vcnaovalenada · 1 year
❝ . . . this is a 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓⠀⠀with⠀⠀@brcnwyns⠀⠀𝒊𝒏⠀jardins suspensos + "𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯"
"It's quiet uptown," Benjamin comentou, sua voz refletindo o respeito que ele tinha pela serenidade do ambiente. Era como se aquele lugar tivesse o poder de acalmar até mesmo os pensamentos mais agitados. Ele olhou para Bronwyn, apreciando a companhia dela nesse momento de paz. A Bibliotecária, com seu ar de mistério e sabedoria, parecia pertencer àquele lugar tanto quanto as próprias flores. "Então, se pudesse passar um dia em qualquer biblioteca do mundo, qual escolheria e por quê, se me permite a indagação."
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elysianhqs · 1 year
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FC liberada: Kennedy McMann.
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poiisonedquills · 7 years
Bronwyn Carlevaro
❛ —— HONESTLY, i just want to see her express emotion. just once. shock us, and i don’t know-- throw something? i know you’ve got a reputation of being an unfeeling dementor of a person, but you should shake it up sometimes!
( &. @brcnwyns )
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elysianhqs · 1 year
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poiisonedquills · 7 years
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( 3. 12. 88. ) the quidditch pitch stands are full, and the sounds of the awaiting students is deafening. the unusually high spirits, in comparison to hogwarts typically quidditch excitable standard, is probably in part due to the strange influx in weather. scotland is experiencing an indian summer-esque day, with temperature highs being in the sixties! no doubt, the students and hufflepuff and gryffindors quidditch players are excited for the rest of the saturday afternoon that lay ahead. here they come now, both adorned in yellow and gold, though the major difference in uniform is the standard red of the lions. who will walk away as winner, and in contrast, the first house to not be in the running for the house cup? if hufflepuff wins, they still stand a chance. if gryffindor, who is on their heels of a not so great season, win this match, they’ll at least have a win under their belt prior to their last match-- and if ravenclaw beats slytherin in the next match, hufflepuff and slytherin will play a second time to decide who will be in the finals! but if slytherin wins, hufflepuff will be out for the count as well, if they lose today. a lot is at stake. do the players walking out into the pitch look like they’re nervous sweating, or is it just the weather?
SEEKER: npc, “FELL.”
attempts: 6.
captured snitch: (yes/no)
injuries sustained: (yes/no ) if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character seeing them zip by in pursuit in the snitch//searching for the snitch, getting in the way of the bludger accidentally, or your character reacting to them catching the snitch//not catching the snitch. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort, as well as dirty looks given.
blocked points: 90.
missed points: 60.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
thread suggestions: what maneuvers they took to block points or how they attempted to. very easy to write interactions as keeper’s are at the focal point of the game. the physical details ( ie. the wind kicking up their quidditch robes, the wind beating against their face, a weird feeling in their stomach when they dive downwards, etc. ) self-para suggestions: their thought process during the game, as well as emotions during the big game.
attempted hits: 7.
hits: none.
assists: @ “YOUDLE;” with blocking injury. @ “FROST;” with protecting whilst scoring.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
thread suggestions: almost accidentally hit a seeker(s) due to them darting in front of the bludger at last minute. what maneuvers they took to attempt to protect the players on their team. what maneuvers they took to keep the other teams players from scoring//including attempted/successful hits. the physical details ( ie. the wind kicking up their quidditch robes, the wind beating against their face, a weird feeling in their stomach when they dive downwards, etc. )
self-para suggestions: their thought process during the game, as well as emotions during the big game.
BEATER #2: npc, “YOUDLE.”
attempted hits: 9.
hits: none.
assists: @ “UNDINE” with protecting whilst scoring.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character trying to avoid getting hit by the bludger if they attempted to hit them, or flying out of the way in time for a bludger that wasn’t even meant for them. you can also write them blocking the bludger from coming their way or them assisting your character since beaters are meant to protect their teammates. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them giving dirty looks towards the opposing team.
score attempts: 20.
successful scores: 40.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: @ “UNDINE” and “FROST” with scoring in formation, with FROST in the lead.
thread suggestions: include what maneuvers they took to score/attempt scoring/help their other chasers score. do they have any special flying tricks they like to do with/without the quaffle? the physical details ( ie. the wind kicking up their quidditch robes, the wind beating against their face, a weird feeling in their stomach when they dive downwards, etc. )
self-para suggestions: their thought process during the game, as well as emotions during the big game.
CHASER #2: npc, “UNDINE.”
score attempts: 30.
successful scores: 30.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: @mendozarin and “FROST” with scoring in formation, with FROST in the lead.
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character assisting them with scoring points, or them assisting your character. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them stealing the quaffle if they’re from the opposing team, as well as dirty looks given.
CHASER #3: npc, “FROST.”
score attempts: 50.
successful scores: 20.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: @ “UNDINE” and “ @mendozarin ” with scoring in formation, with FROST in the lead.
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character assisting them with scoring points, or them assisting your character. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them stealing the quaffle if they’re from the opposing team, as well as dirty looks given.
OVERALL POINTS SCORED: 90 + 150 from snitch = 240 pts.
attempts: 4.
captured snitch: (yes/no)
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
thread suggestions: what maneuvers they took that led them to lose/catch the snitch in pursuit with the other seeker. almost get hit by bludger from a beater not meant for them while searching for snitch. the physical details ( ie. the wind kicking up their quidditch robes, the wind beating against their face, a weird feeling in their stomach when they dive downwards, etc. )
self-para suggestions: what maneuvers they took that led them to lose/catch the snitch in pursuit with the other seeker. their thought process during the game, as well as emotions during the big game. if they did any dangerous moves during the game and if so what?
blocked points: 100.
missed points: 90.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character scoring against them or working with them to keep the opposing teams chasers away. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort, as well as dirty looks given.
BEATER #1: Cassandra, “CAPTAIN NOTT.”
attempted hits: 12.
hits: none.
assists: @ “ALDERMASTON;” with protecting all three chasers in scoring formation, @brcnwyns; guarding while in final pursuit of the snitch.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
thread suggestions: almost accidentally hit a seeker(s) due to them darting in front of the bludger at last minute. what maneuvers they took to attempt to protect the players on their team. what maneuvers they took to keep the other teams players from scoring//including attempted/successful hits. the physical details ( ie. the wind kicking up their quidditch robes, the wind beating against their face, a weird feeling in their stomach when they dive downwards, etc. )
self-para suggestions: their thought process during the game, as well as emotions during the big game.
attempted hits: 6.
hits: none.
assists: @tfcassandra;  with protecting all three chasers in scoring formation.
injuries sustained: (yes/no)
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character trying to avoid getting hit by the bludger if they attempted to hit them, or flying out of the way in time for a bludger that wasn’t even meant for them. you can also write them blocking the bludger from coming their way or them assisting your character since beaters are meant to protect their teammates. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them giving dirty looks towards the opposing team.
score attempts: 30.
successful scores: 10.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: none.
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character assisting them with scoring points, or them assisting your character. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them stealing the quaffle if they’re from the opposing team, as well as dirty looks given.
score attempts: 20.
successful scores: 30.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: @ “CABBAGECUP;” assisted them with scoring point.
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character assisting them with scoring points, or them assisting your character. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them stealing the quaffle if they’re from the opposing team, as well as dirty looks given.
score attempts: 40.
successful scores: 20.
injuries sustained: none.
assists: @”HONEYDROP;” was assisted with scoring point.
if you want to insert them into your thread(s) // suggestions: you can write your character assisting them with scoring points, or them assisting your character. you can write them giving high fives or anything of that sort. you can also write them stealing the quaffle if they’re from the opposing team, as well as dirty looks given.
                        WINNER: HUFFLEPUFF VS. GRYFFINDOR.
ooc details:
this match took place on the date above, march 12th.
writing period: 4/15/17 to 4/22/17. 
the writing tag is wizard:lionsvsbadgers88.
just a reminder that each point is worth 10 points, so if it says your character blocked 100 points for example, that means they really blocked ten scoring attempts. if you don’t know much about quidditch, i would recommend skimming this page and also reading through the recap tag !!
creativity is encouraged with writing how the above actually took place, and feel free to mention the npc players ( the spots that aren’t taken on the team ) referee madam hooch, or the neutral ravenclaw commentators maxence’s and daphne’s presence !!
please refrain from writing points being scored that aren’t notated in the stats, as well as changing who caught the snitch. that being said, it’s up to you to fill in the details of what took place during the match itself. you can plot out a thread where your character goes back and forth with the quaffle, almost gets hit by the bludger, etc! the thread suggestions are just that: suggestions. they’re supposed to help give you ideas, not restrict you! if you want to alter any of the details of the assists and injuries with your character for more writing opportunities, please message the main so the necessary updates can be made. 
if your character isn’t on the quidditch team, you can still participate by writing your character watch the match based on the stats above, as well as whatever is written by the characters in the above tag !!
participation is optional, but if you don’t want to write it and someone wants to write something that involves your character, it’s encouraged you to let them.
please send a message to the main if you’re confused, and have fun!!
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wizardhq · 7 years
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wizardhq · 7 years
activity check:
these accounts have twenty-four hours to post a minimum of five ic posts/otherwise display reasonable activity, or else will be removed. anything other than actual roleplaying doesn’t count.
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