#brett’s faebruary art challenge 2024
thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 5~Shag Foal
Shag Foal is a bogey beast that haunts the roadways. It looks like a shaggy donkey with fiery eyes, and it tends to incite fear more than it causes harm. I rarely draw any equestrians, but I tried my best to make it look like a donkey/horse.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 7~The Seven Whistlers
The Seven Whistlers are a group of entities, who go about screeching and wailing before a storm. These spirits often take the form of flying bird-like creatures, howling dogs, and other malicious little terrors. I wanted them to be bird-like, but it took me a while to put a concept together. This was the end result, but I think I could have done better. If you can’t tell right away, I made a few mistakes here and there.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 4~Darrant
Darrant is a type of water fae. He is a grouchy river spirit, that will pull you down into the water, if you get too close. I have him coming out of the water, covered in moss and algae, preparing for anyone that comes near him.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 1~Nicknevin
Brett Manning’s Faebruary Art Challenge is back. I’m really excited to participate in this challenge again this year. This is my interpretation of Nicknevin. She is a dark and malignant fae associated with the night and Samhain. I’m really glad on how this turned out. I never drawn older women before, so I was really happy about the details in her face. The colors really came together, too. I’m definitely going to revisit this design in the future.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 9~ Fachan
Fachan is a one eyed, one armed, and one legged goblin, that lives in isolated areas. It will harm anyone that traverses on his land, and he is dressed in a matted feathery cloak. He’s also described as gross, so I tried to depict him in that way.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 8~Wrach
A Wrach is Welsh corn spirit, specifically the effigy crafted to honor the spirit. When I saw this, I immediately thought to draw this little corn dolly. Every time I look at her, she makes me smile.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 6~Mauthe Dhoog
The Mauthe Dhoog is an ominous black dog that warns you of any impending doom. To make mine even more ominous, I have its skull exposed.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 3~Shefro
Shefro are small trooping faeries that like to play pranks on humans. They are also known for wearing foxgloves bells as caps. Here’s my little trooping faerie, being playful and plotting to prank the next human she sees.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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thewolfandthefaerie · 8 months
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Faebruary Day 2~Bauchan
This is a type of house goblin. He is silly, but kind. I read that house goblins, in general, like to steal any of your important items, so I drew this little guy with a very important key. Give him a treat like milk or cake, and he’ll consider giving it back to you.
IG: thewolfandthefaerie
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