#bro i keep jumping between sets and i keep learning new things but im so DETERMINED to get this set done
littlebittyginge · 10 months
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Tubes? Tubes.
(animation WIP! 🎉)
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thatweirdmod · 4 years
Windowless Moviemaker Chapter 6: Race
Windowless Moviemaker
Chapter 6: Race
Kidney turns and leaves me sitting against the wall-- speechless.
My eyes slowly move over to Mitchol, whose slouching form is now cast in darkness by Kidney's shadow. I think, hollowly, that the blood drying on his face probably itches a little. Mitchol manages a small squirm in his ropes.
"Well?" Kidney demands irritably.
Mitchol's swelling, battered face jerks up to attention at Kidney. "W-what?" He dares to ask.
"You're up. Give me a plan."
"Oh," Mitchol says. "Er, I just expected-"
"Is there something you don't understand about your situation?" Kidney interrupts. "You don't get to expect anything. Now, the plan."
"Uh, well, I guess we need to get to their computers somehow. They probably ripped DVDs too. Redhand's a little old fashioned. We might also have to look out for tapes..."
Kidney crosses his arms, scowling. "If I kill these guys, then wipe their houses, am I gonna have to worry that I missed a spot because you couldn't point me in the right direction?"
Mitchol attempts to splay his hands. "Look, I know where my stuff is, but how am I supposed to know exactly where their stuff is?"
Kidney chews at the inside of his cheek angrily and walks over to the table to grab a notebook and pen. "Let's just start with addresses," he says, poising to write. "Redhand."
"He lives up in Tindle in those stained up white apartments. Er, I think the number's 46."
"Costriel." Kidney demands, looking up from his scribbling.
"He lives in an apartment too, and he's actually rooming with Nethandre." Mitchol says. "316, in the Fortitude Apartments."
Kidney nods his head.
"So, er," Mitchol begins. "What are you planning to do now that you know where these guys are?"
"You remember how I said you don't get to expect anything?" Kidney says patronizingly. "The same applies to asking. I, the one who is allowed to expect and ask, do not expect you to open your mouth unless I ask you something."
Mitchol swallows and shifts in his blood-stained bindings.
Then Kidney turns to one of the concrete walls, as if it called his name. He stands, staring at it silently, before asking another question.
"Did you... Did you give those videos to my uncle too?"
Mitchol's mouth quivers. "H-he, uh... he was the one who suggested that, you know, we needed some extra insurance on you in the first place. So yeah."
Kidney stands still, unanswering and unmoving, but I can see his jaw working slightly.
"But please!" Mitchol sputters. "Dude, I-I.. I totally forgot about that earlier-- when you asked who had the videos." His arms press up against the ropes, trying to shield his body. Kidney walks in front of him. "I wasn't holdin' out on purpose or anyth-" Mitchol is cut off by Kidney smacking him over the head with a closed palm.
"Just out of curiosity, Mitchol," Kidney says. "If I hadn't asked about Uncle Stoulfer just now, would you ever have "remembered" to tell me?"
"We-w-w-well I don't know." Mitchol trembles with his hands splayed open and his eyes wide. "Guess it's a good thing you jogged my memory man, ha..."
Kidney turns and paces slowly, shaking his head. "I never liked the way that old, crusty loaf looked at Krin, even at me. But for my own selfish reasons, I ignored it all this time." He scoffs lightly. "Just one more reason to be glad I'm out." He turns back and looks Mitchol dead in the face. "The blinders are off."
"So you're aaalll alone," I say from the corner.
Kidney's eyes shoot to me, surprised.
"What? You thought I'd be totally traumatized just from that?"
His gaze narrows hatefully.
"So some weird shit happened and you saw my dream. It prompted you to get the jump on us, but that was mostly luck. And that's probably as far as your luck will go in regards to picking useful kernels of information outta piles of brain vomit." I snort. "Even my thing was more useful, because I saw you in real time."
Kidney smiles. "Where did I see your dream?"
"It was inside your mind. It had to have been, 'cause that's where they're all cooked up." Kidney says, tapping the side of his head. "The moon is almost full again. That has to count for something." He breathes in. "I can go further with this. But I'll make sure you stay at your current level. You'll be underground here where you can't touch the moonlight."
"You don't even know what the hell 'this' is." I say.
"Pretty smug talk for a guy who's about to lose everything," Kidney says, with his mouth turned upwards in a smirk that doesn't reach his stony eyes.
"What better time to be smug than when you're about to lose everything?"
His face contorts with all the nasty feelings that must be roiling around inside of him. "I told you I'd take everything from you, and this bullshit positive nihilism of yours will be one of the things. I'll make you understand how bad playing as the loser really is, even if the game has the same black ending for everyone."
He takes Mitchol's phone out of his pocket, then says, "Mitchol, you told me you could set Redhand up."
Mitchol breathes in. "Redhand's looking for a new place to do his snuff movies, so I'm thinking maybe I can tell him I found a good place, and you can catch him there?"
"Hmm," Kidney says, folding his arms. "Why does he happen to need a new location now?"
Mitchol explains, "He's been under some suspicion lately. His neighbors've been complaining about a smell, like rotten something, coming from his apartment."
I don't need to wonder what that smell could be. I watched a video where Redhand Heriolt cut a girl open with a sharpened can top. It'd probably taken a fair amount of practice to learn how to do, but he'd managed to keep his subject awake and alive while he pulled out part of her intestines, smeared the pungent brown contents over both of them, and pleasured himself.
I had thought, while clicking through Redhand's contributions, that cleaning up set after filming that kinda stuff would be way too much of a pain. Looks like Redhand thought so too. That filth and gore in the background really had been as caked-on as it looked.
Mitchol continues, "He even got, you know, reported to the cops 'cause someone heard screams. Redhand laughed it off, sayin' it was slasher flicks playing on the TV. They left after he promised to turn the volume down, and they never got a search warrant or nothin'. Still, better not push it, right?"
I nearly snort. Well no shit someone heard screams if he was doing that stuff in an apartment.
Kidney asks, "Where do you plan on telling him to go?"
Mitchol swallows weirdly, with something about him quivering. "That ghost town 40 minutes southeast of Grishee, the neighborhood has a bunch of abandoned old houses. I know a little white one has a basement too. I think I could convince him it's ideal."
A frown of skepticism sends Kidney's lips pointing downwards, but then he walks closer to Mitchol and loosens some of the bindings so he can move one of his hands. Just as soon, however, Kidney slips a pocket knife out of his back pocket and pops the blade out against Mitchol's neck.
Mitchol gasps sharply, but Kidney just places the previously confiscated cell phone into his newly freed hand. "Text him," Kidney says into Mitchol's ear, adjusting the angle of the knife. "Make it sound natural, and make sure he goes to that little white one."
Mitchol's throat bobs, as much of a nod as there was going to be. He goes to work on the keys:
"sup dood. te ghosted out hood in Caplum has som gud spots. white house wit te green dor has a cool basement."
And "SEND".
Kidney's mouth quirks to the side. "I know I said to make it natural, but are you sure he'll get that?"
Mitchol chokes, "Yeah, I mean, I text him like that often enough."
"I see," Kidney says. Then, the phone buzzes.
"Eh, what should I say?" Mitchol asks.
"If this is a test, you might not be able to answer follow-up questions confirming that you're there. You're at home, got it?"
"nah im chillin in my plce. u out?"
"lol. tis Caplum spot wil fix u up. no 1 evr gos der. wnna chekit out togetrr?? jst gimme a time bro."
"frige lvl cool dood XD"
"I didn't say you were supposed to go too," Kidney purrs lowly over Mitchols shoulder. "But, I suppose you can just be 'late.'"
He takes the phone out of Mitchol's hand and re-tightens the ropes. "I can handle Redhand Heriolt from here."
With that, he turns on his heels, clops up the concrete stairs, and leaves me and Mitchol to rot in the bunker.
I look at Mitchol. "Please tell me you just tricked him somehow," I say.
"Shh," Mitchol replies quietly.
A couple of little sparks flare up in my chest and head. If I had the energy, I'd click my tongue. Don't you shush me, bitch. I whispered anyway.
Black silence begins settling down between us, and I close my eyes. The concrete is hard against my body, and I can feel us becoming one via temperature as my warmth seeps away into its cold. I move my lips, and a barely audible, hoarse series of whispers spills from them.
"Mother Earth, Mother Earth, once again to us give birth."
Suddenly, a violent roiling upheaves my stomach, like Poseidon's stormy fist punching the sea in wrath and sending the waters booming and swashing. I projectile vomit all over myself and the floor. The deja vu from my dream hits me first, and then the disgust and embarrassment of real life.
Mitchol jumps, as much as he can tied up anyway. His face is tense with that look of distubia, shock, fear, and concern that I hate directed
at me. "Wha.. are you okay man?"
A suck in a stinging, bile stained breath and respond to him in stench coated words. "No. Fuck... we just... we need to get the fuck out of here."
I lick my lips, and regret pools inside my mouth as my tongue pulls foul bits and cooling, sour fluid back into it.
There's a book of religion that says god will not be mocked and is not to be tested. I suppose I couldn't rightly be of the wombs and births of two different mothers at my own convenience. I never considered myself a man of faith, but this stuff I've been touching-- it seems to be some part of a sprawling realm beyond scientific knowledge.
I look down at myself. The sight of me must be making Mitchol sick, but since I'm already like this... I allow the muscles in my bowels to unfurl like a relaxing kitty, and warm liquid soon soaks my jeans and forms a pool around me.
Yep, this is one thing they don't tell you, at least not often, about being kidnapped. I was living freely up until however many hours ago I was taken, and that meant that I drank coffee and expected to be able to reach a toilet when it made its way through me.
I sigh, and lean over to inhale the merging smells that had all been inside my body. Amazing, how humans are all so disgusting inside, but we act as if we're clean until it comes out. I don't bother to look up at my roommate as I contemplate going number two.
But then I catch my reflection in the puddle of urine, and decide that I have to cancel my reservations with Mr. Brown, because the Train of Thought just arrived, and it only stops at the station for 3 seconds.
The first thing I thought, or perhaps, was told, about Mother Moon was that she was a relayer of the sun's message. And gods... gods... I was just thinking about them. But what do I do about them-- what do humans do about gods? They... sacrifice and serve. Blood, lives... offerings.
"Angel of The Great Star, to you, I unbar. Birth me into the spacial assemblage. Through me, relay the message," I say.
Mitchol again looks at me like I'm insane. Indeed, I've done it incorrectly. If her light cannot touch me, it is pointless. I take in a deep breath, and begin fighting against the ropes around my body harder than I ever fought before. Just a bit, perhaps they're loosening.
If I can just get out of these, I might be able to find a way to force the bunker door open and get outside. And if Mother Moon accepts me, I will be raised above Earth and the Earthlings. I will be 3rd, and they will all be 4th.
In the clearing outside the bunker, Kidney faces the moon and spreads out his arms, letting the glow bathe his body. This pale light can be so many things: ethereal, comforting, serene, eerie... He'd never questioned whose mood it really depended on until recently.
"Mother Moon, Mother Moon..." Kidney trails off, his eyes closed in concentration. But concentration isn't quite right. The chant... the feeling isn't coming over him.
"Mother Moon." He says, more of a plain address than a mystical prayer. "I can see you here tonight, as always. Does it not please you to commune with me right now?"
Gazing up at the white ball suspended in the infinite black cosmos, he ever so slightly feels her grow closer for a moment. However, she remains silent and far.
"On your own terms, Mother Moon." Kidney submits, inclining his head in reverence. Despite everything that has happened, he still feels a little crazy as he walks back to his rental car. He might fit the definition of "lunatic" now.
Kidney drives down the rural road to Caplum. Thousands of spindly, bent trees slash endless shadows through the yellow glow from his headlights. If he were taking the Passage to Hell of the South and met Satan at the end, it might not surprise him. Fitting though, that such a road would be irritatingly monotonous. Bored despite his mission, he flips the radio on.
Unintelligible words and tunes grate through static on most of the channels. Then there's the twang of guitar and a longing voice that reminds Kidney of grass fields swaying under a golden sunset in the middle of a heaven set in nowhere. He never did like country music, so he twists the knob one more click.
A bold, smooth, male voice butters the speakers. "The quiet neighborhood of Green Shade has been shaken by the story of a local housewife. According to her, she was drugged and kidnapped from her home by two masked men, who broke in late at night."
Kidney's heart lurches inside of his torso, along with the food in his stomach. He gags, swerving into the wrong lane for a second. After everything they-- Jeeto-- had told her, Mrs. Horatay was still talking?
The deep voice coming through the speakers crinkles with static. "...underground bunker. They then proceeded to film themselves sexually and physically assaulting her. The woman reports that at various points during the hours-long ordeal, both of her assailants lifted the masks away from their mouths and exposed the bottom portions of their faces."
Kidney's head swims with nausea. He never saw so much as a coin for getting that damnable spasm closeup. The footage of the actual stimulation was cut, he was sure. He'd been the one to edit Mrs. Horatay's movie. But somehow it had escaped his mind that Mrs. Horatay could be looking down, drawing a sketch in her mind for the cops.
"Both attackers appeared to be young males, in their late teens or early twenties. She describes them to be of average height, the shorter of the two having a round face and lightly tanned complexion, while the taller male's face was square shaped. She noted no hair or distinguishing blemishes on either of their faces, however..."
Kidney's hands tremble on the steering wheel, but he forces himself to focus on driving. "Relax. There's gotta be a hundred guys that fit those descriptions around here," he mutters to himself.
After a small eternity, Kidney spots a sign that humanity had come here ahead of him. "SPEED LIMIT 45" in faded black over rusted white. He slows down, guides his rental car into the overgrown brush on the side of the road, then takes the key out of the ignition.
With the engine dead, it's so quiet out here. Kidney pulls on his new black burglar's mask before getting out, just in case. He gently pushes the door closed behind himself, then goes around to the trunk.
A bag of supplies he packed from Jeeto's house is inside, and he unzips it and pockets from it a syringe of animal tranquilizer and a switchblade. The weapon he chooses to keep equipped in hand, however, is the 16-inch machete he brought himself.
Kidney begins his stalk up the road. Even in this dark place with the shadows of the bushes staring at his exposed back, he can feel Mother Moon's light clothing him and guiding his footsteps. Krin's innocently smiling face in the sunset of his room... such a distant memory kept so close to his heart. He clenches the hilt of his machete. He will not be afraid.
Mother Moon's warmth and comfort begins to seep all through him, and he senses her closer than before. The neighborhood comes into view. So he stays low and hidden as he makes his way to the west-most side where that white house is supposed to be. He sees the car before the house. It's a van that only breaks creep convention for its having a green paintjob instead of a white one.
Suddenly, a something like a living memory possesses his mind, only, something is not right. He finds himself looking at himself from behind, his black, hooded form crouching down behind bushes. One of his meaty arms is outstretched, and the hand is holding something, shiny, cold, and heavy. It's a gun-- pointing.
The head that he has an intimate awareness of, but not a oneness with, turns furthur downward without command. He sees white hairs in the bottom of his vision, and the stomach below protrudes too far forward. It is covered with a green Hawaiian shirt.
Kidney gasps, and seems to be sucked back into his own mind again. "Stoulfer," he breathes. Instinctively, Kidney whirls around on his ankles and spins up from the ground. The blast of the bullet rings the air, and Kidney feels it whip past his head and break through the dry shubbery behind him.
The moonlight makes depthless pits of the bags under Uncle Stoulfer's eyes, and carves darkness into every wrinkle and pockmark on his skin. The hairs of his white mustache and goatee twitch.
The old man's deep, raspy laugh mocks him. "I always knew you'd end up givin' me trouble."
Kidney runs for one of the houses. He can hear the many voices of his uncle's mind echoing. The thoughts are so muddled, though, and examined all at once, they're like a wild drove. Irritation. Lust. Smugness.
But the foremost thoughts-- those are the thoughts of action. That is where Kidney puts his focus. The gun fires again, but Kidney knows where it has made its path, and dashes out of its aim just as the trigger is being pulled.
"Shit! Pretty quick on his toes," Kidney hears.
"Got lucky there," Uncle Stoulfer hollers.
Kidney crashes through the rotting, wooden front door of a house, and runs into a bedroom in the back. He stands to the side of the doorway and listens to the floorboards at the entrance creak. Inside, Stoulfer's thoughts sound like mumbling, for only weak, pale streaks of moonlight penetrate the dark building through broken windows and cracked roofing.
Kidney can sense with the stronger rays of light touch the old man's balding head, because those are the moments he can hear more clearly.
Uncle Stoulfer plans to check behind the kitchen counters first, then... Kidney clenches the machete handle and raises the weapon. When Stoulfer comes here, he will strike.
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winter-dumbass · 4 years
How Function Stacks Apply: Si/Se: Personal
1. Se:
I do not relate to this one really.
I’m terrible with Concrete Information where you notice All The Details.
I generally don’t focus on all of my senses.
I take time to look over a room. I’ll start with wherever I’m supposed to be.
I do agree with the seeing is believing.
I can’t always take things as they come. Usually it’s not until Satan’s hounds are riding my ass trying to drag me to hell that I actually jump into action.
Aesthetics do have high value for me. I care about how things look.
Using Se:
Focused on the Here and Now: Almost never. I’m always thinking.
I do not notice my senses unless uncomfortable.
I always put myself through sensory over load but I do not take in barely any information doing that. If I actually want to learn something I have to sit down and learn it.
I am very afraid of missing out on experiences.
My life is a shit show and I’m nervous about what’s around the next corner.
I’ve been putting off taking action. If I don’t, there’s going to be real world consequences around the corner.  My problem isn’t even that I’m too lazy or unwilling. It’s that I don’t have all the information I need and it’s hard to dig out. Google changed too much. I can’t find anything anymore.
I’m not sure how fast my judgments are but I did manage to narrowly avoid getting my ankle run over by a car one time.
From the outside:
Needs Constant Stimulation: Yes
Seems to miss nothing: No
Prone to making snap judgments: I’m impulsive but I don’t really have any real judgments to make in my life. If you mean suddenly judging that I should make an edit of something... Sure.
May avoid thinking about the future: Yes, never know what’s going to happen.
Give me the info I need to do the job then let me do it. I need to see how it works to understand. - I feel this. I don’t like people hovering.
When I see something, I know I want it annnnnd....
Just stare and jab at it with a stick until I find something else to do.
Hopefully I will do all the things someday. I think if I had the means to I would go for it.
Se Blessings:
Noooow... It’s playing Hamilton.
I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.
If this is where it gets me to I run away or let it be?
Unhealthy Se:
Impulsive: I’m not sure.
Shallow: As much as the Mariana’s Trench.
{Shout out to the band: Album: Fevers and Mirrors}
Materialistic: I want to have nice things but I value mind and experience the most.
Risk taking: If you count drinking and smoking? Yeah. I’m college age fight me.
Always seems to be in trouble: Hm... Yeah, but that’s because no one will just leave me to do my own thing. They are always like YOU CANT DO THAT and I’m like WELL COME STOP ME CLOWN I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHA WE LIVE IN A SOCiETY! {I’m funny to me at the very least. That’s all that matters.}
I wish I had Se Tertiary.
I think ENTP has pretty letters though.
Ne Ti Fe Si
Expresses tge oresebt wirkd tgriyfg cinoarusib wutg
Wow, that... Is beautiful. This is what happens when I look at my phone while typing.
Expresses the world through comparison with previous experiences:
[i]Yes. Dat me. Me dat boi. {skinny penis}
I’ve had a chaotic life mainly in a bad way... Sooo... It’s pretty rough.
I hope to be in a position to make great memories soon though. [saying that feels awkward but I’m going to just be honest.]
Re experiences past  in vivid detail: Bro and I thought that was my [diagnosed] ptsd.
Are you saying it’s just in my personality to be a miserable bastard who has this idea of having so much potential but not going anywhere with it and that I’ll always feel like- I’M ON THE OUTSIDE ALWAYS LOOKING IN WILL EVER BE MORE THAN IVE EVER BEEN IM TAP TAP TAPPING ON THE GLASS! WAVING THROUGH A WINDOW! {Dear Even Handsome: Not now}
Using the past as a guide on how to direct my present? Yep.
Accurately recalls all steps in the order: If I learn the thing, yeah. Like I could run you through the protocols of my old job still.
*Put on a face mask
*Paper Work
*Check the temperature of the tubs {Adjust if needed}
*Pace back and forth and hope nothing explodes
*Pull things out if they start bubbling
*Jot down temperature every 15 minutes. {Kept me Sane}
Looks at What Happened? and What could be improved?
Yep yep. I was always coming up with systems. It’s just being in a situation where I can use my Si for this. [Damn economy. Give me a job]
Subjectively selects what gets noticed in the present:
Using Si:
Past experience provides the frame of reference for comparison with their present experience: Yes. and that is why I struggle. My family didn’t teach me shit. As you can see, I’m always looking back and forth between the past and present.
Memories are subjective: Everyone’s memories are objectively subjective.
You see... I pick these fights.. and I don’t even realize I’m doing it. I do not want to argue. I just... have fact based opinions.
My opinions go like:
Does it hurt anyone?
No, I didn’t ask if you like it. Or if you stand by it.
Does it... HURT anyone?
Okay. Then go suck a willy.
Most vivid memories are those that were the most impact: Yes.
They prefer to trust their own recall: Generally, yeah. Unless you can show without a doubt you are right.
Associations based on the past: Yes. What I remember is based on what it means. That’s probably why I don’t remember 99% of my life. {My life means nothing bu dun tss}
Referencing an internal database filled with enormous amounts of detail: I tell people. My brain is a spiraling web chart. Yeah.
Familiarity has a great impact on making things more comfortable: Generally yes.
No one can change the internal references except the user themselves: [Yes.]
Recollection of past is overlaid on the current experience.
Appear quiet and composed but caught up in the recall.
Interpret current situation through others..
yep... Yawn.exe
“We trade liquor for blood in an attempt to tip the scales. I think you lost what you lost in that mess of details they seemed so important at the time but now you can’t even recall any of the names faces and time. It’s more the feeling of it all.”
Attracted to familiar activities??
Yep. I want more though. New things. I want to do and see new things.
“ThE CUrrENT eXpERIencES AlONG wiTH YoUR... Ugh.... Yes. Current and past may be integrated blah blah blah..
Experience stacking? Yep.
{I am really trying to keep working on this}
........ Annndn I give up
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Profiles: Sonic
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the latest entry in Nintendo's ongoing premier platform fighter series. It's also slated to be the company's biggest release of the holiday season. After almost 20 years of battle between top characters of some of gaming's biggest franchises, Ultimate will bring together every single fighter from every Smash Bros. game to date (along with a few more) in one single game.
With so many characters to choose from, Shacknews is taking a look at each and every one of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters individually, leading up to the game's big release on December 7. Because many aspects of the game are subject to change, including character damage and special move properties, these profiles should not be considered final and can be updated at any time. Any guide that has been updated will be clearly marked.
Here's what we have up so far:
#01 - Mario
Today, we continue with the most well-recognized character in SEGA'S history.
Who is Sonic?
Blue streak speeds by Sonic the Hedgehog! Too fast for the naked eye Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic! He can really move! Sonic! He's got an attitude! Sonic! He's the fastest thing alive!
Sonic the Hedgehog is Sega's top mascot and has been the face of the company since its console heyday and beyond. He's still beloved to this day, which is partially why some of his 3D outings are so frustrating, but that's an entirely different conversation. Sonic has been saving the world from the threat of Dr. Eggman for over 25 years, using his supersonic speed to run across loops and straight through danger. His speed is only matched by his cool factor, an intangible that nobody else on the Smash Bros. roster possesses. It was never more evident than Sonic's debut in the Smash Bros. series, something I touched on in our retrospective of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary story mode.
Sonic has starred in many platformers, some of which even star other versions of the classic character. There's Sonic Boom, Sonic Mania, Sonic Generations, and the list goes on. Sonic has dabbled in other genres, like the upcoming Team Sonic Racing, and has even buried the hatchet with Mario and co-starred with the portly plumber for the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series.
Sonic's Moves and Fighter Overview
I'm not sure if anyone knows this, but Sonic is fast. He's very fast. He's the fastest thing alive and has the fastest dashing speed on the Smash Bros. roster. His moves take advantage of his speed, while also borrowing from elements of his games.
Here are Sonic's special moves:
Homing Attack (Neutral B): Lifts Sonic off the ground and homes in on the nearest opponent. Hit B a second time to execute the move early..
Spring Jump (Up B): Pull out a spring from the classic Sonic games and use it to launch the blue hedgehog skyward. The move itself causes no damage, but it's one of the best recovery options in the game. The spring itself can also bop an opponent on its way down for minor damage.
Spin Dash (Side B): Sonic's signature move can be charged up before he launches himself at opponents. Has great combo potential, though it apparently can no longer be shield canceled.
Spin Charge (Down B): Acts like the Spin Dash, but is more for walloping nearby foes for multiple hits. Keep hitting B to extend the combo.
Super Sonic (Final Smash): Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic and fly across the screen, causing massive damage and potentially KO-ing anyone in his way. This move will be faster now than it was in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS.
Sonic has several attacks that can reliably connect with opponents, like his dive kick and his Homing Attack, but while they'll do a lot of damage, Sonic isn't exactly a KO master. Sonic's more about outrunning his opponent and isn't for the more aggressive player, though he can be played that way. He also has some incredible recovery options, for those who opt to play the keep-away game.
What's changed about Sonic since Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS? Sonic adjusts his arsenal slightly with a dashing kick and a faster Homing Attack. But as noted, Sonic's Spin Dash can no longer be canceled, which takes away one of the hedgehog's big weapons. Super Sonic will also move much faster than before.
Esports Observations
Looking to play like an expert? I'm not one of those by any stretch of the imagination. Fortunately, Shacknews has scoured the web for breakdowns from the top competitive Smash Bros. players and personalities in the world for some more detailed opinions.
In breaking down Mario, we noted that one of the best ways to learn is through direct observation. We broke down Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios' Mario play during the E3 Smash Invitational, where he rode the plumber to victory. Did you miss that Grand Finals? Let's rewatch it below.
While ZeRo had plenty to say about Mario during the Nintendo Power podcast, he also had a few observations about Sonic, who was on the opposing side during that Grand Finals set. Shacknews quoted ZeRo last time about Sonic's Spin Dash nerf, but that wasn't all that he had to say about the character.
"It's hard to react to certain things and Sonic is too fast," ZeRo told the Nintendo Power crew. "Like, I have amazing reaction time. I'm the kind of person who can react to... few frame windows to several things. I can just react on the spot sometimes and Sonic, when he runs past you, you can't tell. It's impossible. If he runs at you, I can't tell if he's going to jump or grab. We have to guess. So that makes Sonic difficult to deal with at a top-level plane, because a good player can mix you up consistently and then it becomes the point where you don't react, so you can't consistently do it, because guessing is guessing. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't, but you can decrease the luck by reacting. But because Sonic is so fast, you can't react, so that makes him amazing. That's basically why Sonic is really good right now and couple that with the fact that he has a back-throw that kills, he has grab combos that no other character has, his Forward-Smash is absolutely ridiculous, his back-air has this slice of New York City, like it's actually humongous, like back-air stays off forever, always gets the strong hit, and even if he gets the weak hit, it puts him in a spot where you can back-air again, so it's one of the best moves, for sure."
While ZeRo has seen the positives in Sonic, a handful of the Sonic mains out in the Smash world are crestfallen with the loss of the Spin Dash shield cancel. Here's top Japanese Sonic player Kengo "KEN" Suzuki reacting to the news.
Bye Bye Sonic... https://t.co/BKTgmGho5u
— KEN (@KENisbg) June 12, 2018
The Sonic faithful are otherwise still looking to get accustomed to some of his minor tweaks, taking the most recent opportunity at CEO 2018 to get their hands on the character. The folks at Most Valuable Gaming and Smash Studios both got a chance to capture a couple of matches.
But at least one other person might be converted to the Sonic user base. That's the guy who used Sonic at the Smash Invitational, Leonardo "MkLeo" Lopez. Despite losing, Leo sees the potential in Sonic and is apparently excited to learn the character a little better.
Well he didnt die in winners finals by the snake's uptilt and the sonic back air in last game...i wanted to win... but still have so much fun The game is awesome but bayo tho lol I love smash im playing sonic in smash5 at least as a secondary Thank you everyone!
— EchoFox lMVGl MkLeo (@Mkleosb) June 12, 2018
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to arrive in December on Nintendo Switch. Shacknews will continue looking into each of the game's characters from now through the big day, so be sure to come back for more breakdowns over the coming weeks.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Profiles: Sonic published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
Lettuce & Cheese Please
So basically I wake up in a new world. After 7 years of dating the same man, I was single. This isn’t breaking news, but being single in this day & age means dating in the era of technology and convenience. I was about to find out how much it sucks. Now, I'm no stranger to meeting people online. Ive been a member of music message boards since I was in my teens & Ive met plenty of people online & formed relationships in that way. That being said, dating apps have created a new dating game where the next best thing is just a swipe away. I'm not use to that life. I am use to going after what I want and seeing that through. I don't have an attention span to date multiple people at once. I am an extremely passionate person and I honestly don't have it in me to give to more than one person at a time. I was about to start a journey learning some hard lessons about dating in 2015 starting with my first date outside of my relationship. This isn’t a tinder story & we met organically so off to a good start I thought. Nah, y’all, nope.
So my new job is above a restaurant and  many days during my breakup Id go down to the bar after work to have a(several) drink. Some days Id still be doing that really cute thing where Id bust into tears out of nowhere. Somewhere in between catching tears in my mouth while chugging my beer & ordering  a margarita that my now salty beer has me craving, I made a friend. The bartender was a nice enough guy & he seemed to be pretty low on the creep scale. I agreed to meet him at a bar near my house for a drink. Side note: Im an introvert, I don’t love strangers & I loathe small talk. I got my shit together and went to the bar. I was first to arrive, fine by me. Give me a fucking drink because Im already way over this. Here he comes a few minutes later, in flip flops & cargo shorts. Now, listen Im no person that claims to have any fashion sense or desire to keep up with clothing trends for the most part. Flip flops are a strong no for me. Unless we are by a body of water, I don’t get it. Throw a shoe on, are you that lazy? Is it sooooo hot that you just have to have your toes out to breathe? Ok, onto the cargo shorts. I get it, they are so versatile. I mean, plenty of room for all your shit. Your wallet, keys, phone, hammer, measuring tape. All the essentials of a first date. Leave them at home or back in the 90′s when they tried to be acceptable before. Anyways, you can tell he is nervous & for some reason he has a very hard time looking me in the eye when we speak. Im a scorpio so Im going to need eye contact so I can see whats a sack of shit you are or aren’t. He quickly orders a drink & suggests we go sit on the patio to talk. Just as soon as we sit down at a table he picks his chair up and sets it damn near on top of mine. Grabs my face (huge NOPE for me, ill get into this) and tries to kiss me. I legit shove him off of my face and just look at him like what the fuck are you doing. He quickly apologizes saying that he thought I wanted him to kiss me. Oh nope, no I sure dont I told him. He feels like an asshole and he should so we go inside to sit among people to try to start over. I should've peaced out but then i wouldn’t have this little gem to share with you all. At the bar now, he proceeds to ask me questions while staring straight ahead. Hey bud, over here. Why cant you look at me while Im speaking to you? He claims that I make him nervous, this has to be his only explanation as to why he did what he did next. He turns to me, grabs my thigh & says to me that my thighs looks so delicious & substantial that he wanted to put lettuce & cheese on them and eat them. I spun around on my barstool and damn near fell off. Looking around me like, are you talking to me?? Yes, he was and went onto say, maybe a little onion & tomato too. Listen bro, I got to go. I jumped up & walked to the front door to head on out. He followed and I got out front just in time for him to pull me close and plant one on me anyways. I laughed and 100% thought ok, my friends are behind this shit. There is no way this is real life. Im on a new hidden camera dating show, haha gotcha! Nope, the joke was on me because now I was going to have to dodge between cars from work to my car in the lot trying to avoid him.
SPOILER ALERT: I failed many, many times avoiding him. Even though I made it clear to him I wasn’t interested, he asked me out every single time until he no longer worked there.
That was a lot to write before getting to my fucking point but I do that. I go on tangents so go ahead & make peace with that now. I’ll wait.
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Profiles: Sonic
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the latest entry in Nintendo's ongoing premier platform fighter series. It's also slated to be the company's biggest release of the holiday season. After almost 20 years of battle between top characters of some of gaming's biggest franchises, Ultimate will bring together every single fighter from every Smash Bros. game to date (along with a few more) in one single game.
With so many characters to choose from, Shacknews is taking a look at each and every one of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters individually, leading up to the game's big release on December 7. Because many aspects of the game are subject to change, including character damage and special move properties, these profiles should not be considered final and can be updated at any time. Any guide that has been updated will be clearly marked.
Here's what we have up so far:
#01 - Mario
Today, we continue with the most well-recognized character in SEGA'S history.
Who is Sonic?
Blue streak speeds by Sonic the Hedgehog! Too fast for the naked eye Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic! He can really move! Sonic! He's got an attitude! Sonic! He's the fastest thing alive!
Sonic the Hedgehog is Sega's top mascot and has been the face of the company since its console heyday and beyond. He's still beloved to this day, which is partially why some of his 3D outings are so frustrating, but that's an entirely different conversation. Sonic has been saving the world from the threat of Dr. Eggman for over 25 years, using his supersonic speed to run across loops and straight through danger. His speed is only matched by his cool factor, an intangible that nobody else on the Smash Bros. roster possesses. It was never more evident than Sonic's debut in the Smash Bros. series, something I touched on in our retrospective of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary story mode.
Sonic has starred in many platformers, some of which even star other versions of the classic character. There's Sonic Boom, Sonic Mania, Sonic Generations, and the list goes on. Sonic has dabbled in other genres, like the upcoming Team Sonic Racing, and has even buried the hatchet with Mario and co-starred with the portly plumber for the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series.
Sonic's Moves and Fighter Overview
I'm not sure if anyone knows this, but Sonic is fast. He's very fast. He's the fastest thing alive and has the fastest dashing speed on the Smash Bros. roster. His moves take advantage of his speed, while also borrowing from elements of his games.
Here are Sonic's special moves:
Homing Attack (Neutral B): Lifts Sonic off the ground and homes in on the nearest opponent. Hit B a second time to execute the move early..
Spring Jump (Up B): Pull out a spring from the classic Sonic games and use it to launch the blue hedgehog skyward. The move itself causes no damage, but it's one of the best recovery options in the game. The spring itself can also bop an opponent on its way down for minor damage.
Spin Dash (Side B): Sonic's signature move can be charged up before he launches himself at opponents. Has great combo potential, though it apparently can no longer be shield canceled.
Spin Charge (Down B): Acts like the Spin Dash, but is more for walloping nearby foes for multiple hits. Keep hitting B to extend the combo.
Super Sonic (Final Smash): Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic and fly across the screen, causing massive damage and potentially KO-ing anyone in his way. This move will be faster now than it was in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS.
Sonic has several attacks that can reliably connect with opponents, like his dive kick and his Homing Attack, but while they'll do a lot of damage, Sonic isn't exactly a KO master. Sonic's more about outrunning his opponent and isn't for the more aggressive player, though he can be played that way. He also has some incredible recovery options, for those who opt to play the keep-away game.
What's changed about Sonic since Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS? Sonic adjusts his arsenal slightly with a dashing kick and a faster Homing Attack. But as noted, Sonic's Spin Dash can no longer be canceled, which takes away one of the hedgehog's big weapons. Super Sonic will also move much faster than before.
Esports Observations
Looking to play like an expert? I'm not one of those by any stretch of the imagination. Fortunately, Shacknews has scoured the web for breakdowns from the top competitive Smash Bros. players and personalities in the world for some more detailed opinions.
In breaking down Mario, we noted that one of the best ways to learn is through direct observation. We broke down Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios' Mario play during the E3 Smash Invitational, where he rode the plumber to victory. Did you miss that Grand Finals? Let's rewatch it below.
While ZeRo had plenty to say about Mario during the Nintendo Power podcast, he also had a few observations about Sonic, who was on the opposing side during that Grand Finals set. Shacknews quoted ZeRo last time about Sonic's Spin Dash nerf, but that wasn't all that he had to say about the character.
"It's hard to react to certain things and Sonic is too fast," ZeRo told the Nintendo Power crew. "Like, I have amazing reaction time. I'm the kind of person who can react to... few frame windows to several things. I can just react on the spot sometimes and Sonic, when he runs past you, you can't tell. It's impossible. If he runs at you, I can't tell if he's going to jump or grab. We have to guess. So that makes Sonic difficult to deal with at a top-level plane, because a good player can mix you up consistently and then it becomes the point where you don't react, so you can't consistently do it, because guessing is guessing. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't, but you can decrease the luck by reacting. But because Sonic is so fast, you can't react, so that makes him amazing. That's basically why Sonic is really good right now and couple that with the fact that he has a back-throw that kills, he has grab combos that no other character has, his Forward-Smash is absolutely ridiculous, his back-air has this slice of New York City, like it's actually humongous, like back-air stays off forever, always gets the strong hit, and even if he gets the weak hit, it puts him in a spot where you can back-air again, so it's one of the best moves, for sure."
While ZeRo has seen the positives in Sonic, a handful of the Sonic mains out in the Smash world are crestfallen with the loss of the Spin Dash shield cancel. Here's top Japanese Sonic player Kengo "KEN" Suzuki reacting to the news.
Bye Bye Sonic... https://t.co/BKTgmGho5u
— KEN (@KENisbg) June 12, 2018
The Sonic faithful are otherwise still looking to get accustomed to some of his minor tweaks, taking the most recent opportunity at CEO 2018 to get their hands on the character. The folks at Most Valuable Gaming and Smash Studios both got a chance to capture a couple of matches.
But at least one other person might be converted to the Sonic user base. That's the guy who used Sonic at the Smash Invitational, Leonardo "MkLeo" Lopez. Despite losing, Leo sees the potential in Sonic and is apparently excited to learn the character a little better.
Well he didnt die in winners finals by the snake's uptilt and the sonic back air in last game...i wanted to win... but still have so much fun The game is awesome but bayo tho lol I love smash im playing sonic in smash5 at least as a secondary Thank you everyone!
— EchoFox lMVGl MkLeo (@Mkleosb) June 12, 2018
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to arrive in December on Nintendo Switch. Shacknews will continue looking into each of the game's characters from now through the big day, so be sure to come back for more breakdowns over the coming weeks.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Profiles: Sonic published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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