#brinefathom caves level 2
brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 7
2.63: The Hoard Box
2.64: The Chainbreakers' Ledge: Bloodstains, footprints, and other signs of struggle. 30’ sheer ledge. Rolled rope ladder at top. Empty.
2.65: The Chainbreakers' Biovauc
2.66: The Blood Funnel: A dismembered human corpse lays at the end of one of several channels leading to a natural funnel in the floor. Channels and funnel sticky with old blood. Empty.
2.67: The Chainbreakers' Infirmary
2.68: The Dark Crystals
2.69: The Harmless Squeeze: Large stalagmites block entrance, require squeezing past. More rock formations inside. Damp. Empty.
2.70: The Harmless Formations: Board over northern entryway; doesn’t block movement. Damp. Stalactites, stalagmites, natural columns. Empty.
2.71: The Living Stalactites
2.72: The Living Stalagmite
2.73: The Newt Cave: Constantly shrouded in magical darkness. Home to tiny, harmless newts able to see through magical darkness. Newts can be boiled into a salve that gives one dungeon turn of devil’s sight. Empty
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 8
2.73: The Chainbreakers' Storage: Caged poultry, sacks of grain, barrel of pickled vegetables. Empty.
2.74: The Leech Pool
2.75: The Makeshift Temple: Images of broken chains painted on walls. Wooden table with bloodstained stone bowl. Empty.
2.76: The Stone Bones: Looks like an ossuary, but all the bones are natural stone formations, as are the two oversized sarcophagi. Empty.
2.77: The Stolen Scriptures
2.78: The Whispering Path
2.79: The Risen Path
2.80: The Clearing
2.81: The Debris Room: Stone debris from 2.80 pushed into piles against eastern wall. Heavy push broom near entrance. Empty.
2.82: The Fountain Fight
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 9
2.83: The Floating Room: 60’ high cylinder, 3’-wide ledge around edges 10’ below ceiling. Sphinx statues. Room has weakened gravity—jump height/distance is doubled, and small objects sometimes float. Empty.
2.84: The False Tunnel: Pit in center of the room appears to lead to empty room below, but it’s an illusion. 30’ deep. Empty.
2.85: The Crystal Skull
2.86: The "Beast" Attack: 3’ ledge. Half-elven corpse on the low side, apparently attacked by large animals but actually the victim of an assault by the rival cultists in 2.87. Empty.
2.87: The Hidden Camp
(Non-key rambling under the cut)
Here's the final weekly collection for level 2! I decided it was easier to just make two posts today, so expect the first collection for level 3 presently.
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brinefathomcaves · 6 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 5
2.43: Silence Is Golden
2.44: The Chained God's Armory: Simple weapons, light armor, smell of metal polish. Empty.
2.45: The Chained God's Kitchen: Chicken stew simmering unattended on a magical fire. Smells delicious. Dirty dishes in sink. Empty.
2.46: The Chained God's Commons
2.47: The Chained God's Laundry: Cauldron of grayish water; dead fire. Laundry drying on lines strung across the room. Sack of dirty clothes. Empty.
2.48: The Scriptorium
2.49: The Dormitory Fight
2.50: The Screaming Shard: Red X painted on door. Faint screaming from within. Dusty and empty, except for a fist-sized chunk of rock emitting the screaming: the missing piece of the howling pillar in 2.29.
2.51: The Sacrifice Room
2.52: The Chained Hulk
2.53: Yurig's Chamber: Door trapped with an alarm spell. Straw pallet bed; only other furnishing is a barrel with a holy book and stump of candle. No personal belongings. Empty.
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brinefathomcaves · 6 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 4
2.33: The Abandoned Cages: Unlocked cages large enough to hold Medium humanoids. Old straw and bloodstains on floor. Empty. 2.24: The Zap Pool 2.35: The Cult Skirmish: Corpses of two nearly-naked Deep Tide cultists (Sea elf and human with tridents, shields) and three Chained God cultists (Halfling, half-elf, and dwarf with leather armor, clubs). Empty. 2.36: The Gauntlet 2.37: The Wealth-Eaters 2.38: The Test of Worth 2.39: The Chained God's Antechamber: Carved reliefs of chains around pillars. Inlaid gold “veins” on walls and floor leading to eastern doors. Removing all gold takes 1 hour, nets 6 gp worth of gold. Empty. 2.40: The Chained God's Chapel 2.41: The Toll Circle 2.42: The Chained God's Larder: Bread and fresh produce on shelves, barrels of tallow and fish, sacks of flour. Empty.
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Apr 20: The Dark Crystals
The large gray crystals that spike out from the walls and floor of this chamber glow with a dim light and give off a low hum. They are connected by an intricate network of painted lines and symbols. An elf cult fanatic (not immediately visible from the entrance) is touching up the paint. 
He—and the rest of the chainbreakers—believe that powering up the crystals will help free the god trapped in the bowels of the dungeon, but in fact the crystals’ power travels up, not down: they are responsible for the rising dead on the first floor. If at least a third of the crystals are broken or a majority of the magic paint is scrubbed off, no more undead will rise above.
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Apr 30: The Hidden Camp
The southern end of this room is concealed behind an illusory wall, which conceals a small campsite, with two lean-tos and a fire pit. Two cultists (dwarf, human) and a cult fanatic (dwarf) live there. They are members of the Cult of the Chained God, here to hurt and sabotage the Chainbreaker heretics. They are responsible for the body in [AREA].
(Non-key rambling under the cut)
Can you BELIEVE that it's the end of April already?! 1/3 done with this beast! Here's to eight more months of Brinefathom!
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves: Level 2B
Rooms 2.31-2.32 (Week 3)
Rooms 2.33-2.42 (Week 4)
Rooms 2.43-2.53 (Week 5)
Room 2.54-2.62 (Week 6)
Room 2.63 (Week 7)
(Non-key rambling under the cut)
I said I'd have this up last week, but it turned out I had one dangling room that I hadn't inked or included in a weekly post. So of course I panicked and inked it at the library with the crummy pens there so I could scan this page, but I still didn't have a summary post for it, oh well.
This page should also probably wholly re-numbered. No dungeon that's even moderately Jaquaysed can have perfectly sensible numbering, but even by that standard, 2.43 is in a nonsense place by virtue of when I made it vs. when I made the rooms to either side of it.
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brinefathomcaves · 7 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 1
2.1: The Weird Welcome
2.2: Channel Mania
2.3: The Teleportation Pool: Floor pockmarked with deep pools of water. Most are normal; a creature looking into one (marked with an asterisk on the map) sees themself being drowned by huge tentacles. That’s an illusion. A creature that enters this pool is teleported to [AREA].
2.4: The Standing Water
2.5: The Water Garden
2.6: The Deep Tide Larder: Shelves of produce, barrels of salted fish. Empty.
2.7: The Whispering Well: Well repeats a prerecorded message when a creature throws something into it. Current message is [CLUE TBD]. Empty.
2.8: The Caged Flame
2.9: The Showers: Steel fixtures shaped like lotus seed pods jut from walls near ceiling at regular intervals. Valve below each one. Floor slopes gently to central drain. When a valve is turned, cold water sprays from corresponding fixture. Empty.
2.10: The Stepping Stones
2.11: The Entrance Hall
2.12: The Fountain Crossroads: Three fountains: salt next to the winch for the portcullis to 2.11, fresh on the other side of the portcullis, and brackish opposite the portcullis. Waterfall in passage to 2.13; see that room for details. Empty
2.13: The Deep Tide Commons
(Non-key rambling under cut!)
Welcome to level 2! It's been just over a week and I already used almost half the page on these big wet rooms. Oh well. If I need to go to another sheet before the month is up, I will. Plus, I'm gonna spend at least a couple days detailing the inside of the ship at 1.13, and those will necessarily be smaller areas.
Does anyone have an opinion on how I measure weeks? This is week 1 of level 2, but week 10 overall. What makes more sense to put in post titles?
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brinefathomcaves · 2 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2C: The Chainbreakers
Rooms 2.64-2.73 (Week 7)
Rooms 2.73-2.82 (Week 8)
Rooms 2.83-2.87 (Week 9)
(Non-key rambling under the cut)
Ah SHIT I just realized right now that there are two 2.73s. I'm not going to go back and fix it, because I would have to re-do a bunch of things when I'm already way behind on these summary posts, but it's something I'll have to do next year if I fix up the dungeon.
Also, hi, I'm finally getting back to the level summaries!
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 6
2.54: Hane's Chamber: Straw pallet bed, small end table. 2’ tall gold-plated stone statue of a chained, crouched man on second small table. Pressing the statue’s head opens the secret door to
2.55. Threshold has a silent alarm that mentally alerts Hane Killip. Empty.
2.55: Hane's Secret Vault
2.56: The Guarded Crossing
2.57: The Shattered Temple: Doors chained shut with a red X painted on them. Middle of room strewn with debris of shattered gold-plated stone statue. Inlaid gold “veins” cracked and broken. Traces of white paint on walls. Empty.
2.58: The Golden Skull
2.59: The Unfinished Room: Eastern walls smooth and squared, western rough and natural. Stoneworking tools, stone debris. Empty.
2.60: Silence Is Evergreen
2.61: The "Shallow" Pit
2.62: No-Man's Land
(Non-key rambling under cut)
As I was putting this, the last week of rooms on this sheet of paper, together, I realized I never did a roundup post for the last sheet. Whoops! Expect two such posts sometime this week.
Also, I think I should go back and add another way down to level 3 earlier in this level. Dunno where exactly, though
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brinefathomcaves · 6 months
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Mar 30: The Toll Circle
An inactive magic circle has been etched into the floor of this room. There is a small steel box with a slot in the lid attached to one of the walls. The ceiling is painted to look like a summer day’s sky.
The circle is a teleportation circle, which activates for one minute when a creature puts an object into the box. If that object is a coin, the circle transports creatures and objects to a matching circle in the basement of a building in town that the cult controls. If the object is anything else, the circle transports creatures and objects to a cell in [AREA]. The box makes a loud noise (as the alarm spell) if removed from the wall.
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brinefathomcaves · 6 months
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Brinefathom Caves Level 2, Week 3
2.23: Thalissamare's Vault
2.24: The Sacrifices
2.25: The Drowning Pools: Four 15’ deep pools. Heavy stone lids nearby to seal them. Water in pools is acidic (see 2.10). Bones at bottom of each pool Shallow stairs up to 3’ platform. Empty.
2.26: The Waylake: Partially-flooded chamber connects 2.13 to surface lake via underwater tunnels. Harmless fish. Empty.
2.27: The Passwell: Door locked from outside. Deep pool has illusory bottom 10’ down; below is underwater tunnel to 2.28. Empty.
2.28: The Deep Tide Guard Post
2.29: The Singing Pillar
2.30: The Frogs: Walls, floor and ceiling always wet. 2d8 colorful frogs; secretions can be distilled into poison. Empty.
2.31: The Piranhas
2.32: The Donation Box
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Apr 25: The Risen Path
A 10’ wide line in the center of this cave stands slightly proud of the rest of the floor. Its long edges are inscribed with faintly-glowing magical symbols that glow brighter as a creature walks along the path (in either direction). Once the creature reaches the opposite end, the symbols flash brightly and one of the creature’s ability scores, chosen at random, increases by 2. This effect works only once per creature.
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Apr 24: The Whispering Path
A stone pathway is suspended over a pit that appears deep that the bottom is shrouded in swirling mist. When a creature traverses the pathway, they can hear soft, melodic whispering telling them to jump off and must succeed at a Wis saving throw or comply. A creature who jumps takes cold damage, loses all memory of a (non-party-member) person important to them, and reappears at the western entrance a minute later.
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brinefathomcaves · 5 months
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Brinefathom Caves: Level 1A
For this floor, pages aren't 1:1 with the months, hence the lack of weeks here
Rooms 2.1-2.13 (Week 1)
Rooms 2.14-2.22 (Week 2)
Rooms 2.23-2.30 (Week 3)
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