beautifulpeachcandy · 8 months
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ukdamo · 1 year
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Today's Flickr photo with the most hits - the bouleuterion of Miletus. in present day Turkiye. The bouleuterion was the seat of the city assembly / council.
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Rare Ancient Roman Odeon Discovered at Remote Archaeological Site in Crete
Archaeologists in Crete have discovered an ancient Roman odeon that might have been used for events such as lectures, musical contests and city council meetings.
Tucked into a mountain-ringed cove in southwest Crete are the ruins of Lissos, an ancient town whose archaeological remains are accessible only by sea or a long hike. Because of its isolation, Lissos had not been investigated by archaeologists for several decades. New work at Lissos, though, has uncovered an odeon, similar to a modern auditorium and indicative of the prosperity of the town.
Previous research showed that Lissos was inhabited long before its name made it into history books in the fourth century B.C. Its location across the Mediterranean Sea from Cyrene, a major ancient Greek city in present-day Libya, likely meant that Lissos was an important stop on Mediterranean trade routes. Structures from various time periods at Lissos are relatively well preserved, including a unique temple to Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of medicine; a residential area; an impressive cemetery with two-story tombs; Roman baths; and Christian churches. Archaeologists have now added an odeon to this list of structures following the first excavation at Lissos in more than half a century.
Katerina Tzanakaki (opens in new tab), deputy head of the Department of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and Museums at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Chania, directed the new project and told in an email that odeons "were used for lectures, literary and musical contests or theatrical performances."
n the first phase of the odeon's excavation, Tzanakaki and her team found part of the stage, 14 rows of seats and two vaulted side chambers. The odeon dates to the Roman period, roughly the first to fourth centuries A.D., a time when the sanctuary to Asclepius at Lissos was transformed into a political center with a new mosaic floor and portraits of the Roman emperors Tiberius and Drusus.
Unfortunately, the odeon was heavily damaged in antiquity by large falling boulders, likely as the result of a powerful earthquake in A.D. 365. Jane Francis, a classical archaeologist at Concordia University in Montreal who was not involved in this project, explained in an email that "a tsunami with destructive force as far away as Alexandria, Egypt, was associated with the earthquake. The whole site of Lissos was uplifted by several meters, so the town would have been larger than today and the theatre thus closer to the coast."
As the odeon was adjacent to the city center, Tzanakaki thinks it also might have operated as a bouleuterion, a building for meetings of the city council. Francis and her husband, George W. Harrison (opens in new tab), a classical archaeologist at Carleton University in Ottawa, said by email that the size and date of the building mean that it was most likely an odeon, but the fact that "it was designed and used as a covered theatre does not preclude secondary use as a council house."
While the precise definition of the newly uncovered building may have to wait for future work, "the discovery of a public service building at a central point of the ancient city, near the temple to Asclepius, adds new information to the archaeological and historical horizon of the area," according to a translated statement (opens in new tab) from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. Francis and Harrison agree that the discovery is rare. "There aren't many well-preserved theatres on Crete and even fewer bouleuteria," they said.
Future work will help Tzanakaki determine whether there was an outside wall supporting the odeon, and that finding will influence the restoration work. In the meantime, the archaeological site of Lissos remains open to the public; it is accessible by a short boat trip or a two-hour hike from the nearby town of Sougia.
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kyndaris · 1 year
Holy Sanctimony!
The sea is a wild thing. It can be calm one moment and violent the next. While the Aegean seemed an almost docile creature in Kusadasi, by the time we arrived at Canakkale, it was whipping at us with gale-force winds with white-tipped waves crashing against the shore. It was as if we had angered the God of the Sea, Poseidon, himself.
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Our adventures in Turkiye, on the seventh of March, ranged from a quiet respectful introspection to the loud and boisterous. The first stop for the day was the House of the Virgin Mary, where it was believed she retreated to after the death of her son, Jesus. Though there sin’t any conclusive proof that the hideaway in the Turkish mountains is anything beyond a humble dwelling, it is still treated with much reverence by the staff there. Pastors, too, are even allowed to preach just beside it as well.
From there, we headed to the ancient of Ephesus. Initially built during the Hellenistic period, the site had also been adapted by the Romans when they took control of the region. Of particular note, again, were the baths, the tabernae that lined the main street, the gymnasium, the bouleuterion (which housed the meetings of the council and also doubled as a place for musical performances) as well as a temple dedicated to Domitian, the last emperor of the Flavian dynasty that followed after Nero’s disastrous reign. 
Reading through the information boards, mostly after the fact (because I took pictures of them), I was tickled pink to learn that after the city was bequeathed to the Romans in 131BC, Marc Antony and Cleopatra spent a winter in the city to prepare for their campaign against Rome’s very first Emperor, Octavian (better known as Augustus). And as we students of history all know, the Battle of Actium didn’t quite go in the favour of our beloved star-crossed lovers. 
During this period of Greek and Roman rule, Ephesus served as a major port on the Aegean Sea. Although the sea has apparently receded in more recent millennia, it was still fun to watch our tour guide re-enact how an old-timey merchant might have spent his time onshore after pulling into the harbour. I certainly ought to keep such city-building and planning in mind when creating my fantasy cities.
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Ephesus also played host to possible pleasure houses opposite the impressive remains of the Library of Celsus. According to the information board, which I did not take a photo of (silly me), the ‘pleasure houses’ were terraced houses that contained certain objects that made archaeologists suspect that it was being used for more than just a roof over a resident’s head. 
Since, of course, no time machine exists, we simply must make our best educated guess about the civilisations of the past. But for all we know, the ruins that we saw at Ephesus might just have been innocent terrace houses and we ought to stop suspecting the people of the past of committing such salacious deeds. Prostitution might be the oldest profession but well, it’s still up in the air whether this was the case at Ephesus.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that near the surrounds of Ephesus, there was a Temple dedicated to Artemis that was considered one of the Ancient Wonders of the World. As we drove to Ephesus, proper, there were columns along the side of the road that would have indicated the temple’s approximate location. Unfortunately, as explained in a previous post, a lot of the original material that was moved to Constantinople and used in the construction of the Hagia Sophia.
Talk about recycling!
Even with the advent of Christianity in the region, the city of Ephesus stood strong though there were a few changes, including the construction of churches and dedications to Jesus and his mother, Mary.
And while we did see a significant portion of the old city, around 80% of the city is still buried underground. Some can be seen poking through the surface but other remains are buried 8 metres under!
From Ephesus, we headed to a questionable cafeteria that employed a lot of oil in their food before we arrived in the small village of Sirence. Now, the significance of this little town was that it used to harbour a lot of Greeks in the area. As such, it was known for its wine and olive oil. As I walked down the streets, I cooed at crocheted dolls and was very tempted to purchase a number of cute adorable animal creations. In the end, however, I settled for getting a new leather wallet to replace my old Mickey Mouse one that I bought in America back in 2004.
From Sirence, we drove to Canakkale and checked into the Halic Park Hotel. Tomorrow is Troy and my body is ready to regale you all with the cliff notes version of the Iliad. And, of course, tell you about the most infamous horse of all time!
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bilaldemirkr · 8 months
İzmirde Gezilecek Yerler
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/izmirde-gezilecek-yerler/
İzmirde Gezilecek Yerler
İzmir’in Tarihi Ve Kültürel Mirası
İzmir, Türkiye’nin batısındaki Ege Bölgesi’nde yer alan bir şehirdir ve binlerce yıllık bir tarihe sahiptir. Tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleriyle ünlü olan İzmir, hem yerli hem de yabancı turistlerin ilgisini çekiyor. Bu blog yazısında, İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirasını keşfedeceğiz. İşte İzmir’in benzersiz ve etkileyici geçmişiyle ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmek için okumaya devam edin.
İzmir’in Tarihi Ve Kültürel Mirası
İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirası, zengin geçmişi ile turistlerin dikkatini çeken bir konudur. İzmir, tarihi ve kültürel açıdan birçok önemli yere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. İzmir’de gezilecek yerler arasında bulunan Agora, İzmir Saat Kulesi, Kemeraltı Çarşısı gibi mekanlar, ziyaretçilere unutulmaz bir deneyim sunmaktadır.
Agora Ören Yeri, antik bir Roma pazar yeridir ve İzmir’in tarihi dokusunu görmek isteyenler için ideal bir mekandır. Burada, antik Roma dönemine ait kalıntıları gezebilir ve tarihe yolculuk yapabilirsiniz. Agora’da bulunan Bouleuterion, Stoa ve Triton Çeşmesi gibi yapılar, ziyaretçileri etkileyen detaylardır.
İzmir Saat Kulesi ise şehrin sembolik yapılarından biridir. 1901 yılında inşa edilen bu tarihi yapı, şehir merkezinde yer alır ve İzmir’in panoramik bir manzarasına sahip olmanız için ideal bir noktadır. Saat Kulesi’ni ziyaret ederek, hem İzmir’in tarihine tanık olabilir hem de enfes manzarayı seyredebilirsiniz.
Aynı şekilde
İzmir’in Tarihi Ve Kültürel Mirası: Agora Ören Yeri İzmir Saat Kulesi Kemeraltı Çarşısı
Doğal Güzellikleriyle İzmir
Merhaba! Bugün sizlere İzmir’in doğal güzellikleri hakkında bilgi vereceğim. İzmir, Türkiye’nin en güzel şehirlerinden biridir ve zengin doğal güzellikleri ile ünlüdür. İzmir’de gezilecek yerler arasında doğal güzellikleriyle öne çıkan birkaç noktayı sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum.
Birinci durak, Cesme Yarımadası’daki Altınkum Plajı’dır. Altınkum Plajı, berrak denizi ve altın rengindeki kumuyla ünlüdür. Burada güneşlenip denize girebilir ve huzurlu bir gün geçirebilirsiniz. Ayrıca, plajın çevresinde bulunan restoranlarda lezzetli deniz ürünleri tadabilirsiniz.
İkinci olarak, İzmir’in doğal güzellikleri arasında yer alan Dikili Sahili’ni ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Dikili Sahili, temiz plajları ve çam ormanlarıyla çevrili bir bölgedir. Burada doğayla iç içe bir yürüyüş yapabilir veya denizin keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, sahildeki kafe ve restoranlarda serinleyebilir ve yöresel lezzetleri tadabilirsiniz.
Son olarak, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından koruma altına alınan Seferihisar Ilıca Plajı’nı ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Seferihisar Ilıca Plajı, sakin atmosferi ve masmavi denizi ile doğal güzellikler sunar. Burada yürüyüş yapabilir, güneşlenip denize girebilir veya plajda piknik yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, plajın yakınında bulunan kafelerde serinleyebilirsiniz.
Altınkum Plajı
Dikili Sahili
Seferihisar Ilıca Plajı
Gezilecek Yer Özellikleri Altınkum Plajı Berrak deniz ve altın rengi kum Dikili Sahili Çam ormanlarıyla çevrili temiz plajlar Seferihisar Ilıca Plajı Masmavi deniz ve sakin atmosfer
İzmir’in Ünlü Müzeleri
Merhaba! Bugünkü blog yazımda “İzmir’in Ünlü Müzeleri” konusunu ele alacağım. İzmir, tarihi ve kültürel mirasıyla ünlü bir şehir olduğu kadar, zengin müzeleriyle de dikkat çekmektedir. Sizlere bu yazıda İzmir’deki en önemli ve ilgi çekici müzelerden bahsedeceğim. İzmir’e seyahat eden herkesin mutlaka ziyaret etmesi gereken bu müzeler, şehrin tarihini ve kültürünü daha yakından keşfetmek için harika bir fırsat sunuyor.
Birinci müzemiz Ege Üniversitesi Atatürk Kültür Merkezi’nde bulunan Arkeoloji Müzesi’dir. Bu müze, İzmir’in tarihi mirasını sergilemektedir ve binlerce yıl öncesine uzanan eserlere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. İzmir’in antik dönemlerinden kalma heykeller, mozaikler ve seramikler bu müzede sergilenmektedir. Bu eserler aracılığıyla, İzmir’in antik çağlardaki yaşamını ve kültürünü keşfetme fırsatı yakalayabilirsiniz.
İkinci olarak, İzmir Arkeoloji Müzesi’ni ziyaret etmek de müzeler turunda mutlaka yer almalıdır. Bu müze, Konak Meydanı’na yakın bir konumda bulunmaktadır ve İzmir’in en önemli arkeolojik zenginliklerini barındırmaktadır. Anadolu’nun çeşitli bölgelerinden getirilen eserler, burada sergilenmektedir. Müzenin koleksiyonunda Helenistik, Roma, Bizans ve Osmanlı dönemlerine ait birçok eser bulunmaktadır. İzmir’in tarihini daha iyi anlama ve görsel bir şölen yaşama fırsatını kesinlikle kaçırmamalısınız.
Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nda Alışveriş.
Bergama Antik Kenti’nde Gezin.
Agora Ören Yeri’ni Keşfedin.
Müze Adı Adres Telefon Ege Üniversitesi Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Arkeoloji Müzesi Ege Üniversitesi Kampüsü, Bornova, İzmir +90 232 311 10 15 İzmir Arkeoloji Müzesi Konak Meydanı, Konak, İzmir +90 232 484 08 12
Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nda Alışveriş
İzmir, Türkiye’nin en büyük ve en yaşanabilir şehirlerinden biri olarak bilinir. Bu güzel şehirde gezilecek birçok yer ve yapılacak etkinlik bulunmaktadır. İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirası, doğal güzellikleri, ünlü müzeleri ve harika plajları turistleri her yıl çekmektedir. Ancak, İzmir’in en popüler ve renkli alışveriş noktalarından biri olan Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı, alışveriş tutkunları için gerçek bir cennettir.
Kemeraltı Çarşısı, İzmir’in merkezinde bulunan tarihi bir çarşıdır. Burası, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminden kalma tarihi yapıları ve dar sokaklarıyla ünlüdür. Çarşı, el işi ürünler, geleneksel kıyafetler, takılar, halılar, deri ürünler ve daha birçok şey satan yüzlerce dükkanıyla dikkat çeker. Turistler, çarşıda alışveriş yaparken hem tarihi dokuyu yaşayabilir hem de benzersiz ürünler satın alabilirler. İzmir’e yapacağınız bir gezi sırasında Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nı mutlaka ziyaret etmelisiniz.
Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nın Özellikleri • Tarihi bir çarşı olması • El işi ürünlerin satışı • Geleneksel kıyafetler, takılar, halılar, deri ürünler gibi çeşitli ürünlerin bulunması • Dar sokakları ve tarihi yapıları
Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nda alışveriş yaparken, İzmir’in yerel lezzetlerini de tatma şansınız bulunmaktadır. Çarşıda birçok restoran ve kafe bulunmaktadır ve burada Ege mutfağından enfes lezzetler deneyebilirsiniz. Zeytinyağlı mezeler, taze deniz ürünleri, köfte ve pide gibi yöresel yemekler, burada sizleri beklemektedir.
İzmir’in Harika Plajları
İzmir, Türkiye’nin Ege Bölgesi’nde yer alan bir şehirdir. Apart from its rich history and cultural heritage, Izmir is also known for its beautiful beaches. Turquoise waters and sandy shores attract thousands of tourists every year. If you are a beach lover and planning a trip to Izmir, here are some of the best beaches you should not miss:
Çeşme Ilıca Plajı: İzmir’in en ünlü plajlarından biridir. Doğal güzellikleri ve termal sularıyla ünlüdür. Plajın yakınında bulunan Ilıca Kaplıcaları da ziyaretçilerine rahatlama ve dinlenme imkanı sunar.
Alsancak Sahili: İzmir’in merkezi olan Alsancak semtinde bulunan bu plaj, hem şehir merkezine yakınlığı hem de temiz sahiliyle tercih edilen bir yerdir. Deniz kenarında yürüyüş yapabilir, güneşlenebilir ve serinleyebilirsiniz.
İzmir’in plajları, sadece deniz ve güneşin tadını çıkarmak için değil, aynı zamanda su sporları yapmak için de idealdir. Rüzgar sörfü, kitesurf, yelken gibi farklı aktiviteleri deneyimleyebilirsiniz. Plajlarda bulunan tesislerde ekipman kiralayabilir veya profesyonel eğitmenlerden ders alabilirsiniz.
Plaj İsmi Ulaşım Aktiviteler Alaçatı Plajı Toplu taşıma veya özel araç ile Rüzgar sörfü, kitesurf Dikili Plajı Toplu taşıma veya özel araç ile Sörf, dalış, deniz bisikleti
İzmir’de gezilecek yerler arasında plajlar önemli bir yer tutar. Mavi bayraklı ve temiz plajlarıyla tatilcilerin gözdesi haline gelmiştir. Yaz aylarında güneşlenmek, denize girmek ve eğlenceli vakit geçirmek için İzmir’in harika plajlarını tercih edebilirsiniz.
Bergama Antik Kenti’nde Gezin
Merhaba! Bugün size İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirası hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Özellikle Bergama Antik Kenti’ne bir gezi yapmanızı şiddetle tavsiye ederim.
Bergama Antik Kenti, İzmir’in en önemli turistik mekanlarından biridir. Bu antik kent, Helenistik dönemde büyük bir yerleşim yeri olarak kullanılmıştır. Şimdi ise tarih severlerin ve turistlerin ilgisini çeken bir açık hava müzesidir.
Kenti gezmeye başladığınızda, Asklepion adı verilen antik sağlık merkeziyle karşılaşacaksınız. Bu sağlık merkezi, antik çağda önemli bir tedavi merkezi olarak bilinir. Burada, hastaların ruhsal ve bedensel şifa aradığına dair birçok iz bulunmaktadır.
İzmir’in en ünlü turistik yerlerinden biri olan Bergama Antik Kenti, tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleriyle büyüleyici bir gezi sunar.
Bergama Antik Tiyatrosu, antik dünyanın en büyük tiyatrolarından biridir ve ihtişamlı bir manzaraya sahiptir.
Antik kentte yer alan Zeus Sunağı, Helenistik dönem mimarisinin en önemli örneklerinden biridir.
Tarihi ve Kültürel Miras Doğal Güzellikleri Bergama Antik Kenti Kızıl Avlu Kemeraltı Çarşısı İnciraltı Plajı İzmir Saat Kulesi Urla Şarap Bağları
Bergama Antik Kenti’nde bir yürüyüş yaparken, tarihi atmosfer ve etkileyici yapılar sizi saracak. Antik tiyatroyu ve Zeus Sunağı’nı ziyaret etmek, tarihin derinliklerine yolculuk yapmak gibi bir deneyim sunar. Eğer tarih ve arkeoloji ilginizi çekiyorsa, Bergama Antik Kenti gezi rotanızda kesinlikle bulunmalıdır.
İzmir geziniz boyunca Bergama Antik Kenti’ne mutlaka uğramalısınız. Tarihi ve kültürel değerleri keşfederken, birçok fotoğraf çekebilir ve unutulmaz anılar biriktirebilirsiniz.
Agora Ören Yeri’ni Keşfedin
İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirası oldukça zengindir. Bu mirasa en güzel örneklerden biri de Agora Ören Yeri’dir. Agora, İzmir’in merkezinde bulunan tarihi bir yerleşim alanıdır. Bu alan bir zamanlar ticaretin ve sosyal hayatın merkezi olarak kullanılıyordu. Bugün ise ziyaretçilere açık olan Agora Ören Yeri, turistlerin ve yerli halkın büyük ilgisini çekiyor.
Agora Ören Yeri’ni keşfederken, İzmir’in tarihine tanıklık edeceksiniz. Yerin altında ve üstünde yapılan kazılar sayesinde birçok antik yapı ve eşya gün yüzüne çıkarılmıştır. Burada gezerken tarihin derinliklerine yolculuk yapacak ve Antik Yunan ve Roma dönemlerini yakından tanıma fırsatı bulacaksınız.
Agora Ören Yeri’nde gezinirken, İzmir’in tarihi atmosferini hissedeceksiniz. Antik dönem kalıntıları arasında dolaşırken, kendinizi geçmişe bir yolculuk yapmış gibi hissedeceksiniz. Bu benzersiz deneyimi yaşamak için Agora Ören Yeri’ni mutlaka ziyaret etmelisiniz.
Tarihi Kültürel Mirası İzmir’de Gezilecek Yerler Agora, İzmir’in tarihi bir yerleşim alanıdır. Burada birçok antik yapı ve eşya bulunmaktadır. İzmir’in tarihine tanıklık etmek isteyenler için ideal bir mekandır. Ancak bugün ziyaretçilere açıktır. Burada Antik Yunan ve Roma dönemlerini yakından tanıma fırsatı bulabilirsiniz. İzmir’in tarihi atmosferini hissetmek için burayı mutlaka ziyaret etmelisiniz.
İzmir’in Tarihi Ve Kültürel Mirası
İzmir’de Gezilecek Yerler
Kordonboyu’nda Yürüyüş Keyfi
İzmir’in en güzel yerlerinden biri olan Kordonboyu, şehirde yürüyüş yapmak isteyenlerin vazgeçilmez noktalarından biridir. Sahil boyunca uzanan bu güzel yürüyüş yolunda hem doğanın hem de şehrin güzelliklerini bir arada görebilirsiniz. İzmir’de gezilecek yerler arasında Kordonboyu, huzurlu ve keyifli bir yürüyüş deneyimi sunar.
Kordonboyu yürüyüş yolu, İzmir’in tarihi ve kültürel mirasını ziyaret etmek için ideal bir başlangıç noktasıdır. Alsancak Limanı’ndan başlayarak Konak Meydanı’na kadar uzanan bu yürüyüş yolunda birçok tarihi yapıyı keşfedebilirsiniz. İzmir Saat Kulesi, Kızlaragası Hanı, Atatürk Müzesi gibi önemli noktaları görerek şehrin tarihi ve kültürel dokusunu yakından hissedebilirsiniz.
Bunun yanı sıra, Kordonboyu yürüyüş yolu üzerinde birçok açık hava kafe, restoran ve dükkanlar bulunur. Burada mola verip İzmir’in ünlü lezzetlerini tadabilir, alışveriş yapabilir ve manzaranın tadını çıkarabilirsiniz. Kordonboyu’nun güzelliği ve canlı atmosferi, burada geçirdiğiniz zamanın unutulmaz bir deneyim olmasını sağlar.
Kordonboyu Yürüyüş Yolu’nda Gezilecek Yerler:
İzmir Saat Kulesi: Kordonboyu’nun en önemli simgelerinden biridir. İzmir’in sembolü haline gelen saat kulesini görmek için mutlaka uğramalısınız. Kızlaragası Hanı: İzmir’in en eski yapılarından biri olan Kızlaragası Hanı, tarihiyle büyülüyor. Eski dükkanlarda alışveriş yapabilir veya kahve içebilirsiniz. Atatürk Müzesi: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün hayatının önemli anlarını ve eşyalarını görebileceğiniz müzeyi ziyaret etmek sizin için bir tarih yolculuğu olacak. Fuar Alanı: Kordonboyu’na yakın olan fuar alanı, çeşitli etkinliklere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Konserler, sergiler ve festivaller için uğrak noktalarından biridir.
İzmir Saat Kulesi’ni Ziyaret Edin
Birçok turistin İzmir’i ziyaret etmesinin başlıca sebeplerinden biri, kentin tarihi ve kültürel mirasıdır. İzmir’in bu mirası, gezip görülecek pek çok yerin bulunmasını sağlamaktadır. Bunlardan biri de İzmir Saat Kulesi’dir. İzmir Kordonboyu’nda bulunan bu tarihi yapı, kentin simgesi haline gelmiştir. İzmir Saat Kulesi’ni ziyaret etmek, şehrin tarihini ve güzelliklerini keşfetmek isteyenler için harika bir seçenektir.
İzmir Saat Kulesi, 1901 yılında inşa edilmiştir ve o tarihten beri kentin sembolü olmuştur. 25 metre yüksekliğinde olan kule, Osmanlı dönemindeki mimari tarza uygun bir şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Kırmızı-beyaz renkleriyle dikkat çeken İzmir Saat Kulesi, etkileyici bir görüntü sunmaktadır. Kuleye çıktığınızda, şehrin panoramik manzarasını izleyebilir ve İzmir’in tarihine tanıklık edebilirsiniz.
İzmir Saat Kulesi çevresinde gezilecek pek çok nokta bulunmaktadır. Bu noktalardan biri, Kordonboyu’dur. Kordonboyu, İzmir’in en popüler ve canlı bölgelerinden biridir. Burada yürüyüş yapabilir, deniz kokusunu içinize çekebilir ve İzmir’in güzel plajlarının keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, çevrede birçok restoran ve kafe bulunmaktadır. Bu mekanlarda İzmir’in yöresel lezzetlerini tatma fırsatı da bulabilirsiniz.
İzmir Saat Kulesi’nin ziyaret edilebilecek bir diğer yakın nokta ise Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’dır. Bu çarşı, İzmir’in en eski ve en renkli alışveriş merkezlerinden biridir. Burada hem yerel ürünler satan dükkanlarla karşılaşabilir, hem de tarihi atmosferi içinde yürüyebilirsiniz. El işi ürünler, tekstil ürünleri ve hediyelik eşyalar, Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nda bulabileceğiniz ürünler arasındadır.
İzmir’in Sağladığı Deneyimler Fiyatlar İzmir Saat Kulesi’ni ziyaret etmek Ücretsiz Kordonboyu’nda yürümek Ücretsiz Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı’nda alışveriş yapmak Fiyatlar ürüne göre değişir Yöresel lezzetleri tatmak Fiyatlar restorana göre değişir
Şirince Köyü’nde Yerel Lezzetleri Tatmak
Merhaba! Benim adım Ayşe ve bugünkü blog yazımda size konusundan bahsedeceğim. İzmir’in tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerinden biri olan Şirince Köyü, hem yerli hem de yabancı turistlerin ilgisini çeken bir yerdir. Bu sevimli köy, kendine özgü atmosferi ve lezzetleriyle ünlüdür. Şimdi sizleri Şirince Köyü’nün lezzetlerini keşfetmeye davet ediyorum!
Şirince Köyü, İzmir’in Selçuk ilçesine bağlı bir köydür. İç Anadolu ve Ege mutfağının harmanlandığı bu köyde birçok geleneksel lezzet bulunur. Köyün meşhur üzümleriyle yapılan şarapları ve zeytinyağları, mutlaka denemeniz gereken tatlar arasındadır. Ayrıca köyde yetişen organik sebzeler, yöresel peynirler ve taze otlar da Şirince’nin yerel lezzetleri arasındadır.
Birçok restoran ve kafe, Şirince Köyü’nün lezzetlerini sunmaktadır. Burada yöresel yemeklerin yanı sıra, dünya mutfaklarına ait çeşitli seçenekler de bulabilirsiniz. Köy meydanında kurulan pazar da lezzetli atıştırmalıklar sunan tezgahlarıyla dikkat çeker. Köy turu sırasında mutlaka bu pazarı da ziyaret etmelisiniz.
Şirince Köyü’nde denemeniz gereken lezzetler:
Köy ekmeği
Üzüm pekmezi
Köy tavası
Şirince böreği
Zeytinyağlı enginar
Sakızlı muhallebi
Restoran Adres Telefon Şirince Lokantası Şirince Köyü Merkez 0232 898 66 66 Geleneksel Ev Yemekleri Şirince Köyü Sokaklar 0232 888 88 88 Otantik Şirince Şirince Köyü No: 123 0232 878 78 78
İnciraltı Deniz Tutkunlarının Vazgeçilmezi
İzmir’in güzellikleriyle dolu olan birçok yeri bulunmaktadır. Bu yazıda sizlere İzmir’in İnciraltı bölgesinde bulunan ve deniz tutkunlarının vazgeçilmezi olan yerlerden bahsetmek istiyorum. İnciraltı, İzmir’in Urla ilçesine bağlı bir bölgedir. Denizi, plajları ve doğal güzellikleri ile ünlü olan İnciraltı, yaz aylarında tatilcilerin ve deniz severlerin tercih ettiği bir destinasyondur.
İnciraltı’nda gezilecek yerler arasında öncelikle plajlar gelmektedir. Bu bölgede geniş ve temiz plajlar bulunmaktadır. Plajlarda denize girebilir, güneşlenebilir ve su sporları yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca plajların yanı sıra İnciraltı sahilinde yürüyüş yapmak da oldukça keyiflidir. Sahil boyunca uzanan yürüyüş yolu, hem deniz manzarası hem de yeşil alanlarıyla göz kamaştırmaktadır.
İnciraltı’nın bir diğer gözde mekanı ise Marinalar’dır. İnciraltı Marina ve Güzelbahçe Marina, deniz tutkunlarının uğrak noktalarıdır. Burada birçok yat ve tekne bulunmaktadır ve denizle iç içe bir tatil geçirebilirsiniz. Marinaların yanı sıra çevrede bulunan restoranlarda ise lezzetli deniz ürünlerini tadabilirsiniz. Özellikle balık restoranları, İnciraltı’nın en meşhur yerlerindendir.
İzmir Baykuş Heykeli ve İnciraltı Tabiat Parkı da İnciraltı’nda gezilecek yerler arasındadır. Baykuş Heykeli, ünlü Heykeltıraş Tacettin Çalışkan tarafından yapılmış ve İnciraltı sahilinde yer almaktadır. Bu heykel, İzmir’in sembollerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. İnciraltı Tabiat Parkı ise doğa severler için ideal bir mekan olup piknik alanları, yürüyüş yolları ve göletleriyle huzur dolu bir atmosfer sunmaktadır.
İnciraltı’nda Gezilecek Yerler Açıklama Plajlar Denize girebilir, güneşlenebilir ve su sporları yapabilirsiniz. Marinalar İnciraltı Marina ve Güzelbahçe Marina, deniz tutkunlarının uğrak noktalarıdır. Baykuş Heykeli Heykeltıraş Tacettin Çalışkan tarafından yapılan ünlü bir heykeldir. İnciraltı Tabiat Parkı Piknik alanları, yürüyüş yolları ve göletleriyle doğa severler için ideal bir mekandır.
Urla’daki Şarap Bağlarında Şarap Tadımı Yapın
Merhaba sevgili okurlar!
Bu blog yazısında sizlere Urla’daki şarap bağlarında şarap tadımı yapma deneyimimi paylaşacağım. İzmir şehrine yakın olan Urla, şarap severler için oldukça cazip bir noktadır. İzmir’in doğal güzellikleriyle ünlü olan bu bölgede, şarap üretimi de oldukça yaygındır. Burada yerel üreticiler tarafından üretilen şarapları tadarak, bu güzel coğrafyayı keşfedebilirsiniz.
Urla şarap bağlarının büyüleyici atmosferi sizi hemen etkisi altına alacaktır. Bağlarda gezerken bozulmamış doğayı ve birbirinden güzel üzüm bağlarını göreceksiniz. Bağlarda yapılan tadımlarda, yerel şarap üreticileri size usta elleriyle ürettikleri şarapları sunacak. Şarap uzmanlarından aldığınız bilgiler eşliğinde, farklı şarap çeşitlerini tatma şansı bulacaksınız. İzmir’in meşhur kırmızı şaraplarından Urla’nın beyaz şaraplarına kadar birçok seçenek sizi bekliyor.
Urla’da şarap tadımı yaparken aynı zamanda bölgenin eşsiz doğal güzelliklerini keşfedebilirsiniz. Bağlar arasında yürüyüş yaparken Urla’nın muhteşem manzaralarını izleyebilir ve temiz havanın tadını çıkarabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda şarap bağlarının çevresinde bulunan restoranlarda yöresel lezzetleri tatma imkanınız da bulunuyor. İzmir’e özgü zeytinyağlılar ve deniz ürünleriyle yapılan lezzetli yemekleri deneyebilirsiniz.
Şarap bağları ziyaretlerinizde dikkat etmeniz gereken birkaç nokta bulunuyor. İlk olarak, rezervasyon yaptırdığınızdan emin olun. Özellikle hafta sonları ve tatil dönemlerinde yerler sınırlı olabilir. Ayrıca, yanınıza sürücü almanız da önemlidir. Şarap tadımı sırasında fazla içki tüketimine dikkat edin ve güvende kalmanız için sürüşü başkasına bırakın.
Şarap Bağları Adres Telefon Kavaklıdere Şarapçılık Kavaklıdere Mahallesi, İzmir Yolu Üzeri No:1, Urla/İzmir (0232) 792 42 17 Urla Şarapçılık İstasyon Caddesi No:743, Urla/İzmir (0232) 765 33 33 Şirince Şarap Evi Atatürk Caddesi No:85, Şirince/Selçuk/İzmir (0232) 898 30 50
Sık Sorulan Sorular
İzmir'in tarihi ve kültürel mirası hakkında neler bilmeliyim?
İzmir, tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleriyle ünlü bir şehirdir. Eski İzmir Agorası, Kadifekale, Smyrna Tiyatrosu gibi önemli miraslara sahiptir.
İzmir'in doğal güzellikleri nelerdir?
İzmir, doğal güzelliklerle çevrilidir. Özellikle İnciraltı Plajı ve Çeşme Alaçatı Plajı gibi harika plajlara sahiptir.
Hangi ünlü müzeler İzmir'de bulunmaktadır?
İzmir'de birçok ünlü müze vardır. Arkeoloji Müzesi, Etnografya Müzesi ve Atatürk Müzesi en popüler olanlarıdır.
Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı'nda neler bulabilirim?
Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı, İzmir'in en ünlü alışveriş merkezlerinden biridir. Burada tekstil ürünleri, takılar, hediyelik eşyalar ve geleneksel el sanatları bulabilirsiniz.
İzmir'deki harika plajlar hangileridir?
İzmir, birçok harika plaja sahiptir. Altınkum Plajı, Kordonboyu Plajı ve Çeşme'deki plajlar en popüler olanlarıdır.
Bergama Antik Kenti'nde neleri gezebilirim?
Bergama Antik Kenti, tarihi kalıntılarıyla ünlü bir yerdir. Burada Asklepion, Akropolis ve kütüphane gibi önemli yapıları gezebilirsiniz.
Agora Ören Yeri'nde neleri keşfedebilirim?
Agora Ören Yeri, Roma döneminden kalma önemli bir antik kent alanıdır. Burada sütunlar, mozaikler ve tiyatro kalıntıları gibi birçok tarihi eseri görebilirsiniz.
"@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ "@type": "Question", "name": "İzmir'in tarihi ve kültürel mirası hakkında neler bilmeliyim?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "İzmir, tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleriyle ünlü bir şehirdir. Eski İzmir Agorası, Kadifekale, Smyrna Tiyatrosu gibi önemli miraslara sahiptir." , "@type": "Question", "name": "İzmir'in doğal güzellikleri nelerdir?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "İzmir, doğal güzelliklerle çevrilidir. Özellikle İnciraltı Plajı ve Çeşme Alaçatı Plajı gibi harika plajlara sahiptir." , "@type": "Question", "name": "Hangi ünlü müzeler İzmir'de bulunmaktadır?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "İzmir'de birçok ünlü müze vardır. Arkeoloji Müzesi, Etnografya Müzesi ve Atatürk Müzesi en popüler olanlarıdır." , "@type": "Question", "name": "Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı'nda neler bulabilirim?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "Tarihi Kemeraltı Çarşısı, İzmir'in en ünlü alışveriş merkezlerinden biridir. Burada tekstil ürünleri, takılar, hediyelik eşyalar ve geleneksel el sanatları bulabilirsiniz." , "@type": "Question", "name": "İzmir'deki harika plajlar hangileridir?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "İzmir, birçok harika plaja sahiptir. Altınkum Plajı, Kordonboyu Plajı ve Çeşme'deki plajlar en popüler olanlarıdır." , "@type": "Question", "name": "Bergama Antik Kenti'nde neleri gezebilirim?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "Bergama Antik Kenti, tarihi kalıntılarıyla ünlü bir yerdir. Burada Asklepion, Akropolis ve kütüphane gibi önemli yapıları gezebilirsiniz." , "@type": "Question", "name": "Agora Ören Yeri'nde neleri keşfedebilirim?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "Agora Ören Yeri, Roma döneminden kalma önemli bir antik kent alanıdır. Burada sütunlar, mozaikler ve tiyatro kalıntıları gibi birçok tarihi eseri görebilirsiniz." ]
0 notes
covenawhite66 · 1 year
Numerous artistic treasures from or inspired by Greece are housed in Paris museums.
From the forms of various types of Greek buildings—including temples, stoas, theaters, bouleuterions, houses, stadiums, gymnasiums, palestras, fountain houses, fortifications, and altars—numerous builders throughout Europe drew inspiration. The Greek architectural orders of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian have certainly left a substantially visible impact on the entirety of Europe.
Apollo at Versailles
Alexander the Great at Versailles
The Treasure of Greek Arts at the Louvre Museum
The Winged Victory, or Nike of Samothrace
Aphrodite of Milos, or Venus de Milo
The Athena of Velletri, or Diana of Versailles
The Massacre at Chios, by Eugene Delacroix
Entry of the Crusaders in Constantinople, by Eugene Delacroix
1 note · View note
historyholidays · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
0 notes
communisttravel · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
0 notes
beautifulpeachcandy · 8 months
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0 notes
travlestyes · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
0 notes
travelagentr · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
0 notes
bgineurope · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
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pictravels · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
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bookingshotelbg · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
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travellingbalkan · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
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bestours · 2 years
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Nicopolis ad Istrum
Today their ruins lie aside from the modern towns and villages and wherever even insignificant diggings have been done visitors may still feel the greatness of their past. Nicopolis ad Istrum, not far from Turnovo, on the banks of the river Rossitsa, was one of these antique cities. During the excavations made here the city’s forum, decorated with colonnades and statues of the Emperors and eminent citizens, was found. Even today, the broad streets, paved with huge stone slabs, under which the city’s drainage system lay, make a strong impression on one. Some of the largest public buildings were situated around the forum. The remains of the bouleuterion — a small portico — is visible on the west side, and to the south of them the city theatre.
At Oescus on the Danube, near the present village of Ghighen, in the region of Nikopol, archaeological excavations brought to light several streets and the buildings along them. This district was near the centre of the city — the forum. Among the monuments revealed mention should first be made of the colonnade of the Temple of Fortuna and of a huge building with many rooms, richly ornamented with marble and stucco work; the celebrated 3rd century mosaic with a scene from Menander’s comedy The Achaeans was found in one of the rooms. Outside the city walls a large building with many rooms was found, the plan of which is interesting. This building, as well as other accidental finds, show the steady growth of the antique cities in Bulgaria, which in time outgrew their city walls, because of the increasing numbers of their population.The new residential quarters had to be built outside them. The same phenomenon is observed in Philippopolis travel bulgaria, Serdica and elsewhere.
Ancient Serdica
In Sofia many interesting monuments of ancient Serdica have also been found. The diggings carried out in connexion with the reconstruction of the city’s centre, made it possible to discover one of the most densely populated quarters of ancient Serdica around thechurch of Saint George. To the north, opposite it, separated only by a street, lay a square building with amphitheatrically placed seats.
To the east of the Church of St. George there was a building with a big octagonal room, belonging to a religious cult. A street to the west, paved with large stone blocks, separates this building from the Church of St. George. It was possible to establish the entire plan of this building, which dates back to the 3rd and 4th century A. D. and is of a most unusual type, quite original in plan, consisting of several rooms, placed perpendicularly to the central axis and arranged in a suite. It was supplied with heating. The precise use for which it was intended has not been determined as yet. Part of this building, namely the vaulted part, was preserved throughout the following centuries, up to the present day, being used as a church in the middle ages, and as a mosque in Turkish times.
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