#brit. ayla. look i did the thing!
coldshrugs · 2 years
idk u yet
pairing: teddy malone/nakedtoaster word count: ~775 Teddy is feeling cool and fine and totally normal as she closes her laptop and shoves it onto her cluttered nightstand. She shuffles down into her sheets a little more dramatically than necessary, as if convincing herself this is, indeed, the bedtime of a responsible adult.
She's got work in the morning–movie and book review columns to deliver to her local newspaper–and she can't be late. Again.
Keeping her eyes shut is taking near-full concentration, and even more effort is being spent on containing a grin.
The past week hasn’t felt real. Between work and writing for herself during her free time, there’s been the urge to click on a highly suspicious link, whirlwind friendships, some rogue code gaining sentience (she’s still ??? about that one), and… Toasty.
Toasty likes her.
“Fuck,” she whispers, hands flying to her face.
No. Toasty loves her. And she said it back.
It’s too soon, right? Definitely too soon. People don't do this after meeting a week ago. But after the week she's had, it was... kind of nice to look forward to seeing them at the end of each day. He’s so unexpectedly sweet, and clever, and kind, and funny, and–
Yeah, there’s no way in hell she’s getting any sleep right now.
Squinting against the light of her phone, Teddy opens a new text thread and punches in the number with no hesitation.
hi, it’s teddy💖 i can’t sleep
He asked for a text in the morning, and technically it’s morning now. If this were anyone else, she’d worry about coming on too strong. Somehow, she knows he won’t mind. But just in case:
hope this is okay. and also i hope this is actually toasty because awk af if not…
It only takes a couple seconds more before she has an answer.
it’s been 10 minutes, did u even try to sleep?
The grin breaks in full now, spreading just like the giddy warmth in her chest. Yep, that’s Toasty.
no, not really 😔
kinda hard to sleep after the last few days, y’know? i’ve got cold brew in the fridge, dw
oh u mean coming down from this shitshow of a week
well… mostly 🥴
i think??? we started dating??
LMAO i mean, if we’re not dating, we’ve really got to reevaluate these declarations
like “i love you! (but just as friends)” or something 😂😂
Toast takes a long time to reply to that one. Teddy can perfectly picture their furious blush, the stifled groan.
fuck off, we’re dating
i know it’s fast but idc if u don't
fuck it, can i call you?
And before she can shoot back a “yes,” Teddy’s phone is buzzing in her hand. She’s laughing, so hard she can barely squeak out “hello?”
“Yeah, I needed to hear that again.” Toasty’s smile is evident in their voice. “But why aren’t you fucking sleeping?”
“I’m horizontal! I’m under blankets! Are you even in bed yet?”
The pause is too long for the answer to be anything other than “no.”
“Okay but I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow and–what timezone are you even in?”
They spend most of the next hour fake bickering about the logistics of it all. He’s on the west coast, she’s three hours ahead in Atlanta. And when can they meet? Her job’s not great about vacation time; they’d have to find a guest columnist and she’d miss out on pay. He tells her to quit her job and it’s a joke, but probably not one he’ll mean forever. It’s fine, she can live with video calls for now. He can too, but he’ll take a look at flights tomorrow.
Actual tomorrow, after they’ve both had some sleep.
She’s yawning now. The excitement is there but it’s already settling into something comfortable. This is real. This is happening.
There’s just one more thing. “Toasty?”
“Yeah?” He’s starting to sound wrecked too.
“You still haven’t told me your name.”
“To be fair, I still don't know yours either.”
She laughs conspiratorially at that. “Well, my full name is Theodora. Teddy for short–”
“You got your name past BloomBot?!” An edge of alertness bleeds into their voice. “How in the world?”
“You tell me, you built the thing! Sort of.”
“Goddammit, this is so unfair. But, uh, your name is adorable, not that that’s a surprise.”
“Did you think I was a beanie baby aficionado? Actually, don't answer that. Your turn,” she yawns again. “And hurry it up; I’m closing in on 3 AM over here.”
Even through his drowsiness, a rich giggle rings from the phone, seems to fill Teddy's chest.
“Okay, okay. My name is–”
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