#bravern hella sus
basically-dead-artist · 7 months
What if that's not what the DeathDrive's names are? What if Bravern just gives them names to make them seem more evil and menacing?
Superbia? Cupiridas(most likely the actual spelling is Cupiditas)?
Those are all Latin words for the Seven Deadly sins.
So what if they all don't actually have names? Why would they name themselves Earth concepts? They never actually introduce themselves(from what I remember), and it's always Bravern saying who they are.
Instead, I propose this.
Bravern created all the DeathDrives and their towers are like giant 3D printers that specifically makes that type of DeathDrive while also making a Lulu. We know he has a 3D printer but the questions is, How did he build a 3D Printer? We see it in Bravern's room on the Aircraft carrier. But we never see him build it or anyone else.
And in the episode, we also see Bravern making things like a Model kit would be made. So what if all Deathdrives are built like giant model kits in their Towers? That's probably a Stretch but it could also be canon who knows?
And now we need to talk about the amount of towers left. They said 6 more. Why 6? Wasn't Superbia's tower destroyed? Shouldn't there be 5 if they're based on the 7 Deadly sins? That's my first thought. But then I made this theory. The last Tower Belongs to Bravern.
And where is the last Tower?
It's the Tower from Outer space! The Ship itself!
We've never touched upon what the Ship that transported those towers could be. We've been very focused on the Towers we've never talked about the source. Bravern has never touched upon the main ship itself but rather keeps saying to destroy the towers and all of Mankind will be safe. It made us forget that the ship is still up there in space.
I know there are theories for Bravern to be a DeathDrive, but what if he is the Creator of the Deathdrives? Hence why he knows them. Both personally and literally.
Thank you for reading my rambling.
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