briann812 · 7 years
[M] I Miss You (So Fuck Me Already) Part 1
Author: BrianN812
Pairing: Kyungsoo+Jongin
Word Count: 2817 words
Summary: Kyungsoo is annoyed that Jongin keeps ignoring him and he seeks the help of Baekhyun to get the sex going.
   AN: Legit there is no smut, but there is a mastrubation scene so I have to put the M rating. I’m in a study hall rn so sorry if there are typos, I’m rushing.
   Ever since Kai started teaching dance classes to pay rent for the dorm that he and Kyungsoo shared, they haven’t had some intimate alone time in almost a month. And Kyungsoo wanted to put a stop to it… Immediately.
   He tried everything he was comfortable with doing such as making more time for Kai, or asking him out on a date, and even just talking to him about it. Unfortunately Kai was way too responsible for his own good and was putting work before the relationship. Apparently it’s so that “We can have the best time together after saved a lot of money.” Except the relationship isn’t going at the speed that Kyungsoo wants and he’s seriously considered being single, then he realized that he was a dependent wreck without Kai.
 Unfortunately for Baekhyun, Kyungsoo’s best friend since childhood, he had always been the box that Kyungsoo puts his complaints in. Whether it be about school, what to wear, and even on how to deal with Kai, Baekhyun was always the one that Kyungsoo went to for life advice.
 Banging in on Baekhyun’s apartment door, he shouted “Baekkie help me I’m in the middle of a life crisis!" 
   Baekhyun was still sleeping, or in his case lying in bed after having one too many shots the night before.. I mean come on it was Friday night. Not wanting to deal with the owl eyed boys crap at 8am, he yelled "Leave me along  I’ll deal with this later!”
   Rolling his eyes he said in retaliation “Pleeeeease!”
   "You can’t make me!“ Screamed Baekhyun.
 "You gave me a key remember?” Kyungsoo started to fumble with his jacket to fish them out.
 "Shit…“ Baekhyun mumbled as he heard a rattle, "wait two seconds.” He clumsily stood up to open the door and greeted Kyungsoo with a face of hate and the bare minimum that counted as clothes.
 "How much did you drink last night?“ He asked.
 "Enough to make me wish you would leave.” He sarcastically replied.
   "Mm" Kyungsoo hummed ignoring the statement, “Anyways I’m having problems with Jongin HELP ME!” He said as he shook Baekhyun back in forth. Baekhyun smacked him across the head.
 "Cut it out what’s the problem?“ He asked. At first the thought of getting Kyungsoo out of the house seemed like the best option in the world, but hearing the desperation in his bestie’s voice, he couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit concerned.
   "So you know how Jonginnie has that job right?” He nodded, “Well ever since he got it be been getting to spend less time with him and I haven’t been laid in a MONTH! I haven’t let him stick it up my ass in a MONTH! Do you know how frustrated I am?!” He sounded like he was insane but that didn’t really matter at the moment.    Shocked at his friend’s choice of words he simply replied “And what the cuckoo you want me to do?" 
   "You said that one time for Chanyeol hyung’s birthday that you got a lot of kinky shit at a sex shop and had the best fuck of your life. Can you take me to the shop and help me pick out a few things?” He asked sweetly.
   Confused on which thing he is more surprised by (Kyungsoo asking to go to a sex shop or the fact that he’s asking him to help him pick things out) he said “Sure… But can we go tomorrow? I don’t think that I’m recovered from being hung over enough to go shopping in public." 
   "KK” said Kyungsoo. 
 Back at home the next day, Kai was ready to go to work when Kyungsoo was about to leave as well. 
   "Where are you going babe?“ Asked Kai. He was busy putting on a shirt.  —————————————————————————————————–
 "I’m going grocery shopping.” Kyungsoo lied blankly. He sucked at lying and he knew it, but he couldn’t say that he was shopping for anal beads and lingerie with Baekhyun.     Without even letting Kai say that he went yesterday, he said a quick half-hearted bye then rushed out the door. Kai was least to say, dumbfounded.
   Heading to Baekhyun’s house, he had no idea about what was going to happen. So many thoughts racing through his head. What if it doesn’t work? Will he think I’m weird? Will he break up with me? He almost thought about canceling on Baekhyun just to do it the old fashioned way of talking about it with Kai. Then he realized that he needed to do this to save his sex life.
   It was relatively 1 in the afternoon and he knew that Baekie was awake. i mean it was socially acceptable to start drinking so of course Baekhyun would be there. Knocking quietly, he hoped Baekhyun wouldn’t hear it just so they wouldn’;t have to go. But he did initiate it, so it wasn’t his friend’s fault. Opening the door slowly Baekhyun walked out in impossibly skinny jeans and a shirt that showed almost half his chest.
   "You look like a slut.“ Said Kyungsoo jokingly.
   "You know me too well!” Baekhyun said playfully, “ Anyways, let’s go!” getting into Baekhyun’s car, they drove off to the unknown (well to Kyungsoo) location. Driving almost silently, all you could hear was the rustling of leaves nearby and the bumps in the imperfect road. It was Baekhyun to initiate the conversation.
   "So what are you looking for to spice up sexy time?“ asked Baekhyun.
   "I’m not sure,” Kyungsoo replied timidly, “I just need something distracting enough for Jongin to kip his class tomorrow and fuck me.”
   "Well that’s a lovely image to see,“ Baekhyun said dryly, "I’d almost buy it on DVD.” Kyungoo hit baekhyun on the shoulder half jokingly “Hey I’m driving!” The victim screeched.
   Arriving in the at the shopping square Kyungsoo exclaimed, “Wait, I’ve never seen a sex shop here.” Then Baekhyun smirked then drove into a larger ally way and drove a ways straight till the sex shop. “Oh,,” Kyungsoo murmered under his breath.
   Entering into the store all Kyungsoo could see was a very elegant looking store that could almost be a boutiue if only there weren’t dildos lining the walls, mannequins with lace lingerie on then, and sex toys and supplies on the many shelves that are provided for the shoppers pleasure. Baekhyun took a shopping basket where they started towards the lingerie sets.
   "Um, Baekhyun… I’m a dude.“ Kyungsoo said with owl eyes. 
   "That doesn’t mean that dominant men don’t want want to see their little boys in lace bra and panties that barely cover their ass.” he gave Kyungsoo a playful, light spank that made the small boy blush redder than he already was. There were sets in blue, black, pink, red, and legit every color you could imagine. Kyungsoo was staring at the racks in awe. If this isn't sin, he doesn’t know what is. All he could do is watch his friend a set of small pink lingerie into the basket.
   "Why pink?“ Asked Kyungsoo.
   "It brings out the color in your lips.” Answered Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was known for having pink, heart shaped lips that his boyfriend loved to kiss so much. Now what used to be a full blown makeout session just turned into pecs in and out of their dorm door. That pissed Kyungsoo off, so he just nodded in agreement.
   Next they went to the changing room where Baekhyun shoved Kyungsoo in the changing stall with the set of pink lingerie. Baekhyun then shut the door to let Kyungsoo fight wor himself in the wild.
   "I’ll be back in about 2 seconds.“ Baekhyun said. While he was taking off his clithes, he could briefly hear Baekhyun saying to the man at the front desk, "Can I get a chastity belt that’s 3 and a half inches or 4 if you don’t have half sizes?” Kyungsoo half scowled half laughed. His friend knew him so well, almost too well. Coming back a minute late, Kyungsoo had somehow figured out how to hook the bra and Baekhyun came back with a 3 and a half inch chastity belt.
   "What’s this for?“ Kyungsoo asked.
   "So you can’t orgasm unless Jongin lets you.” replied Baekhyun cheerfully. Kinky Kyungsoo thought in his head. He put the chastity belt under the panties and he could see soomething small poking in front of the panties. 
   Baekhyun then knocked on the door and Kyungsoo let him in to the changing room the size of a janitor’s classroom. Baekhyun looked so proud like a parent that just saw it’s child graduate High School. 
   "You look so beautiful!“ Baekhun said while wiping away a fake tear from his eye.
   "Oh shut up and tell me if we’re buying it or not.” Baekhyun nodded and stepped out to let him get changed back into his clothes. He changed back into his normal clothes and went back out.
   "Ok let’s keep going.“  Baekhyun then led them to the wall of dildos and picked out a glass one that was about 6 inches and not thicker than 2 inches. "Suck this while your fucking yourself with a vibrator. In Kyungsoo’ mind, it was very erotic. I mean, it would be erotic in anyone’s mind, but to Kyungsoo, it was like a sin that would bring him all the way down to hell. 
   "Why do I need to do that?” He asked tentatively. He was nervous for the answer. He almost didn’t want to hear it.
   "It’s to give it the impression that you have a dark oral fixation and that will make him want to pound your mouth until he jizzes all over your pretty face. It’s as simple as that.“  Said Baekhyun with the most innocent smile he had ever seen in his life. The sound of it almost made him hard. Only the real thing could make him hard. Really hard.
   "Um… Ok Baekie.” He was scared to listen to his friend but with the amount they were about to but they weren’t about to back off now.
   Next was to the place where they needed the thing Baekhyun just mentioned… vibrators. He had never used a vibrator on himself before, Kai had used one on him however, and he loved it.
   "Um Baekhyun, I already have a vibrator.“ He said shyly.
   "And I tried it out,” Baekhyun stated, “And it sucked dick. Like it’s high power is my vibrator’s warm up mode. That’s why we are getting this baby.” He then proceeded to hold up a box that looked pretty long and had the words “Prostate Massager” on it. Now he had never used this before. He hadn’t even known this exist. But from the title on the box he could tell pretty well that it would be used to really get his back arcing. At least that was what his lover’s cock did to him.
   Getting everything that was in the basket, the both headed toewards the checkout station where a young man with the nametag Jongdae was standing at the back of the station and checking out the rather distaseful items.  
   "Got a special night ahead of you?“ He asked Baekhyun curiously.
   "Nah,” Baekhyun answered, “It’s for my innocent little friend here.” Kyungsoo blushed at that statement making the other two laugh out loud.
   "So that will be (insert price AN: Idk how much this would cost and I don’t want to over or undershoot)“ The clerk said gleefully. Kyungsoo was about to fish for his wallet when Baekhyun stoppped him and gave the clerk his credit card.
   "No need for you to pay Kyungsoo, I want you to spend that on groceries for a beautiful, romantic, delicous dinner with your hot boyfriend before sex!” He was always right about his delicous cooking. Agreeing reluctantly, he put back his wallet before grabbing his bags and then greeting the clerk goodbye. 
   Getting back into the car quickly, Baekhyun turned on the car and air conditioner and then headed towards the beauty parlor to Kyungsoo’s suprise. His eyes widened more than they already were.
   Seeing the very confused look on the youngers face, he just stated, “If you want to be completely compared for your man, your getting a groom and a FULL body wax.”
   "What do you mean by full body?“ He asked frightfully.
   "Everything…” Baekhyun said with a wag in his eyebrows. Kyungsoo just looked at him with the most ferfull expression ever.
   After the 2 hours of grooming his hair, skin treatments, and the full body (like EVERYWHERE) wax, he looked ready to be fucked up, and oh was he ready.
   Getting back into the car, Baekhyun then told him, “ So the plan is you will cook dinner for him, get him into the shower, then in your lingerie, use all of your little toys on yourself, and once he walks in on you, act very innocent about it and say something along the lines of ‘Daddy hasn’t been playing with me at all so i had to play with myself.’ and then have him fuck you into oblivion. It’s quite simple if you think about it.” he then nodded his head sceptically then just waited to get home.
   Back at the house, the boy was making some dinner when Jongin entered into their shared apartment. He was sweating pinballs and his skin was so supple. Kyungsoo was really hard in his lace panties he was wearing underneath his clothes. He tensed up right at that very moment. Jongin turned to him and smiled making Kyungsoo almost feel bad about having Kai ravage him until he can’t walk.
   "Hey babe, how was your day today?“ asked Kai.                 
   "It was great…daddy” He was muttering that under his breath just to make the other think that’ what he really said, but not really think that that’s what the smaller said.
   It indeed made Jongin semi-hard thinking about it sayin “What did you say baby?” He hoped he didn’t hear what he just say what he did. He also kinda hoped he did.
   "I just said baby, nothing else really.“ It kinda made Jongin kinda dissapointed but also was relieved, as he had a class early in the morning to teach. He sat down to eat the delicous spread that Kyngsoo set up of steamed dumplings and black bean noodles. 
   "What’s the occassion?” Askd Jongin as he happilt slurped up the noodles.
   "Nothing I just wanted to cook a bit for leftovers tommorrow, that’s all.“ I just wanted to seem very ceremonial today for the long night of you fucking me, that’s all  he said in his head. After eating for about 10 minutes, about half was the food was gone (Kyungsoo probably only ate 20% of that half) and Jong in went in to take a shower. Kyungsoo quickly wrapped up the food and then threw off his clothes to get into his other "clothes”. After wrapping the chastity belt around him and putting the key into a drawer, he slipped on the flimsy panty and bra combo, he got onto the bed, he shoved the dildo in his mouth, slipped off the panties, and turned on the vibrator. He was nervous as he hadn’t done this in a while. After the first few seconds, he knew that this vibratpr was so much better then his other one. With one hand shoving the vibrator up his ass, his other hand was pumping the dildo back into his mouth with the cool glass grazing the back of his throat. Good thing that he controlled his his gag reflex a long time ago.
   Jongin was walking in the room with a towel was covering his head to dry off his hair even more. “Hey baby, do you wanna watch am, WOAH!!!” In his view, he saw a slutty Kyungsoo pleasuring himself… without him. 
   Sliding the dildo out of his mouth Kyungsoo said, “Daddy please punish. I’ve been a bad boy." This made him irresistable to his now horny and hard lover. With a drakness in his eyes he punced Kyungsoo on the bead, making the latter screech.
   He never has had him being all daddy with Jongin kissing all over his neck and chest, he knew that he had hooked his busy bofriend to sucumbing to his needs.
   "Your in for a rough night baby.” Jongin roughly said giving him a light spank making him whine.
A/N: Well that’s the first part. I’ve never done this before so please support me on this new journey I’m taking (I sound like I’m changing my religion wtf) so wait for the 2nd part and hopefully it will have some decent punishment smut :))))))). 
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polarisinwater · 4 years
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❁ Before We Disappear ❁
Chaptred: 30 chapter - completed
➞ 47,800 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎ Kyungsoo is a popular hairdresser, he works at the famous XO salon; where all the clients are celebrities, and one of them is the handsome model Kim Jongin .. their first meeting wasn't pleasant, they hated each other, and Jongin kept toying and annoying Kyungsoo all the time .. It's a complicated mix between hate , pride and love ... " I hate you and I love you more " ◎◎
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➞comedy/ Straight Jongin to gay/ famous au/ smut/ Drama/Romance/Slice of life/bottomKyungsoo/ stubbornness/ loveXhate/ enemies to lovers.
Link: Here
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sun-ffyiexo · 7 years
I dont want this to end! We need to see their futureeeeeee #kaisoo #kai #kyungsoo #jongin #Do #exo
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polarisinwater · 4 years
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❁ The Symptoms Are too deep❁
Chaptred: 29 chapter - completed
➞ 57,700 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎Kyungsoo supposed to kidnap Jongin and kill him, but instead, he fell in his love◎◎
➞Angst/ Straight Jongin to gay/ gangsters/ smut/ Drama/thriller/Romance/age gap/runway/bottomKyungsoo/ rough Kyungsoo/ loveXhate
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polarisinwater · 4 years
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❁ Kissed by a werewolf ❁
Chaptred: 26 chapter - completed
➞ 137,000 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎Jongin; the werewolf salve, fell in love with his Master’s son; Kyungsoo; the human. He kissed Kyungsoo and announced him as his mate in spite of the massive troubles they would get in◎◎
➞ werewolf / angst/ smut/ Forbidden Love/ slavery/ Drama/ Romance/ bottomKyungsoo/ werewolf Xhuman/ poorXrich/dystopian.
Link: Here
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polarisinwater · 4 years
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❁ In the Empire of the Vampires ❁
⭐️The story got featured on Asianfanfic ⭐️
Chaptred: 37 chapter - completed
➞ 95,100 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎The Vampire Prince Kyungsoo loved Jongin; the Vampire-Hunter at the first sight. He captured Jongin and forced him to be his slave, thinking that his love could change Jongin’s heart◎◎
➞ Vampires/Mpreg/ angst/ smut/ Forbidden Love/ slavery/ Drama//Romance/unrequited love/ bottomKyungsoo/ VampireXhuman/ hate to love.
Link: Here
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polarisinwater · 4 years
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❁ I’m on Fire❁
Chaptred: 25 chapter - completed
➞ 68,900 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎Jongin fell in love with the nerd Kyungsoo, he asked him to be his tutor just to get close to him, trying to win his heart◎◎
➞ comedy/tutor Kyungsoo/ Straight Jongin to gay/ Love triangle/ love at first sight/ students/ smut/ Drama//Romance/poorXrich/ Slice of life/bottomKyungsoo/fluff
Link: Here
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polarisinwater · 4 years
❁ Burning you to find your light❁
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Chaptred: 20 chapter - completed
➞ 68,400 words
pairing: Kaisoo
◎◎Kyungsoo was a rich man, he was in a fake marriage when he fell in love with Jongin; the Famous, straight Model; he married to Model Suzy ◎◎
➞ Model Jongin/Married Jongin/ Straight Jongin to gay/ Sesoo/ Kaisoo/ Love triangle/ Forbidden Love/ smut/ Drama//Romance/cheating/ Adult Kaisoo/ Slice of life/ bottomKyungsoo/famousau.
Link: Here
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