#brief allusion to doctorrose but that’s really not the point
hottestthingalive · 5 months
one of these days I’m going to go completely off the rails and write a doctor who fic from the pov of jackie tyler. I’m absolutely insane about her you see. yes the doctor and rose rose and the doctor but jackie loses her husband and she loses her daughter and she loses mickey and she loses elton and she loses the doctor and she loses everyone she’s ever known and any time they come back to her they are different. she gets a husband from another timeline and a mickey from another life and a doctor from a lost hand and rose is the same! but maybe she isn’t, maybe jackie never even had rose to begin with, because when push came to shove rose said she would stay with the doctor forever rose started to become something unrecognizable rose looked into the time vortex and became unknowable and jackie has never changed. jackie has always stayed the same. jackie is an anchor jackie is a harbor jackie is home and so she is always, always, the woman left behind.
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