flameofpassion · 3 years
Hunting for some Booze... Brotha!
It had been around a month already since Lumière had left his French seaside town and taken residence in Swynlake. Benbow Apartment Complex was not as lavish of the housing he was used to back at his parents mansion of a home, but it definitely provided the safe and comfy space that he needed. The idea behind this move was to figure out why his hands and arms always turned to flames when he got aro... er.. excited and possibly prove to maman and papa that he could rise from the whole affair incident and amount to something. Maybe Eloise still had some love for him left and would take him back? He certainly had very slim chances of getting back with Mia, after the whole flaming hands incident, Mia hadn’t returned any of his calls or texts. I guess that’s what to be expected from booty calls.
This fairly chilly December evening, close enough towards his 27th birthday that he could count the days remaining on his well-kept fingers, Lumière felt like drowning out his personal sorrows with some good ol’ booze. Looking into his fridge, there was only some cream cheese, low-fat milk, and a singular bottle of lime seltzer water. Yuck. Ah of course, eating out all week has it’s plus and minuses..... to the bar I go.
After a nice walk through the forest Lumière sauntered into The Hunted Deer, the cool rustic bar he heard from occasional word of mouth throughout Swynlake. He was more of a club kind of guy, but the woodsy low-key aesthetic and tonight’s vibe definitely felt like staying in for some drinks here was the right move. He nodded at some of the patrons, somewhat forgetting he was still a newcomer to Swynlake, as he beelined right to a seat in front of the bar. Eyeing some of the drinks on the menu, he started to feel uneasy. Ohh mon dieu....Beer after beer after beer. He could only fear what a Sam Adam’s would do to his fit French physique. Flipping the menu over, he sighed in relief to see more than just beer. 
Gin and tonic, hah! No way. Rum and coke, not tonight. Hmm. Muttering aloud with no regard to who heard, Lumiere casually asked “Which drink’s got some... er, how you say... kick in it?”
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