What happend to me? I had tick few days ago and now I hope that I haven't boreliosis or worse... Encephalitis.... I'm tired as hell, my muscles are sore and I have weird throughts. Hope for it is because I'm exhausted from my work or because I'm destroyed from things in my relationship. That would be less evil.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 8 months
Word of the day: Boreliosis
How did I got it? I don't know. Proppably from a tick?? But I never found any suspicious bug bites.
What did I do after diagnosis? Went on atibiotic perscribed by the dotor.
Are the test coming out negative? Yes.
Do I keep having symtoms? Absolutely!!
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fluffymoe · 7 years
i hate ticks so much i hope they all die. i really do
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effervescentdragon · 3 years
by the way my dumbass friends' search for places to sleep at for spielberg 22 is going, imma be sleeping in a tent but i refuse to be stressy abt this, universe will align and i will not spend my first live f1 race worrying abt boreliosis on top of all else i have for my diagnoses
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heatherwitch · 4 years
Wait lyme disease as in lyme boreliosis? Like the illness you can get from ticks?? People think thats not real? You can literally get vaccinated against it???
Oh my sweet summer child, it must be so blissful to not be in the depths of the Lyme Wars.
This war, not a battle between humans and a devastating disease, but a battle of competing theories and treatment plans, reaching religious intensities. Caught in the crossfire are those with Lyme disease, trying to understand what’s happening to them and how to receive treatment and heal. (Paraphrased from Healing Lyme by Stephen Buhner)
Those who believe Borrelia burgdorferi (and dozens of other types of Borrelia) can frequently affect people and become chronic if a) not treated in time or b) it doesn’t react properly to antibiotics have been accused of being “antiscience” or of “creating a pseudoscientific and alternative selection of practitioners, research and publications and have coordinated public protests... [their actions] pose a threat to public health.” (Paul Auwaerter MD, Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins).
And I’m curious as to which vaccine you’re referring to? The one commonly available for pets who may have contracted Lyme, or the human vaccine, LYMErix which was on the market for less than three years in the late 90’s and was removed due to... you guessed it, controversy. It had limitations, but it was a start and could’ve been improved over the years.
“The Lyme vaccine: a cautionary tale”
“The Bitter Feud over LYMErix: Big Pharma Takes on the Wrong Little Osp”
If you’re referring to a different vaccine, I’d love to recieve some credible sources on it!
And I know I went on a bit of a rant and I apologize if my tone seemed anything other than passionately sharing parts of my struggle to be believed and treated!
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medical-gal · 4 years
I have zero chill (post) COVID19
Soooo, where I am from we are slowly but surely going back to something resembling “normal”.
And the GPs feel this like shark feels blood in the ocean.
I can count on fingers of ONE HAND how many GPs were actually physically working in the hight of the epidemics and we KNOW that more than 95% GPs in this huge central European capital city, JUTS STOPPED FUCKING WORKING ALTOGETHER. 
So when the patient calls me, this 80something granny saying that she hasn't been feeling very well in the last couple of months and her GP did only CRP test and the result is 17, and he said: ITS BORELIOSIS FOR SURE.
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It´s like...
they aint even trying no more.
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humanmorph · 7 years
either im just getting a cold or its the boreliosis
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So apparently i have boreliosis and i must have had it for at least half a year. So antibiotics here i come. At least it explains the knee and all over pain ive been feeling since as far as back as i can remember. Yay.
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fhcam · 7 years
Uzmanlar yeni salgın için uyarıyor: Türkiye’de hazırlık yok
Uzmanlar yeni salgın için uyarıyor: Türkiye’de hazırlık yok
Lyme hastalığı konusunda dünyanın en büyük sivil organizasyonu Uluslararası Lyme ve İlişkili Hastalıklar Topluluğu (ILADS) tarafından özel komiteye (Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity in ICD11 Boreliosis Codes) seçilen Biyolog Prof. Dr Barbaros Çetin uyardı. Türkiye’de 7-10 milyon arası Lyme Hastası olduğunu ve çoğunun Lyme olduğunu farkında olmadığını dolayısıyla da yanlış tedavi gördüklerini…
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medical-gal · 7 years
Isnt it interesting how the general population gets shitcrazy over boreliosis but when u mention the european outbreak of measels and mumps nobody is breaking a sweat.
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medical-gal · 7 years
Patient with few months history of progressive weakness, headaches and tremors.
Seen by ID specialist twice bc he has a history of thicks in summer (boreliosis repeadetlx negative) and not once by internist or neurologist.
U know having a tumor or neurodegenrative diseases isn’t just that IN anymore
Sent him to neuro expert promptly.
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