#borrowing kip's hc that alphinaud's hands hurt when it rains due to the whole nidhogg's eye incident
last-flight-of-fancy · 2 months
The twins visit Hallima at their Island Sanctuary
“So, an Island, huh?”
Alisaie’s voice carries across the beach easily, muffled only by the gentle rolling tide, still low at this time of day. Birds call in the distance, and Alphinaud hefts his bag a little higher on his shoulder.
“So it seems. For being a hero to all the realm, or simply being on Tataru’s good side, I wonder?”
“Both.” Hallima strides down the rough stone walkway to greet them, grinning widely as they turn to face him. Both twins light up with equal delight, shucking their bags to wrap the former adventurer in tight simultaneous hugs. “Miss me?”
“Of course!”
The twin exclamations were tied in fervour, differing only slightly in tone. Hallima ruffles their hair and then bends down to return their hug with enthusiasm.
“You picked a great day to come,” Hallima says when they pull back. “It’s been raining all week, I was worried you might arrive to nothing but squalls.”
“As if we haven’t dealt with worse.” Alisaie snorts.
“Indeed.” Alphinaud nods. “Though I will admit that some nice weather shan’t go amiss either, after months of Garlemald's unending snows. And hearing all about your exploits in farming, I’m quite eager to see the fruits of your labours myself.”
“How has Island life been treating you?” Alisaie asks. “Your letters painted a fair glowing picture, but forgive me if I wish to hear it from the dragons mouth.”
Hallima chuckles.
“It’s no replacement for wandering the worlds, but it keeps my hands busy when the guilds tell me I’ve done enough for one week.” He says, gesturing them to follow as he turns back to the stone walkway.
“Oh yes, because you certainly haven’t been doing any wandering, have you.” Alisaie raises a delicate eyebrow at Hallima as she stoops to pick up her dropped bags. Hallima coughs and looks away.
“And defy chirurgeons orders? I wouldn’t dare.”
“Chocobo hock, you most certainly would.” Alisaie rightly scoffs.
“And any sightings of you at Radz-at-Han or Gridania are mere fictions, I’m sure.” Alphinaud is clearly just as convinced.
“Of course.” The truth is of course that they have a personal transport crystal in Gridania, and Radz-at-Han is set as their home point, so aetheric travel to those places are less strenuous than most others.
They still weren't supposed to be teleporting at all, but it was more of a gray area. Kind of.
“Hallima…” Alphinaud sighs, but his exasperation is short lived, too happy to see their friend and sibling again. “I don’t know what we expected, honestly. You never were one to let anything keep you down.”
“And glad are we for it, even if it can be infuriating at times.” Alisaie agrees. “Come, show us this Island Paradise you’ve been building these last few months.”
“With pleasure.”
"And this one? What's her name?" Alisaie hefts the karakul in both arms like one would a stuffed toy, beaming widely. Hallima grins despite himself- the typically ornery beast was being astoundingly docile at the treatment.
"And this one?" Alphinaud crouches next to another one, which looks up from it's doze to sniff at his nose curiously.
"Has anyone told you that you are terrible at names?" Alisaie snorts.
"Yes, you. Repeatedly."
"To be fair… You are really terrible at it." Alphinaud says with a wry grin. "How about the Auroch on the far end?"
"Gigatusk. I name a baby couerl Kitten on time and I never hear the end of it."
"Once, sure, sure." Alisaie sets Pibby down and hefts a dodo nearly bigger than she is up to Hallima. "What's her name again?"
"…. Carl."
"How is Kitten doing?" Alphinaud asks, Foof whining and nudging his hand when he pauses scratching behind her ears. He resumes his task dutifully.
"Still growing, somehow. Might have to move it out here if it keeps going, it barely fits through doors anymore." Hallima grimaces. His retainers would not be happy with that, they were both just as attached to Kitten as he was. Minhe would probably just show up on the Island the next day with bags packed and his usual lazy grin, the red of his long Viera ears burning bright in the tropical sun, but T'ona would twist his ear for putting them through the trouble… regardless of whether he actually asked them to or not. But she would still come, all dark slitted glares matching her fur but gentle touches, in her usual manner of her actions and words never quite matching up completely.
"Is she still convinced she's a lap cat?" Alisaie releases Carl, who blinks blankly at the change in circumstances, squawks once, and then flutters off to join her mate, Numbnuts, further off in the pasture.
"Considering no one has told it to stop… Yes." Hallima takes no responsibility for that one. That was entirely Minhe's doing.
"Well, no one has come to harm over it, he can be a lap cat if he wants to." Alphinaud says primly. Alisaie glares at him. It was a long standing debate as to Kitten's actual sex, but early in their adventuring careers they hadn't the time or resources to find an animal expert willing to deal with the notoriously dangerous Couerl species, and though Hallima probably could now, this is far more entertaining.
Actually, chances were high one of the Island's resident mammets probably could do it, there are several tasked with the care of the pasture animals for that very reason, but Hallima decides not to enlighten either twin of this possibility.
"Oh now well aren't you a pretty beastie." Alisaie coo's, prompting Hallima to drag themself out of their thoughts and see Alisaie petting along the neck of their rare Gold Back. Before they can utter a word of warning Alisaie yelps as her arm is suddenly clamped in the creature's jaws, nestled between it's long teeth.
"Alisaie!" Alphinaud stands sharply, aether percolating in the air as he readies a spell, but Hallima gestures him to wait, and to his credit he does.
"You okay, Alisaie?" Hallima calls, and Alisaie pulls out of her instinctual shock to pull on her arm a little, finding it securely held but otherwise unharmed.
"I'm fine. Just.. Stuck. I guess."
"Yeah, she does that." Hallima jogs down the hill. "Sorry, she was on the far end and doesn't usually approach strangers, so I didn't think to warn you unless we went closer."
"Well, as long as she just wants to hold me and not eat me, I shan't complain." Alisaie grins ruefully. "Though It is rather… wet."
"Yeah." Hallima chuckles, petting the Gold Back's beak gently before reaching past it to her jaw, looking for a particular pressure point. "Talk to Creature Comforter on the way out, he keeps towels on hand because of exactly this."
"Ah, ow!" Alisaie yips, startling both Alphinaud and the Gold Back, the latter of which freezes entirely.
"Sorry, sorry." Hallima says, moving to get a better view of their work. "I'm more used to being the one pinned… And the mammets never say anything if I poke them by accident. Apparently."
"I don't remember your claws being that sharp." Alisaie flexes her pinned hand in an attempt to shake away the lingering pain.
"Forgot to file them down before you got here." Hallima says, a hint of chagrin in their voice. Alphinaud makes a thoughtful face.
"Why do you do that, anyroad? I've always meant to ask. The Au ra students we knew back at the Studium often did, being as they are involved in research and academics for the most part, but all those who led more dangerous lives such as those of the Steppe or Yugiri tend not to. I am aware that you are more than capable in the field, but surely even so small a natural advantage would be a boon?"
"'S a hassle. Ah!" The Gold Back's mouth opens and releases Alisaie's arm, which emerges sticky but unhurt. "There we go, that's a good Limestone. You don't mean no harm, do ya? You're just a mama at heart." Hallima coo's, petting the creature, and Limestone shakes her head and neck happily at the attention.
"That's right, Blue Back's carry their young in their mouths, don't they?" Alphinaud recalls. He's not entirely sure where he'd read that, animal husbandry wasn't something he had ever studied in truth, so it must be some tidbit of information he had picked up in passing.
"Yup." Hallima nods, giving Limestone another pat. "The teeth look long and dangerous, but they're more like handles for their babies to grip than any kind of offensive tool."
"What did you mean by it being a hassle?" Alisaie asks, curious, unconsciously rubbing at the thin red line that now crosses the bridge of her thumb. Hallima glances down at it pointedly.
"Scratching things I don't want to scratch."
"It's really not that bad," Alisaie waves her hand as if to demonstrate its veracity. "But I see your point. Now, where were those towels?"
She struts off without waiting for an answer, spotting the Creature Comforter by the gate quickly. Alphinaud looks up at Hallima, thoughtful, but whatever he's thinking he ultimately chooses to keep to himself, and the two follow her at a leisurely pace. Hallima is grateful, he hasn't thought about the last time he used his claws deliberately in a very long time, and would prefer to keep it that way.
The low thump-thump of heavy feet behind them tells them that Limestone has chosen to come along- at least so far as she is able. As they approach the gate she nudges and nuzzles at Alphinaud insistently, which he doesn't seem to know how to react to, shoulders stiff and gently pushing her beak away when it blocks his vision. Hallima chuckles, and reaches into a pocket for some greens.
"Catch." Is the only warning Alphinaud gets, and to his credit he does manage to catch the bundle, if ungracefully. Limestone trills in delight, feathers and webbed scaling alike flapping in excitement at the sight of it. "Go on, give her a treat."
"Ah, alright, um. Here?" Alphinaud turns and holds up the greens, which despite her obvious excitement Limestone only nibbles at the ends of. After a moment she nudges at his closed fist with her beak in frustration.
"Open your hand, let it rest in your palms." Hallima instructs. "She's trying not to get your fingers."
"Oh. Right." Alphinaud does so, and Limestone proceeds to gobble up the treat with abandon.
"Nicer than many animals, then." Alisaie approaches, still wiping down her arm with her newly acquired towel. "And good thing too, Alphinaud would definitely lose some appendages otherwise."
"Hey." Alphinaud scowls at her, but cannot find any true rebuttal to it. It was true after all, he generally fared much better with creatures capable of speech.
"Like I said, she may be shy- usually anyway- but she's a mama at heart."
"We're not that young." Alisaie is the one to protest this time. And there is some truth to that these days; the twins have yet to hit the majority of their growth, but the way their frames have filled out and necks lengthened indicates it's likely not far off.
"You're young enough." Hallima shrugs. "She does it to me too, remember?"
"Right." Alphinaud says, a smile crossing his face and his stance starting to relax. "'Mama at heart.' We know the sort."
It should by all rights have been a short tour. The Island, while big enough to sustain a small village, isn’t that large, but the three are continuously stopped by some anecdote or shenanigan and by the time they finish the sky has grown long dark and lanterns light the paths.
It’s for this reason that Alisaie doesn’t notice right away, hearing the faltering step more than seeing it, and the sound makes her pause in concern.
“Are you all right?" She asks, looking towards Hallima. "We can stop for a while if you need a break.”
"Huh?" Hallima pauses, confused, before a dawning realization crosses their face. “Oh, no I’m fine.”
“You’re limping.” Alphinaud has noticed too, probably at near the same moment she had, she’d simply spoken first.
“It’s nothing, just a rock in my boot.” Hallima tries to turn away but only makes it a few steps before realizing neither twin is following them. When they meet the twins gazes, it is to one full of hurt anger and one of aggrieved betrayal.
“You’re really going to lie to us? Now?” Alisaie demands. “After everything we’ve-“ She cuts herself off, biting her tongue lest she say something she regrets.
Alphinaud approaches Hallima slowly, and inside something complicated and bitter writhes at how it’s like he would approach an injured animal.
“Sit down, let me see.” He says, a healer to his core. Hallima shakes his head.
“There’s nothing to see. I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Well congratulations, now we’re worried.” Alisaie crosses her arms. “So?”
Hallima looks away, and then lets themself lean against a nearby fencepost.
“There really is nothing to see.” They say again, as Alphinaud starts checking them over. “It’s been like that ever since…”
They trail off, but there’s no need to finish. They all know what events they’re referencing. Alphinaud’s hands drop, the pieces falling into place.
“Why try to hide it though?” Alisaie asks, frustrated. “It’s not like we haven’t all some lingering malady or other from our adventures. Alphinaud’s hands ache when it rains, Krile suffers from memory echoes, Y’shtola’s blind, and if I recall correctly even your dragoon mentor has a limp of his own!“
“None of whom are the Warrior of Light!” Hallima snaps, unthinking. Two stunned faces stare up at them in shock, and they turn their head away from the rush of shame that heats their cheeks.
"Hallima…" Alisaie says, the word strangled and unsure.
“I’m- sorry." Hallima pushes off the fence post and tries to meet their gazes but fails, scrubbing a rough palm through their hair in guilt and frustration.
Alphinaud casts his gaze downward, lips pursed in thought, before reaching out and taking Hallima’s comparatively massive hands in his.
“Too much has been put on you over these long years, hasn’t it my friend?” He says slowly. “It is something we have oft acknowledged but failed to address. I vowed never to view or wield you as a tool again, and though I have tried my utmost to hold to that it appears I have still failed. I am sorry, my friend.”
"You haven't failed." Hallima shakes their head sharply. They turn their hands so they can return Alphinaud's grip, mindful of their claws. "It's not you, and you don't deserve me taking it out on you. It's just… I've become the saviour of the realm, the universe itself, and I would do it all again if I had to, but there is always a part of me convinced that I'm.. Not worthy of it. That one day my weakness will become obvious to all."
"We all have weaknesses, Hallima." Alphinaud says, the soft quaver in his voice speaking to his understanding more than words ever could.
"I know. I do." Hallima says. "it's a bit absurd, isn't it? It would be easier were they to simply turn on me like the bloody banquet. It hurts but it's straightforward, I know how to handle a fight. It's the disappointment that scares me."
Alisaie’s anger and frustration melt away in understanding, and she stands next to Alphinaud, with wide, shining eyes.
“You are the Warrior of Light, yes.” She says, the effort to keep her voice from shaking. “But you are also a man. No more or less than the rest of us. I know you have been made a symbol to the masses but to us-“
She stops, biting her tongue again, this time to keep her composure than to restrain her anger.
“To us you are family.” Alphinaud finishes for her, and she nods, grateful. “You need not maintain a veneer of perfection with us. Please, we would gladly share your struggles as you have shared in ours.”
"Whatever may come, we will be there for you, as you have been for us." Alisaie continues. "So forget the disappointment of the masses. We have seen you with scissors stuck in your hair and your horns caught in your shirts, you won't be getting rid of us that easily."
“Heh.” Hallima lets a wry smile slip onto their lips, and when the twins look up there is a distinct shine to their already bright eyes, nearly glowing in the ambient dimness. “You’d think I would know better by now than to hide from you.”
“Clearly we’ve been away too long.” Alisaie teases gently, the tension slipping away. “We will have to check in more often.”
“I would like that.” Hallima admits. “You know me, I keep busy, but I have missed everyone.”
Even remodelling an entire Island could only keep their wanderlust at bay for so long.
“We will be sure to send the word out once we have adjourned here.” Alphinaud nods decisively, ever the planner. Alisaie knocks a fist to her palm in agreement.
“That we shall. But first, let us adjourn to the cabin before the bugs make meals of all of us.”
"It has a lovely view, doesn't it?" Alisaie comments, staring out across the tops of trees and listening to the waves lapping at the beach below. In the distance thunder rumbles, though not so much as a breeze yet disturbs the thick foliage.
"The lights along the path help." Alphinaud says, taking a seat on a bench next to where she stands. "Else I imagine you wouldn't see much of anything right now."
"The sunsets from here are incredible." Hallima chuckles, emerging from the stairwell with a tray of snacks in hand, courtesy of the workshop. "I had planned to show you once we finished our tour, but we got a bit distracted with everything else."
"As we always seem to." Alisaie laughs, taking some preserved meats from the tray when Hallima offers it. "Oh well, we're here for at least another day, perhaps tomorrow we will get to see it."
"Assuming it doesn't rain again." Hallima says, taking their own seat on the bench and setting the tray of snacks between them and Alphinaud. There is another rumble of distant thunder, and a brisk wind begins to wind its way through the plaza. "Which it might."
"A whole day spent indoors with people we love while a storm rages outside. However will we survive." Alisaie says drily, taking a bite from her jerky.
"We could teach you some of the games we've learned in Ilsabard!" Alphinaud lights up, always excited to impart new knowledge. He appears to have already forgotten about the slice of jerky he had taken from the tray. "Being in such inclement climes as they are, they have a veritable wealth of games and pastimes for the express purpose of wiling away the hours indoors, often with little to no power."
"Many of them serve as excellent bonding excersizes as well." Alisaie nods. "Particularly for the children who were more wary of us at first."
"They're doing so well, despite everything they've been through, truly." Alphinaud says. "There's one in particular who has taken to asking us for stories about you every time we see him. Perhaps when next you visit we could introduce you…"
He hesitates, recalling how just earlier the Warrior of Light had revealed lingering insecurities over their titles of heroism, but Hallima smiles.
"I'd love that."
"You better not just be saying that to be a people pleaser like always." Alisaie points at them, and they raise their hands defensively. Honestly, she could give Esteem a run for his money.
"Honest. Kids are different, they need hero's. Especially after everything they've been through." Hallima says. "And I don't really mind being the hero and saviour and etcetera. It's the whole… Being put on a pedestal thing that bothers me. Pedestals have a tendency to crumble."
"That's fair, I suppose." Alphinaud says, finally remembering his snack and nibbling on it.
Silence reigns for all of five seconds, mostly comfortably, and then-
"Is that why it took you and G'raha so long to sort yourselves out?"
"Alisaie!" Alphinaud reprimands, but she pays no heed. Hallima laughs.
"It's not the only reason, but it is one of them, yes." They say, taking one of the jerky slices for themself. They didn't mind the devotion, that's just how G'raha is really, devoted to a fault- whether it be to the Students, his scholarly work, or the people in his life. But he'd had centuries to build that pedestal to the Warrior of Light in his mind and Hallima needed to be sure that the destruction of the pedestal would not mean the destruction of G'raha's esteem.
Turns out, they needn't have worried. G'raha was well aware of the pedestal, and surprisingly adept at separating it from Hallima themself, even if dismantling it would likely remain a work in progress in perpetuity.
"Enough about me, we've spent all day talking about me." Hallima continues. "Tell me more about how things have been going in Garlemald."
scrtch-scrtch scrtch-scrtch
It's this sound that draws Alisaie back into the world of the waking, along with the persistent patter of rain on glass. She yawns fitfully, stretching and attempting futily to assuage the new crick in her neck. Next to her Alphinaud mutters something sleepily, disturbed by the loss of his impromptu pillow, eventually letting out a yawn of his own and rubbing at the crust that has gathered around his eyes.
"Hng… What time is it?" He says, words only slightly slurred.
"Not as late as it probably feels." Hallima says, putting the nail file- the source of the scratching noise earlier, aside. "It's only been maybe a half bell since you dozed off. Much longer and I was going to cart the two of you off to bed."
"Might be a good idea anyway." Alisaie yawns again. "Goodness, who knew a vacation tour could be so tiring?"
"It does rather- awuh- defy belief." Alphinaud concurs, Alisaie's yawn contagious. The two stand and it's hard to miss the way Alphinaud attempts to massage his palms.
"Would heat help?" Hallima asks, taking Alphinaud off guard.
"Your hands. Alisaie mentioned they ache when it rains. Would heat help? Hot cocoa maybe?"
"That sounds incredible, truth be told, aches or no." Alphinaud smiles gratefully.
The kitchenette in the cabin is about as basic as it gets, the culinary arts being one of the few the Hallima hasn't explored in depth, but the ingredients are there- most fresh from the Island pastures and farmland- and it is a simple thing to make. Simpler still with two hangers on with all sorts of advice to give.
"Careful of the temperature! Don't let the milk bubble!"
"Make sure the cinnamon is finely ground now-"
"Do you have any mallow bits in here…?"
Or perhaps that made it much less simple. It was welcome all the same.
"Ahhhh, that's the stuff." Alisaie sighs in contentment as she takes the first sip of her cocoa. Alphinaud for his part holds off, holding his mug in both hands, blowing gently across its still steaming contents.
"Indeed." Alphinaud closes his eyes and takes a deep inhale, the picture of relaxed contentment.
Hallima just smiles, content, and picks up their file again. Alisaie watches, deep in thought, before something occurs to her.
"You know if you- hm. May I?" She sets aside her drink and holds out her hands to Hallima.
"Uh. Sure." Hallima gives her the file, confused as to what she intends to do but trusting her intent. Carefully she drags the file across Hallima's claws, and after only a few deft swipes it seems entirely changed; still sharp and pointed, but somehow less obtrusive.
"Where did you learn that?" Hallima asks, curious. Alisaie grows sombre for a brief moment before she shakes it off resolutely.
"At the Inn. Tesleen taught me, while we were taking care of Halric." She says, quiet but unfaltering. "One of the other carers had taught her I guess. It makes them easier to use day to day without blunting them entirely. Or so I was told. You'll have to tell me how well it works."
She files each claw quickly and efficiently as she talks, taking Hallima's other hand when she's done in a movement so smooth as to be muscle memory. Hallima flexes his fingers, forming a fist, and marvels a little at how much a difference the small changes in shape made.
"I'll have to test them out, but I like it already." Hallima smiles. "Thank you."
Alisaie grins at the praise, finishing the last claw with a perfunctory movement.
"Anytime." She says.
"So, Alphin- ah." Hallima stops mid-sentence. They'd thought the boy was being unusually quiet, and it turns out for good reason. Alphinaud is sound asleep, sitting upright and hands still cupped around the warm mug. "Right. It is late, isn't it?"
"A little." Alisaie gives in to the urge to giggle at the sight, reaching out to take the mug from her brother before it spills. Alphinaud murmurs in discontent but doesn't wake, nor does he when Hallima gently maneuvers him into a bridal carry… Though he does take the opportunity to dig his hands under Hallima's shirt, seeking the warmth beneath.
"He deserves some rest." Alisaie says, falling into step with Hallima towards their guest rooms. "There's so much left to do in Garlemald, it feels nigh endless, but he's hardly let that stop him."
"Or you." Hallima adds. "You say that like you're not right there with him, carrying the reconstruction of a nation on your shoulders."
"Oh I am, make no mistake." Alisaie says. "And I won't say it hasn't been tiresome, gruelling work at times, but… It's good work."
Hallima nudges the door open with a heel and slips into the darkened room easily, setting Alphinaud onto the cot. Alphinaud has to be pried off Hallima's neck, and the Au Ra has to struggle to not laugh and wake the boy at how young he seems in his sleep haze.
"Stay with us?" Alisaie asks. Once that question would have been uncertain, or carried a certain shame at asking for something so juvenile, but now it is anything but. Her voice is quiet but confident; simply a question.
"Of course." Hallima nods. The bed was big enough, and they tended to sleep sitting up more often than not anyway. "Any reason?"
"Not really." Alisaie shakes her head, doffing her footwear and jacket. "Just nice to do it while we can. We certainly miss it during the colder nights, I'll tell you."
"I beleive that." Hallima chuckles. They reach down to remove Alphinaud's sandals- definitely not comfortable to sleep in, and nudges the boy until all three of them fit comfortably. "I'll have to visit once I'm cleared for Aetheryte travel again."
"Oh please, we all know how much you hate the cold." Alisaie says, laying her head against Hallima's thigh as a pillow. She already sounds half asleep. "Didn't mean to set up on one of the coldest places in Eorzea, honest."
"I know." Hallima chuckles. "It'll be worth it though."
Silence reigns, and Hallima doesn't need to look down to know that Alisaie's breathing has slowed into the soft snores of sleep. They smile.
"Goodnight Alisaie, Alphinaud."
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