#brock is probably really tired of me listening to and talking about these songs lol
blackchantilly · 1 year
I was tagged by @rivetgoth to list 10 songs I like this month. I'm going to try to pick a few other songs I haven't been talking about as much, probably with a couple of repetitive exceptions, lol. Most I've been listening to on my summer playlist, but a few have made it on my not-yet-finalized fall playlist. In no particular order...
"Tall in My Room" by Public Memory: The album this is on just came out at the beginning of the month and it's FANTASTIC! This is probably my favorite song from it, but it's pretty much flawless all the way through. I've been describing it as haunted house trip hop (so like...darkwave/trip hop, but in a very specific way). We're going to see them live later this month. 😁
"The Skin and the Glove" by Drab Majesty: Definitely their best song on the kind of disappointing EP they just put out. They've delved into '90s shoegaze recently, and this is the best example, with some nice psychedelic influences that I don't hear enough in modern goth music.
"Hunger Cries" by High-Functioning Flesh: I honestly thought this song was from the '80s when I first heard it. They really nailed the Remission-era Skinny Puppy sound. I enjoyed the entire album.
"Normalized" by Vision Video: I heard this on the above-tagged dude's blog and enjoyed it! The chorus kind of reminds me of "Vicious Pastimes" by House of Harm but with a more classic goth rock sound. I had avoided checking out this group because I think they're kind of a TikTok thing, so I was pleasantly surprised to realize that they are actually good.
"Model Citizen" by Male Tears: I've been listening to them a fair amount lately, and this has been my favorite. Just a really fun darkwave song. Their song about Skinamarink is good too, but I haven't listened to it as much (yet).
"I Been Young" by George Clanton: Another '90s throwback. He said it was supposed to be a '90s adult contemporary song, lol. It's a fantastic pop song even if you didn't spend your childhood listening to "Come Undone" by Duran Duran on the radio constantly...but I think that helps.
"Vanity" by Nuovo Testamento: I don't like all of their material, but this song is infectious as hell. It's more synthpop and less pop-pop than some of their other songs. Really fun to sing along to. We saw them live with Molchat Doma this past spring and this was my favorite that they played.
"Never Ever" by Body of Light: Another really good album. I can't get enough of this song in particular. The fretless bass and saxophone solo make this a convincing throwback to early-'80s Japan or Gary Numan circa 1981 (very specific!). The vibe is strong here. Also very fun to sing along to.
"The Machineries of Joy" by Die Krupps feat. Nitzer Ebb: 100% my song of the summer. The platonic ideal of EBM. It gets me super pumped, so I've been listening to it at the gym a lot. This is one of many new favorites I heard on this excellent playlist created by a very obscure synthpop duo I like on my friend's record label, haha.
"Rigor Mortis" by A Split-Second: An older Wax Trax favorite that was recently added to Spotify. Yay! I promptly added it to like six different playlists and have been happy not to have to go out of my way to hear it.
Two recent runners-up are "Anywhere" by A Projection and "Always More" by Autokratz -- slightly less memorable but both really fun, synthy, and danceable, albeit in different ways.
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domesticmail · 4 years
fifty questions
i was tagged by @brock-mcginny and @fraction-of-a-flying-puck !! thank u guys sm i love u!!!!!!!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s a black conair square brush!
2. name a food you never eat? mushrooms !! they’re disgusting, can confirm
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold!! i’m always freezing
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? waking up, eating a waffle w butter and powdered sugar !
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? hersheys milk chocolate!! (esp frozen & with peanut butter!!!)
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes!!! i’ve been to a lot of football games, baseball games, one hockey, and one basketball!! i usually go with my family & some family friends!
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? - "rigs, on your bed.” to the dog whining at me bc he wants treats
8. what is your favorite ice cream? chocolate!!!!!! OR peaches & vanilla!!
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? coke !
10. do you like your wallet? eh!! it’s not my favorite but i certainly don’t hate it
11. what is the last thing you ate? an eggo waffle w butter & powdered sugar
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yes!!!!! some nanette lepore black heels for work, and some new jewelry!! quartz twisty gold earrings, moonstone necklace, & moonstone earrings!
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? ufc match, adesanya v costa.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? regular ol’ buttery popcorn :)
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? parker (the dumb asshole that got a speeding ticket for going 105 on delbert)
16. ever go camping? i used to go camping when i lived in my other neighborhood, but since we moved, we left that group of families, so we don’t really go camping anymore :( we do go up to a mountainhouse once a year w another family though!
17. do you take vitamins? no ! 
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope! my mom was raised catholic & is now agnostic, and my dad is an atheist! if i wanted to go, they would let me, but i personally am agnostic, so i don’t attend :)
19. do you have a tan? NO but i wish i did !! i burn really easy and then i don’t tan. kms.
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? pizza! w pepperoni, black olives, and banana peppers!
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? depends! sometimes yes, sometimes no
22. what color socks do you usually wear? my socks never match, i just grab whatever socks are on the floor at the time
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? yes !! when i have other people in the car ! if not i definitely have a lead foot lol
24. what terrifies you? being alone, being hated
25. look to your left, what do you see? drying rack w my dad’s tshirts, fireplace, mantle, my sister on the couch playing among us 
26. what chore do you hate most? WASHING DISHES. it’s my chore and it’s AWFUL
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? the bitch at my work yesterday who told my manager she refused to deal with her and would only talk to mark (another manager, complete doormat)
28. what’s your favorite soda? coke zero (don’t clown on me i know it’s dumbbb)
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? depends!! sometimes i’ll go drive thru if i’ve never been inside before
30. what’s your favorite number? 2 !! it’s always been my lucky number, even since i was little
31. last person you talked to? my sister, telling her to get my brother
32. favorite cut of beef? i assume we’re talking about steak, in which case i have to say a ribeye !!
33. last song you listened to? mess around by cage the elephant
34. last book you read? the awakening by kate chopin (for school)
35. favorite day of the week? friday ! 
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? YES I CAN and it makes me a badass suck it ari jkjk i love u
37. how do you like your coffee? me too ari, more creamer than coffee akjfhsjfh
38. favorite pair of shoes? my beat up, 3yr old white converse mids !! they’re old and kinda dirty but i’ve had them since freshman year and they’re my SHOES
39. time you normally get up? my parents have classically trained me since childhood to wake up at 7:30, i hate it lmao
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets !!! mainly bc i can try to sleep in
41. how many blankets on your bed? one barefoot dreams, one fluffy !
42. describe your kitchen plates? white porcelain w circular ridges!
43. describe your kitchen at the moment? VERY tidy. so clean you could probably eat off the floor
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? templeton rye, or a shot of screwball if we’re really drinking excuse me i’m only 17
45. do you play cards? sometimes!! not recently though
46. what color is your car? murphy is black!!
47. can you change a tire? of course i can, my mom was adamant abt it
48. your favorite state? i live in colorado ari come visit me lmao !! i love it here, the only downside is the bipolar-ass weather
49. favorite job you’ve had? i love my job right now (at least, i love my coworkers!!)
50. this one is SOOOOOO long so if u guys wanna skip it, no worries !! i’m tagging @mtkachuk @mdlyncline @cartrshart @softstarkey and @stargazingstarkey
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter five
A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN YALL!! so in case you wanted a life update, my job is slowly killing my body lol but hopefully it will ease it up soon. anyways, let me know what you think of the story so far. i would love to hear what you have to say. alrighty, enjoy chapter five! :)
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: drinking, club scene, mentions of vampire powers, cursing
word count: 1607
I barely slept last night. My mind kept racing, not being able to get the idea that Cyrus was coming to get me out of my mind.
Also, it was hard to sleep knowing right next door was a vamp that wished I was dead, or at least thinks of me as such a bother.
I was tired, but I couldn't relax enough. After getting all my necessary items from my place in the morning, I took a well-needed long shower, getting away from everyone. When I finished, I fell asleep, only to be awoken by the sounds of the night club down stairs.
I sighed, getting out of Sam's bed and walking into the living room. Sam and Jake sat on the couch talking.
"Oh hey. I was wondering when you would get up." Sam spoke, turning to me.
I groaned. "I'd rather be asleep right now. When does the club close?"
"2 A.M. It's only just 10." Jake chuckled.
"Perfect." I whispered.
"But hey, you know we can go down to the club, have a few drinks, people watch." Jake smiled, standing up from the couch.
I squinted my eyes at them. "But it's not human night."
Jake shrugged. “Kevin allows us to go out whenever. We just have to stay in the VIP section. When you're here, you're family.”
“Isn't that the Olive Garden slogan?” Sam questioned.
“Yep.” Jake nodded.
I laughed. “Well, it sure beats staying here and listening to club music through walls. Let me go change into something a little nicer than sweatpants.”
I went back into my room and a threw on jeans and a nice top. I didn't exactly plan to party, more so just to get out of this apartment for a while.
I walked out and Jake knocked on Colby's door. "Colby? You coming with us?"
"He's not here, bro.” Sam replied.
Jake cocked his head to the side. “Where is he?”
“He went out looking for Cyrus. He left as soon as it was dark out.” Sam informed.
“Can't vampires go in the sun?” I asked.
“Yeah, he just chooses not to.” Sam smirked.
I snickered. “Right…”
We all left and went to the club, walking into Kevin's VIP booth that overlooked everything. I felt as if the whole room was looking at us. At me.
On stage stood Kevin, Mike, and a girl I had never seen before. She had light blue hair and was wearing a neon pink bando top, the shiniest silver pants I’d ever seen, and platform boots. She smiled widely at the crowd.
"Alright y'all! Give it up for Katrina!" Kevin yelled into the microphone, handing it to her.
Suddenly, a pop-dance song came over the speakers of the club. Everyone started dancing as Katrina began to sing.
I turned to Sam and Jake, who slowly slid ear plugs into their ears.
“You think she’s a bad singer?” I suggested.
Jake shook his head. “She’s one of the first up-and-coming vampire singers in LA. Her powers come from her singing. Apparently, she can make people fall in love with her through her voice.”
“Like a siren?” I questioned.
Jake nodded. “Yeah. Sam has a huge crush on her.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Shut up, dude. The only reason I have any feelings is because she uses her powers. She’s probably not even a good singer and she just makes herself sound like that.”
I turned my head back towards Katrina. She was dancing around on stage with two other vamps, really getting into her song. I stared at her, looking for an aura around her. There was none.
“Guys, she’s not using her powers.” I informed.
They both turned to me. “What?”
“Firstly, it wouldn’t make sense for her to sing to a room of mostly vamps. Vampire powers don’t work on other vampires. Secondly, she is a good singer, regardless of the fact that’s her power. So, unless she’s used her power on you before, your crush is valid Samuel.” I explained, smiling.
Jake smirked, turning to Sam and singing. “Sam and Katrina, sitting in a tree...”
“Bro, what are you? Five?” Sam hissed.
“I think he’s upset he has a crush on a vampire.” Jake mock whispered to me.
“I think you’re right.” I whispered back. “I mean, shit, I might have a crush on her too. She’s cute.”
“Don’t say that. Sam might steal your girl.” Jake joked, nudging me.
Sam grumbled. “I’m getting a drink.”
I glanced at Sam as he left. He didn’t look back at us. I turned to Jake, who was staring at the dance floor. “Can I ask you about Sam?”
“Sure. What do you want to know?” Jake responded.
“Why is he so against liking a vampire? I mean, besides the obvious.” I queried.
“Sam doesn’t trust many people period, let alone vampires. If I’m honest, I’m surprised he allowed you into our group so quickly.” Jake confessed.
“Maybe that explains Colby’s reluctance towards me too.” I mentioned.
“Well, Colby’s a whole different story. He doesn’t trust anyone. At all. It took a long time for him and Sam to become friends.” Jake confided.
“And you and him?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Slightly shorter, but still a while.” Jake continued. “I assume it’s because of his life before he was turned. I’ve never asked, and he’s only explained a part of it. But Sam is kinda just cautious. Colby… just doesn’t trust.”
I nodded softly, looking back towards the stage. Katrina finished her song and then began another, her voice flowing beautifully throughout the club.
Jake slowly took out his ear plugs. “Do you wanna drink?”
“Hell yeah.” I giggled.
~ \/ \/ ~
Jake and I started a drinking game, essentially a ‘never-had-I-ever’, going back and forth taking shots. When the night was beginning to whine down, I was very tipsy. Jake went to the bathroom, leaving me alone in the VIP section.
I looked towards another booth and noticed the light blue hair from before. I smirked, getting up and heading to it.
I walked over to Katrina, I was stopped by a body guard. “You can’t come here-”
“John, it’s alright. Let her through. She’s cool.” Katrina interrupted, tapping his shoulder lightly.
John moved to the side, staring me down with red eyes as I passed. I sat across from Katrina, smiling.
“Thanks. I just wanted to come over and say hi.” I stated.
She nodded her head. “Kevin and Mike told me about you. You’re with XPLR, right?”
I shrugged. “Kinda sorta. I was more forced into it.”
“Sorry to hear that. Well, if it’s any consolation prize, Kevin and Mike are really sweet once you get to know them.” Katrina praised.
“Can I ask you something?” I inquired.
She took a sip of her drink. “Yeah.”
“Is it true that your power is that you can make people fall in love with you with your voice? I only ask because I was told that, and it’s unlike any power I’ve ever heard of.” I surmised.
“That’s not 100% true. When I use my voice, I hypnotize people. It’s like mind control, but it’s not that strong. And it only last for like a minute. But I can only force them to do things they’re comfortable with.” She admitted. “Like, I can’t make a person rob a bank, but I can probably get them to steal some gum from a 7/11.”
“Oh wow.” I mumbled.
“After my power wears off, the person feels super… euphoric, apparently.” She revealed.
“People get a high off your power?” I snorted.
“Yeah. Which is why they fall ‘in love’ with me. It’s like a drug.” She added.
I shook my head. “That’s so strange.”
“I’ve only done it like twice ever. I feel gross when I use it, so I don’t. Most people think the reason why I’m ‘famous’ is because I used my power to get what I want. As if I could or want to do that…” Katrina trailed off.
“Those people are just jealous. Your voice is crazy good. Fuck anybody who says otherwise.” I cheered.
She smiled, raising her glass slightly. “Thank you.”
I paused for a moment, speaking up again. “So there’s another reason I came over here. Have you met anybody other than Kevin and Mike in XPLR?”
“No, not to my knowledge.” Katrina answered.
I smirked. “Okay then. So, there’s this guy named Sam. He’s here tonight and he told me he likes you.”
“Is he human or vampire?” She asked.
“Human. He’s really cute. And he’s…” I looked up from the booth, my eyes landing on Jake and Sam talking. “…right there. Blonde hair.”
She stared over at him, her eyebrows raising quickly. “Oh shit he is.”
“The thing is… he thinks he only likes you because of your power.” I explained.
She scoffed. “I never use it.”
“Exactly. You should go tell him that.” I insisted.
“You know what? I think I should too.” Katrina chugged the rest of her drink and slid out of her booth.
I watched as she sauntered over to Sam and Jake and introduced herself. Sam’s eyes widen when she shook his hand. I giggled to myself sipping on my drink. Jake glanced at Sam and Katrina, slowly backing away from them to let them talk. It was almost like in a matter of moments, Sam had all his attention on her and her alone. Katrina was the same way. Jake saw me and walked up, a big grin on his face.
“Did you…?” Jake pointed back at Sam and Katrina.
“Of course. Sammy needs a girlfriend.” I smiled.
<< CHAPTER 4 || CHAPTER 6 >>
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blackchantilly · 6 months
Tagged by @rivetgoth to do my URL as song titles! Like in an acrostic way. Hold on, because once I start talking about music it's hard for me to shut up!
B - "Breathe" by Night Sins - One of my favorites of theirs. The new single has reminded me that I was obsessed with them throughout 2022 and part of 2023. Their music is pretty derivative, in the best way -- many of their songs sound like they were perhaps based on certain classic goth-adjacent songs. This one makes me think of "This Time of Night" by New Order.
L - "Life Itself" by Glass Animals - We first heard this song live in 2016, maybe a week or two after it was released. The show was fantastic. Their second album hadn't come out just yet (let alone "Heat Waves"!) and so nearly all of the songs we heard were from their first album, which I WORE OUT in 2014. But this song made an immediate impression. Somehow everyone in the audience apart from us already knew all the words, lol. I remember hearing everyone sing along and asking Brock, "What is this song and how does everyone know it?" but dancing like an idiot anyway. Eight years later I'm still not tired of it.
A - "Atlas Air" by Massive Attack - I have been trying to convince people that this album (Heligoland) had good songs on it, and I've been using this as a prime example. It's a perfect slow burn at nearly eight minutes long. I love the Middle Eastern influences that echo the subject matter and the explosive payoff of the outro.
C - "Cowgirl" by Underworld - A club classic for a reason! I have other favorite Underworld songs nowadays, but this one always goes over really well on the dance floor. Another excellent slow burn. Such good vibes and everyone loves it. You probably know it from Hackers, lol.
K - "Komboloy" by A-Head - I guess this is an X Marks the Pedwalk side project? I've only ever heard it in clubs in OKC, but it's another one that always gets people on the dance floor. My best friend heard it in my car one time and said the vocalist "woke up and decided to sound like a monster from the Labyrinth." I can't deny it.
C - "Close (to the Edit)" by the Art of Noise - I will die on the hill of referring to this song as EBM, lol. I first heard this on VH1 Classic and mostly remembered it because of the weird video. Heard it at a club in Tulsa a few years ago and was reminded that the song is also super cool. Later I found out it was also huge in '80s breakdancing circles, which is interesting to me with all the car sputtering, chainsaw noises, and the heavier beat.
H - "Happy up Here" by Royksopp - This is what the inside of my head sounds like when I'm staring off into space.
A - "Alive in the Night" by Sacred Skin - I love how danceable this band is, which is why it's funny that this is my second favorite of their songs. It is not danceable. It's like a goth power pop ballad. But the chorus gives me major goosebumps and I'll be damned if I can resist singing along in the car. Has one of my favorite bridges, too!
N - "New Decision" by Manufacture - A new favorite! IT'S SO CATCHY. I want this to be a club hit, but alas, it's 33 years old and that has not happened yet to my knowledge. I only heard it because I heard a couple of songs by this band and decided on a whim to listen to their two albums. Synthpop from the '90s is so tragically overlooked.
T - "True Colours" by Kite - One of my spring 2022 songs which means it's sometimes a little hard to listen to -- I was in the middle of a major crisis at the time, and the song is sad enough as it is. But this is my favorite example of Kite's DENSE synthscapes and brooding vibes. Listen when you're feeling wistful but like in a depressed way, lol.
I - "Iris" by TR/ST - Actually my favorite song by them! Now that I think of it, it's not dissimilar to the last song as it has the really thick-sounding synths, slow pulsating beat, and kind of bittersweet vibe. I WILL attempt to dance to it if I hear it played out (which has happened exactly once) even though it's like 90 bpm.
L - "L'appel du Vide" by Actors - I generally like them, but this song in particular is SO catchy and upbeat despite the darker lyrics. It is always getting stuck in my head. When people ask for examples of good newer post-punk I usually direct them to this song in particular.
L - "Land of Rape and Honey" by Ministry - This is one I've passively liked for a while, but then one of our local DJs started playing it semi-regularly and I remembered it existed and how much I enjoyed it. I've been listening to it a lot this spring. This is slightly on the heavier side of what I would normally listen to, but I adore the mechanical beat and the creatively used string sample. Also I appreciate that it's clearly a dance song and not as rock-oriented as some of the other songs on this album.
Y - "Young" by the Soft Moon - Still really sad about this guy dying. What a loss for the goth/industrial scene. This was one of my very favorites on this album; it really showcased his fusion of the post-punk and industrial genres. The slow, menacing beat is really effective.
I don't usually tag people on these, so if you want to do it then consider yourself tagged!
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