#brent i can't call you if you don't give me your number
trikxx · 4 years
Song for this chapter
•just might - summer walker
• rehab winter in paris - brent faiyaz
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"𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 shows canceled in a row what am I supposed to do Ceaira?!" Y/n said through the phone.
"Idk bubs i'd help you if I could but I can't this time we made a promise." "I just need ideas on another way of income Cee thats it." Y/n responded
"What about OnlyFans."
"OnlyFans. You can use your old skills and do only fans."
"Bitch the only old skill I have is stripping-" y/n stopped to think. "Boom. There you have it. And you have everything you need already so whats the issue?" Cearia said.
"What if my manager finds out?" Y/n asked. "Well lets ask him." Cearia says.
My manager. Carlos Cre. Cearia's boyfriend. Im mean yea he probably wouldn't give two fucks about me having a OnlyFans. Its mostly my rep thats on the line.
"Yoo!" Carlos said. "So Y/n wants to know if she can have a OnlyFans since ya know the income is getting low." Cearia says. " i mean yea its her life."
"Really?" "Yea, do you just don't ya know get hurt."
"Ok, wait thats it? That was quick." I say to my self. I walk to my room I used to practice in but now use to relieve stress. "What should I put on for my first post?" I ended up putting on a bunny outfit.
And some clear heels. I set my camera up, started recording and started my music.
Y/n slow walked to the pole grabbing it and walking around it. Then she jumped a little putting one leg the pole and leaning back while turning one leg and one arm holding onto the pole.
Y/n ended in a split at the bottom of the pole. She the paused the music and stopped the recording.
*Incoming call from Taleé*
Heyyy Y/n!
Hey Tal
Im good what about you?
Good just a little stressed about work.
We all are right now. With no shows there's not really a lot of income for us.
Yea. Cee told me about that one site called OnlyFans.
Are you gonna do it?
I might im still debating tho and Carlos said it was ok.
Hey Tal im gonna call you back.
Ok talk to you later babe.
*call ended*
I threw on some sweats and a white tee and walked to my door slightly opening it to a red haired male standing outside heavily breath. "Dud- oh shit im sorry i think have the wrong apartment." He said. I noticed that he was bleeding from his side. "Its o- hey are you ok?" I yelled as the male fell to the ground.
Not having enough time to pull him into the apartment. I quickly knelt down next to him and hovered my hands over his wound.
White speckles formed around us forming a shield. Making us invisible to the human eye.
The male's eye fluttered open realizing he was in a unknown room. He was laying in a soft bed under a weighted cover. "Wait my clothes." He whispered.
The boy got from under the cover noticing he had on some black sweat pants that fit perfectly. He walked out the dark room with his guard up not knowing where he was. He heard music coming from a room which had colorful lights beaming out of it.
As he got closer to the door he could clearly hear what the song was saying "yea, I just might be a hoe." He heard a voice sing along with the music.
"Oh Hey, your woke." The girl said before he could get close to the door. "I know that your a hero red riot but can I get your actual name since ya know...I saved your life."
"You did? And is this your house?" He said. "Yes now name?" "Ok it's Ejirou Kirishima. Just call me Kirishima though." Kirishima says. Y/n nodded her head "My name is y/n." She continued and walked past him to the kitchen. "Hungry?"
"Uh yes kinda." Kirishima continued to look around the apartment. "Want a tour?" "Huh?" "I said do you want a tour of the apartment." Y/n repeated.
"Uh sure but did you happen to see my phone in my hero suit?" Kirishima asked "Yes its in the room you were in."
"Thanks." Kirishima said walking to go get his phone.
*10 missed calls*
5 unread messages
Kirishima: Sorry Bakubro I went to the wrong place and passed out from blood loss but when I woke up I was healed and in someone's house.
Bakubro: Its about time you answered. Send me your location im coming to you.
Kirishima: ok *location*
*Two unread messages*
Karma.: Kiri are you ok. Bakugo told me you weren't answering.
Karma.: Kirishima. This is serious just answer me this one time. for bakugo.
Kirishima❤️: im ok and i already texted Bakugo
Karma.: ok thank you babe💗.
Kirishima scoffs. "was she really his last resort or did she just know because of her quirk." He said to himself before coming out of the room. "Ok you can start." " ok this is the kitchen..obviously."
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"This is nice." Kirishima said. "Thank you. Now heres the living room."
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"Mmm." "Ok, so of course the room you were in."
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"Mhm." "Guest bathroom."
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"When we are done you can shower and have not there is clothes the will probably fit you in the closet in the room. Follow me up the stairs."
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Kirishima makes a "o" with his mouth as we go up the stairs to my room and bathroom. "My room."
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"And you live by yourself?" Kirishima asked. "Kinda. My friend stays over a lot so the guest room is kind of her room." "Mhm." "My bathroom."
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"You must really love marble walls." Kirishima said with a small chuckle. "Yea."
"What about the room you were in earlier?" He asked. "Oh that, its nothing just chill room." "Can i see it?" "He Uhh.."
Y/n looked a Kirishima with an irritated look. "Do you know who that is?" Y/n said walking down the stairs. "Uh yea thats my best friend he's also a hero."
"He seems like a fucking hothead. He got issues?" Y/n said. Kirishima nodded "ok" y/n says swinging the front door open. "Would you keep it the fuck down other people live in this fucking building." Y/n said. The man looked in amusement. "W-WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO!" He yelled again. Y/n look him in his eyes and shut the door.
She turn to a surprised Kirishima. "I'll show the room if you tell your guard dog to back down." Y/n said. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY EXTRA!" The male yelled through the door.
Kirishima opens the door. "Bakugo calm down. She saved my life." Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked in taking his shoes off. "Need some water or tea after all that yelling?" The girl said. "I'll take some water." Bakugo said. "There's some room temp waters in the counter and cold ones in the fridge. I recommend the warm ones to ease the pain."
Y/n motioned for Kirishima to follow her. "Ok. I don't really care if you judge me it's just a at home hobbie.
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(I depth about the room. Its like this but smaller and it has more lights and a pole i front of a mirror. There are silks and the hoops but its only one of each. Also theres a curtain in between that side and a side with a small couch and a desk with a computer and etc.)
"don't apologize. just leave. Kirishima you hero outfit is in the closet in the guest room." Y/n said in a calm voice.
"Hey y/n can i get you number before I-" Kirishima was cut off by a piece of paper being shoved at his chest. "Here."
"Thank you." Kirishima said walking to the door. "Thank you for saving me."
1437 words
Yooo. Next chapter date is TBD.
•Y/n doesn't want many people to know her past. Only Cearia, Carlos, and Santana know.
•When Bakugo saw y/n his heart kinda fluttered but he didn't know what to do so he kept yelling.
•y/n has a second quirk that almost lost control after what Bakugo did.
Fav emoji? Heres mine 😗.
✰L O V E Y A B E B E S✰
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enbeast · 4 years
hey yall I noticed that there don't appear to be any transcripts for A Study In Ichor, so I figured I'd type some up, please note I am literally just going off the audio and I might get some stuff wrong.
mission 1
Workhouse Owner (WO): RUN FASTER, WORKER FIVE, THAT TREADMILL WON'T TURN ITSELF. As you can see, Master Yao, our workhouse not only provides food and shelter for three hundred inmates but makes a healthy profit too. For example, Worker Five has been running on one of Cubbad's “treadmills” for a mere twelve hours today and has already milled five hundred pounds of flour. Got the odd nail in it but it's good enough for the Rutherhive slums [laughs]
Sam Yao (SY): Twelve hours? Without a break?
WO: The alternative of life on the streets is an excellent motivator. And with your investment we will be able to build even more machinery, maybe even increase rations to three bowls of gruel a day.
SY: I want to use my inheritance for good, and if I'm honest, I have some concerns about your worker's wellbeing.
WO: Oooh I seee~ Yes, I suppose it is rather fashionable nowadays to worry about unfortunates, but I assure you Master Yao, once you've had to make your way in the world, like myself or your uncle, a fine man, you'll learn that revenue is the important thing, not how it's made.
(note, as Sam talks there approaching footsteps)
SY: Surely, there's a way to- OW!
WO: YOU THERE, IN THE CAP, watch where you're going, you just ran into a potential investor. Where's your worker number?
Pick pocket (PP): (in a stilted cockney accent) Sorry, Guv'ner.
SY: No, no, it's fine, I was in the way.
WO: It is not fine. Young lady, break time isn't for another three hours. Get back to work. (retreating footsteps from PP) I'm dreadfully sorry, Master Yao, this workhouse is full of ingrates.
SY: My watch! It's gone, the chain's been snapped...
WO: That worker stole it, she's a pickpocket! Worker Five get off that treadmill and chase after her DON'T COME BACK WITHOUT THAT WATCH!
SY: Uh, I'll come with you, Worker Five, I don't want to make a fuss, but that watch is important to me. Come on, let's run.
SY: Hey, mind your step, Worker Five, I've heard about this, rows of people crushing animal bones to make fertiliser. Ugh, the smell is awful. Pickpocket just ran out into the street, we've got to follow her! Five, I hope you don't mind if I call you Five, through that door! (sound of door opening) There! I see her, she's heading towards the Temm's tunnel, it goes under the river from here to Whopee, an engineering marvel- a-apparently, my uncle's an engineer, he's building an underground railway. I try to keep up with the industry but... It doesn't come naturally... I mean, I-I know the tunnel was built using Bruno Cockren's tunnelling shield but I still barely understand what that even is, I don't ac-ARGH! Oh! (gasping) Five! If you hadn't pulled me aside that horse and cart would have run me over! Ugh, I-I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention, but well I-I don't often get to talk to anyone who isn't my uncle, or someone who's interested in my inheritance... Not that I need all that money, of course. I just want to be sure it's going to help people, it's what my parents would have wanted. That's why the watch is so important to me, it was the last thing they ever gave me before they died. Reminds me of what's important. If, if it was any other watch, I'd... just have let that pickpocket keep it, I'm sure she needs it more than I do... Ah, she's just hopped the barrier at the Temm's tunnel, it's in that round red brick building the entrance shaft is underneath, come on, Five, let's experience this engineering marvel first-hand, quickly, before we lose her!
SY: Ah, this tunnel is incredible, can you believe we're RUNNING under the Temms, makes me feel a bit funny... Mind you, we're here now that it's safe, uh, some of the people that built it died in the flood... Oh! Maybe I should spend my inheritance on something that'll make projects like this safer for workers, what do you reckon Five? Oh, Oh no... The pickpocket's already climbing the stairs! Ah- she's getting away! (panting) Whopping's all alleys, if she slips down a back street, we'll never find her! Up the stairs! Run!
SY: (panting) And we're out of the tunnel, the pickpocket just ducked down that alley, after her. (Running sounds) Uh, we've got you cornered, now please. Give me my watch back.
Amelia Spens, formerly known as the Pickpocket (AS): Oh, I don't think so. Lads! (sounds of several sets of footsteps closing in) You're surrounded.
SY: Five, it's a gang of pickpockets.
AS: I'd have been happy with just the watch, but since you followed me, allow me to introduce the Abel Street Gang, they're all over the rooftops and they've all got knives.
SY: Please, don't hurt us, Five here has nothing to do with this!
AS: There'll be no need for bloodshed as long as you both give me all the money you're carrying.
SY: Five doesn't have anything, but, uh, (mumbling, followed by the sound of a heavy bag of coins hitting the ground) That's all of mine.
AS: W-he-hell, aren't we the wealthy one.
SY: I-I've got more! Lots more! And I'll give it to you, I promise, just please return the watch. It's my most treasured possession.
AS: I see! Not an especially experienced negotiator, are you. Hmm, let's take a look at this watch, see what's so special about it. Hmm, pearl face, silver plating, and... an engraving...
SY: It's uh... it's Chinese, those are my parent's names, and that's mine. Sam Yao.
AS: Y-you're not even going to try and make up an identity? What- (laughing) You're lucky I'm just a pickpocket and not someone REALLY nefarious, I- Helloo, what's this? (music starts playing)
SY: There's a tiny music box behind the face, that melody was special to them.
AS: Ooh, a bit twee if you ask me.
SY: So you'll give it back?
AS: I might have sold it back to you for a few sovereigns before you told me who you were, but as my luck would have it there just happens to be something that only you can do for me, Sam Yao. Your uncle's digging a railway underneath London, isn't he?
SY: H-how did you know that?
AS: I read the Society Pages, in my line of work one needs to know who's on course to inherit what fortune, and which Saloons they're likely to fall out of after one too many brandies.
SY: My fortunes from my parents, not my uncle.
AS: Yes, but you're his ward, or at least you were until you came of age recently, correct?
SY: Yes.
AS: There's something I want to show you. Follow me and keep up the pace. There are far more unsavoury types than me in Whopping and they'll take more than your watch. Run!
SY: What's your name?
AS: I'm not telling you my real one, but you can call me Amelia.
SY: Uh, if you don't mind me saying, Amelia, you're quite well spoken for a pickpocket.
AS: Well, even an educated woman is not replete with options in this day and age. We might have a woman on the throne but I had to choose between penury, marriage to a seventy year old rector, or this.
SY: Well, it's not easy for me either, I'm lucky I have money because, well, being Chinese, people have misconceptions.
AS: Yes, you really should choose your friends wisely. Down this side street.
SY: Ugh, Mm. What IS that smell?
AS: Cover your mouths with your handkerchiefs, both of you.
SY: It's alright, Five, you can use mine.
AS: The smell is coming from that huge pipe, you see the emblem embossed on it?
SY: Ah! It's from my uncle's engineering company!
AS: That's right. The pipe is a ventilation shaft from his railway tunnel, now let's get away from it so we can breathe.
SY: (Gasping) Whoah, Oh that's better. What is going on down there?
AS: That's what I want you to find out.
SY: Ugh, it's the workhouse owner.
WO: (approaching footsteps) (panting) Master Yao, I followed you all the way from Rutherhive, one of my workers told me this woman is actually part of the Abel Street Gang! She only came to the workhouse to target you.
AS: This worker, was he a handsome fellow? Smarmy grin?
WO: That's right!
AS: Brent. (Sigh) That'll teach me to use former paramours as spies. Fine. (gun clicking) Hands up!
SY: Amelia! Don't shoot him!
AS: I'm not not aiming it at him, Sam, I'm aiming it at you.
WO: Steady on!
AS: Mr Workhouse Owner, unless you want future investors to know you got this one killed, I'd advise you to stop following us. Sam, Five, come with me or I'll shoot you both. Run!
AS: We lost the Workhouse owner, time to put this away (clicking sound)
SY: We would have come with you, Amelia, there was no need for the gun!
AS: Don't tell me how to take a hostage. Now listen carefully, for reasons that elude me, not everyone who falls on hard times opts for criminality, some people would honestly rather perform manual labour, and your uncle happens to be a proliferate employer of such eccentrics. I wouldn't care, except that many of his employees have family in the Abel Street Gang.
SY: I can ask my uncle to pay them more. But... He doesn't really listen to me. I'm Rather naive, apparently.
AS: Well, fortunately I have no need of your dreadful negotiating skills, I need you to solve an even stickier problem. Several of your uncle's workers have gone missing. Even though I've repeatedly explained to my gang that it's a waste of time caring about anything besides one's self, they're refusing to work until they learn what's happened to their loved ones. It's hurting my bottom line.
SY: That's awful... For the workers.
AS: Ahh, they're probably dead. If WE can barely breathe the noxious fumes near the ventilation shafts, what do you think it's like underground?
SY: I can't imagine! Those poor people... I'll stop what's happening, I promise, even if I have to spend every last penny of my inheritance.
AS: Do that and I'll give you your watch back.
SY: It's a deal.
AS: Mm, my favourite words. Righto, well, if that's settled then I'm off. There's a debutante ball this evening and I need to be in good time if I'm going to harvest some pearls. (retreating footsteps)
SY: There she goes. Look, Five, ah, I feel a bit awkward asking you this, but, would you maybe consider working with me? You were quick out there, really impressive, I've just moved into a house by myself and I could do with a hand. I promise it'll be a lot easier than the workhouse. I know it's been a funny old day, but for me it's actually been nice having someone to talk to. Talk at. Sorry, I know I go on a bit. But if you want to let's shake on it. You did save my life. Great! Now, I'm starving, how about some steak and oyster pie? Maybe we'll come up with some ideas about what happened to those missing workers over dinner., then tomorrow, we'll visit my uncle. Lord Earnest Van Ark.
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