#brays journal
netflixandnudez · 2 years
I can’t think of the last time I had one of those hugs where you just exhale because you feel safe and know it’s gonna be okay.
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netflixandnudez · 9 months
That mid convo moment you realize you've outgrown someone be gut wrenching.
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netflixandnudez · 8 months
As a grown ass adult with a fully developed brain, why aren’t you covering your mouth when you cough? Riddle me that…
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netflixandnudez · 8 days
Cleaning up the crib on a Saturday with a playlist on is very therapeutic.
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netflixandnudez · 8 months
Reconcile with yourself. Love and accept yourself.
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netflixandnudez · 2 months
Nothing better than Jazz music in the night time.
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netflixandnudez · 2 years
So happy I’m not in the same position I was in last year. This January is starting way different, change is super dope.
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netflixandnudez · 2 years
Being a nigga that she can talk to about anything is very important.
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netflixandnudez · 2 months
Time to plant my seeds for next year’s harvest.
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netflixandnudez · 7 months
A Situationship is just friends with benefits rebranded.
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netflixandnudez · 9 months
Nothing pisses me off more than a grown adult coughing without covering their mouth.
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netflixandnudez · 1 year
You have to love yourself enough to not even put yourself in a position to experience certain things.
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netflixandnudez · 1 year
I love seeing pretty women read in public spaces.
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netflixandnudez · 1 year
Another day closer to the dream, let’s get it.
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netflixandnudez · 3 months
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Today my first Govt. ID with my chosen name and updated gender maker came in. I literally cried I don’t why but it was happy tears. It’s been tough taking out old ids that don’t match how I look now and having to explain why to a cashier. I’m so happy bruh! I just had to share this beautiful moment with yall. My first name is Bray Felize like Mary Kate. Also kept Felize because it’s the middle name my mother gave me ☺️
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netflixandnudez · 2 months
I always tell people money is energetic, just spend it and it will come back to you.
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