#boy do i love splatting shapes and colours on a page
cheaptaxidermy · 9 months
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thinking about doing a dndads lovejoy - warsaw animatic with that angsty part near the end. still not sure of what characters to make it about n all that
also bonus doodles cause i wanted to finish my sketchbook :]
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emilydaisyart · 4 years
Idea 2 - Research & Concepts -3rd January 2021
For my second E4 sting idea, and most likely my third as well, I have decided to tone back my research just a little, since they both largely draw from personal inference, or just general knowledge. I will still conduct thorough research into the things I feel require it, however for these ideas, I do think the merit more comes from the presentation of the art and concepts I create.
Below are the different corners and things I drew inspiration from for my paintball idea, that all led me to the concept art seen at the end of the blog:
Previous Stings
I won’t be posting much here about this since I have already produced a large segment on E4 stings earlier in the blog, but its safe to say I have been inspired by the grungy, snappy ideas people have come up with in the past, and largely, the colours they have opted to use, which almost never go below vibrant.
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Paintballing is a really fun thing to do, personally I would consider it a sport, and one of the best at that, and it seems pop culture recognises that too. There are a lot of pieces of media that tackle paintballing, but one of my personal favourites is Splatoon, the game franchise created by Nintendo. This game, on top of being massively addictive, is gorgeous to look at, and plays around with some really interesting concepts, that make painting even more fun, especially to an artist. Additionally, the colours are just stunning, something that has certainly probed me on to make colour a prime feature.
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Perhaps I should have prefaced the entire blog entry with a simple fact - I love painting. I may not do it as much as I used to, but painting has been my entire life for a long long time, and it’s such an outlet for me in many ways. It’s always held such a high regard in my personal life and educational history, that I feel it important to include as a main theme in my work from time to time, and if not now, then definitely in the future. Painting itself is such a broad hobby, that it can be stretched into nearly anything, a fitting feature for an E4 Sting. The picture below is one of my own paintings.
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Concept Art
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2A - This concept sheet displays the only developed character of the entire sting idea, a young boy, who likes to consider himself a pro at paintballing. I wanted to emphasize the sharp lines here, as well as the unsaturatedness of his outfit, to contrast with the bright paint colours that he would be splatted with. Also, his sleek and simple design makes moving and posing him a lot easier, especially with the context of a 30 second animation. His paintball weapon there was actually modelled after a hair dryer, because I just thought the shape was interesting, and with the hair and posing of the main image, he is meant to look suave, and almost dreamy, think teenage heartthrob. This makes it all the more amusing when he is splatted with paint.
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2B - This concept sheet is just about colour and the potential shapes and styles in which the paint could fall, since there really wasn’t much else at a base level to be concepting. Because I hold colour in such a high regard with this particular sting idea, it deserved its own page of concepts. The bright colours would definitely be a mainstay, they look just too attractive to drop, and as for colour pallettes, the opportunities are nearly limitless, so this would be a fun task. Other than that, there really isn’t much else to say.
Overall, I do indeed like this idea, and I think it’s a strong potential sting pitch, I’m just not sure if its the one for me at the moment. Personally, I am still attatched to idea 1, since it also contains some heartfelt moments which I feel would be refreshing in an E4 sting. I won’t discredit this idea though, and I think it’s very strong.
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Stars Align 2 - 3 | BnHA 65 - 66 | Iruma-kun 3 - 4 | Shinchou Yuusha 3 | Dr Stone 16 | No Guns Life 3
Stars Align 2
The first episode I saw at the anime club, so I’ve skipped straight to ep 2 for the coverage.
Hmm? I thought this would cut to the OP…it didn’t.
Oh, poor Maki! He has a slap mark on his face!
Why is it uniforms are so gendered anyway? Not just sports ones. (It might be because I’m so used to wearing other people’s hand me downs, regardless of their gender, but…yeah.)
The real tennis-playing dude is Kei Nishikori…LOL.
That’s the 3rd Ishigami for this season, methinks. (The others hail from Dr Stone.)
Come to think of it, the most I’ve ever done in one shot is 10 laps of a court (and that was with lots of practice). 20 would be torture…
The animation…where it goes black and white…that’s awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee, y’know???
I like how Maki’s just splat on the ground without his hands to support him.
Windows tablet with stand. I’ve seen those in stores and catalogues before…they should run Windows 7 at the bare minimum, 8 or 10 if they’re newer.
Maki’s top says “continue” on it. It’s a good shirt for a boy that really does continue, despite his hardships.
I-Is Maki’s mother having an affair…? With Shou? Or is Shou a good friend of hers who happens to be male?
The way Toma wears his jacket…it reminds me of Chuuya (BSD). Pretty badass for a middle school kid, don’tcha think?
Kenkou = health, so a squishy ball is a health ball…makes sense. It’s good for the circulation and all that.
When Toma started explaining the grips…I realised I’d fallen into what I just called the Tsuritama trap…that is, when I watch a show for entertainment and end up learning about skills I’ll never need in the process.
Both boys are righthanded, I noticed.
Didn’t notice at first, but Toma put the ball in his pocket.
Is it just me or is there CGI in this show…? (That’s a feeling I’ve had since ep 1, but haven’t been able to confirm since it’s so well integrated.)
Hmm…I heard there was plagiarism going around with this show’s choreography…I didn’t see the Chika dance in context, so I wouldn’t know if it was copied from there. Still, it’s interesting how the guy on the left (if there is one) generally does better than the one on the right. Some of them just give up in the end, LOL.
Hmm…Hoshiai no Sora means “The Sky where Stars Line Up” or something of the sort…hence, “Stars Align”.
“Even in an ever-changing world, the starlit sky will not change.” – That’s the words that sometimes accompany the title.
BnHA 65
Yeah, how are the League any different to the yakuza anyway?
The interesting thing is that Deku also has “power he can’t control”, but we see more of that narrative.
I love how Mic’s words were put into the visuals too, culminating in the “HA!”.
Okay, so Togata’s pun is that he’ll ittemirio, a pun on his name (obviously) and ittemiro (let’s go see). The English says I Togata see, which keeps his name in there and keeps the level of cheesiness to boot! Good job subbers! (By the way, that pun’s not in the manga.)
I already know what happens in this arc (thank you, free Viz chapters!), so now I have this sinking feeling when it comes to talking about Nighteye…
Apparently Bubble Girl was a winning design from a competition. Sorta like how Horikoshi appeared in One Piece one time and that, you could say, was the start of his career in print (so it’s a legacy in a sense).
Iruma-kun 3
Oh hey, I just realised Asmodeus’s nails are bright red…that’s kinda cute, actually. (In that “boys are hot” kinda “cute” sense, people.)
I have no idea what the lyrics to Clara’s song are meant to be in Japanese…not that I could track down whatever the heck she’s singing anyway.
Okay, so “play house” appears to be mamagoto (literally “mother’s thing[s]” (in a metaphorical sense, playing house is replicating mothers’ chores, so…yeah, mothers’ things), but it’s got the character for “demon” twice instead of what it should have. Hence “murder house”.
Hey, couldn’t you at least make Azz-Azz (as you call him) your husband?(!) (small LOL)
Demonathon = marathon, but with the character for “demon”. That’s actually straightforward in both languages…for once.
The alarm clock is a cute bird with horns!!! So cute!!!
I feel sorry for Opera. Which reminds me, why would Sullivan need a butler if he was living alone?
Whoa! Iruma actually refused before Clara said “please”! He’s growing a spine! So early…(whispers “My boy is growing up so fast…” as a joke)
Clara’s nails are a bright pink…a few shades off from Asmodeus’s red, but still really bright.
*vending machine appears* - Now that’s what I call “getting Yocchan some cold drinks”!
Azz isn’t dressed in white, he’s in pink! Dang colour palette, going against what Clara says!
I just realised Asmodeus wears two jackets…or is that a jacket and a long shirt?
There’s no pun in that segment title…it’s just “Akuma no Otomodachi”.
Poor Opera…it looks like he’s wearing two pairs of pants…or maybe that’s his shirt? Or his boxers? Who knows?...Actually, when I think about it, that might just be his shirt. Sorry, Opera.
Wait…so if most of the demons fly to school, why do Asmodeus, Clara and Iruma walk…? (Well, Iruma can’t fly, but the other two might be able to…) Update: We do kind of address this in the next ep, but that doesn’t answer why Clara hasn’t shown she can fly in that ep.
Oh, if it isn’t Sna-er, Kalego…(LOL) But seriously, Kalego’s hairdo is actually kinda nice for a guy. Then again, I’m the one who likes dudes with long hair, so…eh. I can take it or leave it.
Did Kalego never meet Clara…?
Eggie-sensei…no kidding, that’s what she says. It’s from the –ego in “Kalego”, of course. (But I have no idea if “Azz-Azz” is what Clara actually says for Asmodeus…) Similarly, the school store guy is called Kamukamu-san, so it’s literally “Comecome”...as in “come and buy from me”. Update: Yes, Azz-Azz is what she calls him.
There aren’t a lot of girls in that crowd, Eggie-sensei and Clara…
Eggie-sensei really is shaped like an egg! So fluffy! I wanna plushie of him in that form!
Wait, the sticker costs 333 bills? Iruma’s gonna have to pay for it later…Update: 2 stickers = 666 bills.
“Pay me.” – LOLLLLLLLLLLL! I’m so sorry, Fluffy Snape, but you were hilarious in that scene!!!
Demons don’t even have the concept of “friends”…? That’s…cute! Way too cute!
The mochi Clara refers to is because tomodachi is the word for friend (it has “mochi” in it, see?).
There’s Sullivan’s face on his stamp, LOL.
See? Asmodeus does have black wings like the demons you see in all those morning shots of this show!!!
Dr Stone 16
Byakuya (Senku’s dad)…his face keeps getting censored, even though it’s right there on the spinoff promo material…! *points to the spinoff page on Viz*
The piano music in this scene is nice…I heard the OST is on Spotify too, so I’ll chase it up later.
“Senku, the science guy” doesn’t have as much of a ring to it as Bill Nye does.
Taiju’s just got this proud face, like he didn’t really know what he was doing but he claimed the credit anyway…the big oaf. (LOL)
There’s a banana on Senku’s phone, LOL.
Hmm…where’s Senku’s mum? Did he ever have one?
Shamil’s face looks like Tsukasa’s so much, it almost unnerves me…
[TMS Football Stadium] - TMS is responsible for this anime adaption, I’m pretty sure…LOL.
A Byakuya reboot just started in manga form. I wonder if the Dr Stone anime will cover any of it…?
BnHA 66
Notably, “hero work studies” = hero internships. Those two translations seem to be interchangeable.
Normally, the end of the phrase would be “Boy Meets Girl”, right? There’s an important girl in this arc, y’know?
The contract is kind of hard to read, but I did make out the word “Nighteye” in katakana.
Technically, Midoriya should be in possession of a funny bone - the humerus, y’know??? (<- comically missing the point)
Mirio kinda reminds me of Araki (Area no Kishi), for some reason…it must be because they both like comedy. Then again, Midoriya at the moment is reminding me of Bakugo, because of all the mouth shapes being similar…
This is interesting. In the manga, the scene pointing out Ochako and Tsuyu weren’t going to be at their original internship places wasn’t at the dorms.
Ooh! They’re even foreshadowing Hawks, which wasn’t even in the manga at this stage!!
I do believe this “Hado and Amajiki talking to the students who’ll be relevant to this arc” is also anime-original. Todoroki’s joke was definitely AO (anime original).
Shinchou Yuusha 3
…can we not with the boob jokes??? Rista doesn’t have a flat board, people. Update: She also acknowledges this…we don’t know Aria’s size, but Rista is a D cup.
Oooh, oooooooooooh! I spy a ponytail boy in the back there and me likey! (I guess I’m still feeling a bit bummed out because I attended a wedding yesterday and ended up crushing on a cousin’s younger brother-in-law – precisely because he had long hair, but then he put it up into a man bun and I went, “Nope, I can’t have him,” not to mention he’s married already. Plus the Area no Kishi episode I found today – ep. 30 – had a kinda chubby Araki, so I noped out of it and as a result, I need me some bishonen to appease the eyes. Good thing Seiya does the trick.)
Marth, eh? *thinks about the blogger* Then again, there’s my reaction when it comes to Ariadoa…
Oh, this is like a PreCure dance ED. I see…then it turns out to be Rista’s figure alarm. The logic checks out.
Iruma-kun 4
Seriously, Azz doesn’t sound like he should be Iruma’s age…but that’s part of the joke, I guess. *gets pelted with tomatoes for revealing said joke*
So “The Misfit Class” is technically the “Problem Child Class” (Mondaiji Kurasu), but the alternative reading given to mondaiji says “Abnormal”.
It seems “devi” is an alternative way to say “very” in this show, hence the ED being “Debikyu” (Devi Cute).
I…think these demon ranks may actually be Phonecian letters (which I learnt about from Star Driver)…
That “thinking reed” business I knew from somewhere, but…turns out it’s just a person called Blaise Pascal.
A “heugh”? Wassat? (It just sounds like some noise you’d make when you barf…) Okay, I’m joking, here’s the real meaning: “a steep crag or cliff” or “a ravine or glen with overhanging sides.”
Clara, stop fiddling with Sabrock’s tail…!
Oh, demon birds are cute! Like regular sparrows, only with a different colour scheme! The demonitors are cute too!
So many cute birds~. I’m so spoilt~!
Hmm…if humans cause demons to heal…no wonder they’re delicacies.
Hmm…I suspected this episode would end with a cliffhanger. The plotline was running far too long for just 23 mins.
Stars Align 3
Geesh, Toma’s got a huge bag…Update: (They all have huge bags, what are you saying???)
Lemme guess – I know nothing about tennis, but the best tennis doubles need good communication. I learnt that sort of thing from the Amazing Race, to be real with you.
Come to think of it…it’s always the mother with her unconditional love, huh? Any single fathers in anime? (No, I don’t mean like Father Fujimoto in Blue Exorcist – he’s an adoptive father.)
Judging from the cacti and fossils, Toma likes paleontology and biology. Or maybe that was from Ryoma…who knows?
Toma appears to have green frames for his glasses and then standard black frames.
Dang, it cut in the middle of that revelation! If this were a manga, I would’ve been chomping at the bit for the next chapter! However, it does get finished at the very end, so keep watching.
Update: There’s not a lot of music to this show…not that that’s a bad thing. It’s good for tense moments, in fact.
No Guns Life 3
This OP rocks, man!
Ayatsuri Ningyo = Manipulated Puppet. Or Puppet for Manipulation.
That thing on the door says “best luck” (daikichi). It’s a very Chinese thing to do.
His apron says “meat”. He’s probably a butcher or something.
How does a guy with a gun for a head drink coffee? (small LOL)
I remember someone called Juzo with Basket “a Nezuko cosplay”.
Does Tetsuro’s voice change for the Extended he affects with Harmony?
I noticed in the ED Juzo has an arm missing…must be important later.
I believe Mary’s shirt in the ED says “skill” or “technique” (read as “gi” or “waza”).
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