#brb searching nerd shit
deaded123 · 7 years
Tryna find new blogs to follow and all I’m seeing is Politics or random PREtenTiouS SHit FrOM PeoplE WRITING  A DAMN StUpid SENTENCE AND THINKING THEY ARE LITEREARY GENii!! SAying sOMe INANE WORDS THAT ARENT EVEN A QUOTE FROM ANYTHING AND THEN TAGGING IT AS LITERATURE IS SO DAMN ANNOYING AND I DO NOT WANT IT. Please no. An then quotes from poetry but just a line or so?? You’ve just taken it out of context and I hate that so. It’s just kind of inconsiderate to the poet. Or at least I think so. At least take a stanza so people can get a hold of what you’re saying. Everything about this whole thing makes me annoyed, perhaps even angry, and uncomfortable. Dammit I just wanted some nerd shit.
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ellamordes · 7 years
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priam volta. 46. unsouled. beine.
Self-loathing narcissist; misanthropic malcontent; jaded genius; nihilistic science-nerd; reckless jerk-off with a substance abuse problem who should have grown up like 200 years ago but eh, fuck it.
TW/CW: dumb af language/vulgarity (see me trying to set the tone or something), mentions of attempted suicide.
Firmly believes humanity is the root of all evil slash that everyone and their idiot fish-brained uncle is 200% a whiny little bitch.
Virtually unburdened by all that “morality” bullshit everyone’s always bending over for. (Except tbh he’s mad empathetic and it takes so much effort to actually suppress it IRL. It’s an issue so he drinks. ://///)
“I don’t care,” I say, caringly, as I care deeply.
Filthy old bastard’s got kinks that ain’t even been invented yet, ladies (and gents and aliens and demigods and demons and bigfoots(feet?) and Nikola Tesla’s negatively-charged ghost 👀  😘  👉 👌 👻  🍆  🔥).
Anti-corporation, anti-government, anti-people, anti-everything except for your hot mum in a neon zentai suit and your dad in a ginger wig. 😎 👉👉
Full-blown conspiracy theorist who will rant @ u for DAAAAAYS re: all the shit your CorpoGods™ are hiding from you -- you lil’ sheep-ass dummies with your stupid gaping mouths all slurpin’ on the collective cock. Gross.
Knocked up his girl at 17, got married because that’s what you do, and it was a twelve-year-long shit show (read: true love is a lie) until the day some sorta rock-bottom smacked him in the dick and he dipped. Left his wife and daughter with this classic dodge: brb heading out for a pack of smokes, and obviously never returned.
His wife died some years later, daughter’s all grown and they’ve had little to no contact up until very recently, when he’d finally been sad and lonely enough to reach out to her. In between that time, however, he’s trudged on thru as a grumpy old asshole who’s either stolen, unshackled, and fiddled with some poor Artifax in search of companionship and/or “adopted” himself an equally poor little urchin pal he’s come to begrudgingly care for while at the same time exposing to some good ol’ mind-fucking, subtle manipulation, and mild abuse. (Ps someone make them??)
Self-medicates but calls it stimulus. Self-medicates but calls it quick-tapping into his gooey creative core -- an inspirational punch to the brain-gut that’s routed through a very contented bloodstream. Self-medicates but calls it just havin’ a chill ass time, motherfucker. Makes high-functioning alcoholism and drug use his friggin’ bitch, son.
High-key hates his life and wants desperately for an end.
Genuinely regrets the fact he’d abandoned his family all those years ago and wants to make the most of any future he might have with his daughter (and perhaps her family?), but navigating that sort of deal feels like walking through a field of thorns blindfolded. It’s scary and foreign and it hurts and he’s bleeding?
Provides and performs unlicensed and under-the-table yet decent quality (despite the fact it’s probably mostly made of garbage -- I mean, you work with what you got) tech mods and body augs to mainly impoverished and otherwise 300% fucked citizens for fairly cheap (really, whatever they can pay). NOT OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HIS HEART because AHEM what’s that, but because he likes to “tinker”, which is actually what he calls it s2g.
Straight up MacGyvers that shit.
Tfw you get wasted and decide to grab fate by the balls and yank ‘em around a bit via Russian Roulette (or the futuristic equivalent) meets Take a Shot When You Don’t Die with ‘you, yourself, and u’ but pass out before you have the chance to prove conclusively that God’s not fucking real.
Ps God’s not real don’t be an idiot.
I’m sure I’ll be adding to/deleting from/editing this as the site’s opening closes in and more lore is released, etc. So let’s just call this the roughest rough draft ever tbh??
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