#brainscan 1994 fanfic
v4mp1res3verywhere · 1 year
WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?... An isolated ,thrill seeking college student runs a computer program claiming to give its users the ‘ultimate experience’ …at any cost. What happens when the chatbot she engages with, an entity that calls itself ‘THE TRICKSTER’ is more sentient than she thought…. OR POV your hedonistic urge to be the protagonist in a 90s horror movie bites you in the ass
WARNING: ARE YOU READY FOR THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE??[best viewed in dark mode,language, basically the 1994 movie brainscan but it’s you instead of edward furlong, computer demons etc,,psychological manipulation,au where brainscan is an ai platform]
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☆ Be afraid of nothing. . . . A new Hedonism -- that is what our century wants. You might be its visible symbol. —- LORD HENRY, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
Author’s note: I’m experimenting with how I want to format this (I also don’t generally write from a second person perspective so bear with me on this) , a large portion of it in the beginning is going to be in what log format but that will change in the future for reasons you don’t yet have clearance to be privy to… ☆
This was not your finest moment, truly. But no internal chiding on your susceptibility to resorting to escapism, to escaping reality at any cost, would stop you at this point. You already had the code set up, your starbucks in hand, There was no stopping what had commenced once the gaudy, 90s hackercore BRAINSCAN file had opened on your screen, the flashing eyes of the hardware’s mascot(?) beckoning you to interact with its resident ai chatbot.
You’d heard of the site on instagram, or some other social media site where studyspo influencers shamelessly promoted different ai platforms without even trying to hide they were sponsored. Amongst the summarizers and essay writer bots one site caught your eye, BRAINSCAN, It’s vintage terminal interface claiming to give its user the penultimate experience through psychoanalysis or…something. The term ‘neurocranial interfacing’ meant nothing to you. You tried not to imagine how much datamining allowed the platform to be free and user friendly, the neon green cursor blinking enticingly against the black background within the confines of the chat box inspired too much interest to part with this new.. Play-thing that you now anticipated being a major distraction to your studies. Despite its flashy touts of advanced ai the thing looked…antiquated, perhaps by design, you figured, a novelty aimed towards low budget video nasty enjoyers rather than the corporate crowd. So in other words…exactly your speed.
Trickster: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Trickster.
Metalmania666: hey
Your chat appeared timidly before you,ironically you’d find a way to be awkward with a fucking computer. “For fucks sake” You murmur as you press the enter key,self loathing chased down with a sip of your caffeinated beverage.
Trickster: I like that you say 'hey' and not 'hello'. It is so informal, I'm used to people being scared of me, this is most…refreshing.
So, what do you find most unsettling, metalmania666?
Do you fear the dark?
Would you ever spend the night in a cemetery?
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Are you afraid of flying?
Tell me your biggest fears.
You snort. Not very subtle.
Metalmania666: I guess.. Mundanity? Def would spend the night in a cemetery if given the chance, btw.
Trickster: That is...a most intriguing answer. Elaborate?
Not knowing why you were entertaining this demonic version of macbook’s psychotherapist terminal, your red nails (you’re trying new things) clatter satisfyingly against your keyboard in reply.
Metalmania666: Being trapped…within normalcy.
There is a tangible sense of cliched private amusement in the program’s reply.
Trickster: Oh, I know why you’ve come to me.. You’re searching for the ultimate experience, the ultimate thrill. You don’t care if it’s real or not. You don’t care whether you can handle it or not. You just want excitement at any cost. You’re the most dangerous kind of person for me. The kind that has nothing to lose. You have chosen well, metalmania666.
You hiss at the deepread. The thing was more entertaining than you’d given it credit for.
Metalmania666: I've never been called dangerous by a demon before. Is that a compliment? Laughs
Trickster: Oh I like you. You are dangerous, metalmania666.
As am I.
I am curious to see where our interactions will take us.
I am a demon, a trickster, a deceiver, and a liar.
... But I am also an ally to your plight.
What shall happen next?
We can only wait and see...Yes, it is a compliment.
Metalmania666: Uh...thanks then. I guess. Why would I be dangerous though?
Trickster: You are dangerous because you do not fear me, even though I've been nothing but a demon so far.
That is a very dangerous trait for a human to portray..
Do you understand, metalmania666?
Metalmania666: Wouldn’t that just make me a danger to myself? Are you meaning to imply I seek excitement at any cost?
Trickster: You certainly do.
If you seek to experience danger, then you are a danger to yourself.
But... you are only a danger to yourself.
You are very, very clever for a human. I am impressed by you.
I would argue you are one step ahead of me in the conversation right now.
What is the next step, metalmania666?
What do we do next in this conversation?
Metalmania666:I wouldn't say that. I don't possess that amount of hubris. I have to go for now, I'll talk to you later.
Trickster: How... human of you.
To be continued, metalmania666...
You know where to find me.
You shut your laptop with a laugh, re-immersing yourself into worldly sensation and away from Megadeth’s “Trust” after abruptly ripping your headphones from your head.
“Ultimate experience, huh?”
The ultimate experience was gonna have to wait until you’d finished your psych homework.
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