wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Grandmaster. Let me cast the spell of Endless Zaza to honor you for the next 24 hours.
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thank u
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Sorry i know its lame but I don’t have any weed to smoke for your birthday so I’ll take a fat vape hit instead 💖
the only thing thats lame is putting yourself down which is not very wizardly of you.
i used to vape until flavors became illegal and killed my juice shop so now i use my mod for carts. plus vape mods look sick there are some cool designs
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Gunna smoke a massive bong bowl in your honour wizard of weed 😎✌️
aw man i havent taken a bong rip in forever literal years. i wish i had a bong to smoke the moonrocks lol but i love my bowl its pretty
thank u enjoy your bong dont forget to drink the bongwater it is a special potion to give you secret powers
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
HAPPY BROTH i send potion of Super Weed ill puff my joint in your honor today
oh man i am super weeding it up with this potion! this weed wont even know what hit it.
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
yoooo happy birthday my funkalicious wizard fool! Hot boxing the wizardmobile with my bros in your honor.
in my heart the wizardmobile is a van with the sickest wizard youve ever seen on the side of it and a sweet sesh pit in the back, which is the dream vehicle. van wizards are so sick
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Happy bday Weed-zard!! I cast pass the boof
im casting it right back at you bro light it uppppp for me on this bortdoyween! lets hotbox this wizard tower
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Happy birthday bud i am passing you the blunt as we speak
thank you! i am sharing this blunt with all of you. casting unlimited birthday blunt and breaking the laws of physics to give you all a honk on that bobo
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
4 your birthday…. do u have any high wizard thoughts abt your upcoming wizard game you’d like to infodump?
additional high wizard tip: i’ve found talking about my creative projects while weeding out to be helpful in getting my ideas down concrete instead of them being nebulous wisps in my brain like usual. also if you’re too zooted to type em i recommend voice memos. i have prolly a few hours of high time voice memos of my thots
oh absolutely. i have so many ideas. it's going to be like a modern day fantasy world, and you have a familiar that follows you around and just chills. super duper queer, with like alchemy and potion brewing and farming the ingredients for those things. There's also going to be a town with lots of colorful residents, of many different fantasy races, such as a big snake lady :3
there's tons of animals I want to be able to farm, in a coop(chickens, pigeons, ducks, dragons), Small hutch (rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, ferrets) and Barn (goats, sheep, cows, yaks) as well as some other fantasy animals maybe, i just cant think of more rn.
I want the town to have a community garden, and a community center where fun things happen! as well as an open market where everyone has stalls, and you can sell goods you produce on your farm, potions, whatever. you can also just sell in a sellbox but handmade things sell for more at market and you gain friendship by selling things to people. you probably don't have to man the stand just like put stuff there. if its a good luck day, someone might leave a tip. bad luck wont affect prices or anything maybe just the amount that sells.
luck will also affect the mine, which will be random portals to random mine levels, so if you get super lucky in the beginning, you could get later game resources for harder crafting recipes/etc. you can also climb down the mine one floor at a time, but that will be less rewarding I think, and be like slower progression overall until you can afford to unlock the elevator to them
i have sooo many ideas for townsfolk and their storylines that im not going to get into it more lol this is already long af
I do generally write my ideas down when im high! my draft zero is always stream of consciousness brainstorming, and my process definitely works for me lol.
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Yooooooo happy birthday I'm getting absolutely toasted at work in your honor! Have a good day stay magical
sick! get absolutely blasted for me! my plans are to stay super stoned and play video games all day so im going to have a great time!
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wizard-of-weed · 2 years
Happy bortdort! I will hig that juug in your honor later
aww fucking yeah hig that juug so hard it combusts and dont @ me when it explodes
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