#breast doctor in Pune
breastdoctorpune1 · 24 days
Expert Breast Doctor in Pune | Comprehensive Care Available
Are you trying to find a breast doctor in Pune? There's nowhere else to look. Our clinic provides thorough care from knowledgeable professionals committed to attending to your needs regarding breast health. Put your trust in our knowledge and empathy for treatment programmes, diagnostic examinations, or routine screenings. Your health is our top priority, and we offer individualised care based on your specific requirements. Don't let your health be compromised. Make an appointment with one of our breast doctors in Pune right now to discuss your options and take proactive measures to preserve your best possible breast health and peace of mind.
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breastsurgeonpune · 2 months
Breast Cancer Specialist in Pune | Dr. Shily Dolas
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Are you looking for advice from a trustworthy breast cancer specialist in Pune? If you need thorough care and knowledge about managing breast cancer, go to Dr. Shilpy Dolas. Dr. Dolas gives people with breast cancer hope and recovery through his compassionate approach and emphasis on their well-being.
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atulgowardhan · 4 months
Regaining Confidence and Sensuality with Vaginal Tightening Surgery in Pune
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Reclaiming confidence and comfort in your own body is crucial for overall well-being and happiness. Events like childbirth or aging can sometimes lead to changes in vaginal laxity, impacting a woman's self-esteem. If you're looking for a solution to boost your confidence and sensuality, consider vaginal tightening surgery with Dr. Atul Gowardhan in Pune.
Understanding Vaginal Tightening Surgery
Vaginal tightening surgery, also known as vaginoplasty, is a procedure aimed at firming the vaginal muscles and tissues. It addresses concerns related to vaginal laxity, improving sexual satisfaction, and restoring self-confidence.
Meet Dr. Atul Gowardhan: Your Trusted Surgeon
Dr. Atul Gowardhan is an experienced cosmetic surgeon specializing in vaginal tightening surgery. With his compassionate approach and dedication to natural-looking results, Dr. Gowardhan is well-regarded in Pune for his expertise and personalized care.
Benefits of Vaginal Tightening Surgery
This surgery offers numerous benefits:
Improved Sexual Satisfaction: Tightening the vaginal muscles enhances sensation during intercourse, leading to increased sexual pleasure.
Enhanced Confidence: Restoring vaginal tightness can boost confidence and self-esteem in intimate situations.
Addressing Vaginal Laxity: Surgery corrects laxity caused by childbirth or aging, promoting a more youthful appearance.
Enhanced Aesthetics: Along with functional improvements, surgery enhances the appearance of the vaginal area.
Personalized Care
Dr. Gowardhan provides compassionate care and support throughout the entire process, ensuring patients feel comfortable and informed.
Take the First Step
If you're considering vaginal tightening surgery, Dr. Atul Gowardhan can help you achieve your aesthetic and functional goals. Schedule a consultation today and start your journey towards renewed confidence and sensuality.
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healthguru · 2 years
Breast Lift Surgery in Pune
After pregnancy, weight changes, aging, breastfeeding, etc., many women have sagging breasts. Mastopexy is among the greatest solutions if you are self-conscious about the appearance of your breasts. Keep a pencil under your breasts to determine whether you require mastopexy, also known as breast lifting surgery. If it persists, you could consider having our breast lift surgery in Pune under the guidance of Dr.Ramit Kamate, sexologist in Pune. 
Contact: https://drramitkamate.com/
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shreyajainblogs · 2 years
Are you afraid of excess fat on your chest? Book your appointment with Dr. Amit Mulay and get a solution to all your body issues. Dr. Amit Mulay specializes in plastic and cosmetic surgeries, he is practicing at two different locations one in bund garden i.e. in Deccan Clinic, and the other in Chinchwad, you can book your appointment at your nearest clinic.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
5 Tips for Recovering from a Vaginal Delivery
Moms-to-be spend months getting ready for the big day. Understanding what to anticipate following a vaginal delivery is one approach to getting ready. Recent mothers are aware that while giving birth is a great experience, it is also incredibly taxing on your body. Even while your body is built to recover from a vaginal delivery on its own, you can take these suggestions to quicken the process and feel better. As per guidance in the Best Maternity Hospital in Pune below are some essential tips for recovery from vaginal delivery.
Most Essential Tips
1. Ease Soreness
Do you have a "down there" ache? It's typical to experience pain after delivery, especially if you tore during delivery. Soak a maxi-pad in witch hazel to relieve the agony. Additionally, you can place gauze pads atop a maxi-pad after soaking them in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory properties and can help you feel better. For even quicker relief, freeze the witch hazel. If your pain continues beyond the first few weeks or worsens, call your doctor.
2. Prepare for Bleeding
During pregnancy, your blood volume almost doubles. In the weeks following the birth of your child, your body eliminates this surplus blood. So, be prepared for some vaginal bleeding. However, avoid using tampons. They may obstruct healing. Use maxi-pads instead until the bleeding stops, which often takes 2 to 6 weeks. If your bleeding doesn't stop, is bright red, or has huge clots, consult your doctor.
3. Handle Hemorrhoids
After giving birth, some women get hemorrhoids, which are enlarged veins in and around the anus and rectum. Bowel movements may become painful due to the uncomfortable surrounding tissue. Take frequent hot baths to relieve the discomfort. Including fiber and lots of fluids in your diet also helps you avoid constipation. Consult your doctor before taking a topical hemorrhoid cream or a stool softener.
4. Work your Muscles
Kegel exercises can help your perineum—the region between your vagina and rectum that stretches and occasionally tears during delivery—heal by strengthening your pelvic muscles. Use the same muscles you'd use to stop pee from flowing to squeeze. Repeat ten to fifteen times, holding for ten seconds before letting go. Work your way up to 10 seconds if you can't do it straight away. Try to perform two to three Kegel sets each day.
5. Baby your Breasts
Whether or whether you intend to breastfeed your baby, your breasts will get ready to do so after delivery. If you decide to bottle feed, avoid pumping and take care of swollen breasts by donning a supportive bra. If you are nursing, feed your child frequently or pump to avoid engorgement and leakage. Discuss the causes of clogged milk ducts, how to treat them, and breast symptoms that should lead you to call your doctor or lactation nurse.
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Stage 3 – Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
 Our cancer specialist in Pune – Dr. Pratik Patil is highly qualified, experienced, and competitive in oncology. They have successfully treated more than 1000 patients with a high success rate. Our cancer specialist doctor in Pune chooses the best treatment from the compressive range of therapies according to the stages of cancer. Our patients are totally satisfied and often refer us to be the best cancer specialist in Pune.
Locally advanced breast cancer (Stage 3) is a more advanced form of invasive breast cancer than Stage 2. At this stage, no breast cancer has been found in distant sites in the body, but it is present in several lymph nodes. Stage 3 breast cancer has one or more of the following features:
May be large (typically bigger than 5 cm)
May have spread to several lymph nodes in the underarm area (axillary nodes), or other areas near the breast
May have spread to other tissues around the breast such as skin, and muscle.
Some Stage 2 breast cancers are also considered locally advanced breast cancers.
Read More : https://www.pratikpatil.co.in/stage-3-locally-advanced-breast-cancer/
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breastdoctorpune01 · 2 months
breast doctor in Pune | Dr.Shilpy Dolas - Breast Doctor In Pune
Trust your breast health to a qualified breast doctor in Pune. Offering comprehensive examinations and individualised treatment plans, Dr. Shilpy Dolas is an expert in treating a wide range of breast diseases. With her knowledge and dedication to patient care, Dr. Dolas gives her patients complete support and peace of mind.
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drasmitadongare · 5 months
Importance of Gynecologist in Women Health
Today, more than 50% of India’s human resources are made up of women. From the rulers, educators, decision-makers, rulers, and prime ministers to the women who run the country. Their commitment and achievement are incomparable to any other race. Therefore, a woman’s health is important to meet her needs. Women face many problems that can get worse and worse if they do not find the right treatment.
Infectious diseases affect women – puberty, menstruation, breast cancer, pregnancy to menopause. Each disease is monitored by a doctor known as a gynecologist. Beginning at puberty, when the reproductive organs mature, women are recommended to have an annual gynecologist or at least 3 years.
This work is performed professionally by a gynecologist.
Pregnancy: Women who have sex should be aware of methods of contraception and prevention of diseases such as HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc., as well as unwanted pregnancy.
Prevention: Every woman should be advised to have a healthy lifestyle to avoid various diseases and cancers that affect the age group to maintain health in adulthood, pregnancy, and old age.
Pelvic organ testing: Most women suffer from panic attacks, such as menstrual bleeding, white blood clots, etc. Many women feel cramped and bloated in their personal areas. Such news can cause a lot of fear in women. It is very important for the gynecologist to detect the red flag of any disease, so regular examination of the pelvic organ is very important.
Clinical examination of the mammary glands: Although monthly breast self-examination is recommended, regular examination by a qualified specialist can help identify the unknown.
Pelvic organ testing: Most women suffer from panic attacks, such as menstrual bleeding, white blood clots, etc. Many women feel cramped and bloated in their personal areas. Such news can cause a lot of fear in women. It is very important for the gynecologist to detect the red flag of any disease, so regular examination of the pelvic organ is very important.
Vaccination: A gynecologist is recommended for vaccination every year. The HPV vaccine reduces the risk of some types of cancer, such as cancer of the cervix, vagina, vagina, and kidneys. And other common vaccines, such as the flu vaccine.
Sexual health: Apparently, a gynecologist is simply an expert where a woman is free to discuss issues related to her sex life and well-being. Therefore, regular monitoring by a gynecologist will help discuss important sexual health issues and create a report to find immediate solutions.
Conception: Due to a major genetic disorder and late pregnancy, women are more susceptible to many diseases and pregnancy can be bad for the baby. Therefore, maternity counseling and care are very important for planning a baby and building a healthy family.
Dr. Asmita Dongare has done additional courses like Laparoscopic sterilization, Basic Infertility(FOGSI), Basic and Advanced Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopic Surgery, and ROBuST (RCOG) Operative Birth Training makes her one of the best gynecologists Baner, Pune. then call 9560506620 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking with your near hospital.
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breastdoctorpune1 · 24 days
Finding the Right Breast Doctor in Pune: Your Guide to Quality Care
When it comes to breast health, finding the right doctor is paramount. In Pune, a city known for its thriving healthcare sector, individuals seeking specialized care for breast-related concerns have a wealth of options. This guide aims to assist residents of Pune in navigating the process of finding a skilled and compassionate breast doctor who can provide expert care tailored to their needs.
Why Choose a Breast Doctor in Pune?
Expertise and Specialization:
Breast doctors in Pune possess specialized training and expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of breast conditions, ranging from benign breast lumps to breast cancer. They stay updated on the latest advancements in breast care to deliver optimal outcomes for their patients.
Comprehensive Breast Care Services:
Breast doctors in Pune offer a wide range of services, including breast cancer screening, diagnostic imaging (such as mammography and ultrasound), biopsy procedures, surgical interventions, and post-operative care. This comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive personalized care at every step of their journey.
Access to Advanced Technology:
Pune's healthcare facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to support advanced diagnostics and treatment modalities in breast care. Patients benefit from access to cutting-edge equipment and innovative techniques that enhance accuracy and precision in diagnosis and treatment.
Multidisciplinary Approach:
Breast doctors in Pune often collaborate closely with other specialists, including oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and reconstructive surgeons, to provide multidisciplinary care. This team-based approach ensures that patients receive holistic, coordinated care that addresses all aspects of their breast health.
How to Find a Breast Doctor in Pune:
Research and Referrals:
Start by researching breast doctors practicing in Pune through online resources, medical directories, and hospital websites. Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as family members, friends, or primary care physicians, who may have experience with reputable breast specialists.
Verify Credentials and Experience:
Verify the credentials, qualifications, and experience of potential breast doctors in Pune. Look for board-certified surgeons or oncologists with specialized training in breast surgery or breast oncology. Review their professional affiliations, academic achievements, and patient testimonials to assess their expertise and reputation.
Schedule Consultations:
Arrange consultations with multiple breast doctors in Pune to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and evaluate their approach to care. During the consultation, inquire about their experience, treatment philosophy, available services, and treatment options tailored to your specific condition.
Assess Communication and Comfort:
Choose a breast doctor in Pune with whom you feel comfortable communicating openly and honestly. A compassionate and empathetic doctor who listens to your concerns, addresses your questions, and involves you in decision-making fosters a positive patient-doctor relationship essential for effective care.
Conclusion: Choosing the right breast doctor in Pune is essential for ensuring timely diagnosis, personalized treatment, and optimal outcomes in breast health. By researching, verifying credentials, scheduling consultations, and assessing communication and comfort, individuals can find a skilled and compassionate breast specialist who provides comprehensive care tailored to their needs. With the support of experienced breast doctors and advanced healthcare facilities in Pune, patients can navigate their breast health journey with confidence and peace of mind.
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plastics123 · 8 months
Breast Lift Surgery in Baner Pune
Mastopexy, also known as “Breast Lift”. Women’s body change dramatically for a myriad of reasons. Women play different roles, from daughter, daughter-in-law, wife to mother. All this affected his body. Plus the inevitable aging factor! These aspects affect the woman’s body, and notice noticeable changes especially in her breasts. Breasts are one of the most important parts of a woman’s body. Age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even gravity can cause breasts to stretch and sag. The nipples and areola are saggy, which leads to a loss of vitality, which may require breast augmentation treatment, because saggy breasts can affect a woman’s overall youthful appearance. 
Today, let's explore the world of breast surgeries. It's all about helping people feel their best, and it's performed by some very special doctors called "cosmetic breast surgeons" and "plastic breast surgeons."   Breast surgeries are like a magical makeover for the chest area. They can make breasts bigger, smaller, or even reshape them to help people feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. 
Different Types of Breast Surgeries include Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction & Breast Reconstruction. Breast surgeons use their skills to make changes to the chest area by using special implants or rearrange things a bit to create the perfect look. Cosmetic breast surgeons or the plastic breast surgeons make sure they can create the perfect shape and size that someone desires. After the surgery, a bit of rest and healing time is needed. But soon, you'll be back to feeling confident and ready to take on the world!
About Us: Aesthetic and Reconstructive Centre (ARC) offers cosmetic surgery in Baner, Pune. Our centre provides a wide range of services like Gynecomastia Treatment, Breast Augmentation Surgery, Lipoma Surgery, Nerve Compression Surgery, Botox Treatment, Hair Transplant surgery. We are here to help you on your journey to looking and feeling amazing.
Tags – breastlift treatment in baner, pune, Mastopexy, boobs lifts, uplift breast, breast lift procedure in baner, pune, 
#BreastSurgeryMagic #ExpertBreastCare #LoveYourself ❤️
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cancerrio · 10 months
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cancer treatment is one of the most lengthy, time consuming and costly treatment. in mordern days this treatment part is covered by most of the insurances. insurance policy for cancer differs regarding particular type of treatment. sometimes it also covers reconstruction surgeries. it is difficult to comment on certain topic without having deep knowledge about cancer surgeries and treatment. so here we have got a breast cancer specialist doctor who explained very well about the treatment aspects of this dreadful disease.
It is important to know treatment part of the cancer. weather it is only surgery, surgery plus reconstruction or medical treatment or radiation, hormonal and targeted treatment. sometimes treatment is so confusing that people cannot find out that what actually is the treatment and how to go ahead with this. so here we are , taking one step ahead in meeting breast surgeon in pune who is specialist. to know more follow us.
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shreyajainblogs · 2 years
Are you tired of your enlarged chest, do consider going for gynecomastia treatment it is a very safe procedure, Book your appointment with Dr. Amit Mulay to know more about the gynecomastia treatment.
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drkunaalshinde · 11 months
Gyneac Cancer Specialist in Pune
Dr. Kunaal Shinde is a Gynecologic Oncologist in Pune, Maharashtra. He has been practicing medicine for over 14 years and has a wealth of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic cancers. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG), and is also a member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of India (SOGCI).
Dr. Shinde is a highly skilled surgeon and uses the latest minimally invasive techniques to treat gynecologic cancers. He is also an expert in fertility preservation, and can help women who are diagnosed with cancer to preserve their fertility options.
Dr. Shinde is a compassionate and caring doctor, and he takes the time to explain all of the treatment options to his patients. He is also a member of the Pink Ribbon Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that provides support to women with breast cancer.
Here are some of the places where Dr. Kunaal Shinde practices:
Jupiter Hospital, Lane 3, Baner - Balewadi Rd, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
Sai Sparsh Maternity and General Hospital - Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra 411057
You can book an appointment with Dr. Kunaal Shinde online or by calling his clinic. His contact details are as follows:
Phone: 075073 51235
Website: https://www.loveyourbelly.in/
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Keytruda Pembrolizumab is now approved for use in Cancer by DGCI India
MSD (known as Merck in US and Canada) has recently announced that the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has approved KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab), MSD’s anti-PD-1 therapy, for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma in adults.
KEYTRUDA has been approved for high-risk early-stage and metastatic triple-negative breast cancer for select patients who are at a high risk of recurrence. With this approval, KEYTRUDA is now the first immunotherapy approved for the adjuvant treatment of certain patients with renal cell carcinoma and early stage triple-negative breast cancer.
Keytruda is an immunotherapy that works with the immune system to help fight cancer cells. It is different from chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The immune system sends certain types of cells called T-cells throughout your body to detect and fight infections and diseases — including cancer. Cancer cells may use the PD-1 pathway to hide from T-cells. This stops T-cells from attacking cancer cells and allows cancer cells to grow and spread. KEYTRUDA Pembrolizumab blocks the PD-1 pathway to help prevent cancer cells from hiding. KEYTRUDA Pembrolizumab helps the immune system to detect and fight cancer cells.
Timely access to new and innovative treatment strategies for cancer patients is essential in improving the quality of care, and alleviating the burden of cancer on the economy, society and the wider community in India.
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most aggressive type of breast cancer, which has the highest risk of recurrence within the first five years after diagnosis and is associated with worse outcomes compared to other forms of breast cancer.
On the other hand, renal cell carcinoma is by far the most common type of kidney cancer. Renal cell carcinoma is about twice as common in men than in women.
Pembrolizumab Side effects:
Some of the common side effects of Pembrolizumab are:
Joint pain back pain swelling of the body changes in the skin colourExtreme
Some of the serious side effects of Pembrolizumab are:
Blisters or peeling of skin
Painful sores
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Stools that are black Severe stomach cramp
Increase or decreased in appetite
Pain in the upper right part of the stomach
Irregular heartbeat
Changes in weight
Hair Loss Increased in sweating
Pembrolizumab can also cause some other serious side effects. Talk with your doctor if you are experiencing any unusual problems while you are taking these medications.
For more information & Treatment you can consult With Best Oncologist In Pune Dr.Pratik Patil Cancer Specialist in Pune
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gynaec · 1 year
When One Should Consult a Gynecologist?
Gynecology consultation is a regular and frequently diagnostic procedure performed by gynecologists to assess the general condition of the female reproductive system and determine the presence of diseases and infections. It may also relay to fertility and to some extent, preconception, and maternal care. In order that you understand your body well, some issues that you need to know Best gynecologist in Pune consultation is necessary.
We all know that prevention is better than cure. The doctor’s who carry out the consultation is known as a gynecologist. Sometimes gynecologists are called obstetricians, but they are not the same. While both of them get intensive medical training on the female reproductive system, the scope is more expansive with obstetrics. Obstetricians grip maternal and prenatal care. They also direct in the delivery of the baby. Both can work together in taking care of the patient. The gynecologist may help women to be more capable and comfortable bearing the child. Once the woman is previously pregnant, she may then be referred to an obstetrician.
Females who want to conceive a child can also work intimately with gynecologists, especially to certain conditions can create infertility. These include the occurrence of immature eggs, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis. If the woman is previously pregnant, an OB-GYN can provide the necessary maternal care to help the mother-to-be prepare for childbirth, carry the baby to full term, and ultimately deliver a healthy baby.
How Does the Consultation Work?
Women can go to a gynecologist for normal care, many prefer to visit when they have complaints or symptoms such as vaginal discharge, pain during urination, irregular bleeding, and pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
The gynecologist begins by getting complete details of the symptoms that the patient is having or suffering from. When the consultation is going on, the patient’s medical records, previously diagnosed conditions, will also be discussed. Before making any diagnosis, various tests are usually performed. These contain pelvic exams, Pap smear and breast, and abdominal exams. The size and shape of the uterus may also be diagnosed by pressing two fingers in the abdominal area. Measurements like blood pressure and heart rate will also be obtained.
Possible Risks and Complications
Many tests that are performed during the consultation are standard or routine and are normally safe. If there are any complications, they are often minor. The most common complaints are discomfort when a speculum is inserted into the vagina or when breasts and abdomen are pressed. In a rectal exam, the patient may feel as if she’s about to have a bowel movement, although the sensation doesn’t last for very long. There may also be slight bleeding and discharge.
What one should expect from a consultation with the gynecologist?
What happens at the gynecologist’s it completely depends on the reason for the visit and the individual’s situation. If it is a young woman’s first visit, she may just have a  conversation with the doctor, get some common health information, and find out what she should expect in the future.
A a visit with the gynecologist, it is worth remembering ;
A truthful account of your health concern and lifestyle gives the gynecologist an improved idea of your situation and enables them to help you more.
A gynecological examination, including a pap smear, may be uncomfortable, but it is not all the time painful.
It is not essential to wax or shaves before the visit to the gynecologist
Bodily odor is normal. If it points to a problem, the gynecologist must know.
Dr. Mangala Wani is one of the best and senior Lady Gynaecologist in Pune and Best Lactation Consultant in Pune India. She has experience of more than 30 years. Dr. Mangala Wani is one of the best Gynaecologist in Pune and consultant senior lady Gynaecologist in Pune, India. Dr. Mangala Wani’s work experience and professional training have been extensive both in India and abroad. Dr. Mangala Wani’s patients have followed her internationally, from London, Abu Dhabi, Dubai to Pune because of her competence and experience. Dr. Mangala Wani is one of the brightest minds in India. In her career, she has performed complex GYN surgeries and many high risks a complicated pregnant woman has been delivered by her.
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