#botw au my beloved i dont think you all understand how fun this one is
impawsiblecat · 2 months
100 Days of Deathduo
Day 8- Breath of the Wild au
This one is a bit shorter! Mostly just setting up a few things, highlighting the differences between this au and the backstory of botw <3 I still like it though and botw is one of my favorites
    Icee does not like their knight. They feel bad about it, terrible, in fact, but the knight is just there, constantly, a reminder that Icee’s life is different now, is not going how it’s supposed to go. She stands, guarding the door to Icee’s room, the room in the castle that Icee now lives in. Apparently, being announced as a Prophet who is destined to save the world does that. And yet, despite apparently being the one chosen to hold Sun God’s power, Icee just feels normal.
    They don’t have powers. They are convinced its a scam. And yet, Icee is being signed up to go on spiritual journeys and meditate for hours on end. They are given a room in a castle, and books on the previous chosen of the Sun God, and even the decorations are chosen carefully, tapestries showing old battles with a glowing light in the center and a rug in the shape of the triforce on the floor.
    The worst part is that Icee is trying. Icee has been trying so hard the past few months to get even the slightest spark, the smallest amount of holy power running through their veins, a hope for the world. They are trying harder than they ever have before, praying from dawn until dusk, meals spent poring over dusty books. And yet, it is still not enough.
    And then in comes the knight, who had just been discovered. The rumours say that she stumbled across the sacred forest and was led through by destiny. They say she pulled the sword out with extreme ease. They say that she had never touched a weapon before the forest, and yet now she was beating even the most experienced and powerful of knights. If only Icee’s destiny was that easy. They don’t know if the rumours are true. They haven’t asked.
    There’s something coming on the horizon, and everyone knows it, can sense it in the air. The legends say that the Prophet and the Knight need to work together to defeat it. The legends also seem to have lied about Icee’s own abilities. They aren’t even a prophet. Just a person, taken from home and expected to awaken the powers of an ancient being. 
    Icee misses so many things. She misses the ocean by her little seaside village, the seafood paella made by the old lady two huts down, and she misses being dunked into the water by her brother, or collecting seashells with her sister. And yet she knows, she can’t go back. She has a destiny to fulfill. There won’t be any of that if she doesn’t manage to do what she is supposed to do.
    Icee has to meet with the king again soon. They have to give a progress report that will be the same as all of the other ones, and the king will be upset, and they will have to look into the eyes of a man trying to do the best he can for his kingdom and family and say that they are not yet good enough. And the king will have no choice but to accept it, even as the looming doom draws closer. In response, Icee will try even harder, even though it already feels like they are at their limit.
    Icee sighs, and looks at the knight outside their door, the knight who had it so easy. The knight doesn’t look back at her, just stares straight ahead, silent, ready to protect them from any threats. Because Icee wasn’t strong enough to protect themself, not strong enough to do anything. It is terrible, awful, and they selfishly wish it was someone else chosen for this duty. They curse themself for the thought immediately after.
    She turns away, scowling at the knight, and realizes the sun is about to setting. She sits down on the floor, in the middle of her tri-force rug, and start to settle into the incantations taught. She tries to put all of her belief and hope into the prayers, all of her effort, in hopes that today will be the day she fulfills the duty that she is supposed to.
    Nothing happens. It never does. She keeps praying anyways, in hopes that soon, it will work.
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