#bout as fluffy as mc's omelettes lol
Over and Over Again (Soryu Fanfiction/Request)
rose-of-yonezawa said to empty-aesthetic-princess: Hello! I stumbled upon your blog and loved your piece on Mamo 😂 May I please request a prompt for Soryu with Numbers 12 and 88
Anonymous said to empty-aesthetic-princess: Hi I love your writing!! Can you do a fluff head cannon for Soryu. Whatever you want just need some happiness and Soryu is my favorite. Thanks :)
I’m gonna put these two together and hope it turns out okay! Not gonna lie, there’s some angst in the middle but it’s fluffy at the end, I swear! (:
Prompt selections taken from here:
12: "I'm pregnant." 88: "After everything...I'd still choose you."
I tapped my spatula on the side of the frying pan anxiously as I waited for Soryu's omelette to finish cooking. I had thought long and hard for three days about how to tell him I was expecting our first child but every time I planned to do it, something got in the way. Soryu and I had discussed having a family before we got married and I knew he'd be ecstatic about it. I just wanted to tell him in the perfect way and in the perfect moment but as the days quickly passed by, I knew the only thing that mattered was that I stop worrying about everything else and just tell him. 
I plated Soryu's omelette and set it down in front of him. I watched him enjoy his breakfast in silence for a moment as I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. 
"Soryu, I have something to tell you."
My husband raised his head and stared at me with intense gray eyes, his expression becoming more and more concerned with each second. 
"What's wrong?", he asked and I smiled slightly. 
"Why do you always assume something's wrong?", I asked gently and he raised an eyebrow at me curiously. 
"Force of habit", he muttered, preparing to take another big bite of his omelette.
"I'm pregnant", I said quickly and time seemed to stop. Soryu's forkfull of fluffy eggs hung in mid-air as his eyes searched my face, perhaps to see if I was kidding or not. 
You...you're pregnant?", he asked in disbelief and I slowly nodded my head. In a flash, Soryu's fork clanged against the ceramic dish and his lips were crushed against mine. I giggled against the kiss, caught off-guard by his enthusiastic reaction. I wrapped my arms around his neck and twined my fingers in his un-gelled hair. 
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?", he asked once we pulled away from each other.
"Soryu, it's way too early for that! I just found out about it", I said, laughing. I could see his eyes calculating things way too far into the future and I knew he was starting to worry about anything and everything. I took his face in my hands, glancing at the beautiful wedding ring he placed on my finger two years ago. 
"We'll take everything one day at a time, okay?" My words brought a slight blush to his cheeks and he smiled softly at me. 
"You've made me the happiest man in the world, _____"
Soryu pressed his lips to mine again, his hands travelling down to my stomach to rest them there protectively. 
"I'm not going to ask you again, bitch! You're gonna give me the information I want or you and that bastard inside you are going to die in this room!", the man screams at me as he slaps me across the face again, harder this time. Tears are welling in my eyes but I refuse to give into him, sitting up as straight as I can in the chair I'm handcuffed to. Thankfully, he hasn't aimed his frustration at my swollen belly yet. I don't think he has the heart to hurt my baby. Yet, at least. I silently send my thoughts to my precious little man. Don't worry, sweetheart. Your Daddy will be here soon. He won't let anything happen to you. 
Another hand slap rains down on my face and a sharp yelp escapes my lips. The man grins down in sadistic satisfaction as he finally breaks the silent treatment I was giving him. I try to remain focused on happier things: my wedding day, that morning nine months ago when I told Soryu I was carrying our child, but those memories are pushed further and further away with every loud, resounding slap that echoes in the darkened room. 
The man raises his hand to hit me again and I close my eyes to try to brace myself for it, but the sound of the door being kicked down makes them fly open again. 
"Touch my woman again and I'll make you wish you were never born", Soryu's menacing voice comes from the doorway. My shoulders slump in relief and I smile at the irony: the sound of Soryu threatening someone's life is all I need to hear to make me feel safe from harm. 
The Ice Dragons file into the room and tackle my kidnapper to the ground as Soryu makes quick work of my handcuffs to release me. I fall forward into his arms and he pulls me tight to his chest, his heartbeat pounding against my ear. 
"Are you okay, baby?", he murmurs and strokes my hair soothingly.
"Yes, Soryu. We're both okay", I say and pull back to look at him. His eyes darken as he looks at my face, his fingertips grazing over where the man hit me. The skin around my right eye and cheek are tender, and I know there's probably going to be a bruise there. I flinch slightly at the contact and he curses sharply under his breath. 
"I'm so sorry, _____", he whispers to me. I'm about to tell him he has nothing to apologize for, when a strange sensation pulls deep inside my abdomen. The adrenaline I felt earlier was now gone, and it must've have brought on my labor unexpectedly. I look up at Soryu with wide eyes and let out a sharp breath.
"I think my water just broke", I murmur to my husband, who looks down at my stomach with a frantic look on his face. 
"Samejima! Bring the car around!" he yells behind him and he carefully helps me up from the chair. 
Ten hours of labor later, Soryu is holding a beautiful baby boy tightly in his arms as I lovingly look up at them from my hospital bed. Ryusei's tiny fingers are in a fist around Soryu's finger and the sight brings joyful tears to my eyes. He's the spitting image of his handsome father and I can't believe how lucky I am to have both of them in my life. 
"You did so well back there", Soryu says after a moment. He carefully sits down at my bedside the large armchair and meets my exhausted gaze.
"For a moment, I was worried he wasn't ever going to come out", I say with a breathless laugh. 
"I meant before that", he whispers. A sad expression forms on his face as his unfocused eyes remember the ordeal I went through before delivering our child. 
"I'm so sorry, baby. I hate that you're constantly put in danger, but now I put our son in that same position." I gingerly place my hand on his arm and I can see all of his emotions reflected back at me in his eyes: regret, guilt, anguish. My heart lurches in my chest. He shouldn’t be feeling any of those things, especially not now.
"Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault", I say to him as I reach over to carress my newborn son's tiny face as he dozes in Soryu's arms. 
"We're both safe and happy because of you, Soryu. You saved us, and I know you'll always be there to do that. I love you so much and I've never felt so happy in my entire life. It doesn't matter what I've been through because I'd do it all again just to be with you. After everything...I'd still choose you."
Soryu blushes a little and smiles at me. 
"I'd choose you too, _____. Over and over again.”
He reaches over slowly to meet my lips in a kiss, but Ryusei stirs in his sleep and coos loudly in protest at the sudden movement. 
We both chuckle at our baby boy and Soryu leans into kiss my forehead sweetly.
"I guess that'll have to do for now," he says and sighs, slowly rocking our bundle of joy back and forth in his arms.
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