elliothepburn-blog · 7 years
hey hey hey so.........i obviously have no chill, here’s my sweet angry bean
few things about him before we get started :’)
he’s lived in bright haven his whole life so you can assume connections for any starter i post !!! or we can plot out one out if you want !!
he’s a wendigo-human hybrid and just...a mess...more under the cute :’)
cw: violence & abuse
A one night stand and 8.5 months later, Ana Ivanov had a little boy named Elliot 
Elliot is a sweet vegetarian boy born in Russia who was quickly put up for adoption pretty much right after his birth, he was soon adopted by an American family from Bright Haven
Ana & his father, Isaac, made sure that Elliot would go to a vegetarian family, it was an odd and very specific request, but one that was surprisingly easily fulfilled
The Hepburn family was composed of two loving parents, and a supposedly sweet, kind young boy before they adopted Elliot
As a young boy, Elliot found a love in science and his adopted family, always ready to fight his classmates if they ever said “they’re not your real family” (especially considering he looked nothing like them)
not in any drastic way, but enough to make him insecure whenever kids said that he wasn’t really part of the family
This science boy tho !! School science fair every damn year
he was always prepared with unique projects, not always good !! but always always unique !!
He never showed it to his mom or dad because he didn’t want to disappoint them, but he did not have a good relationship with Andrew Hepburn (his adopted brother)
They would fight all the time in their shared room, when Andrew would get mad at him, Elliot and Andrew would physically fight each other, usually Andrew was the first to start it though
They’d fight over small disagreements, who gets the last slice of pizza, etc etc
Along with that, Andrew would tell him that he was useless, the parents didn’t actually want him anymore and always told him they made a mistake, that they hated him, etc etc
He never told the parents though because he knew he was lucky to have such a wonderful mom and dad that loved him (he was p sure they loved him at least)
He didn’t wanna cause any problems :((((
As he got older, he developed more anger and other emotional issues, he tried not to act on any of them and was usually successful
There were a FEW incidents though
One time in middle school, he broke a teachers computer, he was able to convince the administration that it was an accident when it definitely was not
During his sophomore year of high school, Elliot and another boy got caught fighting each other after gym class because the boy called Elliot a waste of space
In his senior year of high school, Elliot almost got suspended for attempting to beat up a boy that called him the f slur :// (he was validated in doing that tho lbh)
Because of Elliot’s anger issues and Andrew’s constant abuse of the boy, he eventually got into Big Trouble with Andrew
Right before Elliot and Andrew were about to graduate from high school to go off to college, Andrew plunged the final metaphorical knife into Elliot by really setting him off
Andrew told Elliot that the parents weren’t actually going to fund his college (like they had been promising) 
That little bit of information made Elliot so angry that he punched Andrew in the face, which he had never done, never wanting to lead noticeable bruises or marks
The parents found out and gave a long lecture about how Elliot wasn’t they kid they thought he was, and how disappointed they were, he was still their son but they had a lot to reconsider, 
And, the “real” knife right through Elliot’s heart, was that “they never believed Andrew was right about the years of Elliot hurting him until now”
After the incident, the parents gave Elliot the information of the orphanage they adopted him from as well as they agency they went through, just in case he wanted to know anything about his own parents
This lead him on the path to try and figure out if he had any other family, family that wouldn’t hurt him
He found a possible brother, Adrien Ivanov, on the North Carolina’s most wanted listing and figured he had hit a dead end and decided to stop searching
He hasn’t spoke to his adopted parents since he graduated
Aside from science and his anger issues and all that familial drama, Elliot was always really into swimming !! He loved to swim, it was one of the most relaxing things for him, it always kept him calm and happy whenever he was in the water
He really loved to swim in the winter, never knew why tho 
Always been a very hungry boy as well, but again, never really knew why? His parents made jokes for both about being because he’s Russian but he felt deep down it was because of something else
With age and time of course, his hunger and his ability to withstand the cold got more intense, being in Bright Haven became a new experience with each passing year. He got the sense things weren’t entirely right but he just wasn’t sure what exactly wasn’t right or even how to figure it out, it just continued to get worse the older he got
he could smell things that were !! very unique and others didn’t seem to smell, which became very distracting to him
one day very recently, he stumbled across jackson carver who smelled just like him and !!!!! that was a new discovery for him which lead to him figuring out that he was right about those feelings of otherness
He’s studying at Bright Haven University to be a bio-chemist, he wants to create medicine that’ll save peoples lives but won’t cost a lot :’)
But he works at the Beach as a Lifeguard (during the summer, during the winter he’s the lifeguard at an indoor pool tbh)
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