#bowcario (ic)
pokemon-experiments · 2 months
Plotted starter for @goldensimisage
It had been about a week since Ruko began to stay with Adrienne. He ended up having to tell her a little about his past since night terrors were a problem for him. He expected to be kicked out, but instead she offered to provide him help. In exchange for her help he would make sure to keep the place tidy.
He made sure to cook, clean, and shop if she didn't have time. And when he wasn't doing any of that it was training both mind and body. And if all of this meant he had to deal with some flirting than he didn't mind.
Though it was during a round of meditation that he felt someone's presence. "I know you're there. If you do not reveal who you are and why you're here than I'll have no choice but to defend this household."
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dark-experiments · 2 years
@intertwiningstates Ari: "Uhhh, just for a few seconds...I'll go now!"
Ruko went red hearing her. "W-Wait. Give...Give me time to...calm down and clean up. I-I mean you came here for a reason...Right?"
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pokemon-experiments · 2 years
Evolution of Emotion (Closed)
Hearing the request made Ruko do a double take and he was frozen for a moment. What his sister had just asked was something he never thought he would hear. Especially from anyone on the ranch. So he would have ask. Just to be sure he heard her right. "You...You want...You want my father to look at Lucky?" He had to catch his breath as he had nearly choked on the tea he had been drinking.
Given Ruko had three dad's at the moment he had come up with a system to differentiate between who he spoke about. Dad for his biological father, papa for Joseph, and father for Jackson.
Though the request itself had him worried. But he could tell Ashe was far more worried about Lucky. That hurt him more than anything so he would try to keep calm. As long as Kianga didn't join them and they set some ground rules he didn't see anything wrong with it. Maybe even go with to make sure everything went smoothly. All of this assuming he had heard her correctly about the request.
Ashe had asked papa to bring someone to look at Lucky already and from what he heard things had gone smoothly. "If...If that is what you said than I can take you." This was his only response as he gently got up. There would be some prep work to be done if they were indeed going to see his father.
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pokemon-experiments · 2 months
@kokorowoutsu liked for a starter
A day. It had been a day since they all reunited and return. Ruko asked for the one day so that he could enjoy things again. But now it was time to explain things. So, he started with what they would understand. That him and Blackburn got caught up in a Celebi's shenanigans. He worried about how they would survive, and so they made their way to Kalos. Or at least what would be Kalos. He wasn't sure when the region would be called that.
Either way that is where he would leave the story. "So, any questions? Historical events or fogures that you think I might have met? If not than I'll keep going." He also had something to show their mother. Mainly when they were alone. He didn't want anyone else to see and worry.
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Ruko, a Jackal wielding both a bow and staff, had been watching Haru since the lamb had entered Lumis' domain. But he would make sure the trip ended here. So with a pull of the string he readied and arrow, aimed while the other was preoccupied, and fired at the lambs feet. It was just a warning shot. "Kin Slayer, leave the land of Lumis at once! Your blackened soul is not welcomed within the realm of light!" He was not such a coward as to use his bow and fire from the shadows of the trees. But if this Lamb did not heed his warning and leave than he'd have to deal with the interloper accordingly.
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pokemon-experiments · 3 months
Some tabloid news sites had started to spread the word of A Knight's Code. A period drama that would revolve around a prince, his knightly guard, and a pair of Pokémon. The plot would be that the prince is in hiding due to a plot aga8nst the crown.
When the time for the ads to run came it was the usual fair. Using shots and scenes from the show, voice over of the characters speaking, but what would be the biggest reveal would be that the pair of Pokémon mentioned were a Lucario and Cinderace. For most they'd look like any other.
But for a select few they'd recognize the duo.
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pokemon-experiments · 8 months
Ruko had been doing his rounds during the day and stopping to interact with anyone who wanted to talk.
Than he saw a flaming ball heading for the ranch. He rushed to the spot when the fireball stopped and off of it feel a few wild Pokémon who were knocked out. And than he was knocked over by whatever it was. He was about to retaliate when the individual spoke up.
"All these years and your defense still sucks Ruky!" A giggle before the Cinderace got off him and held a hand out to him.
The issue was he knew this Cinderace very well. Because was the only one he allowed to call him Ruky. He accepted the gesture and once up pulled her into a hug. A tight one as he smiled. Even after all this time she had not changed. And something about that made him happy. "How the hell did you even find me?"
A giggle from her with a smile on her face. And than a very devious idea. "Tell you what, give me a sparring match. You win I tell you everything. I win and you tell me what you've been up to. Sound fair to you?"
He smiled and gave her a nod. He had grown in the time that they've been apart. And their matches tended to depend on who made a mistake first. "Sure. The field is easy to find. I just gotta let my family know you're around."
He would rush to the house and quickly poke his head in, quickly explained that a semi-ex was here and that they were going to spar and than was out the door. He didn't want any questions about her. Not yet anyway.
He would meet at the field both with confident smiles. He didn't expect it but Virizion had come to be the ref. And at her word the two started. The match was wild and a bit chaotic. Both were giving it their all and countering each other, but when something new was thrown at the other they both would change tactics. It took a bit but it would be Ruko who made the mistake first. He rushed in for a point blank Hyper Beam, and she countered with a Double-Kick, and than a Pyro Ball.
Though when he didn't get up after a moment she ran to him worried. He laid there only when she got close did he wrap his arms around her. She was angry at him at first but would sigh and hug him back. And since he lost he would tell her all about his adventures, how he ended up at the ranch, and how Ashe and Leon had rescued his parents.
(Ashe, Leon, and family are played by @kokorowoutsu)
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pokemon-experiments · 4 months
Ruko and Blackburn had been returned after a few years away from home. Ruko himself had started to undergo changes. He hadn't had any physical changes yet, but he had noticed that he wasn't affected by fire-types like he use to be. And his legs now replaced by aura made replacements. He learned how to make false limbs while they had been gone. Though at the moment he wore armor, and held a shield that bore the Camelot crest. He had just returned to Blackburn when Celebi had appeared and whisked them back home.
Blackburn, for her part, had been happy to stay in the castle to watch their egg. She had missed the modern amenities, but she would also miss some of the friends that they made along the way. Still, they now had a few problems. They had an egg, and they were carm from any friends or family. She had taught some how to eat and drink better. Along with how to keep streets clean. It took a lot, but she was able to change things.
But at the moment they found themselves in what seemed to be a large mass of land that neither of them recognized, but both could feel the fae and magic energy all over the place. Given where they had been Ruko figured it was the doing of several who allied with Camelot.
Their home was rundown so they moved outside to see the castle as they remembered it. They walked out to explore the place, but they found themselves unable to enter with fae writing at the entrance. They would do what they could to remember the writing before wandering off. The whole area seemed abandoned. It would be a few days before they decided to move further out, and when they reached an edge they would hear a message. 'Those of the court and their descendents and family are welcome' and than they appeared close to a town.
They would certainly have a hard time finding a phone. But Ruko knew a few numbers to call right now.
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pokemon-experiments · 9 months
"Not every version of the Doctor is the same. Some will kill quicker than others, but always as a last resort. He'll give his enemies just enough rope to hang themselves with, but always with an out if they take it. And from watching the series the old Doctors were not as shy about weapons and killing as the ones in the newer series are. For example, the first Doctor used a weapon called the D-Mat which erased the target from all of existence. However, after the Time War is when the Doctor took an aversion to weapons completely because he burned Gallifrey. And even in the newer series some of the Doctors are more willing to kill than others."
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pokemon-experiments · 5 months
Ruko and Blackburn had been enjoying an afternoon once more. They had fallen asleep under the shade of trees deep into the ranch property. A place that only Pokémon had ever really tred. The two, however, would wake up in the dame place, but far from the place that they called home. More accurately the time.
Ruko would be the first to wake up and he knew almost immediately before even using Aura Sense that something wasn't right. He would quickly wake Blackburn up so that they could make their way back to the ranch. But Ruko knew that they wouldn't find it. So instead he suggested heading to the closest town instead. Blackburn wasn't sure about it, but she went along with it anyway. The two stayed silent the whole trip. Blackburn had realized things weren't right when the route wasn't quite right.
Than when they saw the town that only confirmed what they had feared. Instead of the small town of Mistralton it was a tiny village. The two would take time to stay hidden and listen what they could hear.
From what they could tell a war had just ended, and rumors from the soldiers suggests that another enemy had caused the enemy forces to retreat to their homeland.
Ruko, being the historian, would guess that they had arrived just as the Kalos and Unovan wars were ending, and he assumed that the other enemy region was Galar under the command of Sir Arthur Pendragon.
And so, their adventures in the past have begun.
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Continued from here @cerulean-volcano
Ruko is going to smile. "That's good. Now just lay back. I can take care of the house today. So you just rest, relax, and let me spoil you." With that he'd make sure that he worked the muscles that Karie used the most. He knew that the work left a lot of soreness even for someone who was use to the work. "Just think, winter is around the corner so you won't have to work as much."
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pokemon-experiments · 7 months
Ruko had been out in the wild for several days now. He still had a couple of days before the week was over. But he was close. He could feel it, and he wasn't going to use mega evolution to get this unruly group of dragon-types under control.
On the first day he was busy setting up a temporary shelter and making the area as his territory. He was happy that no one had claimed the area he was using. Which meant that the stream and berry bushes were his. He spent this time watching the group and learning which one was the leader. This is how he spent another day to figure out the best way to approach this.
When he had it figured out on the third day he went to challenge the group leader, and he got his ass kicked hard. But he didn't let that stop discourage. Over the next few days he kept trying, and trying, and trying. Each time he failed he learned something new, and changed his strategy to match. But it was coming up on the end of the period and he had grown frustrated, angry, and desperate. So, after the sixth day and another loss he let out a primal howl.
It was something he hadn't expected out of himself, but it felt good. So he did it a few more times as if riling himself up for the last day of his trial.
Terrakion had kept close to keep and eye on Ruko, and upon hearing the primal howls he smiled. Terrakion knew that kind of howl, and knew that Ruko was close to succeeding his trial. So he would watch this last confrontation. See how far his charge had come in just a week. Because this was more than a test of strength. It was to teach the other what true strength was, and how to reach down and go beyond ones limits.
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pokemon-experiments · 7 months
Ruko had ben taking time to reconnect with Blackburn and there was still a spark there. Being with her again made things seem better. He enjoyed cuddling with her during lazy afternoons. Her energetic personality was infectious to those around her which helped him when he was feeling low. She was great with the more energetic kids and helped burn off their energy when he ran out. They worked well together, and could read each other if a strategy had to change when they qent into a double match together.
But for all the good he could see there was still the bad there. Blackburn tried to carry everything alone. He could tell there was something on her mind, but she wouldn't open up about it. And he wouldn't force her to. He'd just be there when she was ready. In the mornings she just needed a few minutes and she would be revved up and ready to go, but he usually needed a bit longer before he could tackle the day. She could be a bit to excitable and he'd have to ask her to slow down and talk slowly. She could be confrontational, but in certain situations that could be fine. Even so he did genuinely love her for who she was.
So, after about a week of them reuniting Ruko would be the one to bring it up.
"Hey Blackburn, I think my feelings for you are still there. My heart beats faster when we are close. When we have a lazy afternoon i never want to leave your side. When we fight side by side it feels as if we are one, and that we can achieve great things. So if...if you don't mind would you-" He had stopped mid-sentence because when he looked over at her she looked like she was holding back laughter. And than a sudden feeling dread washed over him, but before he could speak Balckburn put a paw up to his face while she composed himself.
"S-Sorry. But I thought you stopped talking like that a LONG time ago. But I do find it charming." She pulled him close with a big smile. "You dork. You're the guy for me. And if you had found someone else I would have been fine with that." She would give a gentle kiss and put her forehead against his.
The two would end up talking through the evening and only parted ways when Ruko felt himself get hungry. He'd have some big news for the family tonight that's for sure.
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On the way to Fall City Ruko would be teased, by Ashe, Leon, and Kianga about the whole howling the other night, while they also teased Grusha about the story they had heard. The trip itself was rather quiet, but they would see plenty of pokemon who were just curious to see the new people visiting the area. Ruko would smile and wave to the way.
Once in Fall City it was much the same as the previous day. All of them together and enjoying the time. This time when night came Ruko didn't hear any howling so he could do what he wanted. Which was gather up any loose materials, make himself a bed, and laid down on it. He had spent several days in the woods letting his wild side out, and now it was hard for him to put it all back. Though this did make him think with the necklace around his neck that held his mega stone. Perhaps some training with it was in order. But that could wait. For now it was time for sleep.
The following day, however, was chaos. Ruko had almost overslept and had rushed to straighten his room up before joining his family in lobby before they made their way onto the ship. For Ruko he would spend the time enjoying the sea breeze and meditating. In between entertaining Blue of course. He made sure to give the Zorua plenty of love and attention. That is how the entire journey of the few days were and than they moved onto the backs of one of the water types that had been brought along.
With no inn they'd have to sleep outside. So Ruko would make a bed big enough for him and Blue before helping with their dinner. But something with the group felt off, and it wasn't until late that night that Ruko could identify what it was. Ashe had a panic attack. Lucky had noticed before he did, and it seemed like even Kianga had noticed before him. Both had gone to comfort her, and yethe had not been able to truly tell until she was already in it and Lucky and Kianga went to comfort her.
For the Lucario it felt like he wasn't doing enough for her. He'd have to do better. So for the rest of the night he would have his eyes closed, but he was using Aura Sense. He was trying to hone in on the subtle and unseen. He tried to keep his focus until he ended up passing out. Though it was only a few hours to sun rise which meant he would not be getting too much sleep.
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@cerulean-volcano: A certain Typhlosion has decided to rest his chin on top of Ruko's head as he's sitting down. Not the most graceful way of saying hello, but it is one way nonetheless.
The Lucario would smile and gently raise a hand up to Carie's cheek to gently scratch him while he simply rested there on the floor. "Hey love. Our little Ember finally alseep?" It was nice for them to have time together since it was rare.
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Kitakami Festival 7
Ruko found Fezanddipiti, but the introduction went a bit different. This one was not instantly hostile to him, but instead very vain. Ruko had no interest in having a dialouge, but his opponent seemed more inclined to be talkative.
"Oh? Have you come to gaze upon my beauty? It must be quite a shock to see one as beautiful as I!" Fezandipiti was just as vain as Ruko had imagined. A horrible creature who would do anything to look better than anyone else. This thing's aura made Ruko sick. He would quietly prepare an Aura Sphere was he walked closer with his necklace around his neck. The one that held his mega stone. It was a part of him ever since he felt worthy of the Grandcrest name.
"I am quite the sight I know! Unlike that barbarous ogre! Her and that human were sooooo- ACK!" Fezandipiti was interrupted with a swift Aura Sphere to his face. It shocked him, but what shocked him more is that the Lucario visitor had mega evolved! "Oh now I see. You're working with that filthy and ugly brute!" With that he would take to the air both ready for a tough fight.
The fight ended up dragging on longer than Ruko had thought it would. Both him and his opponent were evenly matched. Fezandipiti made a rush for Ruko, and suddenly there was a storm of leaves hitting the flying titan. With it came Virizion who summoned her Sacred Sword and put it to Fezandipiti's throat. "Your justice has been long overdue. Now you can either hand over the stolen mask, or have my glare be the last thing you see. Now, point to where the mask is. Silently."
Fezandipiti was not in the condition to go against another legendary Pokémon. So he pointed up at the tree on top of the cliff. With a nod of appreciation Ruko would go retrieve the mask. While he couldn't know it this was the second of three masks.
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