#bridgeengineering wireropeinspections NDTInspection
robayethossen-blog · 6 years
TendonScan® is IPC’s term that #tendonscantm encompasses both of these services. The RF unit is a light weight,  battery operated system that couples and travels along a tendon performing a MRI like inspection of the material within the tendon. The inspector stands at the control station located on a wheeled cart and moves along with the sensor. The sensor uses wireless connectivity to transmit the MRI like data to the control station where the inspector performs real-time assessments of the discontinuities within the tendon.
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Public and private parking #bridgeengineering garages are similar to bridges where vehicles are constantly entering and leaving on a daily basis. This creates constant movement of the structure otherwise known as “Moment”.
Over time the load bearing elements weaken and moment increases. IPC performed a concrete #wireropeinspections deterioration assessments of the traffic ramps and load bearing areas of this garage. We can also perform a concrete crack assessment and monitor a potential increase in deterioration.
This is a picture of the ramp within the above parking garage that began to show signs of cracking.
This is an image from IPC’s #NDTInspection inspection report showing severe deterioration within the top section of the ramp. (Blue color shows minimal to zero deterioration wile the red color shows areas of concern.) This is the top floor section where rain water has leaked through the top floor and onto the ramp. The deterioration was contained within the surface two inches of the ramp and had not reached the top reinforcement (rebar) mat. There was no structural damage to the reinforcement. The deterioration was repaired and the surface of the ramp was sealed.
IPC’s bridge crack inspection system can locate hairline cracks on any concrete structure and record the exact location, length and width of the crack to be monitored. Once a crack map is created it can be compared against results from a follow up inspection. The comparative results will show the increase in deterioration and better help in the assessment of the structure and long term asset management. These inspections can be done from a distance without lane closures or boom trucks.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
According to a maintenance #ColumnInspection world article on steel rope wire failures “In 1998, a crane load line broke while lifting the south topside module of the Petronius platform, dropping the module into the Gulf of Mexico. The cost was estimated to be around 116 million US dollars. Since 1999 more than 60 people have been killed as a result of wire ropes breaking and more than 65 associated injuries.” 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
IPC can assist in all areas #railroadbridgeinspections of your bridge management program under CFR 49 starting with bridge inspections. The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) is a North American railway industry group. It publishes recommended practices for the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure, which are requirements in the United States and Canada. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Infrastructure Preservation #watercontrolstructurenspections2Corporation has integrated proven non-destructive testing and modern technology into robotic delivery vehicles in order to provide quantitative data to asset owners worldwide.  These devices can peer through concrete and steel as well as visually assess a structure to provide advanced condition assessment reports. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
A nation’s treasure is buoyed #robotics by the existence of healthy infrastructure. On the flip side, a bridge collapse is a monstrous and unjustifiable loss of national treasure, apart from the ensuing loss of innocent lives and unwarranted loss of property. Genoa Italy Bridge... 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Through the use of IPC’s new #cablestayinspection patented and proprietary testing equipment and procedures, our inspectors can perform Cable Condition Assessments of bridge cables identifying loss of section and broken wires within cables. Our inspectors do not need cranes or bucket trucks. In addition, they do not require lane closures. CableScan® is a self-propelled robotic inspection system that attaches to the cable and travels along the full length of the cable transmitting data to the inspector’s laptop.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
CableScan® is a patented robotic #cablestayinspection cable stay inspection service that utilizes high definition video technology with crack measurement capabilities. CableScan® does not require lane closures, man-lifts, bucket trucks or night time inspections. It is a self-propelled robotic system controlled by a base station that receives HD video transmission from the robotic crawler. By utilizing IPC’s robotic CableScan® the coordinates of any imperfections along the cable stay are recorded as well as length traveled along the stay and corresponding length traveled along the deck. We can also provide the length and size of cracks and other abnormalities on the cable stay. A secondary CableScan® unit utilized magnetic flux leakage to locate section loss and corrosion of the steel cables. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Nondestructive testing #ndtoftanks of tanks and pipelines including inspection, evaluation and testing under the requirements of SPCC “to prevent, predict and detect potential integrity or structural issues before they cause a leak, spill or discharge of oil to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. 
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Public and private  #bridgeengineering parking garages are similar to bridges where vehicles are  #wireropeinspections constantly entering and leaving on a daily basis.  #NDTInspection This creates constant movement of the structure otherwise known as “Moment”.
Over time the load bearing elements weaken and moment increases. IPC performed a concrete deterioration assessments of the traffic ramps and load bearing areas of this garage. We can also perform a concrete crack assessment and monitor a potential increase in deterioration.
This is an image from IPC’s inspection report showing severe deterioration within the top section of the ramp. (Blue color shows minimal to zero deterioration wile the red color shows areas of concern.) This is the top floor section where rain water has leaked through the top floor and onto the ramp. The deterioration was contained within the surface two inches of the ramp and had not reached the top reinforcement (rebar) mat. There was no structural damage to the reinforcement. The deterioration was repaired and the surface of the ramp was sealed.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Both TendonScan® units utilizes #tendonscantm proprietary patented leading edge non-destructive testing (NDT) technology. The nondestructive testing NDT method used is based on  RF an advancement over the outdated Electrical Capacitance  (ECT).  RF and Magnetic Flux Leakage  are the industry’s newest NDT technologies that allows our inspectors to perform MRI like inspections of external bridge tendons. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
This is an image from IPC’s #parkinggarageinspections2 inspection report showing severe deterioration within the top section of the ramp. (Blue color shows minimal to zero deterioration wile the red color shows areas of concern.) This is the top floor section where rain water has leaked through the top floor and onto the ramp. The deterioration was contained within the surface two inches of the ramp and had not reached the top reinforcement (rebar) mat. There was no structural damage to the reinforcement. The deterioration was repaired and the surface of the ramp was sealed. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
IPC’s bridge crack inspection #parkinggarageinspections2 system can locate hairline cracks on any concrete structure and record the exact location, length and width of the crack to be monitored. Once a crack map is created it can be compared against results from a follow up inspection. The comparative results will show the increase in deterioration and better help in the assessment of the structure and long term asset management. These inspections can be done from a distance without lane closures or boom trucks. 
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Infrastructure Preservation #airportrunwayinspectionservice Corporation has specially tuned GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) to find issues in airport runways. By peering down through the runway surface, IPC can locate delamination, debonding, cover thickness, compactness of the underground, voids, water, rebar patterns and more that can lead to problems on the runway. IPC uses ground penetrating radar and specifically tuned interpretive software to locate potential obstacles and hazards in runways and roadways using nondestructive testing methods.
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robayethossen-blog · 6 years
Nondestructive methods for #nondestructivetestingservicesndttesting inspecting infrastructure is the best way to safely extend the service life of our critical infrastructure assets. If you would like a customized webinar on nondestructive testing services that will help solve a problem for you contact [email protected].  IPC’s ndt testing equipment is field ready, wireless and can be shipped with qualified inspectors anywhere in the world. 
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