo weird experience that hadn’t reoccurred. So it happens and can make an otherwise normal person seem a bit odd. People who run into a sleepwalker, likewise can report different personality traits, waking nightmares someone is screaming about, or even possibly, going by an entirely different name, as Aria said Emily called Aria “Arlene.” A weird choice of names. Unless the nights these girls were drugged, triggered a Sleepwalking episode of such magnitude people forgot they lost their pig puppets, woke to find friends missing, or oh say, forgetting they buried a body! Whatever sleeping pill Ali gave the girls “That Night” in the barn, seemed to have some interesting effects on the liars. And then the night Emily was drugged in a repeat of “That Night,” more interesting waking effects. We know Emily sleepwalked to a grave and was found holding a shovel. That has already been proven to have happened in Rosewood.
On another note, Aria also can’t seem to make up her mind about Jason or Ezra. Clearly she keeps going back to Jason and have some as of yet, unexplained bond with him (FYI Aria: We’re totally team JariA here at GZL since we figured this Sleepwalking thang out a few of years ago! We get it, he and Ezra both made you feel safe when sleeping, which is why That Night in the barn, You sleepwalked to his house). And your behavior patterns never disappoint when you’re in these Sleepwalking episodes, neither does your sense of fashion, depending on what you’ve been up to. And the subsequent seasonly clean up of the Ezria relationship when it goes inevitably haywire cuz of Aria again, never disappoints.
Now, I know many fans are inclined to think Aria has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD in UK, or Disassociative Personality disorder. There’s some evidence to indicate there is a deep level of hiding and forgetfulness and lying and personality changes going on with Aria here. But we cannot fit a few symptoms into a diagnonsense, but rather we must find a diagnosis that meets all the displayed symptoms. I was a psychology major and come from a family background in the field, so I may have just figured it out with the help of my GZL society dolls and some late night infomercial epiphanies, when it comes to Sleepwalking disorders, especially diagnosed in childhood, it can be a tricky situation for family and doctors to figure out! Why is their kid showing signs of hiding behaviors? Why is the child found late at night standing out by the pool where they could have fallen and then claim to not remember how they got there?
I suspect Aria’s family had sought help for her as a child and maybe even got pigtunia as a tracking method for finding their daughter when she goes out Sleepwalking. If they could find the pig the next day, they would know where she had been! #GoodParenting might have indicated a human nighttime sitter rather than a pig puppet but this may plausibly explain why Aria was attached so fondly to Pigtunia and what Pigtunia’s occasional reappearances in new places may indicate. Sleep clinics or a mental hospital may help provide outpatient aftercare of this nature for a child suffering from nightmares and Sleepwalking episodes. Some trauma may have brought about the onset of childhood Sleepwalking in Aria too… we can’t be sure. But having a friendly pig to help guard her while sleeps would help a child with sleep problems. Lots of parents utilize such techniques.
Here I will make a case that it’s not mere forgetfulness from MPD episodes however, but that this is a sleep disorder as well. It may be she sleepwalks as someone named “Arlene” as Emily informed her she requested to be called once. People in active Sleepwalking episodes can have a range of bizarre behavior, even acting out dreams as we saw occur with one character in the Ravenswood spin-off! That character portrayed well what Sleepwalking night terrors can be like. Even Ezra said it’s dangerous to wake a sleepwalker. And he always seems aware of her nightmares. He often informs her when she’s had a nightmare the prior night. And she often blows it off as nothing which seems aimed at not worrying him. Here we see Classic Sketchy Aria doing her damage control.
The audience at home have also been privy to some of her dreams, seeing it from her perspective, as with her sex dream about Jason, and her recent 7b nightmare about going to prison and having a prison wedding. Lol. So we know:
*She suffers from periodic nightmares and very realistic dreams. These episodes of nightmares each season she discusses with Ezra, are often precipitated by feelings of guilt she has over messing up her relationship with Ezra yet again. In 7b she starts having nightmares and even pulls a knife on Nicole only AFTER the events of 7a where she deletes that call from Nicole off Ezra’s phone.
*This could explain her personality changes and some of her sketchy behavior.
*This could explain why Pigtunia is so important to her even still.
Now to begin, let’s review That Night, as the fandom fondly calls it. The night the pilot ep is set in, and the show has revisited, both in flashbacks and new versions of That Night in each season since. The one where Emily got drugged, the one with their slumber party reunion at the Radley Hotel. There’s always one of these drinking night slumber parties with the girls all together before all hell breaks loose. Weird things usually occur on these nights.
We can review the evidence from That Night #1, the night of the barn slumber party when Ali goes missing, for clues. Fans quickly picked up on how Aria was first to awaken (after Spencer, and Ali never slept). Spencer was on uppers which caused the sleeping pills to not work. We know Ali laced their drinks with a sleeping pill. But it seems to have not kept Aria down like the others, as when she awakes, the Red Cup she had been drinking as well as her beloved Pigtunia were nowhere to be found near her… hey, hadn’t they just been there? This indicates she had gotten up and took them both with her at some point during the night between the time they all fell asleep and the time she woke up for the second time which appeared as the first time to us. But really it was the second cuz we notice her cup and pig are gonesies! OHNOEZ?! 😱
We later see the same red cup on Jason’s doorstep and he even picks it up for a drink before realizing it’s empty, indicating Aria by the time she left the cup on his doorstep, had finished her entire drink! It also indicates she may not have entirely finished her laced drink before falling asleep in the barn or why else take it with her? Perhaps via Sleepwalking on autopilot she didn’t realize it was empty and took it along as a natural response to waking thirsty. At any rate the sleeping pills did not keep her asleep, possibly indicating she had used sleeping pills or been prescribed them in the past. Constant use of Sleeping pills can cause a tolerance to build up making the same dose less effective. Or perhaps she she just hadn’t finished enough of her drink to sleep for too long. Either way the cup and pig end up elsewhere and it is never explained why. But the implication is she woke up at some point which We we did not see.
In the book version Ali attempts to hypnotize the girls. Wow, mixing sleeping pills with hypnosis could be a bad combo for someone like Aria with lifelong sleep problems to do some crazy shiz. It could also be why she didn’t stay asleep long in itself. We don’t see this same attempt at hypnosis as we do in the books. So I won’t go into that part.
Say her family got her treatment when young at Radley Sanitarium for sleep observation and to keep her safe at night cuz as a child she had sleepwalked into a few too many dangerous situations. The doctors tried various sleeping meds so she developed a tolerance to sleeping pills in general. The pig was her favorite so she felt safe going to sleep and also served as a childhood way for the parents to keep track of their daughter’s sleep disturbances cuz she’d often leave it wherev she went while Sleepwalking. The pig could have been a good way to help her sleep on her own once released from Radley and was a tool she kept and used as best as she could.
That Night #1, will not be the first or last time Aria has “went out Sleepwalking after midnight” with or to Jason. She had a crush on him. I firmly believe the Patsy Cline reference was about Aria going out Sleepwalking after midnight looking for Jason or someone to keep her safe from her nightmares.
Fast forward to the time the liars raided Jason’s shed to see what pics he was developing. Here’s where we get our next big indicator Aria is a sleepwalker. These pics were all eerily of Aria… sleeping?! 😳 WHO DOES THAT?! Jason later had them framed and gave them to Aria, whom he knew was into photography. More on that photography connection in a minute. At the time of the gift being given to Aria, Jason says he did not take them, and had figured Ali did. But wait… Did Ali ever do photography? NO! Aria did. Maybe the person spying on and photographing Aria in her sleep was in fact the person who got Aria into photography in the first place? Has that occurred to anyone? Someone had to teach her. And we know now it was not Jason or Ali since neither did photography. Jason had his shed to build a darkroom solely for the purpose of developing that role of film he found, and it is here we are more glimpses of a Jason-Aria crush going on behind the scenes which we aren’t privy to seeing till later. But at this point we can safely Ali was a bit too busy running Rosewood to take up any meaningful hobbies.
Now, who else in Rosewood is into photography? Aria, Lucas, and Ian. These are the ones seen with cameras. So it’s plausible one of those 2 gentlemen introduced Aria to photography. We still have no confirmation of who did however, it is left up for viewer speculation. But just by asking the right question of “who does photography in Rosewood?” we can narrow down the field of possible people who’d be spying like this on Aria, AND A team peeps. Cuz we know A likes photography too! More live video photography like Ian and Ezra, but it’s a hint at least of who’s most apt to be spying around Aria sleeping after dark.
Why would someone be taking boring (but beautiful) pics of one of the liars sleeping? We must ask these questions then determine the most logical answer. Logically if I was keeping tabs on a kid sleeping, it would be to ensure they were safe, find out if they were asleep at the time, or if it was known she was a sleepwalker, to keep tabs on what she does while asleep! Why else would someone be that creepy about Aria’s sleep habits?
So Whoev took those pics we can thus logically assume 3 things: They were into photography. So is aria, so maybe this is whom Aria learned photography from… cuz that hasn’t been answered yet!
2. This person (maybe -A or someone wanting to use her Sleepwalking for the -A team knowing she wouldn’t remember whatever they made ever do while asleep the next day) knew she had sleep problems and was actively spying to see when she was asleep or not.
3. This person’s pics are very intimate looking B&W. As if they may have been a bit obsessed with Aria. Was this just to gain Intel on her to use for their own gain or is this person in love with her, noticing her lips as she sleeps and snapping pics of that, etc. This person also has a fondness for B&W like Aria does. So there’s yet another Aria connection to whoev is stalking them. Because of this, i am convinced Aria knows her tormentor well. Most victims of stalking know who is stalking them… except these girls! Criminal Profilers will say most stalkers go after someone they’ve become obsessed with at an unhealthy, dangerous level.
In future seasons, there has often been a redo of That Night, as mentioned above. The next slumber party is just as bizarre, and is where Emily went missing after being drugged, and was later found by a grave holding a shovel. She noted Aria made her call her “Arlene.” Could This Be for Arlene Drake? Or her Sleepwalking alter ego? Like an MPD when she’s asleep? There is a type of disorder that is a lot like a mix of MPD Alters except these alter personas only come out when the person is asleep. Is Aria Sleepwalking as Arlene? She looks a lot like a drake with that dark hair too… hmmm.
Have you ever noticed after each season when Aria flubs it with Ezra, she has a period of repenting to him, where her clothes are more conservative and toned down as she tries to make it up to him, for whatever she did? Recently she went to Ezra’s to sleep late at night (maybe with her sleep disorder she felt more comfortable there, and safe from hurting others which she may suspect she’s done before and is hiding, although the details may be a bit fuzzy the next day when awake, which is common with Sleepwalking patients).
At Ezra’s, she discovered late at night, Nicole was sleeping there! So what does Aria do? She pulls a knife on her! Again: WHO DOES THAT? Someone Sleepwalking to her boyfriend’s late at night for some shut eye, and gets startled… Ezra did say it’s dangerous to wake a sleepwalker! And it must be VERY dangerous when it comes to Aria’s Sleepwalking cuz she nearly stabs Nicole before realizing she is not a killer. Maybe Aria sleepwalked there and didn’t mean to pull a knife? Maybe she feel asleep on the couch just to get some shut eye then awoke to Nicole and was startled, but not fully awake. We later see her in her usual toned down sweater and jeans look, as she tries to make it up to Ezra. This has occurred almost every season. She is dressed wildly while she is out on the prowl late at night (pun intended), in animal prints and bright colors. She seems to have endless energy. But then a few eps later we see her double-fisting coffee on a yoga pants and pony tail sort of low maintenance day. Haven’t you ever just been too tired from being up late to do all the hair and makeup before school? We see Aria in this state often when she is resorting to black and white easy wear garb.
Speaking of Ezria, WHERE did they meet? At a bar after dark! And Ezra also commented on her troublesome nightmares and even made a Sleepwalking comment once: “It can be dangerous to wake a sleepwalker.” It’s like he knew how to deal with her and maybe she felt safe with him cuz of this? But at the same time it’s like she never just came out of the sleeping bag and told him she has a serious sleep disorder. It’s a policy of don’t ask/don’t tell between the 2 of them. So he seems aware but she doesn’t seem to want to ever discuss it.
Then there’s the times she awoke at Jason’s to coffee and she seemed happy but slightly confused and drained. She was almost evasive with him. We were lead to believe her and Jason got back together during that 5 years, and she slept there knowingly. But what if she has a habit of Sleepwalking to different exes houses and then awakes the next morning unsure how she got there but they’re used to it so they just give her some coffee and fall back in love with her? Aria does have a way with older men! So her being connected to Uber A whom we suspect is also older, likes sweets, and is into photography, and has “pretty eyes” (& Some tech skills that Aria oddly seems to have picked up VERY fast on both accounts) is plausible.
It’s also plausible she doesn’t even remember knowing Uber A during the day while awake, cuz they go out walking after midnight and then she wakes up having forgotten most of it. -A could have been using her for years this way to get a lot of his/her dirty work done! What better way to keep secrets if your minion doesn’t even know what they’re doing, or their role in it. Aria seems to know now for more recently helping AD, but may not remember all past details relating to helping the A Team at night. We’ve seen her as black Jodie before a few times in previous seasons. So it’s possible she remembers some things or what we are seeing is an asleep Aria when she’s all animal print or black hoodie. Kind of brings another aspect to the whole show, doesn’t it?
But even a forgetful sleepwalker can remember or suspect little things they may have done during an episode. Which may account for her sketchy behavior with hiding certain things at certain times or knowing things the others don’t yet know, etc.
Maybe she suspects all along that she’s done bad things, maybe even murdered people, stolen stuff, hurt others, during these Sleepwalking episodes where A uses her for A’s own game. So what we may be seeing with her behavior is Aria scrambling to cover something she suspects she’s relapsed into again, her Sleepwalking/sleep disorder, but doesn’t fully remember all that happened, while trying to do her own sleuthing to figure out what she did do, and her role in it, and how to fix it all quick before everyone finds out she’s having her night terrors causing her sleepwalk into danger again.
Doesn’t it seem odd she always knows everyone’s biz but we dunno why? How she always has a new phone and new clothes? Sleepwalkers tend to lose stuff easily! She often acts as if she feels guilty, but at the same time we get this genuine feeling that she doesn’t even remember any involvement in -A’s games. And -A always seems to give Aria a pass, even just last ep in 7b, where her turn on the game board was next but she got out of it.
This also may be why we see her ditch Ali and go meet with A, and why A is facetiming her and only her. It seems she has a more intimate relationship with A than the others. But she seems just as at a loss for who A could be as the others. Maybe she turns double agent for A in hopes of learning more about the role she suspects she’s played on the A Team ALL along?! What if she needs to know the truth to help solve dis shiz? So she pretends to go to work for A in hopes of finding out if she’s done those terrible things she suspects… it’s ok Aria. It’s not the first time you’ve betrayed your friends. And it won’t be the last!
Then there was the That Night redo at the hotel Radley where they all had a bit too much to drink, and they wake up learning yet more people have died. They follow Ali to meeting Char at the church, etc. This scene resembles a remake of their old slumber parties. And again this means any time these drinking slumber parties occur, Aria could be going full on “Arlene” on us and Sleepwalking into bad things again. Even Mona called her Big A. We never really believed Charolette was Big A. Hanna has to get info off the hotel security cams, and it’s a big to do. Is it possible Aria is the catalyst, the one setting off the new A game each season when she sleepwalks into trouble at their slumber parties? Hmmm.
At the Radley Hotel Slumber Party, Aria is wearing animal print, and it’s a reoccurrence of “That Night” all over again, where bad shiz goes down.
And idk about any of you, but when it comes to spycraft, learning how to Blue Snarf and hack and surveillance others, Caleb gives Hanna and Aria some toys and teaches them how to use it, and BAM, Aria picks it up so quickly she’s now a mini-Mona! This leads me to believe it is not her first time with surveillance gadgets or doing this! She seems good at slipping trackers in Sydney’s purse. Maybe she’s used to her mother doing it to her to keep tabs on her whereabouts at night? An interesting thought, isn’t it? Maybe that job in Iceland for a year was about more than her parent’s infidelity, but also a way to keep aria safe when she sleepwalks, by keeping her in a remote area. In the books she meets an older guy there too! What is it with Aria and older men?
Another fan and writer reminded us of that plan the liars made while cleaning up trash on the side of the street in Orange jumpsuits. One of them comments and they start arguing. They fight about “a deal with a rattlesnake.“ the snake presumably as -A. (Cite: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1180298)
Upon reviewing some of Aria’s fashion choices, we realized that Aria has worn a lot animal prints and jungle themes, as well as SNAKES! She had a snake bracelet in one of her many, many, many, jungle themed outfits! In episode 5x04, Aria is wearing a snake print top. This isn’t the only time she has worn snake themed prints, along with animal prints. In s7, she wore snake print again.
I’m guessing Aria wears a lot of animal prints when she is in active sleepwalking episodes (now there’s one way to explain her fashion changes! Her wardrobe has serious bipolar disorder! Lol). She’s feeling empowered, and dangerous. She has frequently engages in dangerous behaviors when dressed this wildly. Whereas by the time we see her in her B&W phase she’s drained from nights of no sleep. And by the time we get to her seasonly "Ugly Sweater” phase, it seems she’s being repentant toward Ezra and has toned it down a bit to look more responsible. She’s in that phase now as of the last 2 eps: 7x17, and 7x18. It’s like she’s given up on fashion and taken up coffee. However we do see one more rare glimpse at her Snow White style during her pre-wedding dance class with Ezra, where just a week later in viewer time, her large self-inflicted arm wound has vanished completely! Wow, who wants magic healing powers like Snow White Aria?! 🙌🏽
Speaking of Aria’s arm wound and her fashion choices, it seems possible that Miss Aria is also a cutter in secret. Another fan mentioned this once (& I apologize for not citing it here but I have lost the link then couldn’t find it when I tried to go back and look for it, so forgive me first fan who brought that theory/hypothesis up!)
During these times Aria is more adventurous and animalistic in her wardrobe choices, we often also see her with chunky bracelets only on one side. And the Ugly Sweater Repentant phases she goes through each season could also be to hide cut marks. We see her in short skirts a lot but hiding her wrists or arms at times.
Anyone else notice how Aria and Paige McCuller’s hairstyle is a lot alike recently. In fact they look rather similar… almost like they could be sisters or cousins almost. If Aria has an evil twin it could be Paige as their hair mirrors each other. Also the hair on AD during their FaceTime chats is a lot like Paige’s. If Paige just brushed her hair out a bit after each vid chat and went to work. It could be either Aria’s own hair CGI’d/A.I.’d onto AD or as I suspect, a puzzle hodge-podge of each character’s facial/head features. The eyes don’t match. The eye of AD on the left has much darker eyeliner than the one on the right. The eyebrows don’t quite match either. Made me think of the s7b promo posters of the triangles showing just a part of each liar’s face. Twitter clue handle AKnowsAll has hinted that promo poster is a puzzle clue! Maybe AD is using bits of each liar’s face to make the Artificial Intelligence AD?
*Byron admits his brother suffers from mental illness.
*Byron admits he hasn’t been so good about enduring Aria doesn’t get burned… by whom?
*Byron is caught cheating on his wife by his own daughter.
*Ali attempts to blackmail Byron for money to keep his cheating secret.
*Aria once tells Ezra her aunt had her cat stuffed and talks to it.
*Aria is oddly attached to her Pigtunia puppet. Puppets are often used in play therapy for kids with mental illness.
*Aria is dating her own high school teacher and hides it from everyone.
*Everyone admits Aria is the best liar.
*Aria herself admits to being -A once.
*Mona who also suffers from mental illness and was an outcast, liked to play with toys (dolls in this case) and talk to them. It was a sort of therapy for her.
*Aria likes to dress up as different characters from movies and literature. She’s also been known to write her name using the trademark -A as seen in this pic. Oddly she wakes up in a coffin next to a dead Garret.
*Aria has chronic episodes of nightmares.
*Mike her brother had to get help for mental illness and put on meds for acting out and stealing stuff. Ella gets involved with a much younger con artist guy.
During 3x1, where “That Night” happens all over again, Aria seems to have a hallucination/episode in the bathroom and believes she sees -A. Fans still don’t know whether -A was really there or she just thought so. She would have been suffering from Sleep Deprivation after their reunion slumber party where Emily gets drugged and is found by a grave calling Aria “Arlene.” Curiously, Aria is the one wearing a yellow top in this episode.
Onto 7x19, where Aria is found curiously talking to a dead body in her car, driving around in circles trying to figure out what to do. We haven’t seen her talk to something not alive before so this strikes us as odd. She’s almost expecting answers and this convo is helping her to process and make decisions during a stressful situation. This could be seen as an adult breakdown version of a little girl learning to talk out her problems to a pig in a therapist’s office!
Then suddenly as soon as she tells Ezra, the body disappears. Ok bodies don’t just appear and disappear. Did Ezra see the body? Maybe she just imagined it, cuz she was Sleepwalking again. Was there a body in her trunk, or were we seeing her madness from her perspective and believing it was a real event? Was she even awake? This entire scene takes place at night and she is once again separated from the liars and feeling guilty for her actions. What if feelings of guilt trigger her Sleepwalking/nightmare episodes and this acting out she gets into cycles of? Cuz she just had been having more nightmares lately according to Ezra. She had just pulled a knife on Nicole late at night going to Ezra’s to get some sleep. She may have been Sleepwalking there and startled awake to find she had instinctively pulled a knife on someone! Is this how she acts when she’s in this altered state?
If so, we can assume she’s become violent before! And Ezra is quick to take her side, help calm her down, etc. He’s done this before for her. Although whether or not he knows she may have attacked others in her sleep/altered states is still up for debate and not our concern here.
It seems odd things occur when Aria is asleep, having nightmares, or lacking sleep. In 2x12, we see Aria is back to her low maintenance B&W easy-wear, double-fisting coffee as she sleuths to eavesdrop. Hmmm… she seems tired, and curious. This may be a bad combo for our AriA.
The Dreaded Cites:
Info on Sleepwalking disorders: http://www.healthline.com/health/sleep/sleepwalking-and-children
On Waking a Sleepwalker: http://mentalfloss.com/article/49053/why-arent-you-supposed-wake-sleepwalker
© 2017, FleurDeLissasWords, & Gamma Zeta Lie Sorority, including members: Lt. Ginger Sweazy, Becky Ann, Libby Dormouse, Ali Pi, Emma Swan, Kim Glasgow, Sheena Clayton, @thepllfanxx, Josh Gladden, Molly Shrews, Katsy Nicole,
GZL is devastated Meg Foster has not had an appearance in PLL 7b. We know she’s busy working for Rob Zombie now, and this dashed all of our Uber A hopes and dreams. Here is an old “theory” that is beloved in GZL, as Grunwald is what brought many of us together.
This is a super easy one no one ever added up.
So if one asks the question (prior to s7), what qualities we were looking for as a collective fandom in PLL, it would be these pivotal 3:
A. -A was once referred to as “Pretty Eyes. Many fans took this to be Toby as he was on the A Team that season, and out of the entire regular cast, has pretty blue eyes.
B. -A is older and has resources.
C. -A may be of German origin. We know our beloved Mar, exec producer ooooif PLL is also German, so that’s probably an homage to her heritage.
D. -A likes sweets and having tea like a refined person.
E. -A uses the initial "A” so there must be a reason.
So we know our Uber -A has access to resources. Who in Rosewood could be from old money? This narrows it down a lot right here: The Hastings. The DiLaurentis, the Fitzgeralds, and of course the refined well-dressed Grunwald.
Which brings me to my next point. The surname Grunwald is tindeed German/Jewish-German, and means “Green Forest.” How many shenanigans have taken place in the Rosewood forests? In Tyler State Park? A LOT! In fact Ali once equated -A as the forest Andy being everywhere and seeing everything. Yuh Many fans have suspected Grunwald may be the grandmother of Ali. She has blue eyes like the DiLaurentis. We know she’s not Toby & Jenna’s mom, despite their pretty blue eyes. She could be a DiLaurentis or Cavanaugh just by looks alone!
We figure Mrs. Grunwald the psychic advisor, and strict abusive sorority mother, likely has a motherly streak but can be mean… much like our -A seems to be giving and taking away from the girls in Rosewood -A seeks to influence.
Then there’s that Halloween story Ali told while babysitting with Hanna, of the 2 blonde girls in a 1950’s kitchen, and coming home to find one twin stabbed and then sent the other away. And on Ravenswood we know Grunwald was plagued by calls from a young girl from spirit realm where these spirit twins seem to have resided… if it wasn’t Aria’s kitchen long before the Montgomery’s owned it. Lol. The mother in this story looks like a younger Grunwald, complete with same hair and dress. This would have been Grunwald’s generation of kids too, about that age in the 1950’s.
Then we have her strikingly gorgeous eyes. In fact, when she was cast as Hester in The Scarlet Letter, it was her eyes that won her the role! And we know the Scarlet Letter was an “A” for adultery. Woah! Take that in for a moment. Hollywood cast her in a lot of roles because of those “pretty eyes.” A lot of younger viewers may not know Meg Foster’s acting résume but she also played Evil-Lyn a villain of superheroes. That’s TWO scorned women roles. And we know PLL cast very carefully. A lot of fans have drawn comparisons on which actors were chosen for which roles and why. A lot of real life came into play when casting for roles of a lifetime. Ali had already portrayed older girls and was 12 when the pilot was filmed. Ashley Benson had a history of playing the blonde mean girl. Lucy Hale had a history of playing the artsy music loving weird quirky girl… and so on. So can we expect any less when casting for the lead villain on our beloved show? NO! Meh Foster plays a good villain with a nice streak.
Maybe the -A in this show stands for a scorned woman who was falsely branded, and turned all badsies… but nthen still wanted to ensure the girls of Rosewood were brought up properly, and called out for their lies and bad behavior, as -A often does. At times -A rewards the girls. And at other times -A punished them, much like a strict mother, or sorority mother might! We know she saved Ali from death by burial. We know she helped Ali stay hidden and some might say, was an influenjhrhce on her. But later when they meet in the street, Ali seems creeped out by her penetrating gaze, like she knows something Ali doesn’t want known. H
Meg Foster in The Scarlet Letter (which we see teacher Ali writing about on the wall in the initial blackboard scene, which is later changed to versions of her names and aliases): http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0078683/
Meg Foster has also played Hera, Queen of the Gods. Ali, and then Hanna, and now Addison have been the Queens of Rosewood. Maybe Grunwald was too back in her day, but thinks what girldom in Rosewood has come to is disgusting and deplorable?
Her role as Hera: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/349310514823115889/
So what would a GrunwAld as -A intention be for all of this? Simple: she lost one of her daughters to bad behavior. She knew how girls could be with each other. She went on to be the house mother for a sorority and ran it with an iron fist. Nothing got by GrunwAld’s psychic “pretty eyes!” The sorority girls themselves confirmed this. She seemed to have eyes in the back of her head.. or eyes that could penetrate your soul.
I once found an anagram in one of the many PLL codes that spelled Carla. This is GrunwAld’s first name. I believe it was the Eye Chart that said “Can U See Me Now.”
More interesting connections on Meg Foster here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meg_Foster
She was born in Pennsylvania. Rosewood is theresies! 😱
She played a role as an “Ali Tanner!” Woah!
She played a Queen more than once.
In Teen Titans, her role was “Mother Mayhem”… need I say more?
No other actor or character on PLL fits all the criteria we know for Uber -A.
She’s approx 5'6. Not quite tall enough to be the character Charles in the dollhouse, which still doesn’t destroy this theory cuz as far as we know, Cece/Charlotte was “Charles.” I never really believed this plausibly and keep hoping it’s all a bad dream or Char’s big lie, and this will all end up making sense… somehow. But if it doesn’t, and we’re left with questions, let this “theory” answer them for you for all time! It was Carla GrunwAld!!!
😘 -L
© 2017, FleurDeLissasWords… this one’s all mine kids! Credit me bitches or else.
I just love the chemistry of this pair in the show! Both the techy genius outcasts. Both have reason for grudges. Both a bit misunderstood. Here’s the GZL Group Theory on If #Moleb did it, and is the ultimate A.D. Team:
#Moleb.. Not Enough Emphasis Has Been Placed on Mona+Caleb as the AD Power Couple!: GZL 7b, 2017
We know AD is a Team. We also have been told via twitter clues (credit @AKnowsAll) that AD is 1. A Name. 2. Also a Place.
We know Mona and Caleb have all the Techy Skills in Rosewood (as does Aria now too, but more on that aspect later).
What if they’re working together as AD this whole time, except Mona never knew she was working with Caleb?! 😱 This might make some sense. Both have motive: misunderstood genius outcasts bullied by the girls early on in the series. No one wanted Hanna with that bad boy Caleb. And maybe they have been the A Team leaders all along? This is the hypothesis we’ll be working with in this piece.
Why would Caleb sell out his A Team partner by using a thermal camera to show Ezra what Mona is up to in her lair? Simple: AD=Caleb got pissed off she was back to helping the liars again and going solo, so he’s once again throwing her under the bus. He’s done it before back when Original A was revealed. Even back then she was helping the liars secretly and seemed to want to expose herself.
Face it: the two both have not only equal tech skillsies but also use a lot of similar technology. Almost as if one got it and learned it from the other!
TECHY GENIUS: Who Does Radley Security?
ACCESS TO RESOURCES (Aka: Means): Who seem to have unlimited access to resources for gear and stylish clothes despite hardly ever being seen working?
AD REFERENCES: References early in the series to an “Artful Dodger!” Another fan (mentioned below in the cites section), reminded us that Caleb was once referred to as this. Could this be a reference to AD?
BEING PLACED IN FOSTER CARE AT AGE 5: he may have more reason than any character to want to find family and get revenge.
When did he get a Flir Thermal Imager? He didn’t say. Seems to be this season’s newest tech for him. He seems to upgrade his tech Ea season.
In s7a, Caleb even steals Ali’s goodwill jacket and Spencer’s phone and runs from the group trying to solve for -A, with the jacket to take to “AD” to get Hanna back. Caleb has always been a “let’s find out who this -A is” except his tech never actually gets the girls anywhere. He switched Hanna’s phone saying her old one was buggy and could be a link to AD. He gives her a new phone… which he has a constant supply of, like AD does. Weird! What if he’s been playing both sides all along? This could explain how AD knows so much about the girl’s misdoings. They spent a great deal of time discussing AD issues and their crimes in the Radley Hotel lobby, KNOWING Caleb did the security system and the security footage was being reviewed by police to implicate Spencer in Rollin’s death.. don’t these girls ever learn?! U don’t discuss the crimes you’ve committed that you want kept secret in a camera’d lobby.
Why would someone need a thermal imager if playing A? GZL asked this question. We often find answers right under our noses if we ask the right question! Well, Aria’s phone from AD was rigged to blow up on command! A thermal imager would be handy to detect a fire inside someone’s home. Notice this burning phone was not put out by Aria, but it didn’t seem to burn the place down as we never see any fire trucks arriving later. It must have went out on its own or been put out after Aria walked out of the door. Caleb is good at causing distractions using the elements as he did causing a flood earlier this season to save Hanna from having to find evidence. A good way for a bad guy to get rid of evidence he didn’t want in anyone’s hands but his own.
There have also been fires each season A has caused to one liar or another. Lol. A techy person would know how to rig a bomb to explode via a remotely controlled trigger device!
Why are all the liars often seen inside the Radley bar lobby discussing A related or incriminating things even though they KNOW CALEB did the security for the place and Rosewood PD has gotten her hands on the Radley footage already… why be foolish enough to sit there again after finding this out and continue to not only discuss but say their specific roles in turn of how Archer was run over? Seems stupid. *Just an annoying side note.
We know he was a troubled boy and Lucas’ best friend was Charles at the camp for troubled boys. Back prior to the CeceIsA reveal, GZL did a painstaking facial recognition and height comparison of ALL PLL Characters, comparing them to the masked figure Charles inside the dollhouse! The Top Matches for this height were: Caleb, Spencer, Cece, and Jason. Charles and Caleb both start with a C. Maybe he changed his name? Both Lucas and Caleb have some tech skills, and both lived together.
And caleb has dark hair. The darkest on the show currently now that Aria’s hair is lightened… maybe he became dark too?! The color is also a close match for Spencer’s, making them plausible siblings based on height, smarts, sleuthing ability, and type A personalities. Dang, how many kids did Peter Hastings have? Cuz Caleb’s father/uncle was light haired, almost reddish I believe. He didn’t look a thing like his father/uncle. We say this a lot about Hanna and her mother too.
Twitter user: AKnowsAll insists AD is both a name AND a location. I did an exhaustive search on locations beginning with the initials AD, which turned up… not a whole lot. There’s a few cities here and there with these letters. Then while googling info on another fav show (Salem) I came across a reference to a “Charles Rivers” in Salem Massachusetts. If Caleb’s name prior to being put in foster care or coming to Rosewood was “Charles,” this could make sense. Also, according some height comparisons done by GZL members, Caleb and Jason matched up fairly close with masked Charles height, along with Spencer. If Caleb Rivers is really Charles as AD, as in the early earned moniker the “Artful Dodger,” he could be AD.
HE LET SARA COME WORK FOR HIM WITH NO JOB SKILLS! She didn’t know how to use a computer and was otherwise not qualified for a techy sort of job, but he hired her anyway. He seemed to take a liking to wanting to help her. If both had been members of the AD Team, and he had been her boss on the AD Team, he may have wanted to help her once free… or keep tabs on her. She seems to have either not known Caleb was AD, or hadn’t seen him unmasked, or possibly she really did differ from a sort of Stockholm syndrome and wanted to remain with her captor.
Also let’s review every liar who’s phones could be compromised in season 7:
Hanna was given a new phone by Caleb under the pretense that her real phone could have been compromised by AD somehow after her kidnapping.
When Caleb went to stab the liars in the back and take Ali’s dubious jacket to AD, he ran off and took Spencer’s phone with him. We never find out if she got it back, but if he had it in his possession for a while, he could have cloned it or compromised it somehow to be able to spy on her.
Aria always has new devices, BUT, when she did her brief stint on the AD Team, we see her old phone blown up. She grabs a new one from a stash of them she has, but where did she get a stash of burner phones? Who has those? Caleb! Her real phone got blown up by AD and AD did NOT want her throwing it out a window. When it’s blown up, she grabs another and dashes out not even bothering to put the phone fire out. With all the fires they’ve had, seems irresponsible to me. Once AD/Caleb was done spying on Aria for her AD tasks, he destroyed the phone she was using to communicate with AD.
In the next ep we see Caleb with a new thermal imager we have no idea how he acquired or why, and is showing Ezra what Mona is doing so if he is AD, he is now spying on Mona again… no wonder he went into the diner for pie to meet her. She appeared as if she had no idea who she was waiting for as AD, and caleb messes that stake out Up for everyone (as always) and Mona ends up getting away. She later reveals her involvement in Charlotte’s death, and regresses back to Crazy Mona for the first time in ages. Caleb as AD has been using her and she even said she never knew who Charles was but that she was scared of him.
The Few Things That DON’T AD-D Up:
A. While his eyes are pretty, there are other characters like Grunwald, and Toby, who are known in the acting world for their strikingly “pretty eyes.”
B. His name: Caleb Rivers, IS Hebrew and French origins, NOT German like Grunwald or Grottesman. The reference to water doesn’t exactly add up like Grunwald’s German-Jewish name meaning “Green Forest” (a perfect name for Uber A really, with so much having happened in the forest… but that’s another GZL theory). Rivers usually do run through forests and forests cannot be sustained without water, So Maybe it’s fitting in a round-a-bout way. Lol.
C. He seems more helpful toward the liars and wants to protect Hanna. But has his protection worked every time? No, sometimes it’s backfired badly, as in most of his s7b suggestions. Starting the flood, erasing security footage the cops realized was missing, and how to handle the life-sized Hanna Doll, were all incorrect and landed Hanna, and thus the liars in hotter water. It almost seems as if he is actively working against them. He also had no ideas about the game board’s function and was quickly dismissed in regards to having any helpful ideas about the blasted game. Odd considering he should know a thing or two about technology and how Uber A operates at this point.
So, as far as the male cast goes, Caleb could be AD. Maybe this was his game all along? We’ve all seen those weird moments where he seems less than a trustworthy devout boyfriend. He’s a master manipulator, and they always said A is someone they know who’s very close to them! No one better would match up with this statement. Someone Garret said “has you all fooled.” Hmmm. I say #Moleb’s name is written all over this conspiracy.
You’re welcome! 😘 -L
Citations from other theories in cyberspace:
Mention of the “Charles River” near Salem Massachusetts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_River
© 2017, Fleurdelissaswords, & Gamma Zeta Lie Sorority mystery solving group. Please share but don’t use without written permission.
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