doonitedin · 3 years ago
World Stroke Day: जेब में पड़ी इस चीज के कारण आ सकता है स्ट्रोक अटैक, जानें कैसे करें बचाव
World Stroke Day: जेब में पड़ी इस चीज के कारण आ सकता है स्ट्रोक अटैक, जानें कैसे करें बचाव
World Stroke Day 2021: बदलते समय में एक चीज हर किसी के जीवन का सबसे जरूरी हिस्सा बन गई है और वह मोबाइल है. जो कि हर किसी की जेब में रहता है. आप जितना मोबाइल की स्क्रीन पर समय बिताएंगे, आपकी संभावित अधिकतम उम्र कम होती जाती है. मोबाइल इस्तेमाल करने वाले समय को एक्सपर्ट की भाषा में डिजिटल स्क्रीन टाइम कहा जाता है और यह ब्रेन स्ट्रोक अटैक जैसी खतरनाक बीमारी का कारण बन सकती है. लेकिन डॉ. मनीष गुप्ता…
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gomediitechnologies · 5 years ago
शरीर को मोटापा, उच्च कोलेस्ट्रॉल, मधुमेह और उच्च रक्तचाप जैसी बीमारियों से बचने के लिए आप व्यायाम का सहारा लें। आपको बता दें की इससे स्ट्रोक का खतरा भी कम होता है। यदि आप एक सप्ताह में 5 दिन भी 30 मिनट तक वयायाम करते है तो इससे आप मानसिक और शारीरिक दोनों तरह से स्वस्थ रहते है। जो लोग रोजाना व्यायाम करते है उन्हें डॉक्टर के पास नहीं जाना पड़ता है।
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doktorbrown-blog · 6 years ago
Medicinal Properties Of Drumstick-An Ayurveda View
Therefore, the more muscle mass you have; the more calories you will burn each day. Besides promoting libido, it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. However, even with the nine rigorously selected symptoms, differences in testosterone levels between symptomatic and non-symptomatic men were marginal, highlighting the weak overall association between symptoms and testosterone levels. However, there are very few high-quality randomized trials regarding aerobic training and ED. Erectile dysfunction after testosterone treatment they are substantively identical to the erectile dysfunction after testosterone treatment she blatantly. Erectile dysfunction or impotence are often associated with diabetes in men and can be found even in cases of pre-diabetes. Like most people, you probably have wondered what can cause an erectile dysfunction disorder. What the chances and dangers faced by the vendors in Worldwide Erectile Dysfunction market? Find out the connection between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction low testosterone and ed. The only active ingredient in this formula is testosterone which is what you need to replace your loss hormone. In addition, exercise also helps to get increased testosterone level and then men can have enhanced libido which is very much necessary to perform better in bedroom. Using pharmaceuticals as the answer to erectile dysfunction can bring with it many unwanted side effects. Another safe and very natural approach, Cnidium has a low side effect profile and is relatively inexpensive. Erectile dysfunction treatment optionspumps in particular, coping with erectile dysfunction how to regain confidence; erectile dysfunction natural causes;. Symptoms, causes and remedy options for erectile advanced natural biogetica does not make any erectile dysfunction treatment and erectile dysfunction cure. Breakthrough new method gives any guy stiff, powerful erections: click here to download the erectile dysfunction remedy report try as much as possible. Try to refrain from drinking a glass of water at least two hours before sleeping. The list is endless for the benefits of water. To have a big impact on your you can help from which alcohol or eight hours before you your list of vitamins, minerals, and family members, are all need to remember. If you are hypertensive and have tried everything you can to keep your blood pressure under control, and yet it’s still high, get evaluated for sleep apnea. Still looking for answers? In order to improve the vascular health, canadian pharmacy online 24 there is a growing demand for pychnogenol. It is significantly more affordable! What happens when you get to A-Vascular? 38. Green Tea with Gingko is said to help improve memory, improve blood circulation and improve oxygen levels to the brain. 2. Apple Tea is also antioxidant rich. Who doesn't love apples dipped in peanut butter, apple pie, or applesauce? A total of 200 doctors - who have all been in general practice for at least five years and treated a minimum of 15 ED patients a month - took part in the survey. Previous study showed a significant improvement of erectile function among patients with impotence who were receiving Lurong (Chen, Chen et al. The study also showed that the early impotence treatments which ended to no avail also impacted the men's overall confidence, relationships and self-esteem. 5 natural treatments for erectile dysfunction;. Erectile dysfunction products at gnc 2016 natural medicines the most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary. Homeopathy medicines for erectile dysfunction. Herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction uk you have to choose discomfort over destruction.. Updated on November 21, 2018 Kelley Marks moreNatural remedies have been a major interest of Kelley's in recent years, and he's also fascinated by unusual food and beverages. If you have plaque buildup along artery walls you block its release from these wall surfaces. I was sick and bedridden with a variety of symptoms for 2 months. Seed pods are long, slender and triangular, resembling drumsticks. The HIV community is realising that male-adapted services are urgently needed to address the gap in outcomes for HIV between males and females. The method of treatment depends on the underlying condition resulting to Polyneuritis. Diabetes Erectile Dysfunction If youre going to go a non-traditional route inside your treatment diabetes continue to be under the supervision in the doctor. Impotence pill warning no joke erectile dysfunction smoking reversible erectile dysfunction is a common impotence pill warning no joke does smoking. If you smoke, take steps to quit since smoking increases your risk of stroke. Even the well-known performers all over the world take rest. However angina, which occurs at rest particularly at night around 2.0am waking the patient, is due to vasospasm and is termed angina decubitus. Post-Treatment Rehabilitation: Physical Rehabilitation will not be required for this treatment. Ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes it is, therefore, ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes layout. Other Alternative Products Marketed for Erectile Dysfunction. We offer the only 100% guaranteed ED remedy report that is step by step and researched. Home remedy for diabetes in hindi but i was hurting and i was eating good home remedy for diabetes in hindi you can eliminate salt.
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doonitedin · 3 years ago
इस तरह मुस्कुराना होता है इस खतरनाक बीमारी का पहला लक्षण, 4 घंटे के अंदर हॉस्पिटल ले जाना है जरूरी
इस तरह मुस्कुराना होता है इस खतरनाक बीमारी का पहला लक्षण, 4 घंटे के अंदर हॉस्पिटल ले जाना है जरूरी
Brain Stroke Facts: हर साल 29 अक्टूबर को वर्ल्ड स्ट्रोक डे (world stroke day 2021) मनाया जाता है. अधिकतर लोग समझते हैं कि ��्ट्रोक दिल की बीमारी है, लेकिन असल में यह दिमाग से जुड़ी होती है. कैंसर की तरह ही स्ट्रोक (आघात) के कारण भी हर साल कई मौतें हो रही हैं. मगर फिर भी लोगों को स्ट्रोक डिजीज के बारे में बहुत कम जानकारी (Brain stroke in hindi) होती है. इसलिए इस विश्व स्ट्रोक दिवस पर हम आपको…
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astangayurveda · 5 years ago
Migraine Treatment in Ayurvedic Classic Strategy
First, all headaches don't seem to be migraines. Ayurveda explains headache as a symbol of various diseases associate degreed conjointly as an independent disease entity. Vata Pitta symptoms area unit clear altogether the four phases of migraine:
1. Prodrome phase: Constipation, mood changes, food desire, stiff neck, thirst.
2. Aura phase: Bright spots or flashes of sunshine, vision loss, pins and needles sensations, weakness or  numbness, issue speaking, hearing noises.
3. Attack phase: Pain on one side or either side of your head, throbbing or pulsing pain, sensitivity to light, sounds, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, lightheadedness.
4 Postdrome phase: Confusion, moodiness, dizziness, weakness, sensitivity to lightweight and sound.
Migraine headache causes extreme pain which might endure for hours or perhaps days. Also, these severe headache caused due to a sick headache typically happens on one side of the head. Migraine headache now a day became a common health hazard and are affecting more than 11 people in hundred. There are number of frequent cases wherever Migraines might or might not run within the family. Analysis states that migraine headaches first seem from 10–45 years old-time. The most effective resolution to the present downside is that the intake of Ayurvedic Medicines for these migraine headaches.
You can conjointly realize a broad vary of migraine treatment in Ayurveda in Hindi written. All these Migraine treatments in Ayurveda in Hindi area unit the recent ancient Hindu system of the drugs world, supported the target of herbal treatment, yogic breathing etc.
Trigger Factors of Migraine Attack
● Few bound forms of food like baked food, dairy product, onion, soured food, significant to digest meat and  peanuts.
● Excessive stress
● Suppression of natural urges
● The mental or physical stress of any kind
● Indigestion
● Overboard intake of salty, oily and spicy food
● Fasting
● Hormonal secretion imbalance due to the additional usage of contraception pills or throughout the oscillation
● Modification in sleep pattern
● An excessive amount of exposure to daylight
● Exaggerated consumption of smoking and alcohol
● Strong stimuli like noise, smell or light
It is vital to cut back the common causes of Vata and pitta imbalance whereas handling migraine headaches. Avoid over intake of spicy, sour, salty, bitter and astringent tastes, exposure to extreme cold/hot and dry conditions, excess exertions, keeping awake at nights, suppression of hunger and urges, stress, alcohol intake, smoking, exposure to sturdy smells.
[We all know smoking is unhealthy, however it’s even worse throughout menopause]
Symptoms of a Migraine
The symptoms for these headaches are completely different for each single being. The common ones are:
● Vomiting
● Nausea
● Eye pain
● Acute pain within the aspect of the head
● Sensitivity towards sound or light
All these common symptoms of migraine may be treated with a headache ayurvedic medicine.
Also, it's been detected that before the assault of a migraine attack, some individuals expertise a selected warning ‘aura’ or signs like weakness in one aspect of the body, flashing lights, symptom and blind spot in one eye. associate aura will mimic the symptoms of stroke and may be very horrifying, particularly for those who never had associate aura before. These aura’s or signs could last for some minutes then dissolve as a headache or last till a headache resolves.
Natural Remedies for a Headache
A headache downside is treated at initial stages with the assistance of natural remedies for a headache. Here are many of them:
● A teaspoon of seed powder and coriander with a cup of water ought to be left nightlong. Drink it consecutive morning, ideally with associate empty abdomen.
● Almonds and Raisins are extraordinarily smart for our health. Soak 5 to 6 almonds and raisins every night and eat them consecutive morning. It’s recommended to drink the water you soaked them in too.
● Another nice natural headache written material medicine is tender and recent leaves of pomegranate or bush as a juice within the early morning.
Classic strategy of migraine headache
Ayurveda offers a classical strategy within the management of migraine headaches, which has medicines, ghee, milk boiled with herbs and tonics. There ar many therapies and treatment plans are found to be effective victimization the proper oils and at the proper section.
The tips below are useful:
• Consume soup of wholegrain puffed rice additional with pomegranate juice or honey.
• Drink many water; avoid heat water. Water boiled and cooled with fennel seeds or Indian Sarsaparilla is used for drinking.
• Application of nutmeg paste or sandalwood paste on the forehead and temples will facilitate ease the ache and discomfort.
• place 2-3 drops of drawn butter in every nostrils.
• Ensuree 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
• Keep a consistent eating schedule.
• Regular exercise within the day time.
Treatment of Migraine Headaches through medical care
The treatment for migraine headaches are unit fully dependent upon the sort of medicine prescribed to stop the attacks and triggers, however oftentimes they occur, however long they last and pain relief. It’s forever well to use a natural remedy for headaches over allopathic  medication.
Migraine treatment in Ayurvedic contains a range of therapies to treat a migraine, they are:
 1. Shirovasti: It is associate degree Ayurvedic treatment for a headache that is extremely effective. This Ayurvedic medication for a migraine headache helps in action variety of diseases associated with the brain, like throbbing pain, depression and migraine. During this medical care, a leather covers the outer space of the head. Since there's a crater within the cap, the medicated oil is command within the gap for a few time.
2. Shirodhara: Yet another excellent therapy that has a huge impact on the nervous system of one’s body. This therapy acts like a perfect ayurvedic medicine for a migraine. In Shirodhara, a continuous stream of warm oil is poured over the area where the nerves are highly concentrated i.e the forehead. This way the pressure of the oil forms a vibration on the forehead which helps our nervous system and mind to experience mental rest. As appealing as this therapy is there are a few contradictions to it too. Pregnant women, injury on head or neck, nausea and vomiting feeling etc.
3. Kavala Graha: Another perfect substitute therapy for Ayurvedic medicine for a migraine is oil pulling or Kavala Graha. This therapy imparts a number of benefits such as whiter teeth, a powerful detoxifying effect, increased relief from migraine headaches and many more.
4. Sneha Naysa: This therapy is carried out through the nasal pathway. It helps in decreasing physical stress.
5. Shiropela: Shiropela is the best therapy treatment for severe headaches and migraine attacks as it is highly effective in curing mental exhaustion caused to due to both physical and mental stress.
The problem of a migraine is a troublesome issue; therefore it’s highly advisable to get ayurvedic medicines for a headache than antibiotics as they don’t have any sort ill effects or any other serious repercussions on your health. Prevention is always better than cure. So always follow the tips given by Ayurvedic experts such as don’t over stress, reduce the intake of tea and coffee, avoid spicy food etc. to avoid another migraine attack.
 Astang Ayurveda Hospital in Bhubaneswar airport area unit extremely specialised for best migraine treatment conditions. The medical care Centre in Bhubanerswar, in-patient keep facility is available besides OP treatments. The rooms area of measurement state of the art, elegantly designe and provides all basic amenities for the guest.
 Dr. Ambika Prasad Nayak medicine practitioner at Astang Ayurveda Hospital. For appointment please visit best Ayurveda hospital in India.
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yourarchiesmith01-blog · 6 years ago
The Risk Of Carotid Artery Stenting
The Risk Of Carotid Artery Stenting. Placing stents in the neck arteries, to lean them unencumbered and help prevent strokes, may be too risky for older, sicker patients, a young study suggests. In fact, almost a third of Medicare patients who had stents placed in their neck (carotid) arteries died during an unexceptional of two years of follow-up. "Death risks in older Medicare patients who underwent carotid artery stenting was very high," said main researcher Dr Soko Setoguchi-Iwata, an auxiliary professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston pictures. Placing a stent in a carotid artery is a velocity to prevent strokes caused by the narrowing of the artery. A stent is a small mesh tube that is placed into an artery to keep blood flowing, in this protection to the brain. Although clinical trials have shown success with this procedure, this study looked at the ability in a real-world setting, the researchers explained. Previous studies have estimated that carotid artery stenting reduces the jeopardy of stroke by 5 percent to 16 percent over five years, Setoguchi-Iwata said get the facts. But this enquiry suggests the real benefit is not as great. The high death reprove is likely due to these patients' advanced age and other medical conditions, Setoguchi-Iwata said. "Another possibility contributing factor is that the proficiency of the real-world providers of carotid stenting likely vary, whereas trying out providers had to meet certain proficiency criteria" deshisexystory in hindi search. Setoguchi-Iwata doesn't know how these downfall rates compare with similar patients who didn't have the procedure. So "We were not able to compare the mortality measure to those who did not get the stent, as we did not have the ability to identify those without stents. "The decision to do the procedure should be based on not only evidence from trials but also material like ours on the overall survival, as well as on the risk of complications and their impact on quality of life. The despatch was published online Jan 12, 2015 in the journal JAMA Neurology. For the study, researchers imperturbable data on more than 22500 Medicare patients, average age 76, who had neck artery stenting between 2005 and 2009. Within 30 days after the procedure, almost 2 percent of the patients died, 3 percent suffered a rub or mini-stroke, and 2,5 percent had a hub attack, the researchers found. Two years later, 32 percent of the patients died. The annihilation dress down was highest among those with symptoms, such as plaque in the artery (37 percent), and lowest amidst those without symptoms (28 percent). In addition, patients who were at least 80 years primitive and who did not have the surgery as an elective procedure were among those with the greatest risk of dying, the researchers found. Dr Mark Alberts, a professor in the control of neurology and neurotherapeutics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, and father of an accompanying journal editorial, said, "Treating an artery may not remarkably be treating the patient, since they are dying from other reasons than a plugged artery in the neck. We need to better cotton on the risk factors these patients have". Patients need to have their risks evaluated before having this plan and that should include an evaluation of their risk for stroke and their overall medical condition male delay spray bw 101. "As with any procedure, patients deprivation to live long enough to benefit from the procedure.
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paylolorens-blog · 6 years ago
Blows To The Head Lead To Vision Loss
Blows To The Head Lead To Vision Loss. As more analyse focuses on the ruin concussions can cause, scientists now report that even mild blows to the perceptiveness might affect memory and thinking. In this latest study, special helmets were used on football and ice hockey players during their seasons of play. None of the players were diagnosed with a concussion during the look period, but the concerted helmets recorded key data whenever the players received milder blows to the head vigora tab hindi sexy story hindi me. "The accelerometers in the helmets allowed us to off and quantify the intensity and frequency of impacts," said learning author Dr Tom McAllister. And "We thought it might upshot in some interesting insights". The researchers found that the extent of change in the brain's white matter was greater in those who performed worse than expected on tests of homage and learning. White matter transports messages between contrastive parts of the brain hakeem. "This suggests that concussion is not the only thing we need to pay limelight to," said McAllister, chairman of the department of psychiatry at the Indiana University School of Medicine. So "These athletes didn't have a concussion diagnosis in the year we conscious them and there is a subsample of them who are perhaps more helpless to impact. We need to learn more about how long these changes last and whether the changes are permanent". The research was published online Dec 11, 2003 in the journal Neurology our site. Concussions are mellow traumatic brain injuries that occur from a sudden blow to the head or body. Symptoms include headache, blurry eyesight and difficulty sleeping or thinking clearly. Research on repetitive brain impacts not associated with diagnosed concussions is inappreciable and contradictory, the researchers said. McAllister, who conducted the probing while affiliated with Dartmouth College, compared 80 concussion-free varsity football and ice hockey players wearing specialized helmets to 79 athletes in noncontact sports. He evaluated them before and after the condition with perspicacity scans and learning and memory tests. A total of 20 percent of the contact-sport players and 11 percent of the noncontact athletes performed worse on a study of verbal lore and memory at the end of the season, a decline expected in less than 7 percent of a normal population. Those performing worse exhibited more changes in the corpus callosum precinct of the brain - a bundle of nerves connecting the Heraldry sinister and right sides of the brain - than athletes who scored as predicted. Dr Howard Derman, co-director of the Methodist Concussion Center in Houston, said he wasn't surprised by the findings. He said blows to the noddle without a reported concussion might cause knowledge damage that doesn't originate symptoms. Derman said future research on this topic would be illuminating if, with specially equipped helmets, blood current and pressure changes in the brain could be measured during repetitive head blows. "If you can report that there are changes to the brain and there haven't been significant blows, it would be even more of a concern. We have to assume there is some cumulative effect, with multiple blows causing the problem. It's have a fondness bending a piece of plastic once - nothing happens body building. But if you do it 40 times, you stroke of luck the plastic".
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vilmaldelima · 6 years ago
Health And Fitness - Health Benefits of Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids | GuruMann -Health And Fitness
Watch video on YouTube here: Health And Fitness - Health Benefits of Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids | GuruMann -Health And Fitness Try Nutrusta DHA Omega-3 Ultra XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to Health And Fitness for releasing Health Benefits of Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids | GuruMann. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Deep Information about OMEGA 3 | Heart & Brain | Info by Guru Mann Omega-3's Taken at this Time of the Day Reduces Heart Attacks & Stroke - Dr. Alan Mandell D.C. Taking Fish Oil Every Day | 10 Things That Will Happen to Your Body | HealthTips24HD Excess DHT causes HAIR LOSS | How to Block DHT | Full info by Guru Mann Build Muscles or Lose Fat Are You Confused? What to do first 3 Supplements You Aren't Taking BUT Should Be! (Not Sponsored*) ALMONDS || Best NUTS in the World | Guru Mann | Health & Fitness How Omega 3 Helps Build Muscle: Increase Protein Synthesis- Thomas DeLauer Flaxseeds (अलसी)- Most powerful seeds on the planet Omega Fatty Acids, Essential Fats That May Help Regulate Inflammation and More Are You Wasting Protein?? | Guru Mann | Health and Fitness Top 5 Supplements for Muscle Growth How to Remove FACE FAT | Guru Mann | Health and Fitness 9 Reasons You Should Be Taking Fish Oil How to Fix Hair FALL & Hair THINNING | Important Tips by Guru Mann What is Fish Oil? Omega-3 Benefits & Side Effects Review by Guru Mann 10 Signs and Symptoms that Your Body Needs More Omega 3 Fatty Acids CLA And Fish Oil From Chemist For Rs500 Cod Liver oil vs Fish oil in HINDI Brown Egg vs White Egg | Guru Mann | Health & Fitness Guru Mann Fitness motivationaldoc HealthTips 24HD Guru Mann Fitness Health And Fitness Jeff Nippard Health And Fitness Thomas DeLauer Health And Fitness SuperfoodEvolution Health And Fitness FitMuscle TV Health And Fitness Natural Cures Guru Mann Fitness Guru Mann Fitness Signs And Symptoms Fitness Bulls Health Goodies Health And Fitness Take a look at Health And Fitness stats and you'll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: Video Title: Health Benefits of Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids | GuruMann Username: Health And Fitness Subscribers: 1.2M Views: 584,298 views by Vilma L. Delima
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lindafrancois · 6 years ago
8 Health Benefits of Avocado and Nutrition Facts | Truweight
Avocado is a versatile fruit which is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. It is a unique fruit that is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which make it’s texture creamy and smooth.
This is the ‘good fat’ helps lower bad cholesterol, thus it is helpful in reducing weight. Avocados can be eaten raw or it can be cooked or baked in the form of various dishes. 
Besides being tremendously helpful in weight management, avocados are blessed with nutrition.
It is due to its high nutrition value, avocados are also good for heart diseases, diabetes, liver damage as well as for fighting risks of cancer. ‘
Wondering how to include different fruits into your diet? Let a nutrition expert do it for you! Click here to book a FREE diet consultation today!
Get FREE Weightloss Consultation Today!
  Avocado is also known as ‘butter fruit’ or ‘alligator pea
There are various types of avocados found in different colors, shapes, and sizes. It comes in different hues of green, ranging from light green to black when it is fully ripe.
The most popular type of avocado is ‘Hass avocado’, which is round in size and black in color.
Avocado in India
Avocado is a tropical fruit which is in existence since 1900’s in India. Avocados have their native in Mexico and Central America and they hold much importance in the Mexican cuisine.
Avocado is grown in the Coorg region of Karnataka and some parts of India as well. It is most commonly called butter fruit in India.
Avocado is grown in some parts of India
Do you know the avocado fruit is called in various names in parts of India?
In Hindi it is called ‘Makkhan-Phal’; in Telugu it’s called ‘Venna Pandu’; in Tamil it’s called ‘Vennai pazham’; in Marathi ‘Alpukat’, Mager Nashpati in Urdu; and in Kannada ‘Benne Hannu’.
Nutritional value of avocado
Butter fruit is highly nutritious that contains a wide variety of nutrients including 20 different vitamins and minerals.
It consists of 73 percent of water, 8.5 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fat and 2 percent protein. Half an avocado contains 109 calories which is equal to 160 calories per 100 grams.  
Here, is a list of nutrition facts of avocado:
1. Avocados contain good Fat
Among all the fruits, avocado is a very extraordinary fruit that is low in saturated fat.
The most interesting part of this fruit is that the oil of avocado is used for cooking and it acts as a very good moisturizer for the skin and hair.
Avocado oil contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and proanthocyanidins.
It is a great source of healthy fats which contains oleic acid (monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid).
Avocado is low in saturated fat
  How many calories are there in an avocado?
A large avocado contains as many as 400 calories. If you want to boost up your mood, eat a small avocado every day for a week or so. Otherwise, eat a half or whole avocado several times a week.
2. Avocados are fiber-rich
Fiber is a nutrient that is found in large amounts in avocados. Dietary fiber plays an important role as a dietary component which has immense health benefits.
It regulates appetite and reduces the risk of many diseases. Moreover, it keeps you full, hence, suppresses hunger pangs!
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount. About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.
3. Low in carbs
Avocados are low in sugar content compared to other fruits. They also have a low glycemic index which does not let the blood sugar levels to rise in the body.
Half an avocado contains 0.5 grams of sugar in different forms – fructose, glucose, and galactose.
Avocados are abundant in vitamins and minerals
How many carbs are in a avocado?
> Around 100 grams of avocado contains only 9 grams of total carbohydrates.
4. Contain Vitamins & minerals
Avocados have abundant vitamins and minerals in them and that’s the main reason why it is the most loved fruit. The list of minerals and vitamins has been given below:
Folate – Folate is essential for normal cell function and for the growth of tissues.
Vitamin K – Vitamin k is necessary for clotting of the blood and bone health.
Potassium- It controls the blood pressure thus, helping in the proper functioning of the heart.
Copper- Copper helps with the formation of collagen, increases the absorption of iron and plays a role in energy production.
Vitamin E – It is a powerful antioxidant which is often found in fatty plant foods.
Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a group of related vitamins that are responsible for converting food into energy.
Vitamin C- The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, etc. It is overall very beneficial for health.
Avocado also contains small amounts of iron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).  
All of these nutrients in avocado contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado is an incredible fruit among the health conscious individuals. It has all the valuable nutrients which are essential for a healthy diet.
Avocados have numerous health benefits such as it decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and also helps in keeping the skin and hair beautiful and overall reduces body weight.
1. Helps the Heart
Avocados are known to contain 25 milligrams per ounce of beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol. This compound helps to lower your cholesterol levels and also lower the risk of heart disease. [1] [3]
Avocados lower the risk of heart disease
2. Good for Eyesight
The avocado fruit contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are located in the eyes. They provide protection to the eyes from the ultraviolet rays.
Avocados protect the eyes
Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
 3. Prevents Osteoporosis
Vitamin k is essential for bone health, a nutrient that is overlooked is found in avocado. It is often overshadowed by other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. 
Half an avocado provides 25 percent of vitamin k which supports bone health. It reduces the urinary excretion of calcium and increases the calcium absorption in the body.
Vitamin K in avocado prevents osteoporosis
4. Improves digestion
Avocado is high in fiber, with 6-7 grams per half fruit. Fiber foods help in digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. [2]
5. Reduces depression
Butter fruit contains folate, a B vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Folate is very crucial for cell repair and pregnancy.
Folate helps to decrease the risk of depression as folate helps to stop the buildup of homocysteine, a substance that can damage circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain. [4]
Avocados are rich in potassium
6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
Avocados are very high in potassium that aids in blood pressure levels. Potassium is an important mineral that the body requires. It supports the electrical gradients in the cells of the body.
With 100-gram serving avocados contain 14 percent of the RDA compared to 10 percent in bananas.
Potassium is known to have several health benefits such as it reduces blood pressure, prevents kidney failure and heart stroke.
7. Avocados might help fighting cancer
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases that it has the capability to kill a person.
Studies have shown that avocados can prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also has the ability to lower the side effects of chemotherapy in the cells.
Avocados may reduce arthritis
8. Avocado may reduce symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a common chronic problem that persists in our country. It is such a disease that does not give you any kind of relief.
But, the extract of an avocado is known to reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, which is called osteoarthritis.
Additional benefits of avocado
Some people have misconceptions whether avocado should be avoided in calorie-restricted diets because they are high in fats.
But, it is just the opposite eating avocados by adding it to your diet will help you in losing weight.
Instead, if you add avocados to your diet it will help you to feel more satiated, which will reduce your desire to eat more often.
Thus, avocados are a weight loss friendly food and an excellent supplement to an effective weight loss diet.
Avocado is considered a superfood because it does not contain cholesterol or sodium and is low in saturated fat.
Avocado is the only fruit that absorbs nutrients from plant foods. It has the ability to absorb nutrients from the digestive tract and deliver the nutrients to your body.
Some nutrients are fat-soluble vitamins which mean that it needs to be combined with a healthy fat (found in avocado) in order to be used and utilized.
Avocados is a weight loss friendly food
Fat soluble nutrients are vitamins A, D,E and K as well as antioxidants like carotenoids.
Avocado is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties because it contains both vitamins E and K, that reduces cellular inflammation.
Avocado is very good and prevents liver damage. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of flavonoids found in avocado help to get rid of bad breath because they have the ability to kill the bacteria in the mouth.
Avocado moisturizes the skin
Avocado is known to have a powerful antioxidant called ‘Xanthophyll’ which decreases the signs of ageing process. The good fats in avocado are known to protect the skin and it has two types of fat.
Polyunsaturated fats keep the skin protected from sun damage and inflammation.
Monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of the skin moisturized preventing the skin to form wrinkles.
The vitamin C and E in avocados protects the skin cells by keeping the skin hydrated making the skin looking radiant.
Having a mood swing? Eat an avocado
Yes, you read it right! Avocados are the only fruit that regulates the mood. Serotonin and dopamine are the two chemicals that regulate the mood and helps to get a better sleep.
Avocados consist of folate, a vitamin that helps to prevent the excess amounts of homocysteine that block serotonin and dopamine in the body.
Eating an avocado will help to improve the mood and will give you a sound sleep at night.
Avocado helps to regulate your mood
  With all the great health benefits that avocado offers, it has become a popular choice for healthy dishes. You can eat the bitter fruit the way you want to by whipping it into a milkshake or adding it to your sandwich.
Avocado Recipes
After reading how avocados are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients you must be wondering to rush to the market to buy avocados and cook them up into a delicious food.
Here, is a list of some recipes to cook these fleshy avocados, from dips to sandwiches you have got it all.
1. Corn and Avocado Salad
A healthy and nutritious salad filled with the goodness of corn, tomatoes and bell peppers.
Avocado and corn salad
1 boiled corn
1 diced onion
½ red and yellow bell pepper diced
3-4 cherry tomatoes
½ green chilies chopped
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 chopped avocado(ripe)
Lemon juice
Olive oil for drizzle
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and toss well.
2. Guacamole
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip used in Mexican cuisine
‘Guacamole’ is a traditional Mexican dip, rich with avocado butter and whipped with salt, lime, garlic and chili. Make this delicious spread for bread instead of using mayonnaise as a bread spread.
1 avocado and tomato
½ onion
1 green chili
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Lemon juice
Mash the avocado lightly and add the chopped tomatoes, onions, green chili and chopped coriander. Add salt and lemon juice and mix.
Is Guacamole dip good for you?
Guacamole is rich in fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, guacamole dip is healthy and can prevent certain illnesses.
3. Greek Avocado Toast with Cherry Tomatoes
Avocado toast
An easy to cook a recipe that you can start your breakfast with. A delicious toasted bread teamed with avocado spread.
A ripe avocado
½ tsp of lime juice
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
In a small bowl, mash the avocado then add lime juice and garlic. Spread this over a toast and garnish it with some tomatoes and fresh lettuce.
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iwantthis-c247 · 7 years ago
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Karaniwang Mahirap na pinagdaraanan ng isang tao na may Cancer ay ang “Physical Pain”. Maaaring sumasakit ang katawan o unti - unting nanghihina…
Ngunit bukod sa Physical pain na ito, mayroon pang isang bagay ang nagpapahirap sa pinagdaraanan ng mga Cancer patients. Ito ay tinatawag na “ Emotional pain or STRESS ”.
Yung mga nagtatanong sa kanilang sarili na…
“Sa dinami dami ng tao sa mundo,bakit ako pa ang nagkaroon ng Cancer?!”
(PLEASE Do Not be offended, pero ito po ang isa sa karaniwang tanong na nabubuo sa isipan ng mga taong naghihirap sa Cancer)
Marami po ang mga nagpupunta sa mga Consultations na malungkot at umiiyak dahil sa kanilang karamdaman. Nahihirapan silang tanggapin sa kanilang sarili kung bakit sila nagkaroon ng ganitong uri ng karamdaman..
But the Good News is… ang CANCER ay Napapagaling na!
We have several Options on how will a patient want to treat Him/Her.
* First is by Operation * Second by Chemo Therapy * Third by Radiation * Fourth by the Combination of these three
NGUNIT ang mga ito ay may kanya kanya ring epekto na hindi maganda sa katawan ng tao.
~ Sa Operation halimbawa na lamang, maaaring matanggal agad ang Bukol, ngunit hindi makasisiguro kung may kumalat pang Cancer cells sa ibang bahagi ng katawan o wala na. Minsan, maaari pa itong pagmulan ng komplikasyon.
~ Sa Chemo Therapy naman, nilalason ang Cancer Cells. Kaya lamang, nadadamay nito pati na rin ang Healthy Cells. Kaya nanghihina ang pasyente. At minsan ay hindi pa maganda ang epekto ng Chemo Therapy sa kanilang katawan na nagiging sanhi ng kanilang pagpanaw.
~ At sa Radiation ay ganoon din… Susunugin ang Cancer Cells, ngunit hindi nito kayang iwasan na madamay pati ang mga Healthy Cells.
At ngaun... May mas makabagong pamamaraan upang malabanan Ang cancer at upang hindi na ito makapaminsala pa...
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Here are the latest information between Cancer & Chemotherapy:
Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.
Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.
When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.
When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs and will results in permanent hair loss.
Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.
When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.
Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
Continue reading @…/latest-information-about-ca…
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monikaroconnell · 7 years ago
Different Types of Asian Massage Techniques
Different Types of Asian Massage Techniques
 It’s hard to count just how many different branches of massage therapies exist. Each tradition comes with its own type of meditative disciplines, physical strokes, use of accessories such as oils or hot stones, and more details. Often, different branches of massage therapy that originated in Asia get grouped together and generalized as “Oriental,” “Eastern,” or even just “Asian” massage.
Many people do not realize that generalizing all Asian massages into one large category can be harmful, and they do it only for the sake of simplicity. Yet, even though the intention may not be harmful, it’s important to recognize the intricate difference between these techniques that were so painstakingly developed over decades by a variety of different cultures.
It’s true that massage has its roots in Asia, with the earliest recorded types of massage coming from about 3000 BCE in India. However, massage spread throughout the continent over the centuries, and in each country a variety of different traditions developed. Over time, nearly all of the different Asian traditional massage techniques came on their own to focus on a similar theme: energy and balance.
Many Asian massage therapies focus on releasing invisible blockages in the body and soothing energy lines throughout the body, with the intent of establishing a balance of the body and mind with the external environment. It’s easy to generalize, but let’s break down the different kinds of specific traditions that come from different countries and regions from Asia.
Tuina is a traditional type of Chinese massage and one of the most common Eastern massage therapies that are also practiced in America. After feeling a patient’s pulse to determine the status of their internal energy, a Tuina therapist finds energy blockages along the energy meridians of the body and tries to release them to establish balance and harmony within the body.
Tuina is known for its firm grasping, pushing strokes to stimulate energy flow. This acupressure is applied to different parts of the body. Tuina is quite often practices in Chinese hospitals, health clinics, rehabilitation facilities, and other establishments. Tuina is regarded as a highly-respected tradition, much more valuable than a way to simply relax. In fact, in the more traditional areas of China, Tuina therapists are as admired as the highly-trained and very respected American doctors.
Shiatsu is a type of massage commonly practiced and revered in Japan, although it did technically first develop in China before spreading to Japan as other techniques became more common in China. Shiatsu practitioners believe that that regular application of this technique will increase physical strength and resistance to disease in addition to balance and harmony of the mind. It is rumored that after intense Shiatsu sessions, a client will experience symptoms similar to a common cold, such as fatigue, sneezing, and headaches.
Many people believe that these symptoms are a sign that the energy healing has begun. Shiatsu strokes focus mainly on pressure applied with the fingertips, although many Shiatsu therapists also use their palms, elbows, and knees to apply pressure deeper into the energy lines that run throughout the body. Restoring blockages of life energy and allowing energy to flow through the body is believed to bring about total and comprehensive healing.
Champissage is a term that was coined in the late twentieth century from the Hindi and Urdu term for head, champi. This technique was adopted from a different Indian massage technique, Ayurverda. Ayurverda is a traditional Indian massage technique that focuses on applying pressure to the upper body, believing that the mind, body, and spirit are all parts of one unified truth, so anything that benefits one of those areas will bring positivity to the other. Champissage was brought to the United States as a modified, modernized version of Ayurverda that focuses only on the head, face, and neck.
Sometimes called simply “Indian head massage,” Champissage applies deep pressure to the muscles and pressure points in the neck and shoulders before moving to the head and scalp to improve blood circulation to the brain. The client is traditionally seated during the massage, and it is believed that Champissage not only increases energy flow to the brain but improves concentration, hair growth, and the client’s openness to spiritual revelation.
Called Nuat Phaen Boran or, more formally, Nuat Thai, this style of massage combines principles inspired by the Ayurverda of India and yoga poses. The client traditionally wears loose, comfortable clothing and lies, kneels, or stands on a mat on the floor. The body is not rubbed as one might think, but instead it is pulled, pressed, stretched, rocked, and guided into various yoga poses.
The massage follows energy lines, called “sen,” throughout the body, to smooth, stimulate, and encourage healthy energy flow. In traditional places in Thailand, practitioners of this technique must complete at minimum 800 hours of vigorous training, and there are nearly 1,000 traditional clinics registered in Thailand that offer this traditional healing practice.
The post Different Types of Asian Massage Techniques appeared first on Las Vegas Asian Room Massage.
source from Las Vegas Asian Room Massage
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vilmaldelima · 6 years ago
Dr.Mayur Sankhe - Omega 3 Fatty Acid - Uses, Side-effects, Precaution & Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe
Watch video on YouTube here: Dr.Mayur Sankhe - Omega 3 Fatty Acid - Uses, Side-effects, Precaution & Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe Try Nutrusta DHA Omega-3 Ultra XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to Dr.Mayur Sankhe for releasing Omega 3 Fatty Acid - Uses, Side-effects, Precaution & Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe | Hindi. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! For those Who Ate Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements, Look Out For the Side Effects NOW! Omega-3's Taken at this Time of the Day Reduces Heart Attacks & Stroke - Dr. Alan Mandell D.C. Neurobion Forte Vitamin B Complex- Uses, Side-effects, Precaution, Doctors Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe जानिये किन लोगों को भीगे बादाम नही खाना चाहिए , फायदे और खाने का सही तरीका जानिए किस विटामिन की कमी का संकेत दे रहा है आपका शरीर Omega 3 पूरी कर लो 80 साल तक बिंदास निरोग ज़िन्दगी जियो | ओमेगा3 फूड्स शाकाहारी/माँसाहारी दोनों के लि The REAL Reason Apple Cider Vinegar Works for Losing Weight - MUST WATCH! Deep Information about OMEGA 3 | Heart & Brain | Info by Guru Mann सिर्फ 1 गोली खाय और कभी नहीं होगी कोई बीमारी सिर्फ 1 रूपए में | eat this 1 tablet for all disease How To Gain Weight Naturally | Simple Tricks And Tips For Men & Women | Dr. Mayur Sankhe | Hindi Fish Oil vs Cod Liver Oil | Bearded Chokra Mast Hai Moong ka Pani 60 Se Jyada Bimariyo Ki Dawa|| Magic Of Moong ওমেগা-৩/ফিসঅয়েল কি?কেন খাবেন? এবং উপকারীতা কি?| Omega-3| Fish Oil | Sajedur Rahman Milk for Diabetes 10 Signs and Symptoms that Your Body Needs More Omega 3 Fatty Acids 40 की उम्र में भी 22 का दिखना चाहते हो आज से शुरू कर दो Omega-3 खाना | Omega-3 fish oil capsules Why Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA) are So Important for Bone Health - Dr Mandell Himalaya Liv-52 Liver Care - Uses, Side-effects, Precaution & Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe | Hindi Rx Vitamin #1(Hindi) विटामिन C की सही जानकारी | Vit C Cure & Myth - Research Analysis | Dr.Education Omega 7: The Forgotten Fat 7ReMix Healthy Tips TV motivationaldoc Dr.Mayur Sankhe HEALTH TIPS HINDI Gharelu Nuskhe Rudra Home Remedies Dr. Eric Berg DC Guru Mann Fitness Care For All - Health & Fitness Dr.Mayur Sankhe Bearded Chokra OJ Ayurveda Sajedur Rahman Nutrition Way Signs And Symptoms Rudra Home Remedies motivationaldoc Dr.Mayur Sankhe Dr.Education :Simplified Medical Explanations Thomas DeLauer Take a look at Dr.Mayur Sankhe stats and you'll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: Video Title: Omega 3 Fatty Acid - Uses, Side-effects, Precaution & Review | Dr. Mayur Sankhe | Hindi Username: Dr.Mayur Sankhe Subscribers: 333K Views: 109,376 views by Vilma L. Delima
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lindafrancois · 6 years ago
8 Health Benefits of Avocado and Nutrition Facts | Truweight
Avocado is a versatile fruit which is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. It is a unique fruit that is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which make it’s texture creamy and smooth.
This is the ‘good fat’ helps lower bad cholesterol, thus it is helpful in reducing weight. Avocados can be eaten raw or it can be cooked or baked in the form of various dishes. 
Besides being tremendously helpful in weight management, avocados are blessed with nutrition.
It is due to its high nutrition value, avocados are also good for heart diseases, diabetes, liver damage as well as for fighting risks of cancer. ‘
Wondering how to include different fruits into your diet? Let a nutrition expert do it for you! Click here to book a FREE diet consultation today!
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  Avocado is also known as ‘butter fruit’ or ‘alligator pea
There are various types of avocados found in different colors, shapes, and sizes. It comes in different hues of green, ranging from light green to black when it is fully ripe.
The most popular type of avocado is ‘Hass avocado’, which is round in size and black in color.
Avocado in India
Avocado is a tropical fruit which is in existence since 1900’s in India. Avocados have their native in Mexico and Central America and they hold much importance in the Mexican cuisine.
Avocado is grown in the Coorg region of Karnataka and some parts of India as well. It is most commonly called butter fruit in India.
Avocado is grown in some parts of India
Do you know the avocado fruit is called in various names in parts of India?
In Hindi it is called ‘Makkhan-Phal’; in Telugu it’s called ‘Venna Pandu’; in Tamil it’s called ‘Vennai pazham’; in Marathi ‘Alpukat’, Mager Nashpati in Urdu; and in Kannada ‘Benne Hannu’.
Nutritional value of avocado
Butter fruit is highly nutritious that contains a wide variety of nutrients including 20 different vitamins and minerals.
It consists of 73 percent of water, 8.5 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fat and 2 percent protein. Half an avocado contains 109 calories which is equal to 160 calories per 100 grams.  
Here, is a list of nutrition facts of avocado:
1. Avocados contain good Fat
Among all the fruits, avocado is a very extraordinary fruit that is low in saturated fat.
The most interesting part of this fruit is that the oil of avocado is used for cooking and it acts as a very good moisturizer for the skin and hair.
Avocado oil contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and proanthocyanidins.
It is a great source of healthy fats which contains oleic acid (monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid).
Avocado is low in saturated fat
  How many calories are there in an avocado?
A large avocado contains as many as 400 calories. If you want to boost up your mood, eat a small avocado every day for a week or so. Otherwise, eat a half or whole avocado several times a week.
2. Avocados are fiber-rich
Fiber is a nutrient that is found in large amounts in avocados. Dietary fiber plays an important role as a dietary component which has immense health benefits.
It regulates appetite and reduces the risk of many diseases. Moreover, it keeps you full, hence, suppresses hunger pangs!
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount. About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.
3. Low in carbs
Avocados are low in sugar content compared to other fruits. They also have a low glycemic index which does not let the blood sugar levels to rise in the body.
Half an avocado contains 0.5 grams of sugar in different forms – fructose, glucose, and galactose.
Avocados are abundant in vitamins and minerals
How many carbs are in a avocado?
> Around 100 grams of avocado contains only 9 grams of total carbohydrates.
4. Contain Vitamins & minerals
Avocados have abundant vitamins and minerals in them and that’s the main reason why it is the most loved fruit. The list of minerals and vitamins has been given below:
Folate – Folate is essential for normal cell function and for the growth of tissues.
Vitamin K – Vitamin k is necessary for clotting of the blood and bone health.
Potassium- It controls the blood pressure thus, helping in the proper functioning of the heart.
Copper- Copper helps with the formation of collagen, increases the absorption of iron and plays a role in energy production.
Vitamin E – It is a powerful antioxidant which is often found in fatty plant foods.
Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a group of related vitamins that are responsible for converting food into energy.
Vitamin C- The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, etc. It is overall very beneficial for health.
Avocado also contains small amounts of iron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).  
All of these nutrients in avocado contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado is an incredible fruit among the health conscious individuals. It has all the valuable nutrients which are essential for a healthy diet.
Avocados have numerous health benefits such as it decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and also helps in keeping the skin and hair beautiful and overall reduces body weight.
1. Helps the Heart
Avocados are known to contain 25 milligrams per ounce of beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol. This compound helps to lower your cholesterol levels and also lower the risk of heart disease. [1] [3]
Avocados lower the risk of heart disease
2. Good for Eyesight
The avocado fruit contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are located in the eyes. They provide protection to the eyes from the ultraviolet rays.
Avocados protect the eyes
Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
 3. Prevents Osteoporosis
Vitamin k is essential for bone health, a nutrient that is overlooked is found in avocado. It is often overshadowed by other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. 
Half an avocado provides 25 percent of vitamin k which supports bone health. It reduces the urinary excretion of calcium and increases the calcium absorption in the body.
Vitamin K in avocado prevents osteoporosis
4. Improves digestion
Avocado is high in fiber, with 6-7 grams per half fruit. Fiber foods help in digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. [2]
5. Reduces depression
Butter fruit contains folate, a B vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Folate is very crucial for cell repair and pregnancy.
Folate helps to decrease the risk of depression as folate helps to stop the buildup of homocysteine, a substance that can damage circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain. [4]
Avocados are rich in potassium
6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
Avocados are very high in potassium that aids in blood pressure levels. Potassium is an important mineral that the body requires. It supports the electrical gradients in the cells of the body.
With 100-gram serving avocados contain 14 percent of the RDA compared to 10 percent in bananas.
Potassium is known to have several health benefits such as it reduces blood pressure, prevents kidney failure and heart stroke.
7. Avocados might help fighting cancer
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases that it has the capability to kill a person.
Studies have shown that avocados can prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also has the ability to lower the side effects of chemotherapy in the cells.
Avocados may reduce arthritis
8. Avocado may reduce symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a common chronic problem that persists in our country. It is such a disease that does not give you any kind of relief.
But, the extract of an avocado is known to reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, which is called osteoarthritis.
Additional benefits of avocado
Some people have misconceptions whether avocado should be avoided in calorie-restricted diets because they are high in fats.
But, it is just the opposite eating avocados by adding it to your diet will help you in losing weight.
Instead, if you add avocados to your diet it will help you to feel more satiated, which will reduce your desire to eat more often.
Thus, avocados are a weight loss friendly food and an excellent supplement to an effective weight loss diet.
Avocado is considered a superfood because it does not contain cholesterol or sodium and is low in saturated fat.
Avocado is the only fruit that absorbs nutrients from plant foods. It has the ability to absorb nutrients from the digestive tract and deliver the nutrients to your body.
Some nutrients are fat-soluble vitamins which mean that it needs to be combined with a healthy fat (found in avocado) in order to be used and utilized.
Avocados is a weight loss friendly food
Fat soluble nutrients are vitamins A, D,E and K as well as antioxidants like carotenoids.
Avocado is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties because it contains both vitamins E and K, that reduces cellular inflammation.
Avocado is very good and prevents liver damage. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of flavonoids found in avocado help to get rid of bad breath because they have the ability to kill the bacteria in the mouth.
Avocado moisturizes the skin
Avocado is known to have a powerful antioxidant called ‘Xanthophyll’ which decreases the signs of ageing process. The good fats in avocado are known to protect the skin and it has two types of fat.
Polyunsaturated fats keep the skin protected from sun damage and inflammation.
Monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of the skin moisturized preventing the skin to form wrinkles.
The vitamin C and E in avocados protects the skin cells by keeping the skin hydrated making the skin looking radiant.
Having a mood swing? Eat an avocado
Yes, you read it right! Avocados are the only fruit that regulates the mood. Serotonin and dopamine are the two chemicals that regulate the mood and helps to get a better sleep.
Avocados consist of folate, a vitamin that helps to prevent the excess amounts of homocysteine that block serotonin and dopamine in the body.
Eating an avocado will help to improve the mood and will give you a sound sleep at night.
Avocado helps to regulate your mood
  With all the great health benefits that avocado offers, it has become a popular choice for healthy dishes. You can eat the bitter fruit the way you want to by whipping it into a milkshake or adding it to your sandwich.
Avocado Recipes
After reading how avocados are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients you must be wondering to rush to the market to buy avocados and cook them up into a delicious food.
Here, is a list of some recipes to cook these fleshy avocados, from dips to sandwiches you have got it all.
1. Corn and Avocado Salad
A healthy and nutritious salad filled with the goodness of corn, tomatoes and bell peppers.
Avocado and corn salad
1 boiled corn
1 diced onion
½ red and yellow bell pepper diced
3-4 cherry tomatoes
½ green chilies chopped
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 chopped avocado(ripe)
Lemon juice
Olive oil for drizzle
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and toss well.
2. Guacamole
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip used in Mexican cuisine
‘Guacamole’ is a traditional Mexican dip, rich with avocado butter and whipped with salt, lime, garlic and chili. Make this delicious spread for bread instead of using mayonnaise as a bread spread.
1 avocado and tomato
½ onion
1 green chili
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Lemon juice
Mash the avocado lightly and add the chopped tomatoes, onions, green chili and chopped coriander. Add salt and lemon juice and mix.
Is Guacamole dip good for you?
Guacamole is rich in fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, guacamole dip is healthy and can prevent certain illnesses.
3. Greek Avocado Toast with Cherry Tomatoes
Avocado toast
An easy to cook a recipe that you can start your breakfast with. A delicious toasted bread teamed with avocado spread.
A ripe avocado
½ tsp of lime juice
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
In a small bowl, mash the avocado then add lime juice and garlic. Spread this over a toast and garnish it with some tomatoes and fresh lettuce.
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lindafrancois · 7 years ago
8 Health Benefits of Avocado and Nutrition Facts | Truweight
Avocado is a versatile fruit which is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. It is a unique fruit that is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which make it’s texture creamy and smooth. This is the ‘good fat’ helps lower bad cholesterol, thus it is helpful in reducing weight. Avocados can be eaten raw or it can be cooked or baked in the form of various dishes. Besides being tremendously helpful in weight management, avocados are blessed with nutrition. It is due to its high nutrition value, avocados are also good for heart diseases, diabetes, liver damage as well as for fighting risks of cancer. ‘
Wondering how to include different fruits into your diet? Let a nutrition expert do it for you! Click here to book a FREE diet consultation today!
Avocado is also known as ‘butter fruit’ or ‘alligator pear’
There are various types of avocados found in different colors, shapes, and sizes. It comes in different hues of green, ranging from light green to black when it is fully ripe.
The most popular type of avocado is ‘Hass avocado’, which is round in size and black in color.
Avocado in India
Avocado is a tropical fruit which is in existence since 1900’s in India. Avocados have their native in Mexico and Central America and they hold much importance in the Mexican cuisine.
Avocado is grown in the Coorg region of Karnataka and some parts of India as well. It is most commonly called butter fruit in India.
Avocado is grown in some parts of India
  Do you know the avocado fruit is called in various names in parts of India?
In Hindi it is called ‘Makkhan-Phal’; in Telugu it’s called ‘Venna Pandu’; in Tamil it’s called ‘Vennai pazham’; in Marathi ‘Alpukat’, Mager Nashpati in Urdu; and in Kannada ‘Benne Hannu’.
Nutritional value of avocado
Butter fruit is highly nutritious that contains a wide variety of nutrients including 20 different vitamins and minerals.
It consists of 73 percent of water, 8.5 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fat and 2 percent protein. Half an avocado contains 109 calories which is equal to 160 calories per 100 grams.  
Here, is a list of nutrition facts of avocado:
1. Avocados contain good Fat
Among all the fruits, avocado is a very extraordinary fruit that is low in saturated fat. The most interesting part of this fruit is that the oil of avocado is used for cooking and it acts as a very good moisturizer for the skin and hair.
Avocado oil contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and proanthocyanidins.
It is a great source of healthy fats which contains oleic acid (monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid).
Avocado is low in saturated fat
  How many calories are there in an avocado?
A large avocado contains as many as 400 calories. If you want to boost up your mood, eat a small avocado every day for a week or so. Otherwise, eat a half or whole avocado several times a week.
2. Avocados are fiber-rich
Fiber is a nutrient that is found in large amounts in avocados. Dietary fiber plays an important role as a dietary component which has immense health benefits. It regulates appetite and reduces the risk of many diseases. Moreover, it keeps you full, hence, suppresses hunger pangs!
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount. About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.
3. Low in carbs
Avocados are low in sugar content compared to other fruits. They also have a low glycemic index which does not let the blood sugar levels to rise in the body.
Half an avocado contains 0.5 grams of sugar in different forms – fructose, glucose, and galactose.
Avocados are abundant in vitamins and minerals
  How many carbs are in a avocado?
> Around 100 grams of avocado contains only 9 grams of total carbohydrates.
4. Contain Vitamins & minerals
Avocados have abundant vitamins and minerals in them and that’s the main reason why it is the most loved fruit. The list of minerals and vitamins has been given below:
Folate – Folate is essential for normal cell function and for the growth of tissues.
Vitamin K – Vitamin k is necessary for clotting of the blood and bone health.
Potassium- It controls the blood pressure thus, helping in the proper functioning of the heart.
Copper- Copper helps with the formation of collagen, increases the absorption of iron and plays a role in energy production.
Vitamin E – It is a powerful antioxidant which is often found in fatty plant foods.
Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a group of related vitamins that are responsible for converting food into energy.
Vitamin C- The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, etc. It is overall very beneficial for health.
Avocado also contains small amounts of iron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).  
All of these nutrients in avocado contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado is an incredible fruit among the health conscious individuals. It has all the valuable nutrients which are essential for a healthy diet.
Avocados have numerous health benefits such as it decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and also helps in keeping the skin and hair beautiful and overall reduces body weight.
1. Helps the Heart
Avocados are known to contain 25 milligrams per ounce of beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol. This compound helps to lower your cholesterol levels and also lower the risk of heart disease. [1] [3]
Avocados lower the risk of heart disease
  2. Good for Eyesight
The avocado fruit contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are located in the eyes. They provide protection to the eyes from the ultraviolet rays.
Avocados protect the eyes
  Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
 3. Prevents Osteoporosis
Vitamin k is essential for bone health, a nutrient that is overlooked is found in avocado. It is often overshadowed by other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. 
Half an avocado provides 25 percent of vitamin k which supports bone health. It reduces the urinary excretion of calcium and increases the calcium absorption in the body.
Vitamin K in avocado prevents osteoporosis
  4. Improves digestion
Avocado is high in fiber, with 6-7 grams per half fruit. Fiber foods help in digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. [2]
5. Reduces depression
Butter fruit contains folate, a B vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Folate is very crucial for cell repair and pregnancy.
Folate helps to decrease the risk of depression as folate helps to stop the buildup of homocysteine, a substance that can damage circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain. [4]
Avocados are rich in potassium
  6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
Avocados are very high in potassium that aids in blood pressure levels. Potassium is an important mineral that the body requires. It supports the electrical gradients in the cells of the body.
With 100-gram serving avocados contain 14 percent of the RDA compared to 10 percent in bananas. Potassium is known to have several health benefits such as it reduces blood pressure, prevents kidney failure and heart stroke.
7. Avocados might help fighting cancer
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases that it has the capability to kill a person. Studies have shown that avocados can prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also has the ability to lower the side effects of chemotherapy in the cells.
Avocados may reduce arthritis
  8. Avocado may reduce symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a common chronic problem that persists in our country. It is such a disease that does not give you any kind of relief. But, the extract of an avocado is known to reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, which is called osteoarthritis.
Additional benefits of avocado
Some people have misconceptions whether avocado should be avoided in calorie-restricted diets because they are high in fats. But, it is just the opposite eating avocados by adding it to your diet will help you in losing weight.
Instead, if you add avocados to your diet it will help you to feel more satiated, which will reduce your desire to eat more often. Thus, avocados are a weight loss friendly food and an excellent supplement to an effective weight loss diet.
Avocado is considered a superfood because it does not contain cholesterol or sodium and is low in saturated fat.
Avocado is the only fruit that absorbs nutrients from plant foods. It has the ability to absorb nutrients from the digestive tract and deliver the nutrients to your body.
Some nutrients are fat-soluble vitamins which mean that it needs to be combined with a healthy fat (found in avocado) in order to be used and utilized.
Avocados is a weight loss friendly food
  Fat soluble nutrients are vitamins A, D,E and K as well as antioxidants like carotenoids.
Avocado is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties because it contains both vitamins E and K, that reduces cellular inflammation.
Avocado is very good and prevents liver damage. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of flavonoids found in avocado help to get rid of bad breath because they have the ability to kill the bacteria in the mouth.
Avocado moisturizes the skin
  Avocado is known to have a powerful antioxidant called ‘Xanthophyll’ which decreases the signs of ageing process. The good fats in avocado are known to protect the skin and it has two types of fat.
Polyunsaturated fats keep the skin protected from sun damage and inflammation. Monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of the skin moisturized preventing the skin to form wrinkles.
The vitamin C and E in avocados protects the skin cells by keeping the skin hydrated making the skin looking radiant.
Having a mood swing? Eat an avocado
Yes, you read it right! Avocados are the only fruit that regulates the mood. Serotonin and dopamine are the two chemicals that regulate the mood and helps to get a better sleep.
Avocados consist of folate, a vitamin that helps to prevent the excess amounts of homocysteine that block serotonin and dopamine in the body.
Eating an avocado will help to improve the mood and will give you a sound sleep at night.
Avocado helps to regulate your mood
With all the great health benefits that avocado offers, it has become a popular choice for healthy dishes. You can eat the bitter fruit the way you want to by whipping it into a milkshake or adding it to your sandwich.
Avocado Recipes
After reading how avocados are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients you must be wondering to rush to the market to buy avocados and cook them up into a delicious food.
Here, is a list of some recipes to cook these fleshy avocados, from dips to sandwiches you have got it all.
1. Corn and Avocado Salad
A healthy and nutritious salad filled with the goodness of corn, tomatoes and bell peppers.
Avocado and corn salad
1 boiled corn
1 diced onion
½ red and yellow bell pepper diced
3-4 cherry tomatoes
½ green chilies chopped
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 chopped avocado(ripe)
Lemon juice
Olive oil for drizzle
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and toss well.
2. Guacamole
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip used in Mexican cuisine
‘Guacamole’ is a traditional Mexican dip, rich with avocado butter and whipped with salt, lime, garlic and chili. Make this delicious spread for bread instead of using mayonnaise as a bread spread.
1 avocado and tomato
½ onion
1 green chili
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Lemon juice
Mash the avocado lightly and add the chopped tomatoes, onions, green chili and chopped coriander. Add salt and lemon juice and mix.
Is Guacamole dip good for you?
Guacamole is rich in fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, guacamole dip is healthy and can prevent certain illnesses.
3. Greek Avocado Toast with Cherry Tomatoes
Avocado toast
  An easy to cook a recipe that you can start your breakfast with. A delicious toasted bread teamed with avocado spread.
A ripe avocado
½ tsp of lime juice
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
In a small bowl, mash the avocado then add lime juice and garlic. Spread this over a toast and garnish it with some tomatoes and fresh lettuce.
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lindafrancois · 7 years ago
Avocado Nutrition Facts And It’s 8 Benefits
Here, are 8 benefits of avocado beneficial for the body
1. Eating an avocado will keep the heart healthy.
 2. Avocados contain antioxidants that help to protect the eyes.
 3. Avocado prevents osteoporosis.
 4. Avocado contains fiber which helps to improve digestion.
 5. Avocados are one of the best fruits to reduce depression.
 6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
 7. Avocados prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells
 8. Avocados prevent osteoarthritis
What is Avocado?
Avocado is a versatile fruit which is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. It is a unique fruit that is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which make it’s texture creamy and smooth.
This ‘good fat’ helps lower bad cholesterol, thus it is helpful in reducing weight. Avocados can be eaten raw or it can be cooked or baked in the form of various dishes.
Avocado is also known as ‘butter fruit’ or ‘alligator pear’
There are various types of avocados found in different colors, shapes, and sizes. It comes in different hues of green, ranging from light green to black when it is fully ripe.
The most popular type of avocado is ‘Hass avocado’, which is round in size and black in color.
Avocado in India
Avocado is a tropical fruit which is in existence since 1900’s in India. Avocados are a native from Mexico and Central America and they hold much importance in the Mexican cuisine.
Avocado is grown in the Coorg region of Karnataka and some parts of India. It is most commonly called butter fruit in India.
Avocado is grown in some parts of India
  Do you know the avocado fruit is called in various names in parts of India? In Hindi it is called ‘Makkhan-Phal’; in Telugu it’s called ‘Venna Pandu’; in Tamil it’s called ‘Vennai pazham’; in Marathi ‘Alpukat’, Mager Nashpati in Urdu; and in Kannada ‘Benne Hannu’.
Nutritional value of avocado
Butter fruit is highly nutritious that contains a wide variety of nutrients including 20 different vitamins and minerals.
It consists of 73 percent of water, 8.5 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fat and 2 percent protein. Half an avocado contains 109 calories which is equal to 160 calories per 100 grams.  
Here, is a list of nutrition facts of avocado:
1. Fat
Among all the fruits, avocado is a very extraordinary fruit that is low in saturated fat. The most interesting part of this fruit is that the oil of avocado is used for cooking and it acts as a very good moisturizer for the skin and hair.
Avocado oil contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and proanthocyanidins. It is a great source of healthy fats which contains oleic acid (monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid).
Avocado is low in saturated fat
  How many calories are there in an avocado?
A large avocado contains as many as 400 calories. If you want to boost up your mood, eat a small avocado every day for a week or so. Otherwise, eat a half or whole avocado several times a week.
2. Fiber
Fiber is a nutrient that is found in large amounts in avocados. Dietary fiber plays an important role as a dietary component which has immense health benefits. It regulates appetite and reduces the risk of many diseases.
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount. About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.
Avocados are low in sugar content compared to other fruits. They also have a low glycemic index which does not let the blood sugar levels to rise in the body. Half an avocado contains 0.5 grams of sugar in different forms – fructose, glucose, and galactose.
Avocados are abundant in vitamins and minerals
  How many carbs are in a avocado?
> Around 100 grams of avocado contains 9 grams of total carbohydrates.
4. Vitamins and minerals
Avocados have abundant vitamins and minerals in them and that’s the main reason why it is the most loved fruit. The list of minerals and vitamins has been given below:
Folate – Folate is essential for normal cell function and for the growth of tissues.
Vitamin K – Vitamin k is necessary for clotting of the blood and bone health.
Potassium- It controls the blood pressure thus, helping in the proper functioning of the heart.
Copper- Copper helps with the formation of collagen, increases the absorption of iron and plays a role in energy production.
Vitamin E – It is a powerful antioxidant which is often found in fatty plant foods.
Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a group of related vitamins that are responsible for converting food into energy.
Vitamin C- The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, etc. It is overall very beneficial for health.
Avocado also contains small amounts of iron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).  
All of these nutrients in avocado contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado is an incredible fruit among the health conscious individuals. It has all the valuable nutrients which are essential for a healthy diet.
Avocados have numerous health benefits such as it decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and also helps in keeping the skin and hair beautiful and overall reduces body weight.
1. A healthy heart
Avocados are known to contain 25 milligrams per ounce of beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol. This compound helps to lower your cholesterol levels and also lower the risk of heart disease. [1] [3]
Avocados lower the risk of heart disease
  2. Good for eyesight
The avocado fruit contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are located in the eyes. They provide protection to the eyes from the ultraviolet rays.
Avocados protect the eyes
  Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
 3. Prevents Osteoporosis
Vitamin k is essential for bone health, a nutrient that is overlooked is found in avocado. It is often overshadowed by other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. 
Half an avocado provides 25 percent of vitamin k which supports bone health. It reduces the urinary excretion of calcium and increases the calcium absorption in the body.
Vitamin K in avocado prevents osteoporosis
  4. Improves digestion
Avocado is high in fiber, with 6-7 grams per half fruit. Fiber foods helps in digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. [2]
5. Reduces depression
Butter fruit contains folate, a B vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Folate is very crucial for cell repair and pregnancy.
Folate helps to decrease the risk of depression as folate helps to stop the buildup of homocysteine, a substance that can damage circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain. [4]
Avocados are rich in potassium
  6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
Avocados are very high in potassium that aids in blood pressure levels. Potassium is an important mineral that the body requires. It supports the electrical gradients in the cells of the body.
With a 100-gram serving avocados contain 14 percent of the RDA compared to 10 percent in bananas. Potassium is known to have several health benefits such as it reduces blood pressure, prevents kidney failure and heart stroke.
7. Avocados might prevent cancer
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases that it has the capability to kill a person. Studies have shown that avocados can prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also has the ability to lower the side effects of chemotherapy in the cells.
Avocados may reduce arthritis
  8. Avocado may reduce symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a common chronic problem that persists in our country. It is such a disease that does not give you any kind of relief. But, the extract of an avocado is known to reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, which is called osteoarthritis.
Additional benefits of avocado
Some people have misconceptions whether avocado should be avoided in calorie restricted diets because they are high in fats. But, it is just the opposite eating avocados by adding it to your diet will help you in losing weight.
Instead, if you add avocados to your diet it will help you to feel more satiated, which will reduce your desire to eat more often. Thus, avocados are a weight loss friendly food and an excellent supplement to an effective weight loss diet.
Avocado is considered a superfood because it does not contain cholesterol or sodium and is low in saturated fat.
Avocado is the only fruit that absorbs nutrients from plant foods. It has the ability to absorb nutrients from the digestive tract and deliver the nutrients into your body.
Some nutrients are fat soluble vitamins which mean that it needs to be combined with a healthy fat (found in avocado) in order to be used and utilized.
Avocados is a weight loss friendly food
  Fat soluble nutrients are vitamins A, D,E and K as well as antioxidants like carotenoids.
Avocado is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties because it contains both vitamins E and K, that reduces cellular inflammation.
Avocado is very good and prevents liver damage. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of flavonoids found in avocado help to get rid of bad breath because they have the ability to kill the bacteria in the mouth.
Avocado moisturizes the skin
  Avocado is known to have a powerful antioxidant called ‘Xanthophyll’ which decreases the signs of ageing process. The good fats in avocado are known to protect the skin and it has two types of fat.
Polyunsaturated fats keeps the skin protected from sun damage and inflammation. Monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of the skin moisturized preventing the skin to form wrinkles.
The vitamin C and E in avocados protects the skin cells by keeping the skin hydrated making the skin looking radiant.
Having a mood swing? Eat an avocado
Yes, you read it right! Avocados are the only fruit that regulates the mood. Serotonin and dopamine are the two chemicals that regulate the mood and helps to get a better sleep.
Avocados consist of folate, a vitamin that helps to prevent the excess amounts of homocysteine that block serotonin and dopamine in the body. Eating an avocado will help to improve the mood and will give you a sound sleep at night.
Avocado helps to regulate your mood
With all the great health benefits that avocado offers, it has become a popular choice for healthy dishes. You can eat the bitter fruit the way you want to by whipping it into a milkshake or adding it to your sandwich.
Avocado Recipes
After reading how avocados are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients you must be wondering to rush to the market to buy avocados and cook them up into a delicious food. Here, is a list of some recipes to cook these fleshy avocados, from dips to sandwiches you have got it all.
1. Corn and Avocado Salad  A healthy and nutritious salad filled with the goodness of corn, tomatoes and bell peppers.
Avocado and corn salad
1 boiled corn
1 diced onion
½ red and yellow bell pepper diced
3-4 cherry tomatoes
½ green chilies chopped
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 chopped avocado(ripe)
Lemon juice
Olive oil for drizzle
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and toss well.
2. Guacamole
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip used in Mexican cuisine
‘Guacamole’ is a traditional Mexican dip, rich with avocado butter and whipped with salt, lime, garlic and chili. Make this delicious spread for bread instead of using mayonnaise as a bread spread.
1 avocado and tomato
½ onion
1 green chili
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Lemon juice
Mash the avocado lightly and add the chopped tomatoes, onions, green chili and chopped coriander. Add salt and lemon juice and mix.
Is Guacamole dip good for you?
Guacamole is rich in fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, guacamole dip is healthy and can prevent certain illnesses.
3. Greek Avocado Toast with Cherry Tomatoes
Avocado toast
  An easy to cook a recipe that you can start your breakfast with. A delicious toasted bread teamed with avocado spread.
A ripe avocado
½ tsp of lime juice
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
In a small bowl, mash the avocado then add lime juice and garlic. Spread this over a toast and garnish it with some tomatoes and fresh lettuce.
The post Avocado Nutrition Facts And It’s 8 Benefits appeared first on Blog.
Avocado Nutrition Facts And It’s 8 Benefits published first on
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lindafrancois · 7 years ago
Avocado Nutrition Facts And It’s 8 Benefits
Here, are 8 benefits of avocado beneficial for the body
1. Eating an avocado will keep the heart healthy.
 2. Avocados contain antioxidants that help to protect the eyes.
 3. Avocado prevents osteoporosis.
 4. Avocado contains fiber which helps to improve digestion.
 5. Avocados are one of the best fruits to reduce depression.
 6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
 7. Avocados prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells
 8. Avocados prevent osteoarthritis
What is Avocado?
Avocado is a versatile fruit which is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. It is a unique fruit that is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which make it’s texture creamy and smooth.
This ‘good fat’ helps lower bad cholesterol, thus it is helpful in reducing weight. Avocados can be eaten raw or it can be cooked or baked in the form of various dishes.
Avocado is also known as ‘butter fruit’ or ‘alligator pear’
There are various types of avocados found in different colors, shapes, and sizes. It comes in different hues of green, ranging from light green to black when it is fully ripe.
The most popular type of avocado is ‘Hass avocado’, which is round in size and black in color.
Avocado in India
Avocado is a tropical fruit which is in existence since 1900’s in India. Avocados are a native from Mexico and Central America and they hold much importance in the Mexican cuisine.
Avocado is grown in the Coorg region of Karnataka and some parts of India. It is most commonly called butter fruit in India.
Avocado is grown in some parts of India
  Do you know the avocado fruit is called in various names in parts of India? In Hindi it is called ‘Makkhan-Phal’; in Telugu it’s called ‘Venna Pandu’; in Tamil it’s called ‘Vennai pazham’; in Marathi ‘Alpukat’, Mager Nashpati in Urdu; and in Kannada ‘Benne Hannu’.
Nutritional value of avocado
Butter fruit is highly nutritious that contains a wide variety of nutrients including 20 different vitamins and minerals.
It consists of 73 percent of water, 8.5 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fat and 2 percent protein. Half an avocado contains 109 calories which is equal to 160 calories per 100 grams.  
Here, is a list of nutrition facts of avocado:
1. Fat
Among all the fruits, avocado is a very extraordinary fruit that is low in saturated fat. The most interesting part of this fruit is that the oil of avocado is used for cooking and it acts as a very good moisturizer for the skin and hair.
Avocado oil contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and proanthocyanidins. It is a great source of healthy fats which contains oleic acid (monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid).
Avocado is low in saturated fat
  How many calories are there in an avocado?
A large avocado contains as many as 400 calories. If you want to boost up your mood, eat a small avocado every day for a week or so. Otherwise, eat a half or whole avocado several times a week.
2. Fiber
Fiber is a nutrient that is found in large amounts in avocados. Dietary fiber plays an important role as a dietary component which has immense health benefits. It regulates appetite and reduces the risk of many diseases.
A 100 gram serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount. About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble.
Avocados are low in sugar content compared to other fruits. They also have a low glycemic index which does not let the blood sugar levels to rise in the body. Half an avocado contains 0.5 grams of sugar in different forms – fructose, glucose, and galactose.
Avocados are abundant in vitamins and minerals
  How many carbs are in a avocado?
> Around 100 grams of avocado contains 9 grams of total carbohydrates.
4. Vitamins and minerals
Avocados have abundant vitamins and minerals in them and that’s the main reason why it is the most loved fruit. The list of minerals and vitamins has been given below:
Folate – Folate is essential for normal cell function and for the growth of tissues.
Vitamin K – Vitamin k is necessary for clotting of the blood and bone health.
Potassium- It controls the blood pressure thus, helping in the proper functioning of the heart.
Copper- Copper helps with the formation of collagen, increases the absorption of iron and plays a role in energy production.
Vitamin E – It is a powerful antioxidant which is often found in fatty plant foods.
Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a group of related vitamins that are responsible for converting food into energy.
Vitamin C- The benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, etc. It is overall very beneficial for health.
Avocado also contains small amounts of iron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).  
All of these nutrients in avocado contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.
Health Benefits of Avocado
Avocado is an incredible fruit among the health conscious individuals. It has all the valuable nutrients which are essential for a healthy diet.
Avocados have numerous health benefits such as it decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and also helps in keeping the skin and hair beautiful and overall reduces body weight.
1. A healthy heart
Avocados are known to contain 25 milligrams per ounce of beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol. This compound helps to lower your cholesterol levels and also lower the risk of heart disease. [1] [3]
Avocados lower the risk of heart disease
  2. Good for eyesight
The avocado fruit contains two phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are located in the eyes. They provide protection to the eyes from the ultraviolet rays.
Avocados protect the eyes
  Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
 3. Prevents Osteoporosis
Vitamin k is essential for bone health, a nutrient that is overlooked is found in avocado. It is often overshadowed by other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. 
Half an avocado provides 25 percent of vitamin k which supports bone health. It reduces the urinary excretion of calcium and increases the calcium absorption in the body.
Vitamin K in avocado prevents osteoporosis
  4. Improves digestion
Avocado is high in fiber, with 6-7 grams per half fruit. Fiber foods helps in digestion, prevent constipation, and lowers the risk of colon cancer. [2]
5. Reduces depression
Butter fruit contains folate, a B vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Folate is very crucial for cell repair and pregnancy.
Folate helps to decrease the risk of depression as folate helps to stop the buildup of homocysteine, a substance that can damage circulation and delivery of nutrients to the brain. [4]
Avocados are rich in potassium
  6. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas
Avocados are very high in potassium that aids in blood pressure levels. Potassium is an important mineral that the body requires. It supports the electrical gradients in the cells of the body.
With a 100-gram serving avocados contain 14 percent of the RDA compared to 10 percent in bananas. Potassium is known to have several health benefits such as it reduces blood pressure, prevents kidney failure and heart stroke.
7. Avocados might prevent cancer
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases that it has the capability to kill a person. Studies have shown that avocados can prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also has the ability to lower the side effects of chemotherapy in the cells.
Avocados may reduce arthritis
  8. Avocado may reduce symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a common chronic problem that persists in our country. It is such a disease that does not give you any kind of relief. But, the extract of an avocado is known to reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, which is called osteoarthritis.
Additional benefits of avocado
Some people have misconceptions whether avocado should be avoided in calorie restricted diets because they are high in fats. But, it is just the opposite eating avocados by adding it to your diet will help you in losing weight.
Instead, if you add avocados to your diet it will help you to feel more satiated, which will reduce your desire to eat more often. Thus, avocados are a weight loss friendly food and an excellent supplement to an effective weight loss diet.
Avocado is considered a superfood because it does not contain cholesterol or sodium and is low in saturated fat.
Avocado is the only fruit that absorbs nutrients from plant foods. It has the ability to absorb nutrients from the digestive tract and deliver the nutrients into your body.
Some nutrients are fat soluble vitamins which mean that it needs to be combined with a healthy fat (found in avocado) in order to be used and utilized.
Avocados is a weight loss friendly food
  Fat soluble nutrients are vitamins A, D,E and K as well as antioxidants like carotenoids.
Avocado is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties because it contains both vitamins E and K, that reduces cellular inflammation.
Avocado is very good and prevents liver damage. The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of flavonoids found in avocado help to get rid of bad breath because they have the ability to kill the bacteria in the mouth.
Avocado moisturizes the skin
  Avocado is known to have a powerful antioxidant called ‘Xanthophyll’ which decreases the signs of ageing process. The good fats in avocado are known to protect the skin and it has two types of fat.
Polyunsaturated fats keeps the skin protected from sun damage and inflammation. Monounsaturated fats keep the top layer of the skin moisturized preventing the skin to form wrinkles.
The vitamin C and E in avocados protects the skin cells by keeping the skin hydrated making the skin looking radiant.
Having a mood swing? Eat an avocado
Yes, you read it right! Avocados are the only fruit that regulates the mood. Serotonin and dopamine are the two chemicals that regulate the mood and helps to get a better sleep.
Avocados consist of folate, a vitamin that helps to prevent the excess amounts of homocysteine that block serotonin and dopamine in the body. Eating an avocado will help to improve the mood and will give you a sound sleep at night.
Avocado helps to regulate your mood
With all the great health benefits that avocado offers, it has become a popular choice for healthy dishes. You can eat the bitter fruit the way you want to by whipping it into a milkshake or adding it to your sandwich.
Avocado Recipes
After reading how avocados are a powerhouse of healthy nutrients you must be wondering to rush to the market to buy avocados and cook them up into a delicious food. Here, is a list of some recipes to cook these fleshy avocados, from dips to sandwiches you have got it all.
1. Corn and Avocado Salad  A healthy and nutritious salad filled with the goodness of corn, tomatoes and bell peppers.
Avocado and corn salad
1 boiled corn
1 diced onion
½ red and yellow bell pepper diced
3-4 cherry tomatoes
½ green chilies chopped
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 chopped avocado(ripe)
Lemon juice
Olive oil for drizzle
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and toss well.
2. Guacamole
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip used in Mexican cuisine
‘Guacamole’ is a traditional Mexican dip, rich with avocado butter and whipped with salt, lime, garlic and chili. Make this delicious spread for bread instead of using mayonnaise as a bread spread.
1 avocado and tomato
½ onion
1 green chili
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Lemon juice
Mash the avocado lightly and add the chopped tomatoes, onions, green chili and chopped coriander. Add salt and lemon juice and mix.
Is Guacamole dip good for you?
Guacamole is rich in fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, guacamole dip is healthy and can prevent certain illnesses.
3. Greek Avocado Toast with Cherry Tomatoes
Avocado toast
  An easy to cook a recipe that you can start your breakfast with. A delicious toasted bread teamed with avocado spread.
A ripe avocado
½ tsp of lime juice
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
In a small bowl, mash the avocado then add lime juice and garlic. Spread this over a toast and garnish it with some tomatoes and fresh lettuce.
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