#brom: ok so i fake my death again and assume a new false identity for the 23rd time- morzan and selena: NO.
alagaesia-headcanons · 10 months
Looking back on my old Morzan aus, I maintain that Morzan having a redemption arc is a very fun and interesting concept because it provides a way to explore his original intentions through their transformation down the line, and I like considering the different impacts he could have had on Murtagh's life. I also stand by my decision to pair him with Brom each time because they make for the funniest couple imaginable. But I may need to go back to the idea, because I never got around to bringing it to its natural conclusion of Morzan/Selena/Brom: Alagaesia's most unhinged polycule.
Brom should have not just one, but two newly reformed ex evil henchmen lovers who he has to keep on leashes like excitable dogs because they're doing their best, but they're still way too quick to jump to murder as a potential solution to every problem they run into. And yet Morzan and Selena are also the ones to rein in Brom's absurdly convoluted and paranoid plans because their new moral compass has never once realized that part of the reason he's always going through it is because he causes himself twice as many problems as he solves. They'd be such an incredible mess, I need them together.
I just want to turn IC into a comedy about Morzan, Selena, and Brom attempting to dismantle the empire and assassinate the king without literally burning everything down in the process, while trying to raise their kids to be at least marginally less insane than them.
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