chitownpunkgirl · 8 months
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chitownpunkgirl · 8 months
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chitownpunkgirl · 8 months
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chitownpunkgirl · 3 years
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Billie Joe Armstrong + Bi Pride moodboard
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chitownpunkgirl · 3 years
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No sorry not Green Day just another venting post. Yeah, I know I currently only post when things are bothering me but this my life right now. So today we received news that we lost two students in a car accident after school yesterday. One is currently in critical condition in the hospital. They were all 14. In my nearly 15 years of teaching I have lost a few students. It comes with the territory of working the majority of my career in an inner city school district. I only casually knew one of the students. Many times I know faces more than names so I might have know the other two as well. Yet these deaths hit hard.
I watched as my library was turned into a crisis center and students and adults shuffled in red puffy water eyes and received comfort from our counselors and other adults and students. I myself ran around most of the day comforting and doing wellness checks on my friends who had these students in class. Now as the day has ended I find myself thinking about other student I have lost in my years of teaching. I have added up 6 in the past 12 years of teaching. 4 from car crashes that could have been prevented, 1 to suicide, and one to illness. All between the ages of 14 and 16.
Here's my advise that no one asked for. If you a teenager out there reading this, please, please don't do rash stupid things. I know it's part of growing up and pushing boundaries but if you push them so far your life maybe in taken, think again. Because those who you leave behind when you do die will never ever be the same again and will never get over your death. You are NOT invincible. And those of you suffering from depression, get help, please, please reach out and make a call, send a text or just ask for help. You may not feel as though your death will impact anyone, but it will. I personally know it will and the people who you leave behind will never be the same, and never get over your death.
Okay I am putting away my soap box and going to mourn and try to heal. (PS the photo is a coloring sheet one of the students was working on yesterday)
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
So like I know I am pretty much dead on this blog, thanks to my hyper-obsession with Green Day totaling evaporating (hopefully not forever), but I need to just need to say something that is really bothering me.
First, I love Adrienne. I always thought she was down to earth, confident, strong woman (I mean let's be real she's stayed married to Billie of these years), and an advocate for the environment, small businesses, and I thought woman's rights. But her birthday post to her son really got under my skin.
Okay like, no one but Joey and Lydia know exactly what went down between the two of them, however Lydia had the courage to publicly tell her version of their relationship and stand up for herself. No easy feat. When Addie posted how she was proud of Joey and damn I can't remember the actually words but something about overcoming challenges, it basically made it, to me at least, seem as though Joey was a victim of circumstances. And let's face it, that's is so not true.
I am not a parent, nor do I plan on every being one, so I can't speak like I know what it's like, so whatever Adrienne feels for her son is valid for her, I mean she is mom. However, when you make is sound like your son did nothing wrong in a public post, that's crossing the line. I know for a fact Lydia helped empower victims of abuse. Helped them realize that they are not alone. By making the comments she did, I feel Addie took all that empowerment away. Swept all events under the rug. If you want to do that privately, that's on you, your life. But you can't do that publicly, all she had to do was wish him a happy birthday and left at that.
So disappointed, so hurt.
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
If someone were to ask me what my favorite Doctor Who episode was I have to say it is "The Doctor's Wife" not only because it is written by one of my favorite authors @neil-gaiman or because 11 aka Matt Smith plays the doctor or because the line "hello Doctor" tears me up while I smile, but more so because it gives a voice to one of the most significant characters in the show, the T.A.R.D.I.S. Because when its all said and done no matter which version of the Doctor is around that blue police box will always be there for them, and for a brief moment we truly got to meet the one who will always take care of the Doctor and always get them to where they need to be and that to me is comforting and beautiful.
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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Now that's what I call a quarantined look
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
I miss friends who are who are no longer in my life but always in my thoughts....
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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tré on guitar, billie on drums
15/03/94, 9:30 club, washington, usa
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
I have to wonder if the pandemic didn’t happen.....would there have been a revival of The Network and Money Money 2020 part 2?
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
the long grey beard peeking out from under the mask
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