bootydoodie609 · 1 year
Ok um first fanfic since forever this my alt account og is darealbadger or something also this is going to be in my best writing form ever. don’t make fun of me I have autism 😭 also might be series of anyone likes it😋also it’s me in it😡ALSO ALSO might me smuty😭
The sun rises over my calm town well it is until I hear screams and gun shots
“What the hell..?”
I go back inside my house, yeah I think I’ll stay inside today.. and maybe wait a couple hours.. eh fuck it I’ll just go out! I walk out the door and take a deep breath in my South Park pajamas and my System of a Down tee shirt
“The birds are singing the sun is shining the people are dying! What a wonderful day wait people dying-?” I just now notice that almost the entire neighborhood is fucking murdered
“oh how fun..”I say as I step over the land mines of dead bodies out to the middle of the street just about to go to the gas station for snacks before going back in my house for the rest of the day(I’d like to live). I keep walking to the gas station my headphones on blaring metal trying to block out the screams of people dying “so much for peace and quiet..” I say whispering to myself looking down at my phone as I bump into somebody well I probably didn’t see him because he’s WAY shorter than me
“Oh shit man I didn’t see you there!”I say reaching a hand out to him, this dude with a black trench coat red button up and some damn pretty hair his long shoulders length black hair, I look him up and down admiring his looks “are you ok?” He’s looking up at me not moving for a couple of seconds flinching when I reach my hand out before he grabs it and gets up “T-thanks..” he mumbles under his breath “I’m sorry what did you say little man?” He looks me up and down embarrassed but I see a look of fear and rage in his eyes “I-I said thank you ma’am..” I nod my head “yeah your welcome but are you ok?” “O-oh uh yes..?” That’s weird he like asked himself? I keep looking him up and down and FINALLY notice he’s had a gun “what’s that gun for cowboy?” Now a bit confused by that i raise an eyebrow.
Dudes pov:
“What’s that gun for cowboy?” Her voice rings in my ear in too stunned to answer her I look down at it and back up at her
“I-I don’t know…” god I’m pathetic I sound like a kicked dog this is embarrassing!
Tell her you’re going to bring it to a friend
The voice rings in my ear “i-im going to bring it to a friend??” She looks me up and down like prey watching the gears turn in her head as my eyes wander around her body taking her in “well then! You know why all these crazy people are screaming though?” Oh shit oh shit oh shit she knows she knows!
Calm down idiot you’re overreacting! Just tell her you don’t know! God think for yourself..
“Oh jeez I don’t know” I shrug my shoulders as I start sweating at her questioning thinking she’s gonna find me out “well this is the probably the worst day I’ve ever had..” she says putting her hands in her.. pajama pants?! God she’s not in her best state either I’m guessing “oh why’s that?” I say questioning her now getting her to stop asking me questions is better “well it’s a bit better now cuz such a pretty boy is in front of me!” She says grinning and patting my back. WAIT PRETTY?!
She must be more mad than you!
Shut up.. “p-pretty me?” I say looking around for anyone around “yeah no shit! You didn’t know?!” She says genuinely confused “oh you’re making me blush..!” I say covering my face god I can’t believe this pretty girl is calling ME pretty “well jeez I’m pretty too?” Oh god did I say that out loud!? “Yeah?” FUCK FUCK FUCK
good going retard can’t do anything right?
The voice’s laugher echoing in my head “I um I got to go..” I say stumbling away “oh ATLEAST let me get your number!” She says as she grabs my shoulder turning me around and looking at me “pleaseee?” Oh jeez how could I say no? “Uh- Um- Sure?!” I take her hand and a pen out and write my number down
JESUS PINHEAD JUST GET PEICE OF PAPER OR- or just write on her hand and you’re already doing it! God..
She laughs at my stupid mistake.. oh god her laugh it’s just, god… “thanks dork.. now I guess you could just go on about your day! I’ll be calling you later remember!” She says walking away is she..?
Oh god she’s skipping away… I hope she doesn’t fall- and she did..
Oh god.. she actually might be crazier than me..
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bootydoodie609 · 1 year
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